Saturday, 6 July 2013

Concentration Camp British Invention Release Martin Corey

The Concentration Camp is a British Invention

Martin Corey is currently a political prisoner of conscience currently interned without trial for the last three years. He was interned for almost 20 years previously, in Long Kesh Concentraion Camp,  in British Occupied Ireland. 

"I have been in prison for over 3 years and I still haven’t been given a reason. They have put forward a number of allegations against me, and I’m not able to defend myself against any of them. They say I have been seen speaking to known republicans, and that I visited a number of houses. What does that matter? It doesn’t mean I’ve done anything wrong. They have absolutely nothing on me, and that’s why they haven’t charged me." Martin Corey

The Irish Holocaust , history's largest cover up?

The London Times editorial on September 30, 1845, stated; "In England the two main meals of a working man's day now consists of potatoes." England's potato-dependence was excessive; reckless. It warned of over-population relative to its domestic food supply and that England faced famine without importing huge amounts of alternative supplies.

Subsequently, England grabbed Ireland's surplus food, by force of arms to save England's population but also took what was need to sustain Ireland's people for profit and specifically to exterminate the Irish people. Queen Victoria's economist, Nassau Senior, expressed this clearly when stating, that existing policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do much good."

When reporters and eye-witnesses pleaded with the British, to stop the genocide-in-progress in Ireland, Trevelyan whose authority in Ireland was equivalent to Viceroyal Villiers today, in British Occupied Ireland, replied: "We must not complain of what we really want to obtain." Trevelyan insisted, all reports of famine and starvation were exaggerated.  In 1847, he declared it ended and refused the American food relief ship Sorciére permission to enter Irish waters.

Thomas Carlyle; influential British journalist, wrote; "Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it, by heavens, squelch it." "Total Annihilation;" was the suggestion of the London Times leader of September 2, 1846 and in 1848 its editorialists bragged;

"A Celt will soon be as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the red man on the banks of Manhattan."The Society of Friends of the "Quakers," did everything they could to to save Irish lives, but in 1847 in sheer desperation, they quit, upon hearing that the British Crown planned to systematically perpetuate with its genocide's project to enable the British complete the "ownership" of all Irish land. The Quakers stopped and refused to enable the genocide in British Occupied Ireland by pretending that the Irish Holocaust was an act of nature.

There were several "Voices in the Wilderness" risking everything to try to stop the British genocide. Jane Wilde, mother of Oscar Wilde a poet, wrote under the,  nom de plume,"Speranza," in the rebel 
newspaper the United Irishman the following verses 1 to 6 here, about the British war crimes in Ireland of 1847, with regard to the British genocidists and the innocents of Ireland they were exterminating;

Weary men, what reap ye? "Golden corn for the Stranger."
What sow ye? "Human corpses that await for the Avenger."
Fainting forms, all hunger-stricken, what see you in the offing?
"Stately ships to bear our food away amid the stranger's scoffing."
There's a proud array of soldiers what do they round your door?
"They guard our masters' granaries from the thin hands of the poor."
Pale mothers, wherefore weeping? "Would to God that we were dead"
Our children swoon before us, and we cannot give them bread!"

"We are wretches, famished, scorned, human tools to build your pride,
But God will yet take vengeance for the souls for whom Christ died.
Now is your hour of pleasure, bask ye in the world's caress;
But our whitening bones against ye will arise as witnesses,
From the cabins and the ditches, in their charred, uncoffined masses,
For the Angel of the Trumpet will know them as he passes.
A ghastly, spectral army before God we'll stand
And arraign ye as our murderers, O spoilers of our land!"

Its 2013 and people still believe that the potato crop not native to Ireland was the reason  why millions of Irish people died, in rich agricultural land, ideal for crop growth and food. 
Its ridiculous, the world still mocks the Irish today for their "spud famine" The Irish government, as in so many other aspects of protecting its own people, shows complete disregard for this event and when holocaust denial is illegal in Europe, our own Government enable this potato nonsense to go on indefinitely is pissing on the graves of millions of our ancestors who perished.

It is all part of the revision and denial of our real national Irish history, proving once again, that the victors really write their version of history, covering up this British and other war crimes, with their mentored, privileged, sock puppets in Ireland.

Irish Holocaust :  6,257,456 Disappeared

See link below for details:


 "Secret police (sometimes political police) are intelligence agencies and or police agency, law enforcement office which operates in secrecy and also quite often beyond the law to protect the political power of an individual dictator or an authoritarian political regime.
 ”Instead of transparently enforcing the rule of law and being subject to public scrutiny as ordinary police agencies do, secret police organisations are specifically intended to operate beyond and above the law in order to suppress political dissent through clandestine acts of terror and intimidation targeted against political enemies of the ruling authority. ”Secret police are notorious for raiding homes between midnight and dawn, to apprehend people suspected of dissent. ”People apprehended by the secret police are often arbitrarily arrested and detained without due process."
 This description sounds very familiar in the context of the Occupied Six Counties currently under British Occupation in Ireland. Familiar today and not 30 or 40 years ago.

The internment of Martin Corey strikes at the very heart of democracy and the right to a fair trial. Martin cannot expect a charge never mind a trial. The British government have removed a man from his home and family, without giving him the right to know why. Because they have given no evidence against him, Martin has no chance to challenge his internment. Martin has simply disappeared and it would seem the general public and media are content to allow this to happen.

Although We know where Martin is, he has for all intents and purposes simply disappeared , Disappeared from his home with no charge, locked in a prison cell and told he is there due to Secret Evidence. Of course in the western world he is entitled to object to this through the courts, when he did just that a Judge ruled that he should be released as his continued internment was a breach of his human rights.

The Secret Police and those who control them stepped in and ordered that he remain in jail, overstepping the rule of the Courts and removing any illusion of due process. What more evidence therefore do we need that the British Government is running a Secret Police force in Ireland to quell political dissent?

The use of secret evidence, a secret police and shady dealings going on between the British Government and the judiciary should be enough for any citizen to publicly question what is going on.

 It is now time that the media investigated what IS going on, that those concerned with human rights issues and all citizens demand an explanation as to why a 62-year old man was taken from his home and incarcerated due to secret evidence that we cannot see. I question the secret evidence, is there evidence at all? Or is this a well rehearsed ploy to stifle political dissent?

Demand the release of Martin Corey, do not allow this inhumanity to continue.

By Cáit Trainor, of the Release Martin Corey Committee. 

"First they came for the socialists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me." 

Friday, 5 July 2013


I lived in Newry for many years and engaged in the same activity as Stephen Murney. For many years previous to that, I was active in many place which included London. The most committed hard working people I have ever personally witnessed, working for the liberation of the Irish working class, were ordinary decent Londoners many of them comrades of Ken Livingstone and the United Troops Out Movement.

Those were times at the height of the troubles and despite a lot of IRA activity in London at that time, I still found solidarity with the Irish working class there. From the experience I believe underneath all of the propaganda and brain washing, the working class of the international, is the ultimate guarantor of a successful revolution in Ireland. As James Connolly said, "the Cause of Ireland is the Cause of Labour and the Cause of Labour is the Cause of Ireland."

Newry is an Irish town close to the border that suffers immensely as result of the partition of Ireland with third and fourth generation unemployment of up to 80% as a result of sectarian economic policies.. The motorway built by the Stormont administration was built purposely short of Newry by several miles, so that no major international employer,would set up factory there and would instead go to a loyalist town. Despite all the promises of the Peace Process about building motorways it has all turned out  to be the hot air of politcal gombeens..

Reading through the article below, reminded me of my own experience with British harassment and internment which was considerable. However I can see from this excellent article from GreenLeft,  that the Peace Process has made no difference to the treatment of activists, who try their best. Indeed paying close attention  to Stevens experiences, I can see it is actually getting worse not better since the so called Peace Process. Thisi type of PSNI/RUC thuggery is not going to drive people who care about community, down the road to peace. I can tell you from my own experience as an Irishman in Newry, that it will either drive you down the road of armed struggle or drink or both which I can tell you from bitter experience does not mix.

That is close to 30 year ago now and it simply was heartbreaking, I was lucky to come away with my life out of it. There are several people I have never had an opportunity to apologize to, or thank, one of them being Fr Murray a man of absolute integrity whom you can trust. If someone can please let him know of my deepgratitude, before either of us kick the bucket,  I would appreciate it very much..There has been a persistent challenge around, since the start of the troubles, since I was a young man, that all options must be explored, before we contemplate armed struggle. I believe with the internet despite considerable censorship by West Brits including britsih Sinn Fein, that there is currently a possible opportunity to check if the pen is really mightier than the sword. I believe we have a moral responsibility to try our best.

I do know from personal experience, that the old adage, the truth will set me free, to be very true, this has been my experience, rather than simply being an opinion. It was possible with help from other people, of no property like myself. I am not sure about this Tharir Square moment but revolution is an ongoing process and it certainly is worth an honest try, within the Irish context and as peaceful way for REAL change but we must organize.

I do hope Leinster House can be Occupied peacefully by sheer numbers alone and that it is organized in a professional manner, that its is not undermined by the traitorius Union leadership, that has essentially sold out, so that it has logistical support, like food, liquid, mobile toilets, volunteered entertainment, defence capabilities, sleeping arrangements, something like hurling gear, with helmets etc., perhaps some hurling clubs can volunteer their support, to help protect older people and people with disabilities. Anyway let's get to GreenLeft's Stephen Murney's internment article...beir bua,  brionOcleirigh

Ireland: Free Stephen Murney, Victim of British Repression

Monday, July 1, 2013
By Steven Katsineris

Stephen Murney.

Stephen Murney is a political and community activist who lives in Newry in the north of Ireland. He is also a member of Eirigi (“Arise”), a legal, registered Irish socialist republican political party.

Murney has frequently documented, photographed and recorded incidents of harsh Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) stop and searches of people, house raids and other rough treatment in the Newry area. Murney regularly highlighted these issues in local newspapers and on the internet.

In November, Murney wrote a letter to a local newspaper expressing his strong condemnation of several early morning raids by the PSNI on homes in the Derrybeg Estate, Newry. He said these incursions were causing deep distress to the targeted families and maintained the raids were excessive, unnecessary and avoidable.

On November 28, about 24 hours after Murney’s letter was published, in scenes similar to those he had described, police smashed in his front door and stormed into his home in a dawn raid.

Police officers searched his house, seized a computer, political literature and a flute band uniform and arrested Murney.

Three days later, the PSNI charged Murney with three “offenses”: collecting information that may be of use to terrorists; distributing information that maybe of use to terrorists; and possessing items that could be used for terrorist purposes.

The first charge concerns Murney openly taking photographs of people, including PSNI officers, at a protest rally in Newry in June last year. The PSNI did not question or arrest Murney, or confiscate or examine his camera/phone or ask for certain images to be deleted at that time. The police asked him to stop taking photographs and he promptly did so.

The second charge relates to Murney later posting the photographs on Facebook, as well as having other political images on this computer. The third charge is in regards to the items of clothing (flute band uniform), two ball-bearing air guns (belonging to his son and entirely legal) and political literature seized from his home.

At a hearing on December 21, Murney’s lawyer said the photographs had been taken openly, that Murney had stopped when instructed and that the posting of photographs was for a perfectly legitimate purpose.

Some of the posted photos were taken by Murney at political protests, commemorations and other events. But most of the photos were downloaded from the internet, many were old, dating back to the civil rights Movement in north of Ireland in the late 1960s.

Many supportive references from community groups in Newry in support of Murney were also presented to the court.

It is common practice for political activists around the world to take photographs of protests, including of police at protests. In fact, legal and human rights groups regularly advise political activists to record such protests and any instances of police harassment or mistreatment that occur.

After querying the vague nature of the charges, the judge granted Murney bail. But at the request of the PSNI, the judge imposed several draconian bail conditions, including: banning Murney from living at home with his wife and family; banning him from entering his home town of Newry, where almost all his family and friends live; and banning him from attending any political events or meetings.

The judge also ordered Murney to reside at least five miles from Newry, report daily to the PSNI barracks (a further 12 miles away), accept a daily curfew from 7pm to 10am and wear an electric tagging device at all times.

Murney rejected these humiliating bail conditions, declaring his total innocence of the charges. Several efforts by Murney’s lawyers to change the harsh bail conditions were refused and he remains jailed in Maghaberry Gaol.


“There has been an accelerated erosion of legal rights since 1998,” said Pat McNamee, a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly and friend of Murney.

At a protest for Murney, McNamee said: “Stephen Murney is charged with having a band uniform that he wore whilst a member of a local republican flute band. In ‘newspeak’, that is having a paramilitary uniform and being equipped for terrorism.”

“Stephen Murney is charged with having photographs of protests he had taken part in, which inevitably included images of members of the PSNI, who were also present at these demonstrations. In ‘newspeak’, that is having information useful to terrorists.

“Stephen Murney is charged with having his son’s toy guns in his home. In ‘newspeak’, that is having an imitation firearm.

“In 'real speak', however, Murney has been held in jail for more than six months solely because he is an effective republican and community activist.”

Injustice continues

Highlighting that Murney was only one victim of an increasingly oppressive British state apparatus, McNamee said that after two decades of the “peace process”, civil liberties were under attack ― rather than protected through a Bill of Rights was was promised by the 1998 Good Friday Agreement (GFA).

“McNamee said: “Through extended periods of detention, increased stop and search powers, the reduction of the right to a trial by jury and ‘closed evidence hearings’, where judges are presented with secret ‘evidence’ which can neither be disclosed to nor challenged by the accused or their legal representatives … instead of moving forward with human rights, it is they who are dragging us back.”

Murney is a victim of British injustice in the north of Ireland, but he is one of many of those suffering from an increasingly oppressive British state system. The terms of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) offered better times, a period of peace and healing, yet human rights and civil liberties are still violated.

Campaign grows

Since the arrest and imprisonment of Murney, several Irish republican and other groups have campaigned for his freedom, including Eirigi, Republican Network for Unity, Irish Republican Socialist Party, Republican Sinn Fein, 32 County Sovereignty Movement, as well as local Councillors and other individuals.

Sinn Fein's slammed Murney's arrest as “short term internment”. Sinn Fein councillor Brendan Curran said the bail restrictions imposed were, “excessive and unacceptable” given the “dubious” charges.

Independent councillor Davy Hyland from the Newry and Mourne Council said: “Murney has been held ... on the most spurious charges...he tried to get bail, but was given the most atrocious conditions that he couldn’t possibly meet.”

Human rights groups are starting to take up his case. On June 14, Justice Watch Ireland wrote to the British secretary of state for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers and justice minister David Ford, calling for the immediate release of Murney Murney.

A JWI statement said: “Justice Watch Ireland are more than concerned that Mr Murney may be a victim of the most blatant abuse of the Justice system seen in the last decade.

“We are equally concerned that should this practice of Judicial Abuse be allowed to continue unabated, it could well threaten the democratic rights of all citizens in the future. We call on all politicians and those opposed to losing their democratic and human rights, to voice their disapproval of such abuses continuing.

“Justice Watch Ireland calls for Stephen Murney to be released on unconditional bail as a matter of urgency. We believe his detention is nothing short of ‘Interment’ by definition.

“‘Internment by remand’ is being claimed by many, in which we are currently investigating, but in this case our conclusion is that Mr Murney truly is interned by definition with the use of the remand process currently being implemented.”

Murney is in jail, not because he has done or planned to do anything unlawful, but due to his political views and role as an active, outspoken and effective Republican and community activist.

In a normal, civil society, there would have to be substantial evidence against Murney to warrant the serious charges he now faces. But Ireland's north is not a normal, ordinary place. So, rather than these charges being recognised as ridiculous, in the six Irish counties still claimed by Britain, they are depicted by the PSNI as a very grave matter. If Murney is convicted, he faces a lengthy prison sentence.

The British authorities have used a policy of selective internment against Murney in an bid to silence him and other opposition. A political activist is now in effect interned without trial on the basis of the most ridiculous “evidence”.

Murney is innocent and his jailing utterly unjust. The flimsy charges against him should be dropped and Murney should be immediately and unconditionally released.

Murney said: “Internment was wrong and unjust in previous years and it remains as equally wrong and unjust today. I would encourage all those that disagree with its continued use to organise and publicly oppose internment in its current form.”

[For more information, check out Free Stephen Murney Now on Facebook. You can write to Murney at: Stephen Murney, Roe 4, Maghaberry Gaol, Old Road, Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn, BT28, 2PT, Northern Ireland.]

- See more at:


Thursday, 4 July 2013


The elected members of Leinster House, are meant by their well paid oversight, to protect the citizens of Ireland, from unscrupulous bankers and foreign interests, who would exploit and abuse the human rights of ordinary Irish citizens. Martin Corey is an Irish citizen and so am I. We can see from the many video debates in their chamber, as in the matter of Clare Daly taking the minister to task, on the internment of Martin Corey, the chamber is mostly empty at all times, with the non attendance of deputies from British Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams on the Martin Corey matter. How can an empty chamber in Leinster House serve the oversight interests of the Irish people who elect them??????

None of the elected parties to Government, since the banking crisis, have not been transparent or accountable to the Irish people, with regard to this matter. Neither has Gerry Adams or his party with regards to Martin Corey's internment without trial. Naturally when the whiskered cat is away, the bankers and the Brits are at play, which in the Leinster House case is almost always. I remember a few years ago, how proud I was as an Irishman the other side of the world from Ireland, watching Michael D Higgins calling Israel to account, on the Gaza blockade, only problem was, that he was once again addressing an empty Leinster House.

British internment without trial of Irish men and women continues, with the collusion of those who sit in Stormont with the British ministers there, oblivious to what is happening to people like Martin Corey. Gerry Adams the president of British Sinn Fein has been asked to make himself and his party, who negotiated Weston Park and who sit as elected members in Leinster House, accountable in the matter on numerous occasions. I personally have asked him on numerous occasion 
without a reply. They and he have failed miserably in the matter of accountability or taking their responsibilities and the Irish people seriously.

Their lengthy silence over an extended period of time is secret collusion and their weasel words of protests to their Viceroyal overlord by Adams and British Sinn Fein, do not qualify as being responsible or accountable to their electorate.The reality is that while they turn a blind eye to internment without trial of Martin Corey or indeed any citizen including their own volunteers, it is acceptable for those in British Sinn Fein, who sit on the British administration. British Sinn Fein by so doing resting on the wounds of Republican martyrs excludes itself from the  greater Republican Family. Republican principles born in  the French revolution were taken to Ireland by principled Protestant men who under no circumstance would countenance, political internment without trial.

Indeed that leading light of Tory heritage, the esteemed Winston Churchill himself, once said of internment; "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." Now say what you like about British Sinn Fein, they certainly are no communists, so according to our dear friend Winston they cannot be but Nazi's then. Nazi Adams, Nazi british Sinn Fein, Nazi Leinster House and Stormont, all of them serving corporate interests against the interests of the plain people of Ireland, North and South, Orange and Green.

Gerry Adams and his party of pseudo-republican, highly paid  British ministers, are mostly political ignoramuses and have proven themselves, as non-transparent and non-accountable, as any of the parties in political power Ireland, who have collaborated in Ireland's demise. Gerry Adams himself is as dysfunctional and as obtuse as his brother Liam. Try google the result of their infamous trial! can anybody tell me, was he found guilty or innocent? We already have had enough of these in Leinster House and if there is an ounce of honour in any of them, they will resign immediately, before they are prosecuted for both economic and political treachery.

Richard Boyd Barret in the accompanying video calls for a Tahrir moment outside what he calls the Dail or Leinster House on the 17th of September. I am personally calling for the peaceful occupation of Leintser House by sheer weight of numbers and that that it is organized with supporting logistics to maintain that occupation for whatever time is needed for Irish sovereignty vested in the ordinary people of Ireland to control their own destiny without outside interference be it, corporate, political, military, etc.,




The elected members of Leinster House, are meant by their well paid oversight, to protect the citizens of Ireland, from unscrupulous bankers and foreign interests, who would exploit and abuse the human rights of ordinary Irish citizens. Martin Corey is an Irish citizen and so am I. We can see from the many video debates in their chamber, as in the matter of Clare Daly taking the minister to task, on the internment of Martin Corey, the chamber is mostly empty at all times, with the non attendance of deputies from British Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams on the Martin Corey matter. How can an empty chamber in Leinster House serve the oversight interests of the Irish people who elect them??????

None of the elected parties to Government, since the banking crisis, have not been transparent or accountable to the Irish people, with regard to this matter. Neither has Gerry Adams or his party with regards to Martin Corey's internment without trial. Naturally when the whiskered cat is away, the bankers and the Brits are at play, which in the Leinster House case is almost always. I remember a few years ago, how proud I was as an Irishman the other side of the world from Ireland, watching Michael D Higgins calling Israel to account, on the Gaza blockade, only problem was, that he was once again addressing an empty Leinster House.

British internment without trial of Irish men and women continues, with the collusion of those who sit in Stormont with the British ministers there, oblivious to what is happening to people like Martin Corey. Gerry Adams the president of British Sinn Fein has been asked to make himself and his party, who negotiated Weston Park and who sit as elected members in Leinster House, accountable in the matter on numerous occasions. I personally have asked him on numerous occasion 
without a reply. They and he have failed miserably in the matter of accountability or taking their responsibilities and the Irish people seriously.

Their lengthy silence over an extended period of time is secret collusion and their weasel words of protests to their Viceroyal overlord by Adams and British Sinn Fein, do not qualify as being responsible or accountable to their electorate.The reality is that while they turn a blind eye to internment without trial of Martin Corey or indeed any citizen including their own volunteers, it is acceptable for those in British Sinn Fein, who sit on the British administration. British Sinn Fein by so doing resting on the wounds of Republican martyrs excludes itself from the  greater Republican Family. Republican principles born in  the French revolution were taken to Ireland by principled Protestant men who under no circumstance would countenance, political internment without trial.

Indeed that leading light of Tory heritage, the esteemed Winston Churchill himself, once said of internment; "The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law, and particularly to deny him the judgment of his peers, is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist." Now say what you like about British Sinn Fein, they certainly are no communists, so according to our dear friend Winston they cannot be but Nazi's then. Nazi Adams, Nazi british Sinn Fein, Nazi Leinster House and Stormont, all of them serving corporate interests against the interests of the plain people of Ireland, North and South, Orange and Green.

Gerry Adams and his party of pseudo-republican, highly paid  British ministers, are mostly political ignoramuses and have proven themselves, as non-transparent and non-accountable, as any of the parties in political power Ireland, who have collaborated in Ireland's demise. Gerry Adams himself is as dysfunctional and as obtuse as his brother Liam. Try google the result of their infamous trial! can anybody tell me, was he found guilty or innocent? We already have had enough of these in Leinster House and if there is an ounce of honour in any of them, they will resign immediately, before they are prosecuted for both economic and political treachery.

Richard Boyd Barret in the accompanying video calls for a Tahrir moment outside what he calls the Dail or Leinster House on the 17th of September. I am personally calling for the peaceful occupation of Leintser House by sheer weight of numbers and that that it is organized with supporting logistics to maintain that occupation for whatever time is needed for Irish sovereignty vested in the ordinary people of Ireland to control their own destiny without outside interference be it, corporate, political, military, etc.,



The Irish Government took a case to the European Commission on Human Rights (Ireland v. United Kingdom), regarding the introduction of internment without trial and the treatment of Irish political prisoners of conscience in British Occupied Ireland arrested around the same time Martin Corey was first incarcerated and tortured in Long Kesh Concentration Camp. The British used five techniques which they later taught to the Americans for use in places like Abu Graib later on. These included wall-standing, hooding, subjection to noise, deprivation of sleep, and deprivation of food and drink

The European Commission stated it "considered the combined use of the five methods, amounted to torture, on the grounds that (a) the intensity of the stress, caused by techniques creating sensory deprivation "directly affects the personality physically and mentally"; (b) "the systematic application of the techniques for the purpose of inducing a person to give information shows a clear resemblance to those methods of systematic torture, which have been known over the ages.. as a modern system of torture, falling into the same category, as those systems.applied in previous times as a means of obtaining information and confessions."

Forty years later despite a so called peace process, the British are still enforcing internment (albeit under a different title, sanitized to 'detention', without trial in British Occupied Ireland, while still torturing Irish political prisoners of conscience. The numbers are too numerous to list here, with 63 year old Martin Corey being  just one of the better known victims.

The European Court of Human Rights also later found the British were again guilty in the case of another Irish woman Mairead Farrell, who was shot in the back in cold blood by British Special Assassination Services unarmed in Gibraltar, along with her two comrades, the European Court found that the three had been unlawfully killed in breach of Article 2 - right to life, of the European Convention on Human Rights and criticized the British for lack of appropriate care in the control and their organisation in an an arrest operation.

These two cases and the British activity surrounding them, are essential ingredients to the case of Martin Corey now pending in the European Courts almost 40 year later, despite British Government undertakings that it would cease with these international war crimes in British Occupied Ireland. Now with the 9/11 narrative the British clearly believe that with American support they have a licence to kill at will and carry on again with more war crimes and human rights abuses in Ireland as the case of the interned elderly 63 year old Martin Corey clearly demonstrates

Despite a cosmetic Peace Process masking further repression, forty years later, the British are still enforcing internment without trial in British Occupied Ireland and still torturing Irish political prisoners of conscience. The numbers are too numerous to list here, with 63 year old Martin Corey just one of the better known victims. Martin's torture is more subtle and disguised now than the naked torture and brutality he first received from the jackboot, batons and fists of the British. An example being an emergency request that took almost a month for Martin to see the prison dentist, despite suffering ongoing intense pain. He was later told his initial request had been cancelled due to lack of transport. 

His ongoing treatment by sectarian appointed staff, make his daily life hard, very hard, because of his senior years and this blatant campaign of victimization which has been unrelenting for all of the 22 years starting with his torture in in Long Kesh Concentration Camp forty years ago. Martin's aged increasingly frail body, is daily wracked with pain, from all of the beatings and old injuries  he received over the years of brutal beatings, but he is too foolishly, proud to personally complain.

Another example of this petty approach by the British, to make his life hard, is a concerted campaign of victimization organized by the Prison Service against Martin Corey, when on the 11th of February, this year, Martin and two other prisoners submitted completed handcraft projects as St, Valentine’s Day as gifts for their wives and partners. The other two prisoners had visits with their loved collecting their craft items. Martin had a visit from his partner but when she went to the collection point requested by Martin, she was told there were no items for collection and to call back in a week. Several items left for Martin months ago were never received. Martin has still not received notice of  his complaints being delivered to the Prison Ombudsman.

Human rights activists who campaign on behalf of Martin Have have also been imprisoned by the British, with the chairperson of the release Martin Corey Committee, Cait Trainor being arrested for attending protests and sent to prison. Thousands of Irish republicans who marched in Lurgan, to highlight the internment of Martin Corey, quietly and peacefully, were met by the RUC/PSNI and were informed that they were taking part in illegal parades and that prosecutions would follow, with every participant recorded and followed on police video cameras.

In the following days a many people were awakened at daybreak by the British taken from their homes, questioned about their involvement in an "illegal parade" and informed they would be facing legal proceedings. Subsequently 14 Irish Republicans sat through a three day trial accused of taking part in an "illegal parade". All were "convicted" with participating in an illegal Parade with two people further convicted of organizing the parade. All 14 people were convicted, some given fined while others were imprisoned in Maghaberry and Hydebank Wood.

All of this contrasted to the weeks of "illegal" parading by British loyalist flag protesters in the same area, who got 5 star RUC comfort treatment, despite days of rioting, with nationalist homes under attack and countless roads blocked, while the RUC in Portadown facilitated their marches weekly for months on end, until they were forced eventually to take token action. Campaigners for Martin, as in this instance, have received death threats from agents hired by the British secret service. All of this is meant to silent support for those campaigning for the release of Martin Corey.

Martin Corey who has been interned now on this latest occasion for over three years without charge or trial, was ordered to be immediately released by a Judge Treacy, who ruled that Martin Corey's human rights had been breached and that he should be released immediately. This was overruled by the un-elected British Viceroyal, as Martin Corey sat in the reception of the prison, with his belongings packed, waiting to embrace his family, waiting outside the prison gate. Naturally they were distraught when the British government underhandedly intervened and blocked his release and he was interned again, with an undemocratic British order, overruling their own injustice system.

Martin's local lawyer Rosemary Nelson in Lurgan was murdered by British state agents, while the lawyer Pat Finucane, who was an expert on European Law, where Martin now is forced to take his case, has also been murdered by British state agents. The local journalist in Lurgan who would normally highlight cases such as Martin's plight in the media, was also murdered by British state agents. This citizen journalist along with others who have also tried to publish the daily injustice of British Occupied Ireland, have been censored in Ireland and have received death threats from hired British agents.

Peter Murphy, Martin's lawyer says, Martin Corey has been denied the right to a fair trial,  "It's like internment all over again in the sense that he hasn't been given the chance to defend his position. When we ask questions about the nature of the allegations and evidence against our client we are told nothing.In any criminal court you can meet your accuser, you have a chance to cross-examine them, and you have a chance to defend yourself because you're given the detail of what the allegations are against you. We don't have any of that, so our client is in a very difficult situation in that he's sitting in prison not knowing why he's there."

Martin's lawyers are to challenge the internment of Martin Corey in the European courts, if both they and Martin live long enough to actually get there. With Britain's record on human rights, its hard to say. The British cover their dirty tracks, with regard to their inhumanity, by cosmetically sanitizing it, renaming internment without trial as 'detention', by renaming Long Kesh Concentration Camp as the H-Blocks but then with further bad publicity following the deaths of 10 hunger strikers, they renamed it the Maze. 

Now the British plan to demolish most of it and have moved the political internees into a political prison, hidden within a criminal prison, called Maghaberry, where political internees wait for years on secret service trials, of which they have no details of charges, length of sentence, or content of secret evidence of paid informers. So it is obviously impossible to defend oneself in such circumstance. A secret court is obviously not a trial at all, except in the twisted perception of the most twisted, ever expanding secret service, injustice racketeers, paid for by British taxpayer monies.

Martin's hope, is with people like you and me, campaigning, spreading the word, despite the British and their agents, assassinations and censorship. If one of us fall or are also interned, we must be replaced by even greater numbers, resharing, retweeting, demonstrating, signing petitions which can be found at

Martin Corey is essentially at 63 an old man, whose active freedom fighting days are long past in militant sense of defending his local community but from the British perspective, any truth teller is a subversive. Martin is being held up as an example through internment, as a stick to wave at the thousands of ex-prisoners and comrades of Martin, who have been processed and interned for years, in what is still known as Long Kesh Concentration Camp by all freedom loving people, worldwide. 

The British under the guise of the essentially nowdefunct Peace Process, are buying off possible resistance, with lucrative careers on policing boards, committees, sham local parliaments for those willing to stay quiet about all of this injustice and to collude with the British, in their repression of Irish communities, to essentially keep them quiet, about all of this sectarian, racist injustice, that is a central feature, in the maintenance of this scum British statelet, created and maintained strictly on a sectarian headcount. With propaganda they would have the Irish working class believe, that they are enemy, not the British whose policy in Ireland, is always, divide and conquer.

This is the essential background to Martin Corey's predicament who after the murder of 14 innocent, unarmed, civil rights demonstrators, defended his Irish community in Lurgan, who were invaded  almost daily, by British sponsored death squads, often in the disguise of RUC uniforms, murdering at random on a religious basis, peaceful people in their homes. Martin who shot these RUC invaders, who were subsequently disgraced and disbanded, in the course of his unselfish defence his community, against all the odds, has served 22 years for essentially being a patriot of political conscience, defending his community. 

There was meant to be a peace process to bring closure to all of this, which we now learn was never finalized, the details of which are being kept secret both by the British and their now serving British ministers in the suits of Gerry Adams and his secretive colleagues. In the the Weston park accord (20) which directly affects Martin and comrades which is not been implemented, Gerry Adams despite being being challenged in his capacity as a principal negotiator, has refused to clarify the details. Clearly after all this time and the hardship endured, not just by Martin but Gerry Adams own colleagues like John Downey but provisional Sinn fein in their elected capacity, are meant to be both accountable and responsible as professed Irish republicans. This is totally unacceptable, even to the most token Irish republican.This is the initial paragraph 20 of the Weston Park Accord:

20. Both Governments also recognize that there is an issue to be addressed, with the completion of the early release scheme, about supporters of organisations now on cease-fire against whom there are outstanding prosecutions, and in some cases extradition proceedings, for offences committed before 10 April 1998. Such people would, if convicted,
stand to benefit from the early release scheme. The Governments accept that it would be a natural development of the scheme for such prosecutions not to be pursued and will as soon as possible, and in any event before the
end of the year, take such steps as are necessary in their jurisdictions to resolve this difficulty so that those concerned are no longer pursued.

In this contrived open prison, British society, which is as sick as its many, many secrets, Gerry Adams has refused to clarify the details about all of this, playing politics with occasional feint support for the aging, frail, tortured body of Martin Corey. In the interest of justice and possible republican unity at this point, I will not elaborate further on this matter. However bearing in mind Martin Corey's elderly years, this in not tenable, indefinitely. Bottom line Gerry Adams and his colleagues do have the power to Release Martin Corey immediately. For those of you sitting on the fence, please bring it to their attention, that you are aware of this and they have as elected officials albeit British, have moral responsibilities now meant to be accountable, as highly paid British ministers have with their commoners, with regard to all of these injustices, that are destroying the basis of an enduring, genuine, Peace Process.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


By Vincent Browne
If in 10 years’ time, 1,000 or more bankers, lawyers, accountants, liquidators and others implicated in the bank crisis are in jail and if the same deference to wealth, big business and financial power persists, then we will have learned nothing of consequence. All the hand-wringing will have been in vain.
Almost certainly the reason Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan capitulated to pressure from the banking world on September 30th, 2008, was not because they were corrupt, nor because of any golden crony circle, but because they were in awe of the power of high finance and feared that if high finance were challenged it would be catastrophic for the nation.
Garret FitzGerald, Alan Dukes and John Bruton did the same back in 1985 when the then overpaid chiefs of AIB came to them demanding a bailout because of their incompetence in allowing an insurance company, ICI, get into massive trouble. They caved in. Within a few months, AIB recorded enormous profits and paid out a huge dividend to their shareholders, lest they, the shareholders, be in any way discomforted. As usual, the Irish people paid for this, that time via a bank levy.

Ordinary Irish citizens
It was that same deference that was at play again in September 2008 – a deference that reflexively deferred to bond holders and huge depositors who took risks, at the possible expense of ordinary Irish citizens (in reality, at enormous expense to generations of ordinary Irish citizens).
How was it, in any case, that we allowed a few financial institutions to attain such enormous power to the extent that we, the Irish people, already exploited by these banks, had to rush to their rescue when their recklessness put them in peril?
The deference is there on the tax haven business – we allow our jurisdiction to be used as a bolthole by multinational corporations to avoid paying tax anywhere and so deep is that deference that we deny that reality.
It is evident again in our deference to the pharmaceutical industry in allowing them to use prices fixed for Ireland as a base level to maintain exorbitant prices for generic drugs here and through the rest of Europe. Evident in stubborn resistance to any suggestion that people earning high incomes be taxed more, in the dismissal of a social model with much greater equality. Evident in the proposals that income tax be reduced for vastly overpaid executives and professionals, even at a time of financial stringency.
It is as though there were a law of nature whereby the wealthy elite must be mollycoddled, while the rest of society struggles. That our primary concern must be the contentedness of the privileged and wealthy, lest they cease to lend us the finance to fund our deficits, lest they cease to create wealth or delay doing so and lest the trickle-down of their wealth to the masses be shut off.
The language of Anglo executives, as revealed by the tapes, has shocked many because of the indifference to the public welfare that this represents. But isn’t our culture founded on an indifference to the public welfare, except as an afterthought or incidental?
What else has informed the Coalition’s action on their election promise to ensure “burden-sharing” on the bank debt? Once it was perceived that pursuit of that promise would alienate the masters of the EU universe, the promise was dishonoured. They promised to “protect the vulnerable” and did the opposite. Would it be surprising if a similar crudity of attitude and language, as exemplified by the Anglo executives in the tapes of their private conversations, were replicated in the private conversations of government ministers and senior public servants?
The proposed inquiry into the banking crisis will not address that culture, for there is no challenge to the pervasiveness of that culture, a culture that the market prevails. It is not Deutschland über alles, but markets über alles. So any inquiry will miss the main point.
A focus on Fianna Fáil will fail to acknowledge the complicity of Fine Gael and Labour in almost every single iota of the policy agenda that caused and drove the crisis.
The partisanship evident in the lead-up to an inquiry will compromise whatever credibility it might have had. The expectation that any such public inquiry will be inexpensive and swift is certain to prove illusory. There will be as many teams of expensive lawyers on hand and frequent excursions to the High Court and Supreme Court to challenge procedures.

Criminal trails
And crucially, the inevitability that any such public inquiry will be derailed again and again by the criminal trials that are due in the Circuit Criminal Courts over the coming years.
Seán Fitzpatrick alone faces two criminal trials and, almost certainly, a third; these extend well into 2014.
There is another option: a commission of inquiry, to be held in camera, out of the public gaze for now, but not derailed by the criminal trials or other diversions. This conducted by a judge, a banking expert and someone who would have knowledge of and interest in the culture thing – the mindset or common sense or hegemony that brought about the crisis and continues to corrupt our society.
But of course that will not happen.

LONG KESH CONCENTRATION CAMP | Martin Corey | British Occupied Ireland

During the seventies, former bishop of Derry Edward Daly experienced Bloody Sunday close up, where the British shot dead 14 unarmed protesters on Bloody Sunday protesting internment, he gave them their last rites. He visited both loyalist and republican prisoners in the infamous Long Kesh Concentration Camp – later renamed by the disgraced British as the Maze.
In 1976, paramilitary prisoners had their ‘political’ status removed and were treated as criminals which sparked the blanket protests and political prisoners refused to wear jail uniforms, which  later escalated into hunger strikes. Below is an an extract from Bishop Daly's book, describing the foul conditions at Long Kesh Concentration Camp, where current political internee Martin Corey, has spent most of his adult life.  He is 63 now, having spent 22 years as a political prisoner of conscience in British hellholes, 19 years in Long Kesh, seperate from the  most recent, being 3 years in Maghaberry without trial. He is still interned more than 40 years later, in British Occupied Ireland despite a Peace Process without due process.
IN MARCH 1978, the prisoners ‘on the blanket’ escalated their protest by refusing to clean out their cells, wash or go to the toilet. They smeared the walls and ceilings of their cells with their own excrement and the floors streamed with urine. The lasting memory of visits to Long Kesh during that protest was the horrendous stench. The cells were industrially cleaned by the prison authorities with power hoses from time to time and prisoners were moved to other cells. I have no idea how people lived or worked in those conditions. During my visits there to the wings, I was violently ill on several occasions. The revolting and foul smell seemed to permeate everything I wore, even days after the visit. Items of outer clothing, even after dry cleaning, were virtually unusable subsequently.
In 1980, after four years of unsuccessful protests appealing for special status, a status that would recognise them as political prisoners, prisoners of war rather than criminals, rumours began to circulate that a hunger strike was imminent.
Individually and jointly, Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich and I made several lengthy visits to the H-Blocks in Long Kesh Prison in the spring and summer months of 1980, meeting virtually all the protesting prisoners individually in their cells. These visits usually lasted from early morning until late in the evening. We also met with the prison authorities and visited some Loyalist prisoners, including some of their better-known leaders.

‘It was a parallel universe’

Those lengthy visits to Long Kesh are etched forever in my memory. Spending seven or eight hours at a time going around cells visiting young men in those conditions was unforgettable. It was a parallel universe. There were usually two men in each cell. Their hair was matted and they had long unkempt beards. They were thin and haggard and their eyes were sunken. They wore long blankets. There was no furniture in the cells. The stench was intense and allpervasive. I simply do not know how people retained their sanity after spending such a long time in that environment. Yet I always found the prisoners in high spirits and imbued with a steely determination. Only a few of them talked about a hunger strike.
However, Cardinal Ó Fiaich and I were both convinced that if they embarked upon that course, they would see it through. We also believed that if these men were to embark on their threatened hunger strike, it could have disastrous consequences for the community as a whole. We decided to approach the British Government jointly on behalf of the prisoners. We believed that they had a legitimate and arguable case and that both the Government and prisoners and society generally in the North would benefit from a less stringent and degrading prison regime. We reached this conclusion on the basis that were it not for the political circumstances that these young people found themselves in, most of them would never
have seen the inside of a prison. Most of them came from stable family backgrounds.
We also believed that these protests were undertaken on the prisoners’ own initiative, rather than on bidding or orders from any group outside the prison. Equally, we believed that the protest in the prison was perceived by the prisoners as their continuing contribution to the struggle going on outside the prison.
The issue was further complicated by the fact that a sustained paramilitary campaign was going on contemporaneously throughout the North. In the course of that campaign, many prison officers were murdered. Those who perpetrated these murders claimed that they were acting in support of the prisoners on protest. There was intense anger and hatred between the prisoners and prison staff. There were many allegations of assault. Intimate body searches were frequently carried out, often in a brutal and demeaning manner. There are few dignified methods where intimate strip searches are concerned. The searcher and the searched are dehumanised. Long Kesh was a loathsome, hateful place as well as a powder keg as the 1970s moved to the 1980s.
Edward Daly and Cardinal Ó Fiaich would later meet with the British government in an attempt to negotiate an end to the 1981 hunger strikes, in which ten prisoners died. He writes that the strikes worsened community divisions, and intensified violence, concluding: “I hope there will never again be a hunger strike in Ireland.”
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Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Martin Corey who served almost twenty years in Long Kesh Concentration Camp, British Occupied Ireland as a Political Prisoner, has been interned again without trial for the last three years. Martin was released in 199i but despite serving such a lengthy period as a Political Hostage, Martin remained dedicated to his beliefs as an Irish Republican and to his community.

More than three years ago the Lurgan Republican was wrongfully interned in Maghaberry Gaol again on the word of the British Secret Services, MI5. Martin Corey is not guilty of any crime. He simply believes in the re-unification of his country and has not been involved in any militant activity,since his release in 1992. It is not a crime to be Irish or peacefully demonstrate support for Eire Nua, unless you live in the scum state of British Occupied Ireland

The British are simply making an example of Martin, to strike fear in all those who would dare stand up for their human rights, particularly the thousands of ex-Political Prisoners after the peace process in Ireland who would support peaceful alternatives to provisional Sinn Fein. The British and their agents in the supposed free state are censoring peaceful working class alternatives to a united island of Ireland.

Those within the Nationalist and Republican community who have taken up seats in the British parliament of Stormont or on British paramilitary police boards, must ask themselves will they continue to be silent partners in these tactics of British repression. Last time internment was introduced, it started 40 years od war in Ireland and the Nationalist party of that time the SDLP walked out of the British parliament. 
Jim McIlmurray a totally non political friend wrote the following;"Martin Corey has spent three years in Maghaberry Prison without any charges ever being placed against him. During that time, police have never questioned or interviewed Martin regarding any incident, occurrence or event relating to his imprisonment.

So who is Martin Corey ?

Martin Corey is a 63 year old man who served more than 19 years of his life in Long Kesh Concentration Camp as a republican prisoner. He was released by the prison authorities in 1992 and began to rebuild his life. He is a popular figure from a well respected, hard-working family in the town.

It was a proud day for Martin when he was granted a loan to purchase his own mechanical digger. After a time, he gained the contract as the parish grave digger, covering several cemeteries in the greater Lurgan area. Many people, myself included, will recall his compassionate approach and professionalism during the time of families' bereavement.

In all the time I have known Martin, I have only known his interests to be his family, his friends and his love of coarse fishing.

On Friday, April 16th, 2010, the police arrived at his O’Neill’s Terrace home and told him they had a warrant for his arrest. Martin was brought to Lurgan PSNI station and later that day transferred to Maghaberry prison. It was stated he broke the terms of his Life Licence release. When his solicitor requested to know what Martin was alleged to have done, he was told it a matter of National Security and the subject of closed file information.

For the past three years, his solicitor and lawyers have challenged his unlawful detention on numerous occasions in the High Court. On Monday, the 9th of July, 2012, a High Court judge, Justice Seamus Tracy, who has a background in the European Human Rights Courts, ordered Martin’s immediate release, stating that his Human Rights had been breached under sections 4 and 5 of the European Human Rights act and that there were no charges for which he should answer. I waited for 4 hours outside Maghaberry with Martin’s family that day, only to be told at 4:15pm that the then current Secretary of State, Owen Patterson, had overruled the High Court judge and blocked Martin's release. I was 25 yards away from Martin when I received that call. I watched him step out of the prison van at the reception centre and watched him walk back to the van to be returned to his cell. As he got into the van, he paused and stared at me and that will always be one of the hardest and cruelest moments I have ever witnessed in my life.

Martin has a legal entitlement to an annual Parole Board review every twelve calendar months to reevaluate the reasons for his continued detention. I have been accepted to speak on Martin’s behalf; however, every date set for a hearing for Martin last year was followed by a cancellation by the Parole Board, citing numerous excuses. Martin hasn’t received a parole review in 18 months, an action deemed illegal by the Court of Human Rights in Strasburg. We are currently awaiting a date to take this case to the High Court for a judicial review.

Martin has been subjected to a number of incidents during his time in Maghaberry Prison. These incidents include waiting over three weeks for an emergency dental appointment; of note, a veterinarian would have a legal obligation to report a pet owner for cruelty if he found an animal to be suffering for that period. Also, Martin's request for compassionate leave to attend the funeral of his brother was denied by both the Prison Service and the Courts without any reasons given. He was only granted leave to attend 1 hour before the service started after a request was made to the Justice Minister on humanitarian grounds. I had to make three requests to the Prison Ombudsman to intervene in cases concerning material submitted by myself for Martin for use in his cell crafts. The prison staff either confiscated the printed image materials or refused to provide them to Martin. The Prison Ombudsman upheld all three decisions in Martin’s favour, ruling against the Northern Ireland Prison Service and determining that the material must be provided to Martin.

Martin’s case has been in the High Court in Belfast several times over the past three years, without any finding of criminal offence with which to charge him. Had Martin been charged with possession of an illegal firearm during his arrest three years previously, he would have been released six months ago. There is no other name for his illegal detention other than internment without trail.

As a close friend of Martin's, I am in a better position than most to know if he was ever involved in any activity that could be deemed illegal or “a threat to National Security”, a phrase often utilized by faceless, nameless individuals in the courts. I can say without fear of contradiction that Martin is an innocent man. Everyone should make their voice be heard and call upon the Secretary of State to either bring charges against him or release him immediately.

I speak to Martin by telephone on a daily basis and visit him regularly in Maghaberry Prison, and can assure everyone that his spirits remain high despite his total lack of confidence in the judicial system in the North of Ireland. He thanks everyone for their continued messages of support .

We are currently awaiting a date to attend the Court of Appeal in London to challenge his illegal detention. If unsuccessful there, we will take his case to the European Courts of Justice. We will continue our presence at the Belfast High Court to request the Parole Board to give an explanation as to why Martin has been denied his legal right to an annual Parole Review."

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Political Prisoner of Conscience 

British Occupied Ireland.