Saturday 27 July 2013



Egyptian armed forces have different special forces such as unit 777 and others for military purposes, as the airborne paratroopers that use C-130 Hercules and Mi-8 and Chinook and also 999, frogmen and also Thunderbolt Marines. They all fall under the Thunderbolt team. Their training is very sophisticated with American Delta forces, the British SAS,and Russian Spetsnaz having with specialist combat skills and the best of equipment. They are considered the strongest Arab and African special teams, where these countries send troops every year to Egypt to study the Egyptian thunderbolt teams.

Robert Fisk Reports From Cairo
The Future for Egypt is Looking Increasingly Bloody

As impoverished crowds gather in support of Mohamed Morsi, the well-heeled march behind their images of the General. Hundreds of thousands support the coup – just as many do not

By Robert Fisk
July 27, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" - Hundreds of thousands of people turned out outside Cairo’s Rabaa mosque yesterday to protest against the coup d’état in Egypt, while hundreds of thousands poured into Tahrir Square to support their favourite general, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who staged the coup-that-we-mustn’t-call-a-coup.

Grotesque, unprecedented, bizarre. Call it what you like. But the helicopters swooping happily over Tahrir, and the line of visor-wearing riot police and troops standing opposite the Muslim Brotherhood’s barricades, told their own story. Journalists should not be merchants of gloom, but things did not look too good in Cairo last night.

The saddest thing – the most tragic, if you like – was that the crowds in Nasr City, close to the airport road where the mosque stands, were as cheerful and welcoming as the masses in Tahrir who regard their opposite numbers as “terrorists” rather than supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the legally and democratically elected President of Egypt who was overthrown by the army three weeks ago. The tens of thousands of Egyptians crossing the Nile River bridges or sweating in the 40C heat on the highway to the airport were so happy they could have been heading for a football match.

But there the jollity ends. The Muslim Brotherhood men and women carried Morsi’s picture and had painted Stars of David on the military barracks near the mosque. The Brotherhood had piled thousands of sandbags around their tent encampment and piles of stones to hurl at anyone trying to move them. But the soldiers down the road – also, it has to be said, cheerful and quite friendly – were holding automatic weapons beside French and American-made armoured vehicles, and they also held wooden batons and were flanked by policemen in shoddy black uniforms.

It looked as if they were only a few hours away from moving in on the Brotherhood, and no matter how many bearded men were reading the Koran on the roadway – and they were quite literally doing that – it was difficult to imagine the coming hours being anything but deadly.

One point that stood out – and it may be unfashionable to say so – is that the Brotherhood supporters were generally poor and looked poor in their grubby abayas and plastic sandals. Some of the Tahrir demonstrators, who were truly revolutionaries against Mubarak in 2011, trooped over the Nile bridges waving posters of General al-Sisi. And one has to say, painful as it is to do so, that the sight of well-heeled people holding aloft the photograph of a general in sunglasses – albeit a wonderful and very democratic general – was profoundly depressing. What really happened to the 25 January 2011 revolution?

“We love the soldiers but we don’t need the general,” a scarved woman shouted near the Rabaa mosque, but Sisi is now a well-known face, the man who will return Egypt to its true revolutionary path, if you can forget for the time being that the first genuinely elected president in modern Egyptian history is probably incarcerated in one of those barracks we drive by so blithely on the way to the airport.

But Egypt does need a government. Driving back from Nasr City to central Cairo tonight, my car was blocked in a traffic jam because rival families were fighting a gun battle across the highway. About 1,000 Cairenes had joined in by throwing stones from an overpass. Two miles further on, a middle-aged woman was driven down by a motorcycle and lay on the road in great pain. Many of the drivers who saw her carried on their journeys, the noses of their families pressed to the window as this lady lay spread-eagled on the highway in her black dress. The near future does not look good.


The Capitalist Shame of the Titanic

 For many years, this event was not only a tragedy but a travesty. Investigations conducted after the sinking showed that White Star Line stewards kept third-class passengers locked into the lower decks while the available lifeboats (only enough for half the people on board) were loaded with the first- and second-class patrons. The survival rates of the poor on the Titanic were there for all to see: only 25 percent survived, as opposed to 63 percent of first-class passengers.
The Titanic was advertised as the grandest vessel ever built. No luxury was spared, and people clamored for tickets for the maiden voyage. First-class tickets started at $4,300 for the six-day voyage, at a time when an American middle-class family lived comfortably on $800 a year. And the most expensive first-class suites cost approximately $120,000.  Part of what the passengers paid for was security: a new design of the lower bulkheads meant that Titanic had less chance of sinking than an ordinary liner of its time, a fact touted by the White Star Line.
The sinking might have been avoided if Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, had not ordered the ship to change to top speed on the night of April 14. He wanted to get into New York City a day early to garner more publicity—despite ice warnings on the seas reported earlier in the day. And at least one ice warning received by Titanic was ignored amid the onslaught of first-class telegrams being sent out about on-shore plans.
But one aspect of the Titanic disaster has only recently come to light, and that was a corporate trick monstrous in its callous disregard of its employees. Individual letters sent to crew that survived and to the families of crew members who died informed them that the employee had been fired in the early morning of April 15. The charge was “gross insubordination” for abandoning ship and “disembarking on the high seas.”
Many passenger claims were made against the RMS Titanic after her sinking: claims by individual families for wrongful death; claims by countries such as Belgium for “loss of countrymen,” and claims for jewelry, paintings, U.S. mail, and an automobile.
By firing all of its crew, the corporation did not have to pay wages for the final voyage, pension claims, or any insurance policies of its employees, saving the company thousands and thousands of dollars. It sounds like the kind of heartless strategy that might be used in a massive corporate layoff today, but this happened 100 years ago.
And who these “insubordinate” crew members? They were not saving themselves. Only 214 crew members survived out of the nearly 800 employees on board. The band famously played to the very end; less well known are the boiler-room crew who worked until they drowned in an attempt to keep electricity going so distress messages could be sent out. The ship’s chief baker immediately went to the kitchens and filled sacks with freshly baked bread and other provisions and threw a sack into each poorly equipped lifeboat. Stewardesses ran back and forth looking for the parents of children who had been separated from their families, and finding the children seats on the lifeboats. Second Officer Charles Lightoller personally saved 31 passengers and crew members after the ship sank by organizing them to stand on top of an overturned lifeboat, and then had them all shift their weight at the same time to keep the boat from tipping over. He was the last person to board the Carpathia, staying in the water until he was sure that every lifeboat passenger was saved.
Stunned families, who saw how Ismay was vilified by the press, kept quiet about the shame of the firings, and how the crew members were treated afterward. That might account for the fact that it took so long for this story to emerge.
When the surviving crew members reached New York on the Carpathiathey were penniless because there were no pay packets waiting for them. They had no clothes but their uniforms. Usually, the White Star Line reserved hotel rooms for crew members and then handed out new assignments to return the crew home to England and Ireland. This time, there were no return passages on offer.
Fortunately, Woolworth’s, hearing of the plight of the abandoned crew members, offered them jobs, free meals, and free clothing. Meanwhile, families back home had to scrape together the money for return voyages. And many of these surviving crew members were never able to get jobs on ships again, with the black mark of being fired by White Star on their records.
Titanic’s sinking destroyed the lives of thousands of families, but the corporation’s unnecessary destruction of employee reputations and ability to earn livings in an effort to improve its bottom line is a new and shameful page in the history of the White Star Line.

Thursday 25 July 2013

INTO THE WEST a full film

Irish Republicans from as far back as I remember, often use the phrase, "the darkest hour is just before the dawn." In my own experience I have found this to be particularly true, in the sense of birthing a new or better reality. In the film with this blog below "Into the West," it has particular significance and affection for several reasons for myself..

Almost thirty years ago I found myself in the Ballymun high rise flats complex, which is at the beginning of the film below. Yes it very much was like the reality portrayed in the film. I too had reached a rock bottom with my drinking and like Gabriel Byrne in the film, was in a state of 'confabulation' with the DTs not able to distinguish reality from the horrors in a fear based twilight zone.

I walked around the numerous tower blocks at night, each apartment light reaching to the night sky, seemed like aliens from another planet. I had lost everything from family, loved ones, dreams, beliefs and any spiritual connection my people and Ireland. The emotional estrangement was so intense, that I decided to do a hold up, which if successful, would result in a 'good piss up" or if unsuccessful, would at least mean being able to chat with my own kind in prison.

That night as I tore the wallpaper off the walls of my apartment, to stay warm on a bed base of wire without a mattress, with a ripped door lock beside me, to use as a fake gun next day, I had dreams and visions and horrors of my lost families of wives and children.I was also  suffering the post traumatic shock of my experiences up north around Newry, I had reached what is called my rock bottom.

Next morning I walked into town and the first substantial supermarket I found was on Dorset Street. I duly proceeded to hold it up at fake gunpoint, demanding every leaf in their till. I duly made off down a side street and I eventually entered a major church, where mass was being celebrated. I waited until the end, to leave with the congregation, but the church was surrounded by police or the Garda. They were more nervous than I was, because they believed I had a real gun. but I immediately surrendered.

I was lucky, I was well treated by a decent Garda and charged with something like aggravated burglary and was in Mountjoy prison for a while, before serving the remainder of my time in Shelton Abbey. I'm not one of those people who do time in prison very well and couldn't wait to get out. I cannot complain about my treatment at any time during that experience.

I was introduced to the the book the I Ching by another prisoner serving seven years for drug trafficking. He was well educated, doing daily yoga and quite a spiritual vegetarian.Some of the nicest people I have met in my life were in prison. I was determined however, not to return but a member of the prison staff, scoffed with sympathy at me, when I said I would not return."That's what they all say" he said as he laughed at me. I did a special last reading of the I Ching for the last time before leaving prison, which talked about a dog running around in circles, chasing its tail, repeating the same mistakes over and over without learning anything.

What I took out of the reasing, was that I needed to get out of Dublin immediately on my release, indeed get out of modern living. Looking back now that was highly significant, because the drug trade was becoming seriously lethal and I have no doubt I would have been snared in its tentacles. 

On being released, I moved to an abandeoned island off the coast of Donegal called Inisfree, which at that time had a commune, based on the primal Scream called the Screamers.It certainly was an alternative experience but I found it overly manipulated and controlled by the women, who as result of co-operating better with each other than the men, were in control. I'm rather chauvinistic in this sense, so we parted company.

Subsequently I walked the roads of Ireland from north to south sleeping in hay, sheds, in the open and in shelters for the homeless. My sole possession was a torn sleeping bag, wrapped in plastic to keep it dry. Eventually as in the film below I headed into the West to Galway, from where I originate. I stopped drinking with the help of a white horse 'metaphorically speaking' who helped me find my Tir na nOg. Yes it really does exist and its a place where we can all let our inner child out to play for free and for fun but that's another story of liberation.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

SS MI5 LORD MAYORS BELFAST British Occupied Ireland

Evil Paedophile Lindsay Brown, Bangor Grammar School Pervert
Lindsay Brown , paedophile
Lindsay Brown's brother - Godfrey Brown, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Ronnie Flanagan , Chief Constable of the RUC with staff at Bangor Grammer School County Down. The RUC record concerning pervert Born Again Christians is consistent ; just like the Kincora Scandal , they ignore obvious leads which would expose establishment paedophiles and their lackies. They then declare ; "they have investigated all the allegations and there are no grounds to substantiate the claims"! The rhetoric is always the same , just like the (Garda) Police in the Republic of Ireland ; one could almost anticipate the giberish which they quote when it comes to child abusers .
The Lindsay Brown Child Abuse Scandal is overshaddowed by the infamous Kincora Scandal which involved many establishment figures , including high ranking police, top civil servants , the gentry and it is rumoured, top English politicians . It is known that Ted Heath was in the habit of paying "social" visits to the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast .
IMF Ted Heath visits Kincora
William McGrath , "Born Again Evanangelical Christian", yet another christian paedophile
NB. The results of official RUC investigations into the Kincora Scandal are "sealed " to this day , because of the influence of high ranking persons . It should also be noted that some of the Kincora children were taken to Birr Castle County Offaly in the Republic of Ireland .
See: The Kincora Scandal

Birr is the hereditary family home of the Earls of Rosse - related to the royal family through the marriage of Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong Jones .

A Garda operation aimed at collaring paedophiles before they are given the chance to do any harm has been hailed as “hugely successful” by unnamed top Letterkenny law enforcers, despite uproar among the Donegal radio phone-in community.
The pre-emptive action is believed to be the brainchild of a recently-qualified officer based in Letterkenny, and was developed over a period of weeks and months after a chance viewing of Scientologist Tom Cruise’s film ‘Minority Report’ made him believe that certain criminals could be brought to justice before they had actually commited any crime.
The operation centred around a large roadside billboard featuring a highly offensive, provocative image of an overly-sexualised young child, amazingly displayed alongside an actual advertisement. While oblivious Donegal residents spent the morning noisily debating the inappropriateness of the image portrayed on the billboard, both on the radio and on the Internet, a squad of elite Gardaí lay silently in wait behind it. Listening intently, they immediately pounced on any driver who lost control of their vehicle while having unsavoury thoughts about the model on the billboard.

At the time of publishing this article, 15 drivers had been arrested for intent to commit paedophilia, with the vast majority of them claiming that they were “just trying to figure out what it said underneath ‘SHOPLK’.”
American multinational pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer have allegedly developed a revolutionary new pill that when taken daily, eliminates paedophilia.
The pill, called Nomolestol, has been researched and developed by over 80 top scientists for the last 3 years.
Nomolestol is now in the final stages before it gets its FDA approving, after which we can expect to see it on the shelves here in Ireland.
Meanwhile Pfizer is rumoured to be completing its human testing in the coming months and has apparently chosen Donegal as the testing grounds. Sources close to Pfizer released this statement;
“We think that Donegal will be an excellent place to focus our clinical trials. It seems like a proverbial breeding ground for the disease.”
We asked a local poet, who wished to remain anonymous, why they should test the drug here, to which he replied; “Why not?!!”. The pill is not expected to be made retrospecticaly available to ex BBC children’s presenters, dead or alive.

Kidnapping, West Donegal

53. Colonel GRETTON asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to a report from West Donegal, stating that parties of irregulars from Glenveagh Castle in motor cars visited a number of farmhouses in the Churchill and Termon districts and conscripted about 11 young women, whom they brought with them to the castle to act as domestic servants for those who are in occupation there; that the mother of one of the girls, who vigorously protested against the taking away of her daughter, was placed in a motor car and driven away for a few miles, after which she was put out on the roadside, and the car resumed its journey to the castle; and whether, in view of recent outrages on women in Ireland, any steps have been taken, or will be taken, to secure the release of these young women?
Mr. CHURCHILL : My attention has been drawn to a newspaper report of this outrage, but I am unable to vouch for its accuracy. In any case, the matter would appear to be one for the Provisional Government to deal with, and I am glad to observe that, according to the latest reports, their troops have now compelled the evacuation of Glenveagh Castle, and are steadily extending their control over County Donegal.
Lieut.-Colonel DALRYMPLE WHITE : Will not the right hon. Gentleman take further steps in this case, in view of the fact that the outrages occurred in the Churchill district?
Mr. CHURCHILL : That is a joke, I suppose.
Colonel GRETTON : Has the right hon. Gentleman made no inquiry and taken 2261 no steps to secure the arrest of these people and the release of those who have been kidnapped?
Mr. CHURCHILL : This happened in one of the 26 counties, and, if Irish girls are kidnapped and carried off under such atrocious conditions by violent persons, in my opinion it is for the Irish men to see that they are released; and that is what is being done.
Colonel ASHLEY : Is the right hon. Gentleman now quite satisfied with his policy?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I am increasingly satisfied.
Colonel GRETTON : Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider it to be his duty to make inquiries?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I consider that this is an exceptional incident, which should be left to the Irish people to deal with.

Release of Ulster Special Constables

Mr. PENNEFATHER (by Private Noticeasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has any information regarding a newspaper report that members of the Ulster Special Constabulary who were kidnapped have been released by Free State troops at Dundalk?
Mr. CHURCHILL : Yes, Sir. I have just been informed by the Provisional Government that, when the military barracks at Dundalk were captured by the National Free State troops, 17 members of the Ulster Special Constabulary were rescued and liberated. They were escorted by the Free State troops to the railway station the night before last, and given free railway warrants to their homes
Further, I am informed that the Provisional Government procured the release, yesterday, from the interior of 10 additional members of the Ulster Special Constabulary, who had been taken from the Belcoo Barracks, County Fermanagh, and that they are proceeding to their homes.
Captain CRAIG : Are the men in the latter case the men who were imprisoned in Athlone?
Mr. CHURCHILL : I think that must be so.

Tuesday 23 July 2013



Mayor of London Reveals MI5 Spies Recruit & Film VIP Paedophiles Raping Kids For Political Blackmail

I've known for some time of the allegations that Congress and Parliament is run by blackmailed politicians caught on film doing depraved sexual acts with children and whatever takes their fancy. This explains why politicians seem to be comfortable allowing places like Israel to bomb innocent civilians in Gaza and indeed Kay Griggs says exactly this in her testimony against her husband who was the Marine Corps Chief of Staff. Zionism and the unwavering support for Israel is at the heart of international political sexual blackmail.

The challenge with communicating the issue to time starved celebrity obsessed people is that it is more War & Peace than a corporately controlled newspaper headline. Most people don't have a hundred hours or so to look into how MI5 and the CIA recruit future politicians who are then encouraged to be in situations where they can subsequently be blackmailed.

Naturally this depraved mileiu is well represented in the mainstream (for-profit news) media by people like David Aaronovitch who is a repeated defender of both paedophiles and Zionism over at least a decade or so. It's natural to assume there must be something in it for him to be so comfortable with the obnoxious, the disgusting and the depraved. The alternative is he just feels at home with these issues.

The recording is only 30 seconds. Listen and wise up to why the planet is so dysfunctional. Cause and effect. Cause and effect. Cause and effect. It's science.

The probe will cover attacks on boys over two decades at the home in Northern Ireland – suspected to have been regularly visited by establishment figures

Scandal: Kincora boys home Scandal: Kincora boys home

Police have reopened an investigation into child abuse at a notorious care home linked to claims of a cover-up by the secret service to protect top level perverts, the Sunday People reports.

The probe will cover attacks on boys over two decades at the Kincora home in Northern Ireland – suspected to have been regularly visited by establishment figures.

Sources told the investigative *website Exaro that the Police Service of Northern Ireland is *asking to interview former residents. Kincora was home to 168 boys aged 15 to 18 between 1963 and 1968.

Three senior care staff were jailed in 1981 for abusing 11 boys.

But it is feared there were many more victims and abusers.

Since the case there have been suggestions that paedophilia at Kincora was linked to Anglo-Irish relations and British intelligence services. There are *unsubstantiated claims that visitors to the home in East Belfast included military, *politicians and civil servants.

The PSNI returned to the Kincora files as a result of information *received by a public inquiry launched last May into “historical institutional abuse in Northern Ireland”.

Retired judge Sir Anthony Hart is chairing the inquiry. It is looking at abuse in residential institutions in the province between 1922 and 1995 and is due to report in 2016. The new probe comes 28 years after a public inquiry chaired by Judge William Hughes ruled there had been no extensive ring of abusers centred on Kincora.

Three years earlier, in 1982, local politician Joshua Cardwell had committed suicide after being questioned over Kincora.

He was an East Belfast *councillor who had chaired the committee responsible for children’s homes in the city.

Concerns over Kincora were raised in a 1996 book, which claimed one of the convicted child abusers, William McGrath, was an MI5 agent. The Kincora Scandal, by ex-BBC journalist Chris Moore, alleged prominent unionist McGrath had sickening sex attacks on kids covered up. The book said two police probes were obstructed by “the establishment” in Britain.

McGrath, the housefather of Kincora, was dubbed “The Beast” by detectives. He was said to be leader of a shadowy paramilitary-style organisation of fanatical Protestants called Tara.

He was also said to be linked to senior unionist politicians, including Democratic Unionist Party leader Ian Paisley, who officiated at the weddings of two of McGrath’s children.

Police were *anonymously tipped off about McGrath a decade before his *arrest. The call is *alleged to have been made by a man who was also involved in the Orange Order and the Tara movement.

He fell out with McGrath and later repeatedly attempted to *expose his involvement in Kincora.

In 1990 the BBC programme Public Eye claimed the man made allegations about McGrath in 1975. Those claims were passed to MI5, according to a former Army *intelligence officer who was said to have been blocked from doing *anything with the information.

Former Army press officer Colin Wallace, who was based in Belfast, has insisted the authorities knew boys were being abused at Kincora six years before they acted.

The home was opened in 1958 and run by health authorities. It closed in 1980 and three senior members of staff were suspended. They were later convicted of 23 sexual offences against 11 boys in their care between 1960 and 1980.

Joseph Mains, the warden at Kincora, and his deputy Raymond Semple both admitted all charges. McGrath denied the allegations but changed his plea at Belfast Crown Court. It was claimed in court that abuse took place in bedrooms, while boys were watching *television, in the toilets and on the first floor landing.

McGrath,and Semple got four years each and Mains got six. McGrath continued to be the *subject of speculation because of his links to religion and a loyalist Orange lodge. He died in 1991.

In a statement to Exaro and the Sunday People, a PSNI spokesman said: “There is currently a public inquiry on-going in relation to *historical abuse. Individuals are being encouraged to contact Judge Hart, who is heading the inquiry.

“Where appropriate, his inquiry team will pass this information to the PSNI. The PSNI has received a number of referrals.”

The reopened Kincora case underlines calls by people who suffered abuse as children for *counselling and other support *services to run alongside police investigations, as reported by the Sunday People and Exaro last week.

London’s Metropolitan Police paedophile unit has two *investigations running into claims of child sex abuse allegedly involving VIPs *including senior political figures.

Police interest in historical child abuse was heightened by the *exposure of paedophile BBC star Jimmy Savile. Keir Starmer, the Director of Public 

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MI5 and the IRA

Fri 11 July 2008, 11:59am
The historian of the Security Service ( MI5) Christopher Andrew threw out some intriguing comments about tackling the IRA at a lecture I went to last night, attended by a formidable line-up of academics and insiders. The main problem with the secret services he said, was that because they were so obsessed with secrecy, they didn’t learn from their own history – and nowhere more than in tackling Irish terrorism. The first problem was that Special Branch was set up in 1883 to deal with Fenian terrorism on the British “mainland” and kept that lead role until 1992. Everywhere else, responsibility was shared with the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Branch, and turf wars broke out from time to time.
In Ireland between 1916 and 1921, said Andrew, Irish intelligence defeated us, no doubt about it, it wasn’t all Michael Collins.
Exactly the same happened in the 70s. If only MI5 had read the history of the earlier campaign they wouldn’t have made the same mistakes.
Margaret Thatcher was “very reasonable about the attempt to kill her”, but John Major “got really cross” after the IRA mortar bomb narrowly failed to kill hiom and half the cabinet in 1991.
MI5 got the lead role in 1992 ( as explained by former MI5 DG Stella Rimington in 1994.) That made all the difference.
“Then we got around to tackling the IRA.”
Not brand new intelligence this by any means, but the tone was interesting and left me in no doubt that much of the British establishment believes MI5 spiked the IRA guns. Alas, it will at least another generation before all the threads of the story are pulled together.
and of course, MI5 are with us still, more visibly and in a new role.
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Comments (36)

  1.  Sam Flanagan
    Did they mention Kincora Boys Home. You must be very gullible or else you think everyone else is.
    Judge it 
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  2.  The Devil
    What a pile of nonsense!
    Not you dear Brian but the rantings of Mr.Andrews I fear that he should be atending lectures on the subject he clearly knows very little about instead of giving them.
    Joe Fenton who did more damage to the P.I.R.A than any other previously outted informant.
    He purchased properties on their behalf before they knew they had even bought them themselves, however in the mean time he gave the keys to his handlers who kept close eyes and ears contact on the same properties, gleaning enough information to turn many many more informers as well as uncovering plots and military material.
    (Joe Fenton was pre 92)
    Alfredo Scappiticci who completely and utterly destroyed the security of all P.I.R.A ASU’s with his ability to identify any individual voluteer that his handlers wished or supply his handlers with the individual weakness that any volunteer had from gambling, women, money worries, sexual preferences, to interests and hobbies with times locations and dates.
    He could provide the particular identities of individual hitmen or bomb teams on any particular opporation that PIRA undertook.
    (Alfredo Scappiticci was pre 92)
    Northwest 1 ran down the P.I.R.A organisation in the Northwest area of a ten year period very slowly and very gradually but vey effectively.
    All new recruits and longer serving members were guided down the road of minimum military contact, eventually this gave way to minimum military training and targeting which had the long term effect of degrading the PIRA in the entire Northwest area.
    Other informant were sacrificed to protect Northwest 1 from being uncovered until the tefal could be applied.
    (Northwest 1 was pre 92)
    Northwest 2 accumulated the names and addresses of every single member of Sinn Fein, he collated how they were organised and who were the voting delegates of each cumann, Northwest 2 then divided favourable cumanns that were either controlled or docile to maximise their voting or controlled voting strength and combined agressive or uncontrolled cumans to minimise their voting block.
    I wonder does the family of the RUC man who was mown down by a car while out walking in Donegal to protect the identity of Northwest 2 feel that it was worth it?
    ( Northwest 2 was pre 92 )
    I’ll leave the Belfast cossack for another day but he was also ( pre 92 )
    So to say that the PIRA guns were spiked by MI5 from 92 on is garbage Mr. Andrews
    Judge it 
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  3.  Ulsters my homeland
    Sam, didn’t Birr Castle in the IRA heartland of County Offaly, play a strong part in that scandal?
    Judge it 
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  4.  Alex Attwood and Delores Kelly
    MI5 is Spooks Headquarters
    Judge it 
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  5.  Ulsters my homeland
    ‘Alex Attwood and Delores Kelly’ – Oh, what a sight for sore eyes!
    Judge it 
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  6.  Sam Flanagan
    Allegedly lol.
    There is “speculation” Chris Moore knows a great deal more than was in his book. He must be waiting until the characters are dead before he reveals anything.
    “Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs” what a laugh. It is Britains version of the CFR.
    What about Dunblane, knocked back for 100 years and not one MP asks why??????
    Judge it 
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  7.  Buile Suibhne
    Not Birr Castle but Glenveagh Castle when owned by the Tabasco heir McIlhenny once described by andy Warhol as glamorous. Look at paedophillic images in one of the bathrooms. Why did McIhenny quickly offload the castle to the state in 1982? Was Sir Maurice Oldfield involved??? If so was this on behalf of MI5 or was that a ‘solo run’ given his ‘similar’ interests to McIlhenny!
    Judge it 
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  8.  Northwest 42
    Here we go the internet spooks are back, with more misinformation and dissent sowing. More new handle names like butterknife and J118. How many of you boys and girls are sitting in spook HQ trolling this stuff.
    Judge it 
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  9.  Ulsters my homeland
    [i]“Why did McIhenny quickly offload the castle to the state in 1982? Was Sir Maurice Oldfield involved??? If so was this on behalf of MI5 or was that a ‘solo run’ given his ‘similar’ interests to McIlhenny!”[/i]
    Buile, do you think the IRA would have allowed MI5 to operate so openly in their patch?
    Judge it 
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  10.  bootman
    “the IRA heartland of County Offaly”
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  11.  interested
    Northwest 42,
    The dead RUC man is recorded fact it is checkable.
    Fenton and Scap are recorded fact and the brief description of their activities seem to be fairly balls on acurate.
    NW1 and NW2 may or may not be….. only time will tell
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  12.  Dave
    The Devil, MI5 was the agency that cleared the political path for the Shinners (mainly by allowing the doves within the IRA to [ironically] whack the hawks) thereby neutralising them as a paramilitary group and converting them from a position of being anti-state to pro-state (wherein they would no longer be any concern of MI5). Ed Moloney has more detail on how this was facilitated. I assume that is what Andrew is referring to. This, of course, doesn’t fit comfortably with the Shinner narrative of the nature, causes and solution to the ‘troubles’ but the reality is that they were raped by British Intelligence and those within the IRA who were controlled by those forces.
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  13.  Batallion
    ““the IRA heartland of County Offaly”
    WTF? ”
    WTF indeed
    Should read the IRA heartland of King’s County
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  14.  billie-Joe Remarkable
    “attended by a formidable line-up of academics and insiders”. Formidable according to whom? Why formidable? And “insiders”? You mean spooks? Did they identify themselves to you? Did you assume that people *looked* like they were involved? And what was impressive about the tone? Did he *sound* like he knew what he was on about? Dear God – would you like to buy some magic beans from me?
    You do realise that the NI judiciary, Hutton included, believe they ended the conflict with the heavy sentences for IRA activity?
    The UFF think they did it by “terrorising the terrorists”.
    The point being, caller, that all of the above guesswork, mistakes and deliberate lies remain just that. Try not to be too wide-eyed with wonder at the next conference, eh?
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  15. Andrew’s has been a creature of SIS for decades, indeed he built his own career on the back of being an MI6 agent of influence, (as Oleg Gordievsky publisist) he should be judged in much the same way civilized people judge Scap, i e as part of the problem.
    The British intelligence service should be abolished as they simply muddy the water, act illegally, confuse and frighten the politicians and over the last forty years have been wrong on all the big issues of the day. Not least on Ireland where instead of encouraging the politicians to make the hard choice, and either withdraw completely, or turn the problem over to the UN, they were allowed to murder, bribe, and blackmail to get us to the place where we are today, ie an undemocratic stitch up which in the end will satisfy no body but those with their snouts in the English tax payers trough
    Brian mentions heavy weight academics being at the meeting, why any serious academic would waste a summer evening listening to this SIS creature is beyond me.
    Oh, I have failed to mention the security services are engaged in what for us ordinary Joes would be considered criminal activities on a daily bases, covering up corruption at BAE, or being Tony Blair’s bag man when he committed international war crimes. But then as I have said they are above the law, what a country?
    Brian, men are judged by the company they keep. hope you had a good shower when you got home.
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  16.  Dave
    Sure, Billie, and when you end up in a place where others wanted you to be but that is a 180 degree turn from your original destination, don’t worry yourself about whether you or others controlled your journey.
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  17.  Steve
    How long before the oo takes credit for neutralizing the PIRA by not marching at drumcree
    Kind of reminds me of the other day when the whacko in Israel went mad with the bulldozer three seperate palestinian organisations took credit for it
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  18.  The Devil
    The point I was making was the Security Services of the state ( MI5, MI6, Special Branch, Signals, SAS, RUC, RIR/UDR ) had the PIRA trussed up like a turkey, in turn that meant the only avenue open to them was Sinn Fein, which was well and truely STUFFED…..
    This was all done and dusted pre 92 and some would argue pre 81 so Mr. Andrews is still wrong in his observations
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  19.  billie-Joe Remarkable
    Dave: I’m not on any journey with any one. And I don’t have a destination in mind.
    I’m just commenting on the substance – or lack of it – in the original post and some of the follow-up comments. Do keep up.
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  20.  earnan
    from all i have read on british intelligence knowing about and keeping surveillance on PIRA members, not to mention having so many informers, I’m surprised they were able to pull off capers like the brighton bombing, the canary wharf, the baltic exchange, etc.
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  21.  Steve
    LOL and sure they must have been jholding open the vault door at the northern bank
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  22.  UFB
    So Castlereagh really was done by the Brits.
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  23.  Reader
    Mick Hall: Not least on Ireland where instead of encouraging the politicians to make the hard choice, and either withdraw completely, or turn the problem over to the UN…
    Now who is muddying the waters? Their methods were always going to be unacceptable to you while their aims were. Many of the Security services’ fiercest detractors wouldn’t mind if they would “murder, bribe, and blackmail”, so long as they did it for a United Ireland.
    Separate your distaste for their aims and methods into two compartments, and you might be able to have a dialogue with non-chuckies about MI5 methods. Until then, they were the good guys making occasional bad choices…
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  24.  doctor
    “from all i have read on british intelligence knowing about and keeping surveillance on PIRA members, not to mention having so many informers, I’m surprised they were able to pull off capers like the brighton bombing, the canary wharf, the baltic exchange, etc.”
    I’ve often thought the same thing; if British intelligence was such the unqualified success some of these recent accounts make it out to be, I’d hate to see what would have happened (and for how much longer) if they actually made the occasional mistake. Given that some people are now retroactively proclaiming MI5 “victory” practically going back to the Easter Rising, I’m not sure it’s a model of efficiency for the Troubles to have continued as long as it did.
    Obviously the IRA and all other paramilitary groups were infiltrated and often foiled, but I’ve had trouble blindly accepting the vast machiavellian plots some people put forward about British intelligence “controlling” these groups lock, stock, and barrel, even the loyalist groups. Part of it is just people choosing to believe it to suit their personal political biases; the republican allegations about loyalists being british puppets so they can pretend that loyalist opinion doesn’t count, and now anti-republicans who get their jollies thinking that every last provo was a secret british agent.
    I’m waiting for the sunday tabloid article where unnamed sources claim that all ten hunger strikers were british agents involved in a an ingenious plot to force republicans into politics.
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  25.  Sam Flanagan
    No one is claiming “every loyalist” or “every republican” was a Brit agent. Just key figures in key positions at key times.
    I think it best if both “loyalist/unionist” and “republican/nationalist” face up to the unpleasant truth Brit intel has been making fools of us all for many years.
    It is now best if we ALL find a way to extract OUR revenge!
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  26.  Garibaldy
    Didn’t Douglas Hurd say that contrary to being reasonable about Brighton, Maggie wanted to bomb west Belfast as a whole, and that she got the TV ban as a way to placate her?
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  27.  LURIG
    Agreed Sam,
    There is NO doubt that Smileys People have had their hands on the controls for a long time WHICH, if you are visiting a cemetary every week to weep over the grave of a murdered relative, MUST make you VERY angry and VERY bitter. From the early 1990′s Britain was effectively controlling ALL paramilitary groups and had compromised most of their members BUT still allowed them to murder at will. They COMPLETELY ran ALL Loyalist groups and have been driving and TOTALLY controlling Sinn Fein’s political strategy for well over a decade. The British State holds much responsibility for the deep grief that the McCord’s, McIlwaines, Rosemary Nelson’s family, Pat Finucane’s and countless others carry to this day. They cannot be allowed to hide behind ‘National Security’ or ‘State Interest’. Remember what Thatcher said “crime IS crime IS crime……there is NO thing as political crime….it is crime”. It’s just a pity she NEVER gave these instructions to her ‘boys’ in the British Security services. Britain is as guilty as ANY Republican or Loyalist grouping BUT Unionist politicians haven’t the guts or honesty to admit it. This would expose the lie that Britain was the honest broker but the fact is that many members of the RUC/British Army/UDR & RIR were allowed to die by the State. That is irrefutable. While there is NO doubt that paramiltaries took the Queens shilling as informers it would be interesting some day to know just how many Unionist politicians were on the Spooks payroll too. This I think is one of the major reasons many Unionists are reluctant to agree to Truth & Reconciliation Commissions & Public Inquiries OR even discuss State Collusion. It just might be too close to home and uncomfortable for those with things still to hide.
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  28.  Sam Flanagan
    How many Unionists on the spooks payroll;
    I feel it is safe to assume all the ones who are wanting public enquiries stopped most certainly are.
    Why do they not even want the Murder of Robert Bradford looked into?
    The large scale collapse of the DUP ecexutive is very suspicious. Supposedly men with many years grounding in strong Biblical doctrine meekly gave assent to Paisleys youturn. It just does not fit!
    I hold the position the ordinary unionist on the street is not opposed to a publicly enquiry into the activities of Mark Haddock. It is the politicos who fear where it is going to lead.
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  29.  LURIG
    Sam, I also think it suits certain senior Republicans to let things lie. They too have secrets that if exposed would undermine and completely expose the ‘struggle’, the Hunger Strikes especially. It increasingly looks like they were offered a deal that was rejected and 10 men were allowed to die. Republicans who were in the H-Blocks then are now confirming this. There is NO doubt that most of the ordinary Unionist & Nationalist people were treated like mushrooms for the past 40 years. We were kept in the dark and fed shit. We were stoked up to hate each other by sinister people and forces that behind the scenes were lining their own pockets and following their own agenda. Hopefully if there is an afterlife and hell all these conniving two faced bastards will burn for eternity.
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  30.  Sam Flanagan
    “We were kept in the dark and fed s..t. We were stoked up to hate each other by sinister people and forces that behind the scenes were lining their own pockets and following their own agenda. Hopefully if there is an afterlife and hell all these conniving two faced bastards will burn for eternity. ”
    There definitely is a Hell.
    N.Ireland people are a very strange people, “HATE” is what we do best.
    If that hatred ever becomes united and focused upon “the sinster people and forces behind the scenes,” they will be in big,big trouble.
    Isaiah 61:2 and the day of vengence of our God;
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  31. Here is my take on Professor Andrew just when Anglo-Russian affairs started spinning out of control because of Alexander Litvinenko’s assassination, and SIS became the leader of the new Cold War against the ex-Soviets:
    Andrew is hoping to reinvent himself by going back to his MI5 roots in the hope that everyone will then forget all the shit he wrote during the interim.
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  32.  Sam Flanagan
    Very interesting THF
    Christohper Andrew is one of “them” the same as Harry Hopkins was one of “them.”
    “Harry Hopkins” his intrigues were torpedoed by
    George Smedley Butler.
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  33. No, Sam Flanagan, I wouldn’t compare Andrew with Hopkins.
    Andrew’s official position has been to clean up the performance of the Anglo-American intelligence community at any cost, especially its failure to spot Peter Wright, Romano Prodi, Alister Watson et al. as Soviet spies, while Harry Hopkins was so desirous of seeing the Axis powers defeated that he was willing to start a preventive war against Japan, and to allow Soviet agents do whatever they deemed necessary to win the war, even if it helped their spying.
    At this point, Andrew is by far the bigger threat, preventing the public from learning just how bad his employers are.
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  34.  Sam Flanagan
    You are a dummy
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  35.  cynic
    Ah… while posting elsewhere on Slugger today I wondered where all the trolls had gone. What a feeding frenzy.
    Do they let you all out on the Twelth each year while your wardens are away walking?
    It was all none of our fault. Yes it was all the Brits controlling everything as part of a dastradly plot that has been running since at least 1798. They are using a satellite stationed over Cullybackey to control the whole country. Better get some of those foil helmets on before they get you too.
    The overall aim was to ………….er…….
    and that’s why they done it.
    And that Ian Paisley is really a robot – a fiendish part of the plot.
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  36.  Rewind
    There is talk here as if the British government were in a war with the IRA that they could have lost. I don’t think this is the case. Like Al Queda the IRA’s demands were simply undeliverable. The consequences for everyone of a united Ireland without consent would simply be so much worse than anything the IRA could muster really, never mind the immorality of it, and I don’t think that the government ever seriously considered it as an option. The end result was inevitable. The process was one of simply getting the Republican movement to wise up and stop being silly.