Wednesday 23 October 2013


Water has overflowed at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is attempting to discern the quality of the water and possible radioactive substances which could have been spilled.
TEPCO announced on Monday that the water overflowed in 12 areas of the plant.
Heavy rains caused water to flow over the barriers of an artificial embankment which surrounds a dozen tanks of radioactive water at the plant. TEPCO reported that liquid containing a source of beta radiation was found beyond the levees.

The company said the incident was “due to heavy rain in the Tohoku region.” Company specialists are attempting to identify the amount of leaked water and the radiation levels present in the liquid.

Radioactivity levels in a well near a storage tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant have risen immensely, the plant’s operator earlier reported, fueling ongoing concern about the impact of radiation on the surrounding environment.

Last Wednesday, heavy rains brought with Typhoon Wipha caused reservoirs for collecting rainwater to overflow. The natural disaster was described by weather forecasters as the strongest in a decade, leaving at least 17 people dead and 50 others missing in its wake.

Workers at the Fukushima plant had to pump rainwater out of protective containers surrounding approximately 1,000 tanks holding radioactive water. It is thought that the heavy rains lifted contaminated soil.

Shortly afterwards, radiation levels were found to have skyrocketed. TEPCO officials said Friday that they detected 400,000 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances - including strontium - at the site of a well near a storage tank. The level was 6,500 times higher than readings taken Wednesday, according to NHK World.

The news showed that radioactive substances like strontium have reached the groundwater, according to the officials. In August, the same storage tank leaked over 300 tons of contaminated water.

Earlier this month, TEPCO announced that 430 liters of polluted water had spilled from a tank as the company’s employees tried to remove rainwater dumped at the plant by recent typhoons. The contaminated water may well have flowed into the sea, TEPCO said.

However, estimates still may be unreliable. The UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) raised doubts at the beginning of the month. A preliminary report published in the Japanese press concluded that estimates of radioactive substances discharged at the plant provided by the Japanese authorities, TEPCO, and other entities may have underestimated the impact of the disaster.

The power plant was disrupted in March 2011 by a massive earthquake and tsunami which wreaked havoc at Fukushima and sparked a nuclear crisis in which meltdowns occurred in three reactors.  It was considered to be the world’s worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

In September, a senior utility expert at Fukushima, Kazuhiko Yamashita, said that the plant was “not under control.” TEPCO downplayed his comments, saying that he had only been talking about the plant’s waste water problem – not the facility as a whole. 

Comments (82)


Jug Jugette 23.10.2013 02:15

The disaster that keeps on giving; here a hundred tons, there a hundred tons....

Suzuki Hiroshi 22.10.2013 19:37

44 cases of thyroid cancer checked in Fukushima
Associ ated Press, Oct. 22, 2013
The Japanese government has detected 44 confirmed and suspected cases of thyroid cancer among 217,000 youngsters, 18 and under, checked in Fukushima prefecture (state). Thyroid cancer among children is generally rare, estimated at only one in a million. Extensive testing of Fukushima children could account for the higher numbers.

Count Cash 22.10.2013 18:33

So you are just making it up as you go along, just as I thought! Like dealing with the sun, the core melting through the earth, MOX millions times worse, nothing can be done....... Its just doesn't look good does it in terms of debate. There is a debate to be had on nuclear and other matters, but just making things up doesn't get us anywhere!

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 17:04

Count Cash 22.10.2013 16:28

You need a reference for this, not some idea! Please provide! And not some nut job on you tube....
Again, the levels of radiation indicate more than just leaking water. No human can get close enough to the breach, to view or photograph it.

Count Cash 22.10.2013 16:28

You need a reference for this, not some idea! Please provide! And not some nut job on you tube....

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 16:22

Count Cash 22.10.2013 14:42

So why the melting into the ground drama?

Because the level of radiation being reported at Fukushima is too high to be from just leaks from the tanks. There is fission occuring underground from 1 or more of the melted cores, that has breached containment.

Count Cash 22.10.2013 14:42

As I said we are talking about water leaks. Now the argument switches to containment leak, which is also not a core melting into the ground. The reactors are GE BWR3 and BWR4 types. There are differences in these reactors in terms of cooling configurations… (they have different power ratings). The fuel types were also different, the MOX brings in plutonium, which has high toxicity. However, we are still talking about, containment leaks and water. So why the melting into the ground drama? Remember if these reactors had been flooded earlier (cost implication) we wouldn’t be where we are now! Cost!!!!

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 14:08

Count Cash, Reactor No. 3, at Fukushima is the reactor with the extremely dangerous MOX fuel that's two million times more deadly than regular enriched uranium. This reactor is so dangerous all by itself that it hardly matters whether Reactors 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 are brought under control if Reactor No. 3 isn't. By itself, this facility could dwarf the radioactive fallout levels caused by the Chernobyl disaster, and now it appears a containment leak is very likely to have occurred at Reactor #3.

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 13:57

Count Cash 22.10.2013 13:20

”burning further each day into the earth.” Where on earth do you get this from?

Co unt Cash, Google search:

Pau l Gunter discusses Fukushima leaks into the ocean on RT

It is an interview with Paul Gunter, explains how the cores have been compromised.

Count Cash 22.10.2013 13:20

”burning further each day into the earth.” Where on earth do you get this from? The reactors are flooded, the issue is the water and what it is carrying and where. It is a direct transport mechanism to underlying water systems and the sea! The Issue is that not enough was/is being done to manage this water, it’s raining, that is a surprise! This is not the same as we had, it is a situation that should have been and is possible to control, should some level of competence and commitment be forthcoming.

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 12:55

The exposure of raditaion has affected the people of Japan in such a way, that they are no longer thinking rationally. This is what uncontrolled radiation exposure does, it damages the brain as well as other parts of the human body.

Mark Roman 22.10.2013 12:52

Les Hildebrand 22.10.2013 05:58

Theres only one answer now the same as russia faced a few decades back and it is to bury it in dirt and CONCREET !

That will not work in this case. The reactors are too close to the ocean, and the melted cores are unapproachable and out of reach, burning further each day into the earth.


Count Cash 22.10.2013 10:22

Les, you got it, with some adaptions that is what needs to happen, not a merry old cold shutdown! The issue is that Carpco and the Japanese are in denial – see latest Japanese statements – everything under control! It doesn’t matter how many Crapco PR people appear here, the reader knows what is going on. The first stage of analysis is whether there is agreement that there is a problem, and we don’t even see that basic level of analysis. If no one agrees that there is a problem, how then can we jump to the conclusion nothing can be done!

Les Hildebrand 22.10.2013 05:58

Theres only one answer now the same as russia faced a few decades back and it is to bury it in dirt and CONCREET !

RockyFjord 22.10.2013 05:28

Almost comical. All Science can do is conceptualize and measure things and thereby pretend they are in control.
This is why the Humanities are important in higher education, so these scientists can perceive reality instead of just abstracting and conceptualizing, measuring, analyzing, and deluding themselves they are in control of reality and nature. William James warned about this. But Scientists were too witty to hear what he was saying. So now we are stuck with these
true believers who haven't a freaking clue.

Kim 21.10.2013 21:09


has reading comprehension suddenly taken a nose dive on this site?

Kaleilw 21.10.2013 20:14

I will not say farewell to my beloved Pacific Ocean. The idiots have been in charge for far too long, something must be done.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 19:50

Bottom line here Crapco see no problem, no issues and are cycling through normal management actions! There just isn't a big problem for them as tehy see it!

Count Cash 21.10.2013 19:48

TEPCO should report to NISA the situation of storing and treatment of the contaminated water
in the Power Station and future forecast based upon the current situation have to be reported to
NISA as soon as the treatment facility starts its operation. Also, subsequently, continued report has
to be submitted to NISA once a week until the treatment of the accumulated water in the Central
Radioact ive Waste Treatment Facility is completed. - feel the intensity of that Sun core problem! - Keep you updated! Nothing can be done, more like nothing wants to be done!

Count Cash 21.10.2013 19:43

We deeply apologize to the people of Fukushima and broader society for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety caused by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. - does this sound serious? Inconvenience! Anxiety!

Count Cash 21.10.2013 19:26

Question – Have Crapco attempted to maintain power generation at the plant?

Kim 21.10.2013 19:19

Mark, I don't necessarily disagree with you, but they (TEPCO) were actually successful in removing three plutonium rods from No. 4 over the summer, as sort of a test run. No one knows how damaged the rest of the rods are. They can still go with plan A and remove the spent rods, can't they?

If this doesn't work, it'll burn hot and bright forever.

Th e melted fuel is in the earth now, and will never be recovered. We are in uncharted territory in that case.

un-chained and angry 21.10.2013 19:17

And yet with all this horror going on with this mess,the US and China just signed contracts to build a bunch of nuke power plants in China. It's like they don't even see a problem in Japan.
Have they even considered what they will do with the waste? Oh yeah, just dump in in the deepest part of the ocean and forget about it ? The US dumps our waste down in deep abandoned that will take care of it..Idiots.
Lets just get rid of all nuke related junk and try not to kill all life on this planet.
Nukes make too much deadly waste to be safe for any applications.
Le ts stop while it still matters.

un-chained and angry 21.10.2013 18:36

1: You don't send a know-nothing idiot to push buttons.
2: when you deal with hurricanes/typhoons fairly often you are aware of the amount of water that can be displaced and should 'OVERBUILD' berms and retaining walls.

With both of these things happening it makes me wonder if 'someone' isn't taking advantage of a natural disaster for their own purposes.
I wonder what...?????

Count Cash 21.10.2013 18:09

Comparing a stricken reactor with the sun is just plain silly! Just Japan get the cheque book out and the world -insist they do it! No more drama nonsense, no more I can't, just sort it out! We encased an open reactor, because we knew that 'we' had to do it! We would have moved and dammed anything to get the job done, not say it’s raining what a pity.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 18:02

Count Cash, paying someone to walk into the melted reactor cores at Fukushima and fix them, clean them, make them safe, is the same as paying someone to land on the Sun, take pictures and collect samples.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 17:57

Count Cash 21.10.2013 17:51

This is, and has always been about money, commitment and the will to put bodies on the line. In all these areas Japan has failed and continues to fail today.

Japan has asked the world for help and is willing to pay money, yet nobody from the world has agreed to do this. 

It is not about money, it is about technological ability, which does not exist.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 17:51

This is, and has always been about money, commitment and the will to put bodies on the line. In all these areas Japan has failed and continues to fail today.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 17:28

Count Cash 21.10.2013 16:30

Steven Duplisea, so well said, my god others would just say can't do anything let's see when the next gay parade is!

Count Cash, why are you trying to link Steven Duplisea to the next gay parade? We are talking about the Fukushima crisis, not the next gay parade.

amazing-world 21.10.2013 17:28

TEPCO. Total Egregious Professionals, Completely Overwhelmed.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 17:25

Steven Duplisea 21.10.2013 16:38

Mark Roman's an Israeli bot

Steven, this is not about Israel, it is about Japan. 

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 16:59

This is not a question of pride, money or desire stopping anyone from trying to help Japan regarding Fukushima. It is a question of technology or rather lack there of.


siyousyanamae 21.10.2013 16:41

Radioactive water leaks at Fukushima as operator underestimates rainfall
TOKYO | Sun Oct 20, 2013
(Reuters) -
In the latest incident, containment areas surrounding 12 of 23 groups of tanks overflowed, with one of them containing Strontium-90 as highly concentrated as 710 Becquerels per liter – 71 times higher than the level set by the company as safe for release.

Steven Duplisea 21.10.2013 16:38

Count Cash 21.10.2013 16:30

Well said.

Mark Roman's an Israeli bot, not human like you or I. It's easy for a bot to make such an 'inorganic argument' for he's not dependent on material sustenance as are you, I, every single Japanese citizen & every other human being on the planet.

He was busy during the Syrian crisis arguing for US intervention when all the world should be squarely focused on this tragedy & tremendous challenge to our natural environment & delicate food chain.

He's a programme...ignore such rubbish.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 16:30

Steven Duplisea, so well said, my god others would just say can't do anything let's see when the next gay parade is!

Steven Duplisea 21.10.2013 16:26

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:12

No other country has the ability or technology to help.
If they did, they would have offered. It's already "too late".

Defeatist & absurd. It's never "too late" to work to at least try & permanently contain & minimize any further damage to the local & regional land & sea environments & to the human population. What's at stake, & a 'throw your hands up in the air & do nothing because it's already too late approach' won't do a thing to stop the decimation of the area's aquatic & terrestrial food chain since they're interdependent. "Too late" spells disaster.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 16:25

I just think there porbably just aren't any men where you are - Netherlands? Belgium?

De Waen Luc 21.10.2013 16:14

Count cash : and what bravery you have in mind ? It takes a while to sink in, but once it does, you will understand that there is no domination of men here...
Why is the world not doing more ?
It is easyer (and cheaper) to get rid of 10.000.000 bodies than it is to move 30.000.000 people
2// There is nothing we can do.....

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 16:02

Count Cash 21.10.2013 15:27

”cannot be safely approached” This one makes me laugh!

Count Cash, Google search this RT News Video:

Fuku shima...radiation so high - even robots not safe

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:42

There is an RT video that helps to explain how bad Fukushima situation is.

It was posted in 2012.

If you want to view it, Google search:

&qu ot; Fukushima...radiatio n so high - even robots not safe"

Count Cash 21.10.2013 15:27

”cannot be safely approached” This one makes me laugh! It’s the health and safety argument; sorry the world has to go, because it’s unsafe for people to tackle it. Just for information, when we had our problem, people were working under the reactors to sort it out. I have relatives now who manage to be old enough and drink enough to keep going – their friends died meeting the challenge and their younger ones went afterwards. Sometimes sacrifice is necessary, not accountancy not health and safety, but just raw courage and sacrifice to get the job done! Do you get that in the west!

Frank 21.10.2013 15:14

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:07

Ro n, the world experts have already stated that there is no solution. The area around and under the reactors is contaminated. The source of the contamination are the 3 melted cores, which cannot be safely approached, secured, relocated or weakened.

T he situation is dire.

Unfortunately Mark is right, no viable solution. Long term consequences may be catastrophic.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:12

Steven Duplisea 21.10.2013 13:41

The Japanese government continues to defer to the private TEPCO, the owner & operator of the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant. The Japanese government, along with international assistance, MUST step in & takeover the clean-up efforts before it's too late

No other country has the ability or technology to help.

If they did, they would have offered.

It is already "too late".

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:07

Ron Miller 21.10.2013 15:01

This is a World Disaster and must be treated as so. The United Nations must gather experts from around the World and get very serious.

Ro n, the world experts have already stated that there is no solution. The area around and under the reactors is contaminated. The source of the contamination are the 3 melted cores, which cannot be safely approached, secured, relocated or weakened.

T he situation is dire.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 15:03

What is the IMO doing? Hope your tea is to your liking and the wives are gtting in some nice shopping?

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 15:02

Marilyn Gjerdrum 21.10.2013 14:43

Dirty secret is the fact they have no technology to fix it.

The secret is no longer secret.

Ron Miller 21.10.2013 15:01

This is a World Disaster and must be treated as so. The United Nations must gather experts from around the World and get very serious.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 14:53

Dave Krueger, I absolutely think this would be a great area for the US to show leadership in. They have the Japanese relationship. If they worked to pull in ourselves, China, France, UK…. Anyone who can bring nuclear expertise and cash, then it could be a further world binding event, moving to collaboration! Syria 2. This is not an MP3 palyer with codec issues!

Marilyn Gjerdrum 21.10.2013 14:43

Dirty secret is the fact they have no technology to fix it. 31 months ago, they told the world it was fine.........and there are scientists who now say the Pacific Ocean will be 100% toxic by 2016......thanks to their immense ego.

Don Foster 21.10.2013 14:34

Why do these photos look as though their staged events - similar to portraits -planned?
Its not just these photos but almost all photos but especially the Syria events and politicians photoed for specific image of the observers.

groingo 21.10.2013 14:19

The world needs to take over this mess as it has spread far beyond Japans borders and threaten everyone, then the world needs to recognize that Nuclear Power is at best UNSAFE and UNMANAGEABLE and should be halted world wide!

Dave Krueger 21.10.2013 14:13

The U.S., instead of spending billions of dollars to conduct special operations in bunches of countries we're not even at war with, should consider helping Japan with the cleanup at Fukushima. You know, do something to actually improve the world instead of fueling an ever expanding cycle of violence begetting more violence.

Ward Damon Hubbard 21.10.2013 14:02 the rising sun slowly, painfully grinds life to a halt in the Pacific Ocean we watch as great minds argue numbers and accountable it all reminds me of the last thing my father said to me "DON'T SON! THAT GUN IS LOADED"

Count Cash 21.10.2013 13:57

The issue is that the problem has just got worse and worse, if actions had been taken earlier, instead of worrying about the spend curve. Then we wouldn’t be where we are now. However, now we are there, we need a massive effort, a total international effort to get the best shot we can at it. Japan has lost all credibility and legitimacy in being left to sort it out, even with advice. The whole command and control needs changing! You can say what you like about the Gulf of Mexico, but for me there was significant purposeful management and commensurate effort to deal with it. I don’t see that here!

Steven Duplisea 21.10.2013 13:41

The Japanese government continues to defer to the private TEPCO, the owner & operator of the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant. The Japanese government, along with international assistance, MUST step in & takeover the clean-up efforts before it's too late & the mismangement of the crisis & the subsequent clean-up, lead to lasting, widespread environmental devastation & dire health consequences for generations of Japanese & others in the region. The world's people own the oceans not Japan & certainly not TEPCO. They have no grounds to refuse international assistance. The UNSC must act. Time is of the essence.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 13:37

Priyesh Gupta 21.10.2013 04:41

I think the Japanese are gonna contaminate the pacific and get their revenge on uncle Sam

Th is is going to affect more than just the U.S.

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 13:25

Count Cash 21.10.2013 13:22

This is not an accountancy exercise in Greenpeace competence area, but a real environmental problem, needing the world to help and pressurize Japan to solve it!

Japan has asked the world for help several times. The rest of the world has no solution to offer.

Count Cash 21.10.2013 13:22

This is a disaster; the Japanese have continually, lied, covered up and applied insufficient resources to tackle the problem. In the big picture that’s why we see a big Greenpeace pre-ordered fuss in the Arctic, to act as distraction. But luckily the world is not being distracted from the scent by the Greenpeace PR. The Japanese problem needs dealing with and in a way that is proportional not to budget allowances, but the risks and damage being done! This is not an accountancy exercise in Greenpeace competence area, but a real environmental problem, needing the world to help and pressurize Japan to solve it!

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 13:14

[quote name='Ingvar Persson' time='21.10.2013 12:50']
Eating fish with radioactivity leads to cancer.

[/q uote]

Radio active fish don't live very long and are not being caught and served.

If you are interested in what is happening to the fish, Google search "Oarfish". 


Mark Roman 21.10.2013 13:10

Ingvar Persson 21.10.2013 12:50

Why is U.N. so silent about this?

Because the U.N. knows that nothing can be done. So, instead of saying it publicly and causing a world wide panic, they say nothing.

siouxie twig 21.10.2013 12:59

does japan think the pacific is their own nuclear dump?

siouxie twig 21.10.2013 12:57

i wonder what was happening when the camera went off? also, youtubbbb have stopped the account of fuku1long, censorship.

Ingvar Persson 21.10.2013 12:50

An INTERNATIONAL effort is needed !

The whole world will suffer if the oceans will be contaminated with STRONG poisons that needs 100 000 years to decay.

Eati ng fish with radioactivity leads to cancer.

Why is U.N. so silent about this?

Mark Roman 21.10.2013 12:09

Agnes Temesvari 21.10.2013 02:53

I agree that Fukushima is a world disaster and all scientists and there monetary or state sponsors should work as hard as possible to provide a solution,

Agnes, there is no solution. No other states/countries have the ability to solve this. 

Fukushima is going to alter the planet in such ways making life, ALL life very different.

Brian Wills 21.10.2013 12:05

Hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive materials have been dumped throughout the Atlantic, especially off the coast of France and of course in the north, those barrells should now be rotting through and the entire radioactive contents exposed. We are already dead!

RadiationJoe 21.10.2013 11:54

[quote name='john' time='21.10.2013 07:43']
Man this is all so scary. I live so far from this disaster but I wont even go into the atlantic ocean again after this. The thought of unit 4 concern's me most because I believe that is the unit that has compromised structural integrity. If that is true and that is what is going on we are gonna have a rough ride in the northern hemisphere. People don't understand that there are tons of used fuel rods on top of that building. If they become uncovered with water to cool them they will most definitely catch fire and then our atmosphere will be polluted as well. Russia China USA

Count Cash 21.10.2013 10:10

Is there a Crack team going in from Greenpeace, or have they run out of tin foil for both their drug use and their helmets!

Jack Davidson 21.10.2013 09:07

we all thought godzilla was coming next year, but really fukushima is creating him this year.

john 21.10.2013 07:43

I was watching tepco's live cam this morning and around 08:15 they started moving a rather large structure into unit 4 building through the northern side... although i can only guess, it looked more like a renforcing construction part than equipment of any kind.. Strangely tepco's official youtube archive channel (fuku1live) is "missing" all footage between last night 20:00 to 10:00 this morning.. for all we know unit 4 maybe sinking under that cover.. after all by the end of fransisco's passing (wed-thu) fukushima will have received no less than 250mm of rain in under 20 days.. on top of what tepco is pumping in ..

Priyesh Gupta 21.10.2013 04:41

I think the Japanese are gonna contaminate the pacific and get their revenge on uncle Sam

Birchwood 21.10.2013 03:47

Seems to be a real "Dog and Pony show" (smoking mirrors), look around at all the equipment, it has to be hot, for the workers are clothed for high radiation levels. Can this be a literal pot boiling & one day____?

A thought: Perhaps Japan should give up being a Country and be absorbed by another Country who/able to repair the carnage at Fukushima, & the next Fukushima for aren't there 50 more Nuclear Reactors in Japan.

Russ ia has several systems, even refining crude oil with advanced electronics...An adaptation of this can take care of the "hot" water & there is a procedure for the Hot material processing, BUT!

Kermit Frazier 21.10.2013 03:02

@Ellis Jones - Agree

Anyon e who has seen Documentaries of Love Canal or Three Mile Island can understand that these Sites are still Tainted Ground and will Continue so

World Politics aside - the UN Atomic Energy Commission would do well to Organize a Mission to Advise and Materially Assist Japan to Prevent any Possible Disaster

Th e Last Resort of the Incompetent should not be the Preferred Option - You simply cannot Bomb a Leaking Nuke Plant into Remission

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