Thursday 24 July 2014


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“You must unlearn what you have been ‘programmed’ to believe from birth. That software no longer serves you if you want to live in a universe where all things are possible.” -Jacqueline E. Purcell

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” - William Paley

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." - Native American proverb

Israel, Not Hamas, Orchestrated The Latest Conflict In Gaza

By Musa al-Gharbi 

Washington's ironclad support for Israel provides effective shield for war crimes.
Israel: International Anger Mounts
By Felicity Arbuthnot

“Mr Obama, do you have a heart? I invite you, spend one night – just one night – with us in Al Shifa’a Hospital. 
HRW Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas

By Norman Finkelstein

Some Reflections on Israel’s Latest Massacre.
AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy

By Stephen M. Walt

"The explanation for America's impotent and morally bankrupt policy is the political clout of the Israel lobby." 
US Aid to Israel - The Real Deal

3 Minute Video

With over 650 people killed in Gaza just this July and the Israeli military's long list human rights abuses, is this special relationship worth the price? 
Gaza’s Resistance Will Not be Crushed

By Ramzy Baroud

One can say with a great degree of conviction that Israel cannot possibly subdue Gaza.
5 Broken Cameras 

Palestinian Documentary 

An extraordinary work of both cinematic and political activism, 5 Broken Cameras is a deeply personal, first-hand account of non-violent resistance in Bil'in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements.
The Mystery of a Ukrainian Army ‘Defector’

By Robert Parry

U.S. intelligence officials suggest that the person who fired the missile that downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 may have been “a defector” from the Ukrainian army, an apparent attempt to explain why some CIA analysts thought satellite images revealed men in Ukrainian army uniforms manning the missile battery. 
The Tragedy of MH17
A Chessboard Drenched in Blood

By Pepe Escobar 

The MH17 tragedy may have been a horrendous mistake. But it may also have been a desperate gambit by the Kiev minions of the Empire of Chaos. 
Ukraine: Anvil of the New Cold War

By Tom Hayden 

To understand the present crisis over downed Malaysian flight MH17, we need to look at the roots of the new Cold War. 
Obama's Hot War

By Glen Ford

Washington appears to have crossed some kind of Rubicon, to embark “on a mad, scorched earth policy to terrorize the planet into submission through relentless escalation into a global state of war.” 
The Path to a New 1914?
How America Chose War After 9/11 

By Jonathan Schell

As shocking as September 11th was, it was not a decisive catastrophe, but rather a warning.
The United States Wants the World to Forget These Prisoners

By Molly Crabapple

Civil liberties defenders must remember that Muslims are not a separate class of people. Attacks on Muslims’ rights are attacks on human rights. 
Postcard from the End of America: Wolf Point

By Linh Dinh
An indication of the poverty in Wolf Point is that 98% of the public school children qualify for free or reduced priced breakfast and lunch.
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - Iraqi forces kill 117 insurgents in single day: In Salahudin province, the army forces seized four villages after clashes with Sunni militants, including those who are linked to Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL), just north of the provincial capital city of Tikrit, a provincial police source told Xinhua.
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - Baghdad Suicide Car Bomb Kills 23: Police: At least five of the those killed were policemen, as were eight of those wounded, said police and medical sources, who both gave figures higher than 40 for the number of wounded.
Bush- Blair Legacy Continues As - Iraqi air strikes kill 19 around militant-held Falluja - medical official: Iraqi government air strikes killed 19 people, including children, in Falluja on Monday and Tuesday, a health official in the militant-held city said.
Recent Iraqi Air-strikes Killed 75 Civilians: Human Rights Watch: The New York-based human rights watchdog says it documented 17 airstrikes, the majority in the first half of July, in which barrel bombs were used.
Iraq Christians flee with little more than clothes: Iraqi Christians who fled the northern city of Mosul rather than convert to Islam by a deadline imposed by extremist militants said they had to leave most of their belongings behind and gunmen stole much of what they did manage to take along.
‘We’re coming for you, Barack Obama’: Top U.S. official discloses threat from ISIL: High-ranking U.S. officials said Wednesday that not only are Sunni radicals with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant “worse than al Qaeda,” but that the group has a message for the president: “We’re coming for you, Barack Obama.”
24 Palestinians killed in Israeli assault on Gaza Wednesday morning: More than 650 Palestinians -- the vast majority of whom have been civilians, including more than 160 children -- have been killed in the assault so far, while Israel has suffered 29 deaths, 27 of whom have been soldiers.
Quds Brigades say fighters killed 3 Israeli soldiers in southern Gaza: The al-Quds Brigades said in a statement that its militants had set up an ambush al-Khuzaa near Khan Younis, killing three soldiers. An Israeli army spokeswoman did not immediately comment on the claim.
The moment 'unarmed civilian was shot dead by an Israeli sniper' : Video : Abdellah explained that he and the other ISM volunteers were unable to approach the young man, amid fears they would be targeted too.
Palestinians plead for UN action to stop Gaza violence: "On behalf of the Palestinian people, we ask: What is the international community doing to stop this bloodletting, to stop Israel's atrocities?" Riyad Mansour said during a debate on the Gaza crisis.
Israel 'Could Be Guilty Of Gaza War Crimes': UN: There is a "strong possibility" Israel is violating international law in Gaza, the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights has said.
57% of Americans back Israeli attack on Gaza: The CNN poll conducted from Friday to Sunday – just as Israel was launching its ground operation in the conflict, which started July 8 – found that 57 percent of Americans see Israel’s actions as justified, with 12 percent among those respondents saying Israel is not using enough force.
An open letter for the people in Gaza: The Lancet: "We are doctors and scientists, who spend our lives developing means to care and protect health and lives. On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel.
Al-Jazeera Gaza offices evacuated after direct hit by Israeli fire: . "Two very precise shots were fired straight into our building," said Stefanie Dekker. "We are high up in the building so we had a very strong vantage point over the area. But we have evacuated."
Israeli professor's 'rape as terror deterrent' statement draws ire: 'The only thing that deters a suicide bomber is the knowledge that if he pulls the trigger or blows himself up, his sister will be raped,' says Bar-Ilan University professor.
The deafening silence around the Hamas proposal for a 10-year truce: Op-Ed: One could imagine that an agreement on the basis of the Hamas proposal could not only stop the current round of hostilities but also pave the way towards a lasting solution of the conflict. However Israel has shown no interest in considering this proposal
The most vile op-ed you will read about Gaza: Op-Ed: I’d like to propose a new rule of thumb for writers: When your op-ed’s first sentence reads “Let’s state the obvious: No one likes to see dead children,” you should step away from the keyboard, take a look in the closest mirror and think long and hard about exactly the argument you’re about to make.
Human Rights Group: Over 700 Killed in Deadliest 48-Hour Span of Syrian Civil War: Syria has reportedly seen the deadliest 48-hour period of its three-year civil war. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says more than 700 people were killed on Thursday and Friday, more than those killed in the chemical attack on Ghouta nearly one year ago.
Two Turkish soldiers, 6 Kurdish rebels killed in Syria border clash: Two Turkish soldiers and at least six Kurdish rebels were killed in clashes in southeastern Turkey near the Syrian border, the Turkish military said Tuesday.
Syrian insurgents seize 3 towns: Fighters from the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s official affiliate in Syria, have seized three strategic towns on the border with Turkey in a major blow to US-backed moderate rebels.
Syrian government forces launch offensive in key Damascus suburb: Syrian government forces launched an offensive to recapture the opposition-held district of Jobar, in eastern Damascus, on Tuesday, in an attempt to halt rebel mortar strikes on the capital.
75 ISIL militants 'defect' to Syrian rebel group: At least 75 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants in Syria have laid down their weapons and defected to an umbrella rebel group called ‘Islamic Front’, according to an opposition leader.
Yemeni Al-Qaeda Establishing 'Islamic Emirate' "We warn all women that they have to adhere to the Sharia-enforced hijab and [wear gloves] ... men must not enter women's souks unless strictly necessary ... Whoever violates this, will have to bear punishment," according to a statement in the leaflet distributed in the region, reports local daily al-Ayyam.
Second bomb in Nigeria's Kaduna kills 50 - Red Cross worker; A second bomb blast in Kaduna killed 50 in the north Nigerian city's crowded Kawo market on Wednesday, a local Red Cross worker on the scene told Reuters by telephone.
Somalia MP killed in drive-by shooting: Politician and folk singer Saado Ali Warsame is fourth MP killed in 2014 in attacks pinned on the armed group al-Shabab.
Egyptian judge accuses al-Jazeera journalists of being in league with devil: In explanation for jailing of three men, Mohamed Nagy Shehata says devil encouraged them to use journalism against Egypt
Kerry, Aides Undergo Metal Detector Screening Before Meeting With Egyptian President: Kerry and his aides were checked with a metal detector. Security personnel reportedly raised a handheld metal-detector wand to Kerry’s suit jacket before waving him through. Kerry’s aides were also subjected to the handheld wand and were told to walk through a metal detector.
Rebels 'shoot down two Ukrainian attack jets': "Two Sukhoi Ukrainian fighter jets have been shot down. The fate of the pilots is not known," spokesman Oleksiy Dmytrashkivsky said on Wednesday, adding that the planes were brought down about 25km from the crash site of MH17.
Ukraine to Conscript Military Reserves to Fight Separatists in Country's East: Ukraine's parliament approved a presidential decree on Tuesday to call up more military reserves and men under 50 to fight rebels in eastern Ukraine
All-out brawl breaks out in Ukrainian parliament over flight MH17 vote : Video - A brawl broke out in Ukraine's parliament as ministers voted to approve a presidential decree to call up more military reserves. Report by Laurie Blake.
US says rebels downed MH17 plane 'by mistake': US intelligence officials have said they believe pro-Russian separatists most probably shot down the Malaysia Airlines plane MH17 "by mistake" last week, not realising it was a civilian passenger flight.
US: No link to Russian gov't in plane downing: The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment, noting that while the Russians have been arming separatists in eastern Ukraine, the U.S. had no direct evidence that the missile used to shoot down the passenger jet came from Russia.
Sanctions on Russia Hit German Economy Hard: Last Thursday, just a day after the US sanctions were announced, the German-Russian Foreign Trade Office in Moscow was besieged by phone calls from concerned German companies who do business with both the US and Russia. The risks are significant, with large fines threatening those who violate the American sanctions
MH17 victims arrive in Netherlands: The first two planes carrying victims of crashed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 arrive in the Netherlands where a day of mourning has been declared.
19 alledged Taliban insurgents killed in separate NATO airstrikes: At least 19 peoples were killed in separate airstrikes carried out by NATO-led coalition forces in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan.
Five foreign guards killed in Kabul attack: A Taliban suicide attacker riding a motorbike killed five foreign guards in Kabul yesterday, the latest blast to rock the Afghan capital during an impasse over presidential election results.
13 Alledged Militants Killed in Airstrikes in Pakistan's North Waziristan: At least 13 people were killed Wednesday during air strikes carried out in Pakistan's North Waziristan region.
A global guide to the first world war - interactive documentary: Ten historians from 10 countries give a brief history of the first world war through a global lens. Using original news reports, interactive maps and rarely-seen footage.
Thom Hartmann: Rich rats hijacked our democracy: Op-Ed: Make no mistake about it; when rich people or corporations put money into politics or politicians, it's an investment, and they're expecting a financial return, whether it be in lower taxes or fewer regulations.
Texas governor Rick Perry to deploy 1,000 troops to Mexican border: Perry, who is mulling a second presidential run after his 2012 bid flamed out in a series of public gaffes, spent part of the weekend in Iowa, where he questioned President Barack Obama's commitment to securing the border and said Texas would do so if the federal government did not.
Nearly one quarter of US children in poverty: A total of 16.3 million children live in poverty, and 45 percent of children in the US live in households whose incomes fall below 200 percent of the federal poverty line.
U.S. Consumer Sentiment Shows Unexpected Deterioration In July: The unexpected decrease by the headline index reflected a deterioration in consumer expectations, as the gauge of consumer expectations fell to 71.1 in July from 73.5 in June.
Top judge attacks lethal injection as Arizona fails in death penalty appeal: One of America’s top judges has launched a dramatic attack on the use of medical drugs in executions, stating that the attempt to disguise the brutality of the death penalty by giving condemned prisoners the appearance of serenity in their final moments is “doomed to failure” and that the country should return to the firing squad.

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