Wednesday 12 September 2012

Cannabis Medicine to be Legalized in Ireland

The Irish Department of Health says it hopes to bring legislative proposals this year or early next year to enable cannabis-based medicine to be prescribed in the Irish free state. They should hurry up and save al lot of people an awful lot of pain. Experts have advised that Sativex contains a cannabis extract which “is a valid treatment option”. It took them awhile didn't it, like a hundred years late maybe. "Sativex is used for the relief of symptoms of multiple sclerosis patients and other ailments. It is already available on prescription in British Occupied Ireland.

The Irish Department of Health says the Medicines Board have completed an assessment of the product and “based on quality, safety and efficacy, have recommended approval of the product for the Irish market”. However market authorization of the product is dependent on changes to the Misuse of Drugs Act which classes cannabis-based medicine products as “controlled substances”. Typical Irish red tape and feck to the poor people in pain and agony. The relevant Department is consulting with more so called experts on the best way to legally authorize cannabis-based medicine, while still maintaining controls on cannabis. Luke Ming Flanagan TD said he welcomed the news on “humanitarian grounds. This is a good decision by this government and they should now move quickly to get the necessary legislation in place.” Ming was regarded by many, as being off his head when he first campaigned for this but then its like that with most things progressive in ireland.

Government's worldwide, with their irrational prohibition against medical marijuana, for all practical purposes, liquid marijuana to treat pain and other symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis, has caused a considerable amounts of unnessecary pain for an awful lot of people for a very long time. Sativex, produced by GW Pharmaceuticals in Britain has brought the medical marijuana debate full circle. This product a direct descendent of the marijuana extract and tinctures, that formerly were standard medical practice worldwide until the late 1930s. They were recognized as being safe and effective. These medicines were taken away from patients in considerable pain and from doctors as a result of backward control freak prohibition to control marijuana which began in 1937, despite, the opposition of international Medical Associations.

The Irish government with their statement, have just clarified, virtually everything that has been said previously officially about marijuana as wrong. In defiance of  numerous scientific studies, governments still claim that marijuana has no medical value. The American Drug Chief John Walters once compared medical marijuana to "medicinal crack," for political control reasons. THis is scientifically ridiculous, as the American Public Health Association, American Nurses Association and medical societies of New York, California have stated to name but a few. Research has put this backward nonsense to rest. Sativex is liquid marijuana and a whole-plant extract, containing a variety of natural compounds called cannabinoids, unique to marijuana with trace elements of compounds, contained in the plant, which have therapeutic value, There are many advantages to using the whole plant that includes other components of cannabis not just THC. With the cannabis plant some of the components added together in different blends, give a better effect. Some components seem to work better than others for different people 

Sativex is like marijuana in a cup of coffee as in coffee beans and has shown significant benefits against pain and symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis and other similar conditions. Hundreds of patient-years of research have confirmed a great record of safety.However even with Sativex approval it will not be the answer like medical marijuana can be. Different strains of marijuana with mixed blends of cannabinoids, work for some conditions, with proper blending. Sativex is just one formula that may not suit everyone. Sativex will be more expensive than this medicine should be. It is a pricey pharmaceutical version of something that should be free, at a time when the Irish healthcare system is complaining of rising costs. Such is the insanity of Ireland to all things progressive. It is like telling coffee drinkers, they can buy a cappuccino but will be arrested if caught in possession of coffee beans. The lessons of Sativex is simple: Successive Irish government were wrong and caused, considerable pain and distress for thousands upon thousands of Irish people, in some instances threatening people forced to emigrate for pain relief with prison on their return. Marijuana is medicine pure and simple and patients should, with proper medical advice be able to use whatever form is best for their particular condition.

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