Sunday 7 October 2012

Savage Native Shore

The Irishman
(tune "Vive la.")
THE savage loves his native shore,
Though rude the soil and chill the air;
Well then may Erin's sons adore
Their isle, which Nature formed so fair!
What flood reflects a shore so sweet,
As Shannon great, or past'ral Bann?
Or who a friend or foe can meet,
So gen'rous as an Irishman?
His hand is rash, his hart is warm
But principle is still his guide-
None more regrets a deed of harm,
And none forgives with nobler pride.
He may be duped, but won't be dared;-
Fitter to practice than to plan,
He dearly earns his poor reward,
And spends it like an Irishman.
If strange or poor, for you he'll pay,
And guide to where you safe may be;
If you're his guest, while e'er you stay,
His cottage holds a jubilee:
His inmost soul he will unlock,
And if he should your secrets scan,
Your confidence he scorns to mock,
For faithful is an Irishman.
By honour bound in woe or weal, What'we she bids he dares to do;
Tempt him with bribes-they won't prevail,
Try him in fire, you'll find him true.
He seeks not safety: let his post
Be where it ought, in danger's van:
And if the field of fame be lost,
'Twill not be by an Irishman.
Erin, loved land! From age to age,
Be thou more great, more fam'd and free!
May peace by thine, or, should'st thoiu wage
Defensive war, cheap victory!
May plenty bloom in every field;
Which gentle breezes softly fan,
And cheerful smiles serenely gild,
The home of every Irishman!

Uploaded by  on Apr 28, 2011
This last video is a pictorial of the Parishes of Meelick and Clonfert in South East Galway. Meelick and Clonfert were entered in the 2009 Pride of Place competition by Galway County Council and sucessfully won the overall all Ireland prize for their population. The Pride of Place Competition recognises and celebrates the vital contributions that community partnerships make to society. The focus is on people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their local area. It differs from other similar projects in that they specifically recognise the involvement of the local community in all aspects of rural and urban regeneration including, promoting social cohesion, involvement in planning, the promotion of heritage and environmental awareness.

The Pride of Place competition springs from Co-operation Ireland's work with Local Authorities on a cross-border basis through the Local Authority All Island Steering Forum. This forum established a wide range of projects. One of these projects was the Pride of Place Initiative. This initiative expertly guided by Chairman, Tom Dowling grew from strength to strength and has proved to be a run away success in terms of interest and participation from local community groups and their respective Local Authorities. We could safely now say that this is a flagship initiative of the forum.

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