Friday 10 August 2012

Collapse of Money

The rich own the government and bought it a long time ago. It is essentially all organized crime or today fascism mark two There is not a lot of time left to figure out how to survive. Like growing our own food, raising chickens. The system is going to collapse on itself and it is simply inevitable. The best a human being can do is to love. Love is all, family, friends, dog and the earth. we have much to learn. Our earth needs us asking us to love and work. Not work as in some stupid job but building place for children to have live, have fun and witness something amazing. LOVE is our redeeming value as the human species and is our best weapon. We need to use it and live it or die

 The following is neither an ad or an endorsement but it seems interesting:

Loads of People requested that we re-send this letter to the Sheriff ... so here it is, again!
Please feel FREE to pass it on to anyone that you feel needs it ... it might help them?
See you all at the Lay Litigation day ... Des

Want to know how to write a letter like this?
a letter that gets results ...
These letters (below) are well worth reading and studying.
It's a real response to a real Sheriffs letter. It's simply a terrific example of one man/woman, who knows and understands the essence of Sovereignty, and where they stand upon the Island (we had some input).

Read the Sheriffs letter first, then read the response.
Then re-read the whole thing again and again.

The response letter, was written by someone that has spent considerable time studying hard with us. There is no substitute for putting in the work. The response letter leaves the Sheriff nowhere to turn, or respond.

Lean this stuff and more ...
with us, at Lay Litigation Day.
Saturday 11th. August 2012.
From 8.30am Sharp to 6.30pm.
Book your place ahead of time:

The Sheriffs letter/application reads as follows ...
"I hereby give you notice that a Decree herein has been lodged in this Office for the immediate execution against you. The amount due is £1,460.02. (Please see table below for details of debt.)"

and continues ...
UNLESS WITHIN FOUR DAYS from the date of receipt of this notice this amount be paid to me at this Office I shall proceed to levy the said amount together with Court Messenger's fees and mileage and, in the event of seizure and sale of your goods, poundage and all other extra expenses over and above the amount set out herein without further notice to you.

and so on and so forth ...   
The Response - Page 1 of 2
As follows ...
NOTICE - Your Application is Rejected
FAO: ..............................
County Registrar, County Sheriff and Magistrate,
Courts Service Office, Courthouse,

Chief Justice Susan Gageby Denham, The Supreme Court of Ireland ...
Attorney General Marie R. Whelan, Office of the Attorney General ...
Minister Alan Shatter, Department of Justice and Equality, ...
Ken Murphy, The LAW Society of Ireland ...

Your Application is Rejected and Enclosed.
Ref: ------ 2012 | Your APPLICATION Dated: --------- 2012

Dear -----,
We hope this day finds you well. We advise herewith that “Your Application” is Rejected!If you wish to make another “Application”, please do so within ten (10) days of receipt of this NOTICE. Please answer all points contained and listed herein and copy to ALL parties listed herein.

1.       You are aware from correspondence on previous matters that we here; Fitzpatrick Financial Solutions represent the interests of -----------------------™ in all things financial. We are in receipt of your APPLICATION dated ----------- 2012.

2.       You are also aware that -----------------------™ is NOT in the State, and we herewith enclose a copy of the writ that was issued to you as Sheriff on the --------------- 2010 A.D. Therefore YOU, the State or the “National Roads Authority” cannot demonstrate Subject Matter Jurisdiction.
3.       Your application is confusing to say the least. We are unsure as to whom we are to address in response. Should we address YOU, as doing business as the County Sheriff? Should we address YOU, as doing business as the County Registrar? Or should we address YOU, as doing business as the Magistrate?

4.       Why did YOU not sign, your “APPLICATION” with your very own hand?

5.       Your application refers to an alleged “DECREE”. To be honest, we were unclear as to what exactly a “DECREE” was or is, so we looked it up. Apparently it is a reference used in and to “Admiralty LAW”. Just as a point of LAW, perhaps you could give us clarity as to how “Admiralty LAW” applies within the State, or within the Republic, or for that matter within a Sovereign Republic?

6.       We only had time to look up “DECREE” online, and this is what it is defined as …
“A judgment of a court that announces the legal consequences of the facts found in a case and orders that the court's decision be carried out. A decree in Equity is a sentence or order of the court, pronounced on hearing and understanding all the points in issue, and determining the rights of all the parties to the suit, according to equity and good conscience. It is a declaration of the court announcing the legal consequences of the facts found”

We must extrapolate from this definition that YOU, doing business as “the Magistrate” and your aforementioned “National Roads Authority” must have held a Court of some sort, or at least some sort of trial, hearing or meeting, where ALL parties to the allegations and points would have been present?

7.    Obviously YOU, doing business as the Magistrate in this context, YOU would and do act with the utmost integrity. Therefore we would be grateful for you to proffer to us, an original copy of all of the transcripts and records of that said Court Case, Trial, Hearing or Meeting. Equally we wish to examine all of the apparent affidavits and depositions of the witnesses that were called.
The Response - Page 2 of 2

8.       We are specifically interested in knowing the names and contact details of the witnesses that have “First Hand Knowledge” of the allegations that were proffered against --------------------™, if in fact such witnesses exist at all?

9.       Of course we are assuming that you followed all the proper and relevant processes and protocols applicable to holding a “FAIR” trial, hearing, court case or meeting under the Constitution of Ireland and under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

10.       It is a FACT that --------------------™ has no recollection or record of being invited to attend such a hearing, trial, court case or meeting. When and where did such an event take place, and why was --------------------™ not invited to participate or to defend?

11.       Equally it is a FACT that --------------------™ has NO CONTRAT and NO AGREEMENT and NO FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENT in place with your “National Roads Authority”, and has NEVER been presented with any such proposals or drafts.

12.       It is appropriate at this juncture to point out to YOU in the capacity of ALL your aforementioned offices, that --------------------™ is not in the State. You were made aware of this fact some time ago and in more recent times past. Can YOU answer as to why you would willfully choose to ignore the facts?

13.       With the greatest of respect to YOU and the Offices that YOU hold and do business as, we must point out that Barratry is a crime. If you are convicted of “Selling Justice For Money”, as is suggested by your enclosed Application, YOU must seriously consider the legal implications of your intentions and your actions as they stand.

14.       As an apparent “Officer of the Court” you have general and specific duties of care, to make sure that neither YOU, in ALL the Offices that YOU do business as, nor any second, third or incumbent parties make FALSE MISREPRESENTATIONS or FALSE DECLARATIONS. Which includes and is not limited to, the “National Roads Authority”, the State and or any of its Employees, Agents or Representatives.

15.       The mere FACT that YOU are doing business as the Magistrate, the Registrar and the Sheriff is a difficult one to reconcile, as it is hard to understand how YOU manage “Separation of Powers”. There is a very obvious and blatant “Conflict of Interest”, in that you are positioned to make “Immoral Financial Gains” by act and intention with the abuse of your powers.

16.       --------------------™ has no objection whatsoever to the State and or the “National Roads Authority”, or for that matter to YOU acting in your respective positions and offices, making a quick buck here and there. Equally, there is no objection to these legal entities sharing the resources of this Island. After all“Sharing is Caring”. Nonetheless, please do not assume that this gives you free-license to unlawfully attack a People that have an absolute right to Self-Govern and Self-Determine. It is unlawful and will NOT be tolerated in any context whatsoever.

Finally; you have ten (10) days to make a re-application on the basis that you address ALL of the points contained herein and copy to ALL parties listed herein. If you do not do so with the ten (10) days stipulated, we will consider this to be an end to the matter, and further that you are precluded legally and lawfully from making, progressing or taking any further or future actions in said matter.

Ignorance of LAW is no Defense.
Conduct Yourself Accordingly!

Yours  Faithfully ... 

This is teriffic letter ...
Learn more at Lay Litigation Dat

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