Tuesday 29 July 2014


The drowning of "Orange" Ossie Bradley in a lake in British Occupied Ireland, highlights the need to deal with the issue at Stormont, a highly paid British politician said yesterday, after Oswald Bradley died when he drowned, while swimming in Bessbrook Pond in Co Armagh the previous evening. It is understood he was trying to swim out to a small island to remove two Irish tricolours, the flag of Ireland that had been hanging on trees.The erection of the flags in the village earlier this month, caused tension in the Orange Order and upset Provisional Sinn Féin, who called for people like Orange Ossie to remove them.

"I think the action that he undertook yesterday was probably uncharacteristic of him, from what I hear from friends and he was provoked by the Provos. said a friend. "Bessbrook is a mixed community, Catholics and Protestants live side-by-side and generally speaking down through the years, community relations have been very good. Mr Bradley was a member of Orange Willie Frazier's FAIR. FAIR's chaplain Barrie Halliday said he "loved" the union flag and displayed it at his house.

Some people say, it was totally out of character but maybe Flegger issues had been playing on his mind and it was just something he couldn't stand any longer - a tricolour being up over the village. Last week, Mickey Brady of Provisional Sinn Féin said tht the Irish tricolour could be seen as intimidating Protestant residents in the village. He said the Irish flag could be considered by some as "overtly sectarian, intimidating and threatening.The issue is one that is causing contention because obviously, in Bessbrook particularly, there is a mixed community," he said. Brady now says that the "community is in shock".

The drowning of "Orange" Ossie Bradley in a lake in British occupied Ireland highlights to deal with the issue at Stormont, a highly paid politician said yesterday after Oswald Bradley (68) died when he drowned while swimming in Bessbrook Pond in Co Armagh the previous evening. It is understood he was trying to swim out to a small island to remove two Irish tricolours, the flags of Ireland that had been hanging.The erection of the flags in the village earlier this month caused tension in the Orange Order and upset Provisional Sinn Féin who called for people like Orange Ossie to remove them.

Orange Willie Frazer wrote on his Facebook page, that Orange Ossie was a member of his group and said, he drowned “whilst performing a selfless act of citizenship in Bessbrook,” Mr Frazer said. Mr Bradley had been attempting to remove to tricolours and replace them with union jacks. Ulster Unionist MLA for the area Danny Kennedy said Orange Ossie’s death was a “real tragedy. This is a very tragic outcome to controversies surrounding flags in this village. This is too high a price for any family and community to pay.”

The Matter is the subject of a rather heated debate on Facebook on
Cait Trainor's Page.
Very sad that this happened
A pensioner has drowned while swimming across a pond in order to remove two Irish tricolour flags...
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You, Sophi Leon, StevieBhoy Billings and 12 others like this.

Geraldine Mcnamara Didn't he ever hear of the new swimming aids, there called boats
18 hrs · Like · 2

Geraldine Mcnamara That is racist Matthew
18 hrs · Like · 2

Cait Trainor I don't think he means his colour, regardless someone has died and no matter who he was its sad.
18 hrs · Like · 5

Anita Cavlan If the sinn fein councillor hadn't asked for their removal the pensioner likely wouldn't have gone near them to replace with union flags
18 hrs · Unlike · 8

Brian Clarkefamily Tis very sad altogether, The por bastard !
17 hrs · Like · 1

Cait Trainor Absolutely Anita, no one would have even really knew about it. PSF sensationalised it and created a hype.
17 hrs · Unlike · 3

Brian Clarkefamily Yeah they are responsible ! Not in my name !
17 hrs · Like · 1

Albert McKeown maybe i am getting old, but to hear someone losing their life so needlessly sadden me, if he waited for awhile, sinn fein would have remove the flags and don't be surprised if they take them down as a mark of respect for the man who lost his life.
17 hrs · Like · 1

Cait Trainor Aye PSF take them down as a mark of respect lol
17 hrs · Unlike · 1

Brian Clarkefamily Let McGuinness swim over and take it down himself !
17 hrs · Like

Adele Cain It is not our job to sympathise with colonial agents.
17 hrs · Unlike · 2

Brian Clarkefamily Can Adams swim ?
17 hrs · Like

Paddy Hughes RIP
17 hrs · Like

Brian Clarkefamily Not in my name !
17 hrs · Like

Cait Trainor No Adele and its sure as hell not our job or becoming of a republican to be mocking the death of anyone which I am ashamed to say I've seen a fair bit of this evening
16 hrs · Like · 7

Brian Clarkefamily He deserve it for trying to pull down the tricolour in Ireland !
16 hrs · Like · 2

Adele Cain I don't think we should be mocking, I just think it is important to not advocate for or empathise with colonial agents, however hard that is for us as obviously caring people driven by empathy. I mean we know we care for all people and every tragedy h...See More

Brian Clarkefamily The tricolour should fly over City Hall in line with the wishes of the majority !

Martin O Flaherty Fuck him, the bastard, we just lost a moron celebrate, sad my bollocks

Stephen Byrne We'll I say fuck him silly bastard he should've asked his local uda for a rowing boat lol. TAL32

Stephen Byrne Put it this way a republican would have done it the CORRECT WAY!!!!!!

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