Thursday 2 August 2012

London 2012 Hitler's Olympics Militarized

London 2012 Hitler's Olympics Militarized

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Thursday August 02, 2012 07:34author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
With Irish Concentration Camps
First they came for Marian Price,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't Irish..

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Muslims,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Muslim.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
London 2012 Internment
London 2012 Internment
The truth about British Occupied Ireland can be suppressed for the time being but it cannot be erased from the record of objective history written by truth tellers not corrupt corporate state sponsored revisionists.

Global Alternative Media Rising to challenge British Propaganda

The establishment media such as the BBC world service, no longer has a monopoly on reality. British official lies are challenged daily, buried historical and contemporary truths are dug up while objective reality is preserved. Truths such a Britain's ethnic cleansing of Ireland and it's engineered holocaust in Ireland, which has accounted for the disappearance of 6 million Irish people. The con artists's tricks have been revealed, the global alternative media's engine of peace, liberation, understanding and sanity is rising.

British media are forced to admit they have been lying to the world about almost everything and their warmongering is not mainstream. They are losing their control over the minds of the masses and they are also losing control of their own minds in the process.In fact, British establishment journalists have already gone crazy and lost their tenuous grip on reality. Their subjective world is falling apart around them and their temporary power is disappearing daily. Truth is too strong and will win out. British establishment media is going against commonsense reality and while winning some battles, is losing their war on the truth.

Not everyone of the British media has lost their heart and mind. There are still some respectable and honourable journalists around who place the facts of history, above the lies of the British government. The writer "b" of MoA writes:
"Commentators on the news websites are now mostly highly critical about the usual propaganda pieces. There also seems to be a slight shift in international media." Whereas until recently past the British establishment media was all-powerful and its official narratives were unquestioningly accepted by the general public, today its legitimacy is rapidly collapsing and it is failing to make people believe in government lies.

Young readers of news are looking to rising global independent media to get the facts about critical issues and conflicts. In the process, their worldview is changing and their government made beliefs are dying. It is essential to understand that, as British empire has always done with its monolithic corporate-financier interests of the City of London, seeking regional hegemony, as a step toward total Commonwealth domination, saying and doing anything in order to achieve it. As resistance increases, British lies become more difficult to sell with the obvious inconsistencies of their propaganda crumbling in full public view.

Britain's sense of logic is funny and twisted, but it is not unique. That's the way of the world. Throughout history, the British empire first attempted to conquer the truth, reality, and human consciousness, and then moved their way to resource-rich lands. Ireland being their first colony and still is their training ground, both for tactics and equipment, for it's industrial war complex to showcase and sell to their compliant neo-colonial commonwealth mentored regimes.The dying power of the British empire is dependent on the cult beliefs and cult personalities that are created by media such as the BBC world service, to divide and conquer, to have the Irish at each others throats, to have Muslims stabbing each other in the back, to justify its brutal rule at home and places such as British Occupied Ireland, abroad.

It is a sign of hope for Ireland and for the collective life of mankind, when the sovereignty of truth overcomes an empire of death that has ravaged the world for far too long. The UK media would have us all believe, their's was the Empire of civilization while their pupils the US is the Empire of savagery, while they wait to pick up the scraps of their failing 'special relationship.' This is why torture and internment without trial in British Occupied Ireland, is relevant to everyone worldwide today. This is why Olympic London 2012, in a city with a centuries ol history of dictating torture and abuse of human rights, is right now a primary stage for protest, for all genuine human rights activists worldwide.

For some this hope is a tediously slow, ongoing process but it will bear fruit over time. Ordinary citizen journalists and truth tellers world wide are making use of the internet and will continue like the Occupy movement to serve to clarify as catalysts, getting many more people thinking and acting on the growing inequalities, which are an intrinsic part of this Brutish unjust system of government, not just in British Occupied Ireland or it's Commonwealth but most parts of our world currently. It starts with us all individually and while everyone may not support the politics of Marian Price or Irish political dissidents or prisoners of conscience in British Occupied Ireland, the experience of internment without trial, the concentration camps of Occupied Ireland an Nazi Germany, the holocaust and massacres of more than 12 millions Irish and Jews in both, coupled with today's religious wars instigated by Britain in their former ruled territories of the Middle-East, on innocent Muslims, as they attempt to create a false reality and legacy of world wide eternal wars with the rest of the world.

Internment without trial and torture are instruments of war used for centuries by the British on defenceless civilian communities, to ultimately liquidate all native of resistance, to their brutal international piracy and savagery. The famous statement about the inactivity of German intellectuals during the Nazi rise to power while purging group after group, is as true in today's corporate fascist London 2012 as it was for Hitler's Nazi Olympics.

First they came for Marian Price,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't Irish..

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Muslims,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Muslim.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
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