Monday 22 October 2012


Over several decades, Sir Jimmy Savile mixed with the British royal family and with UK prime ministers.

Savile must have been vetted by the UK intelligence agencies.

During the 1970s, Brigadier Ronnie Stonham was the MI5 man responsible for vetting all BBC staff.

This month, the main stream media has been reporting that Savile, since at least the 1960s, was known, by many of his contacts, to be a child sex abuser.

John Gibbin was sexually assaulted in the back of Sir Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce at the age of nine.

John Gibbin, of Redcar, also said he reported the matter to the Metropolitan Police in the 1980s – but officers did not even call him back."

There have also been allegations that Savile supplied boys to members of the elite.

"Increasingly it seems that Savile was a protected man.

"One senses that the real question should be the role of the Intelligence/Security services (MI5 / MI6 in UK) and establishment elites in the cover-up...

Jimmy Savile, Politicians and Royalty

"Savile was for years a regular guest of Margaret Thatcher at her official country house when she was Prime Minister.

"Savile was close to Royalty, as well, and a frequent visitor to Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace and Highgrove (Prince Charles’ estate). Indeed Prince Charles had visited Savile at Savile’s retreat in Glencoe, Scotland...

Stuart Syvret, a former health minister in Jersey who exposed allegations of child abuse there in 2007, said: "Undoubtedly Savile will have known senior police officers, other celebrities, people in the BBC. It's the glue that holds the child abuse cover-up together, that these people protect each other."

He said he "would be profoundly surprised" if there weren't a paedophile ring within the BBC.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is embroiled in a child sex scandal centred on Jimmy Savile, its anchorman on many popular entertainment shows for over thirty years. Now new information is surfacing which indicates that Jimmy Savile was a fully paid up member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E) - an organisation which campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent in the UK.

The letter below has been sent to Lord Patten, Chairman of the BBC Trust. In it I have stated "I am placing this information before you in this open letter as I feel that the BBC should now initiate a full investigation into these reports suggesting that during the 1970’s and early 1980’s the BBC’s editorial policy was influenced in favour of P.I.E. This alleged infiltration of the BBC by P.I.E might also explain how Savile was able to operate as a sexual predator during his extended tenure at the BBC without challenge and/or prosecution."

I will pursue my objective of securing a full investigation into the alleged membership of Jimmy Savile of the organisation, P.I.E. I will also continue to seek a full and open investigation of the influence, if any, that P.I.E exerted on BBC editorial policy during the 1970's and 1980's. I also expect the authorities to investigate whether any BBC employees were members of P.I.E or expressed sympathy and support for the aims and objectives of P.I.E.

Further links are set out at the bottom of this email.



TELE: 0795 – 142 – 6617

Lord Patten.


The British Broadcasting Association Trust,

The BBC Trust Unit,

180 Great Portland Street,


W1W 5QZ. 12th October 2012.

Dear Lord Patten,

RE: BBC / Jimmy Savile.

This is an open letter, ie. I do not regard it as confidential and reserve the right to publish it. There are some parts of it in italics, these sections I do regard as confidential and, as such, they will not be published.

During 1982 I initiated an investigation into corruption in public life which resulted in the criminal prosecution of some high profile figures for offences against children, including serial child rape.


I turn now to the reason for my writing to you at this point.

My investigation led me to the fringes of the Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E), an organisation whose history is a matter of public record. The organisation was founded during October 1974 and officially disbanded during 1984. ( Due to a lack of financial support my investigation into PIE was severely limited although I did secure two names on the membership list of the organisation, one was Jimmy Savile. One of the key aims of the organisation was to secure a reduction of the age of consent in the UK to FIVE and then abolish it altogether. The organisation secured significant support within parliament, the entertainment industry, the media and similar, professional, organisations. It was reported that, when the organisation was finally closed down, the membership list was found to contain the names of nationally known politicians, entertainers and people engaged in professions, including the medical and legal profession. Some teachers were, I believe, also found to be registered members. The quality and influential nature of its membership and the extent of support for the aims of the organisation among ‘opinion formers’ probably explains how it managed to remain in existence in this country for a decade before it was finally closed down. My investigations did clearly indicate that the tentacles of P.I.E extended deep into the establishment including the BBC and Parliament.

This quote from the book Paedophilia - The Radical Case (Chapter 11) gives an indication of just how far the tentacles of P.I.E had spread and how influential the organisation had become

"One outcome of the MIND conference was the suggestion to Keith that PIE should submit evidence to the Home Office Criminal Law Revision Committee on the age of consent. With amazing despatch Keith did exactly this, preparing and submitting the seventeen-page document discussed in Chapter 6 in a matter of weeks, without the benefit of research time or facilities at his disposal. What's more, we have it on reliable authority that his work caught the imagination of no less a figure than the Home Secretary of the time, Roy Jenkins."

The source who notified me that Savile was a fully paid up member of the organisation is extremely reliable. Other sources implied that Savile’s membership of P.I.E was known to others within the BBC who were either sympathetic to its objectives or were members themselves. This might explain why there appeared to be no effective pursuit of the organisation by BBC sponsored current affairs and investigative programmes during that period of P.I.E’s existence.

I am placing this information before you in this open letter (except for the parts in ITALICS) as I feel that the BBC should now initiate a full investigation into theses reports suggesting that during the 1970’s and early 1980’s the BBC’s editorial policy was influenced in favour of P.I.E. This alleged infiltration of the BBC by P.I.E might also explain how Savile was able to operate as a sexual predator during his extended tenure at the BBC without challenge and/or prosecution.

It has been reported that Savile was responsible for the sexual assault of a brain damaged child at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. It has been stated “it can get no lower than this.” I beg to differ. My understanding is that the archive at New Scotland Yard hold an image of the youngest child recorded as being sexually abused, the child was female and was still attached to its mother by the umbilical cord. Perhaps there is someway to go before we reach the bottom of this “cesspit?”

I do expect and formal and comprehensive response from you within a reasonable time period. A copy of this letter has been forward to The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mr Bernard Hogan-Howe.

Yours sincerely,

Michael .H. Murrin
4:47 PM
 MaryC said...
@Anonymous 3.03pm
So,how do you account for the involvement of people who are neither Jews of Catholics?

4:57 PM
 Anonymous said...
Perhaps one cheering thing to come out of the Savile revelations is that we have not heard a squeak from the "False Memory Syndrome" folk. Can we take it that this insidious little theory is now totally discredited?

5:09 PM
 Abu-Suleyman said...
Excellent article Anon !

6:08 PM
 Anonymous said...
A prisoner blackmailed his way out of a long term sentence in Wakefield prison using photographs of Leon Brittain with kids

6:24 PM
 Anonymous said...
@MaryC Savile may have been a Freemason as well as the "most Jewish Catholic you ever met"

7:35 PM
 moshe.solomons said...
please dont blame all jews for these horrors, many of us have disowned these people. Rothschild and rockefella instigate the angenda that the BBC is folowing, the anti family, break up families and bring in homosexuality brigade
do not represent us all, they want to make heterosexuality illegal like homosexuality was, and everyone is being programmed for more wars and to be homosexual

7:38 PM
 Anonymous said...
"Unfortunately, when I heard rumours about Jimmy Savile some time ago, at no stage did I ever come across a child or witness or an adult survivor who actually told me of abuse by Jimmy Savile."

No you wouldn't Esther. These kids are lacking in confidence/mobility to begin with: they are hiding/cowering in fear and shame, with blame and incredulousness heaped upon them from a great height, if they so much as squeak.
So why did you not enquire into the rumours you heard?
And of those who say they informed you, you can't remember?

Who lacks credibility???
Who rightly deserves the shame?
Time to face the victims, at least, those that continue to breathe.
Free them from the pain of guilt and shame and revulsion they have carried all these years.

Well done and thank you Michael Murrin writing to Lord Patten.
We look forward to the response.

7:55 PM
 Anon said...
Dear moshe.solomons,

I agree with you.

In Asia the Chinese get the blame for running criminal enterprises.

But it is only a small minority of Chinese who are criminals.

And, there are plenty of mafias in Asia run by Americans, Germans, Russians, Japanese, Indonesians etc.

- Aangirfan

8:51 PM
 Carol A. Valentine said...
Well done Murrin.

I knew P.I.E would come back to haunt a lot of them like Hodge and Harman.

It is now almost an accepted and established fact amongst the well informed now that Savile was a high level witch.

These further revelations come as no surprise but as Bill Maloney has commented on a recent interview (to be found on UK Column) there will be many many others still hiding in cover.

Mr. Maloney proposes an offer of an amnesty for those who come forward giving names and making full disclosure. Without necessarily endorsing that proposal I can see how it would put the terror and fear into the minds of the perpetrators rather than the victims.

I had considered a more radical solution to this problem previously although similar in some respects (there would be no amnesty - only different levels of punishment...). For such approach to work the pendulum of power needs to swing away from the ancien regime.

I believe there are reasons to think this could be happening.

We should not count our chickens before the eggs have hatched. TPTB may be more relaxed about recent 'micro' developments on the domestic scene as I suspect they have some much more dramatic 'macro' level events lined up for us all soon in their puppet show.

Certainly there are cracks that are starting to appear in their giant edifice. That must be a cause of alarm to them.

Anonymous said...

Moussa Ibrahim Statement 20th October 2012
  international | anti-capitalism | press release   Sunday October 21, 2012 05:59 by An DraighneĆ”n Donn
Khamis is Alive!
Anti-imperialists around the world are in high spirits, after hearing that General Khamis al-Gaddafi (Gaddafi's youngest son) and Moussa Ibrahim are alive, and in good health.
Translation of the Statement:

In the Name of God, the Great, and in the name of Fatah the Great.

Salute to all of you, freedom fighters of Libya. I am Dr. Moussa Ibrahim and I am talking to you today, after watching the country under the criminals of NATO. I am here to say that we still have power, we are still strong, with God's help, and we trust our selves that our duty is to bring safety to our country, after all these killings and stealings, that brought the rats of NATO into our country.

But today, after all the false news that is being spread, via BBC, Al Arabyia, etc., I have to tell you that all this is just to take the world's eye off what is really happening, and what the NATO fighters are doing to our families in Bani Walid. Its obvious from photos and videos that people in Bani Walid - men, women and children, are being killed by aircraft attacks on their homes, and by all these criminals from Misrata that carry guns.

And this is all happening because the Nato rats are threatening the people of the Jamahyryia to not stand by people of Bani Walid.

They talk about Moussa Ibrahim and Khamis Al Gaddafi. We are outside Libya, we are not even in a place near Bani Walid. They are hitting Bani Walid. They know that Bani Walid is a big tribe. Bani Walid is geographically a very important place, and it's tribe has a strong meaning for the country. They are afraid of what is going to happen between the tribes of Libya. What is happening now to Bani Walid has nothing to do with the regime. This is clash between tribes.

After what happened to our leader, Al Gaddafi and Saif Al Islam, the channels of the BBC, Al Arabyia, Al Jazeera, etc. are spreading false news about Khamis Al Gaddafi and Moussa Ibrahim and other people.

But our families are still in Bani Walid and, with God's help, we will be back to them.

But shame on you. Shame on you Libyans. Whether this is about Muammar Al Gaddafi or not, shame on you, a Libyan city is being attacked and cut to pieces. It's men, women and children are being massacred, and you are just idly watching.

You have to think that this is not about policy. You have to think this is about the dignity of Libyans. Those people who attack Bani Walid have no dignity. They have no brothers, they have no feeling of their nationality.

They lied about us, they said that we killed. They are the ones who killed people, yet they claimed that we had killed children. In fact, it was they who killed children.

They said we were stealing, when, in fact, it is they who have stolen. They have handed our nation over to demonic Western imperialist rule.

Muammar Al Gaddafi was the man who cared about Libya. He was for the best of Libya. Yes, there were problems, but these problems were being resolved by peaceful dialogue.

But, these traitors sold our nation.

Please Libyans, stand by Bani Walid. Help Bani Walid. History will remain forever. History will write that Bani Walid was cut to pieces, its people massacred, and the Western tribes just watched.

I have to give many thanks the thousands of people who contacted me on Face Book, or via Paltalk, twitter or by telephone. But my life is not worth more than other men, who were martyred on this day, the 20th of October 2011. My life is not more valuable than the lives of those who remain in enemy prison camps.

Muammar al Gaddafi is my leader. Libya is my country still, and NATO is my enemy.

Thank you very much, and I hope that we will meet soon on our land that has been betrayed. Thank you and let God guide you!

Audio recording of the statement:

Embedded video Youtube Video

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