Monday 9 September 2013


A report this Thursday will reveal MI5, the FBI in the USA, and special branch in the Irish State in the south, "starved" paramilitary police in British Occupied Ireland, of vital intelligence, that would have prevented a massacre, in which twenty-nine people died after a 500lb bomb exploded in the middle of Omagh..The victims families commissioned a private report by a London law firm, the SBP, which included experts, who obtained sensitive intelligence, demonstrating major failings by all the Police forces, before the attack, which caused the massacre.
Amnesty International has challenged the American government, with Ireland and the British to co-operate with a new inquiry into the bombing. Amnesty says said there are major concerns about the way intelligence was used leading up to the attack. Amnesty's director in British Occupied Ireland, Patrick Corrigan, said: "Fifteen years since the bomb ripped through Omagh, taking lives and causing injury, the families bereaved and those injured by the bomb are still left seeking the full truth about what happened that day and whether it could have been prevented.Beyond addressing the families' need for answers, there remains a broader public interest in establishing such an inquiry, in order to prevent such a tragedy recurring.The families have had to suffer the indignity of being drip-fed information over the years, with new wounds opened each time and with none of the bombers ever being held criminally responsible.It is doubly sad that the bereaved families and those injured have now had to commission their own report as a result of the many partial investigations, each one of which opens up new questions."
Michael Gallagher a relative said: "All good policing is based on intelligence especially prior intelligence before any criminal act is committed. In the case of the events running up to the Omagh bomb it is now clear that the police in the north were starved of information." Aidan Gallagher,the father of a young man killed, said access to new intelligence, proved the FBI, the police and the Garda's crime and security branch all withheld critical information, saying "The security forces in America, Britain and the republic had two key agents inside the Real IRA but did not share the information they were providing to the police in Northern Ireland. Should the state fail to do so it is our view that they will be failing in complying with their obligations under article 2(1) and article 3 of the European convention on human rights," it said. "This report is compiled from a significant amount of information, some of a sensitive nature, which has come into the possession of the families."

The report to be released  on Thursday, will focus on the role of two agents who infiltrated the group. David Rupert, an American gangster/informer run by the FBI and Paddy Dixon, a criminal who acquired stolen cars in the southern Irish state, for transporting car bombs into British Occupied Ireland.The Gangster Rupert, came to Ireland in the mid 1990s and volunteered his services for the Continuity IRA  but was rejected and later volunteered for the Real IRA.The gangster Rupert infiltrated the Irish American community in the States, while being directed by the FBI as their agent. In 1997 British intelligence sneakily took control of him as well. Later an FBI agent took him to London, where he was introduced to an MI5 transvestite who called himself/herself Norman. Norma the Brit whispered to Rupert not to pass any serious information to the police in southern Ireland, branding them as eejits. and instead gave him a PO. box address, with a secret contact phone number.
MI5 then tried again to infiltrate the Continuity IRA, getting Rupert to offer intelligence, while willing to sacrifice more British army and police bases, as nice juicy targets for the IRA's mortat bombs in British Occupied Ireland. Posing as American tourists, admiring  the installations, Rupert, his wife and other American agents, would stop at border-crossings, gawk and take pictures, making hundreds of videos of themselves, police, soldiers for tageting inside the bases. According to the Omagh Support group new intelligence files demonstrate Rupert and the FBI, were also aiding the Real IRA, sending parts from America to bomb the British. It was Rupert's false, untruthful evidence, that sent the innocent brother-in-law of Bobby Sands, Michael McKevitt to prison for 20 years on false evidence, coached by the FBI, against the loving Irish father and devoted husband of Bobby Sands sister.
Dixon meanwhile, provided intelligence to a handler of the Irish state garda (police) on the IRA. He had a connection with a republican in Dublin called "the Long Fellow". Senior Garda ordered the agent to reactivate an old relationship with "the Long Fellow", who had a breaker's yard in south Dublin, where cars stolen by Dixon, were re-plated and explosives hidden inside the vehicles. Dixon gave the Garda vital information on the Real IRA, with inside information on more than nine Real IRA attacks, culminating in the Omagh bombing.The victims families maintain, that the "starving of intelligence" of Rupert and Dixon by MI5, was meant to improve their credibility within the the Real IRA, despite the huge loss of life, caused by the British directing the innocent crowd,.towards the bomb after an IRA warning, where they were totally informed about the precise location.The Omagh campaigners will demonstrate, that this lethal action by MI5 and the British, caused the catastrophe, whether by false Flag intent or American dirty war disinformation, to discredit the Irish insurgency with the bombing. 
Michael McKevitt, the totally innocent, brother-in-law of the IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, was indirectly made the fall guy and the Irishman, was convicted on the false FBI evidence, rehearsed with FBI Gangster/Informer, Rupert, under direct FBI control. The affair has considerably soured Irish/American relations and in the run up to another invasion of Syria, there have been strident demands, that the American Airforce and Army stay out of Ireland altogther. They are no longer welcome, as the collaborate with the occupying British. imperialists, invading country after country and recruiting senior Irish politicians, as warmongers for their international war crimes with the British.The Omagh Support Group are also demanding a cross-border inquiry into the American/British bombing in Omagh.

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