Sunday 15 January 2012

The internment without trial by an unelected British Tory in ... on Twitpic

The internment without trial by an unelected British Tory in ... on Twitpic

The internment without trial by an unelected British Tory in Occupied Ireland of Marian Price, a political prisoner of conscience, is illegal in every sense of the word.

1. It breaks the terms and spirit of the much touted, so called Peace Process in Occupied Ireland.

2. It overrules the orders of their own British courts to release Marian Price immediately.

3. It overrules a Queen's Pardon given to Marian Price for activity ordered by former IRA O.C. and President of today's British Sinn Fein Gerry Adams almost 40 years ago.

Marian's internment is a provocation by the British and their industrial war complex, for further war in Ireland, to experiment and develop counter insurgency with bloated securocrat budgets, techniques and equipment. Irish resistance will always meet that challenge until there is a genuine peace based on JUSTICE for everyone in Ireland.

Marian Price and her human rights have suffered the following at the hands of the British

‎a.) Politically Interned

b.) The only female in a male prison.

c.) In Solitary Confinement for 8 months.

d-) Force fed 400 times on 200 days of hunger strike.

e.) Censored by media on order of British.

f.) Tortured

If you are a civilized human being, with a bit of nature and commonsense still left in you, please sign the following link for Marian's immediate release at her CAUSE in the following link;

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