Tuesday 4 December 2012

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London 2012 Hitler Olympics Militarized   http://brev.is/9Rb3
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123 days ago
London 2012 Hitler Olympics Militarized http://brev.is/9Rb3 — with (Add/edit faces)


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category international | rights and freedoms | news report author Tuesday December 04, 2012 11:36author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Indymedia Ireland Censorship is Fascism
First they came for Marian Price and I didn't speak out because I wasn't Irish.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Trade Unionist..

Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Muslims and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Muslim.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me!

London 2012 Hitler Olympics Militarized http://brev.is/9Rb3 — 58,465 views.
CENSORED by Indymedia Ireland Published Worldwide 58,000 Views
CENSORED by Indymedia Ireland Published Worldwide 58,000 Views
Marian Price is just one of several Irish people currently politically interned in British Occupied Ireland during which time lawyers have not been allowed to see any of Britain's ‘alleged’ evidence.

• She has been kept in solitary confinement in a ‘male’ high security prison
• She is effectively interned without a trial, sentencMarian Price is just one of several Irish people currently politically interned in British Occupied Ireland during which time lawyers have not been allowed to see any of Britain's ‘alleged’ evidence.
e, or release date.
• She has not been given any timescale for any investigation.
• She has not been allowed to see the evidence that the state claims to have
• Her release has been ordered on two occasions by judges. However, on both occasions the British Vice royal has overruled those decisions.
• The Vice royal claims they ‘revoked Marian’s license, ’despite Marian never being released on license. She was given a Royal Pardon.
• Marian’s Royal Pardon has ‘gone missing’ from the home office (the only time in history). The British Vice royal has taken the view that unless a paper copy can be located – it must be assumed that she does not have one. It is generally agreed that MI5 shredded her majesty's pardon.
• Despite no ‘license’ existing for her release from prison in 1980, it is the non-existent licence that is being used to keep her in prison.
• She can only be released by Theresa Villiers the current Vice royal responsible for Marian's internment.

Recently the charges against Marian were thrown out of court because of a lack of evidence. Now the very same charges have been re-instated against Marian again before the same Judge.

In secret courts, being introduced by the back door, through legislation in the House of Lords, MI5 the British secret services are pushing for secret trials, with secret evidence by secret witnesses, that the defendant's appointed lawyer is not allowed to know, see or refute. The length of sentence is also kept secret, under penalty of a long jail sentence by Britain's Official Secret's Act. This trial of Marian Price is believed to have already happened in secret, with the public hearings and showtrial being simply a public rubber stamp, for the injustice against Marian Price in of British Occupied Ireland.

Related News;

Loyalists slash guard, storm City Hall over Belfast flag vote

A loyalist mob which had gathered outside Belfast City Hall this evening
erupted into violence following a vote to limit the days on which the
British Union Jack flag flies above the building.

The mob charged through the building and even breached the council chamber
as the PSNI police stayed clear.

Loyalists who had gathered in east Belfast also attacked St Matthew's
Catholic church after the result of the vote was announced.

The vote to reduce the flying of the Union Jack to 17 days a year,
mainly British celebratory and commemorate events, had been widely

But the compromise between nationalist councillors and the moderate
unionist Alliance Party provoked unionist extremists who had rallied
supporters from Scotland and England for a "protest".

A low-profile policing presence appeared designed to encourage violence,
and the mob set about burning Irish tricolour flags in the city centre
area well before the vote was taken.

The debate centred on a motion to fly the British flag on designated
days during the year, rather than year-round.

Despite their fading majority in local elections in the city, many
unionists and loyalists saw the decision to "take down" the Union Jack
as symbolic.

The flying of the British flag over Belfast City Hall has long been seen
as a metaphor of unionist domination in the city. Despite losing a
clear majority on the council several years ago, the motion which went
before the council was a compromise negotiated between nationalists and
the moderate unionist/cross-community Alliance Party. It allows the
British flag to continue to fly on 15 days out of the year (see below).

The move by Alliance, which holds the balance of power on the council,
was strongly condemned by the DUP and unionist extremists. Before the
vote, leaflets had been distributed in many areas of the city, blaming
Alliance for the historic shift.

In the end, the motion was passed by 29 votes to 21. News of the
outcome acted as a trigger for the mob, who, in the absence of any PSNI
intervention, knifed a security guard in the neck before marauding
through the building's courtyard, as well as setting fire to vehicles

The Press Association (PA) also said that one of its photographers has
sustained a head injury after getting caught up in the violence at the
city hall.

The nationalist SDLP councillor, Tim Attwood, who took part in the
vote, said: "This was an appalling spectacle, resulting in significant
damage to property and, most alarmingly, injury to a number of those
seeking to keep City Hall secure, and our thoughts are with those who
were hurt.

"Any attempt at a resort to mob rule cannot be countenanced," Mr
Attwood said.

Marie Hendron from Alliance said the violence had been orchestrated.
She said the scenes of violence in the tourist-oriented city centre
area had been a "disaster for this city". Some tourists were reported
to have been confronted and intimidated by the mob.

Sinn Fein's policing spokesperson Gerry Kelly said the police response
had been inadequate.

He said: "I have to say, and I don't use these words unless I really
mean them, it was a disgraceful police operation - or lack of a police

"If that had been 1,000 or more republicans, it would have been very
different. There they would not have left it that they were able to
come into the back of City Hall.

"They indiscriminately attacked cars. We are very, very lucky that they
didn't get into the building or we could have been dealing with a lot
more injuries."

Mr Kelly said he would be raising what he described as "major failings"
at a meeting of the Policing Board on Thursday.

He said: "I am angry because it's not as if they were taken by surprise.
This was a well-planned protest. There were discussions with police
about previous experience. Everyone knew this was a vote which was going
to affect people in different ways.

"At a very early stage today, it was clear it was a huge protest and
that it could turn ugly."

According to this evening's motion, the British Union Jack will be flown
above Belfast City Hall on the following days:

* 20th January (Birthday of The Countess of Wessex)
* 6th February (Her Majesty's Accession)
* 19th February (Birthday of The Duke of York)
* A notified day in March (Commonwealth Day)
* 10th March (Birthday of The Earl of Wessex)
* 17th March (St Patrick's Day)
* 21st April (Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen)
* 9th May (Europe Day)
* A notified day in June (Official Celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday)
* 2nd June (Coronation Day)
* 10th June (Birthday of The Duke of Edinburgh)
* 4th August (Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother)
* 15th August (Birthday of The Princess Royal)
* 21st August (Birthday of The Princess Magaret)
* A notified Sunday in November (Remembrance Day)
* 14th November (Birthday of The Prince of Wales)
* 20th November (Her Majesty's Wedding Day)
Related Link: http://irishblog-brianclarkenuj.blogspot.com/

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