Sunday 28 April 2013


The British paramilitary police, the PSNI/RUC are expected to buy two drones for  assassinations in British Occupied Ireland. The PSNI/RUC has told the Policing Board it wants to buy the drones to combat terrorism and crime, the paedo BBC said. 
The planned purchase and deployment briefing will take place next week. The aircraft will  relay live pictures from all over Ireland, from high quality cameras and will be flown by operators remotely, in secret military bases in England. 
Because of recent controversy around the murder by British Secret Services, of human rights lawyers and journalists, the drones are seen as a clinical solution, for the liquidation of human rights lawyers who are difficult, journalists who won't play the game and human rights activists who won't wind in their necks, which has proven to be rather messy up to this point. 
It is understood that the British plan to release Marian Price, Martin Corey and other interned political prisoners of conscience, so that their drones can take care of them, in a more cost effective, humane manner. 
The drones will  cost around £1 million each, with just two to begin with, eventually climbing to a couple of hundred, it is reported. The Provisional Sinn Fein part of the SS Regime in British Occupied Ireland, were unavailable for comment while awaiting clearance from Hollywood.
Other than a couple of protesters at Shannon airport, the Irish left were too busy smoking dope, underground, while the IRA were nowhere to be seen but we have been assured, "they haven't gone away you know," and are currently away teaching Irish in Connemara, to a few Irish-Americans.

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