Thursday 30 May 2013


Marian Price Announcement

category international | rights and freedoms | news report author Tuesday May 28, 2013 07:34author by Brian Clarke - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Free Spirit Marian Price
Interned Irish republican Marian Price will learn this week if she will be be freed after more than two years' imprisonment according to the Parole Commission which will make an announcement by Thursday. The british SS (secret services) say she no longer represents "a security threat". Marian is seriously ill in a Belfast City Hospital suffering from severe depression and respiratory problems.
Free Spirit Marian Price
Free Spirit Marian Price
Interned Irish republican Marian Price will learn this week if she will be be freed after more than two years' imprisonment according to the Parole Commission which will make an announcement by Thursday. The british SS (secret services) say she no longer represents "a security threat". Marian is seriously ill in a Belfast City Hospital suffering from severe depression and respiratory problems.

The current internment without trial of veteran Irish republicans Marian Price 59, now interned 2 years without trial and Martin Corey 63, interned more than 3 years among others, is causing serious resentment to build in Ireland against the British Tories and their occupation.

Internment without trial is an odious instrument of wartime, to control the general population. It's use in the wake of a supposed Peace Process in Ireland is guaranteed to eventually bring war again to Ireland, as it did, when last introduced forty years ago, igniting the powder keg of injustice, that already exists with British occupation in Ireland.

Below is an article of the sequence of some of the events around the internment of Marian Price. For those who recognize justice as being the foundation for a prevailing peace, and non violent activism, as an alternative to violence, your help is desperately needed, to spread the word by re-sharing on Facebook, re-tweeting on Twitter, organizing pickets and demonstrations, to educate and organize the public with regard to facts of this matter.

There is a general mainstream media blackout on the facts around internment without trial in Ireland and passive silence, is enabling it to happen, in the same way as it did with Nazi internment and the Holocaust of the last world war. Details around Marian's internment can be found at the link below.
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The Awakening

author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Wed May 29, 2013 07:29Report this post to the editors
Provisional Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams is accusing the British Tory government of breaching commitments given during the Peace Process following the arrest of leading Donegal Provisional Sinn Fein member John Downey. The veteran republican was brought before Westminster Magistrates Court in London to face charges on a 1982 IRA bomb attack in London's Hyde Park in which four British soldiers were killed.

He appeared at the Old Bailey by video link from Belmarsh prison and was remanded in custody. No bail application was sought by Mr Downey, who has been a leading member of Sinn Fein in Donegal. In 2009, he read the Easter statement on behalf of the leadership at the Provisional annual Drumboe martyrs commemoration.

Mr Adams said an agreement made with the British government at the Weston Park talks about 'on the runs' Irish republicans still pursued with regard to outstanding prosecutions, had been breached by the British. He said the arrest of John Downey "is a matter of grave concern and a clear breach of commitments given by the British government at Weston Park and in subsequent negotiations".

The 2001 talks outside Birmingham were part of the implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. The Weston Park deal enabled the final disarming of the Provisional IRA. It also saw a British commitment to hold a public inquiry on the state assassination of lawyer Pat Finucane, which was equally reneged upon.

Provisional Sinn Féin Assembly member Gerry Kelly commenting on developments, described Mr Downey as "a long time supporter of the peace process". "The decision to arrest and charge him in relation to IRA activities in the early 1980s is vindictive, unnecessary and unhelpful. It will cause anger within the Republican community."

He further stated that following from the negotiated resolution of the OTRs issue, Mr Downey had received a letter from the British government in 2007, stating that he was not wanted by the PSNI or any other British police force. "Despite travelling to England on many occasions now six years on he finds himself before the courts on these historic charges," Mr Kelly said. This is similar to the shredding of a Royal pardon by the British, with regard to Marian Price.

"This development represents bad faith and a departure from what was previously agreed by both governments. "John Downey needs to be released and allowed to return home to his family." The controversial arrest followed the 15th anniversary of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, when Mr Adams again urged the 26 County government to press the British on "outstanding issues" of the peace deal. Speaking in Belfast, he accused the Tory government of defaulting on a number of past agreements, including commitments to legislate for a bill of rights and an Irish language bill for the North.

He called on the Dublin government, which he said was "a co-equal guarantor" of the Good Friday Agreement, to fulfill its obligations to intervene. "I am calling on them now to bring forward a strategy to ensure the British government deliver on the commitments and support the work of the executive," Mr Adams said.
Commander Adams
Commander Adams
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author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Thu May 30, 2013 15:35Report this post to the editors
Pat Ramsey
BREAKING NEWS: After strong representations from me, I am delighted to announce that Marian Price will be freed as a result of Commissioners deliberations today.
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author by Brian Clarke - AllVoicespublication date Thu May 30, 2013 17:27Report this post to the editors
I would like to thank everyone at Indymedia ireland, who helped overcome corporate media censorship of Marian's Internment. I would also like to thank everyone both in Ireland and internationally who ploughed a lonely furrow on her behalf. Celebrate tonight her freedom because it is also you freedom.

Tomorrow is another day another fight for the freedom of Martin Corey and other intenees both in Ireland and over!seas ! TAL - Tiocfaid Ar La p Go raibh mile maith agaibh ! Saoirse !

This song Mna Na H-Eireann is for Marian and Dolours who is also free tonight.

Women of Ireland - Ceoltóirí - with Irish Lyrics & Landscapes
Women of Ireland - Ceoltóirí - with Irish Lyrics & Landscapes

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