Wednesday 23 July 2014



Reaping What We Have Sown In Gaza

By Amira Hass

Those who turned Gaza into an internment camp for 1.8 million people should not be surprised when they tunnel underneath the earth.
Why Do Television Producers Think a Grey Blob Over a Dead Person’s Face Shows Respect?

By Robert Fisk

Cruelly obliterating their image kills the child a second time. 
Bombing the Paralyzed
Stars of David on Rockets Bound for the Comatose

By Paul Haeder

What a sick-sick little world the white Jewish-Christian species have become. 
The Myth of Hamas’s Human Shields

By Kim Sengupta

Benjamin Netanyahu says Hamas using “human shields” to gather “telegenically dead Palestinians for their cause”. 
Netanyahu’s ‘Telegenically Dead’ Comment Is Grotesque but Not Original

By Glenn Greenwald

One can say many things about a military operation that results in more than 75 percent of the dead being civilians, many of them children, aimed at a population trapped in a tiny area with no escape. 
Israel Has Discovered That It's No Longer So Easy To Get Away With Murder
By Mira Bar Hillel

All you now need is a mobile phone and a Twitter account to hold power to account, and help change history
The End of Israel
By Gilad Atzmon

Netanyahu acknowledged yesterday that the war on Gaza is a battle for the existence of the Jewish State. Netanyahu is correct. And Israel cannot win this battle. 
You're Paying for That War in Gaza

By Jesse Walker

The U.S. has been deeply involved with this war from the beginning, because the U.S. is underwriting it. 
How American Propaganda Works
By Paul Craig Roberts

Would the world be a safer place with less death, destruction and displaced peoples and more truth and justice if the United States and Israel did not exist? 
Foundation of the US Empire: Axes of Evil

By James Petras

It is not only the empire’s alliance with Israel which is driving the empire to crisis. 
Tony Blair Sees His Millions As Modest

By Simon Jenkins 

“I spend two-thirds of my time on unpaid work,” such as bringing peace to the Middle East. How dare anyone suggest he was motivated by money? 
What Putin Knows

By Mike Whitney

Putin Knows What Happened to MH17, But He's Not Saying-- Yet .... 
What Are You Trying To Hide, Mr Obama?

By Finian Cunningham

Western leaders and their media would have us believe that Russian-backed terrorists and bandits are defiling the dead, kicking around body parts and robbing corpses. 
Obama Leads Republicans’ War Against Russia

By Eric Zuesse

In politics, like in religion, there’s not much of a market for truth. 
The Russian Military Finally Speaks! 

By The Saker

The Russians are challenging their American colleagues to show the images they claim show the launch of the BukM1 rocket.
Government Agents 'Directly Involved' in Most High-profile US Terror Plots

By Spencer Ackerman in New York

The lengthy report, released on Monday by Human Rights Watch, raises questions about the US criminal justice system's ability to respect civil rights and due process in post-9/11 terrorism cases. 
The Stealing of America by the Cops, the Courts, the Corporations and Congress

By John W. Whitehead 

The American police state is a multi-billion dollar boondoggle, meant to keep the property and the resources of the American people flowing into corrupt government agencies and their corporate partners. 
The Actor and the Minister

By Chris Hedges

What does not feed the mania for profit and the cult of the self is superfluous and often ridiculed.
Gaza death toll 'rises above 600': The death toll in Gaza rose above 600 on Tuesday as emergency teams pulled dead bodies from the rubble of homes destroyed by Israeli strikes on the 15th day of the assault. The deaths brought the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire on Tuesday to 31.
Palestinian boy clings to paramedic - story behind the viral photo: What the haunting photograph does not capture are the Palestinian boy’s screams at the paramedic: “I want my father, bring me my father!”
Another Gaza Hospital Hit by Israeli Strike; Four Dead, 40 Hurt: Israeli forces fired a tank shell at a hospital in Gaza on Monday, killing at least four people and injuring 40 others, health officials said. The facility in Al-Aqsa was the third hospital the Israeli Defense Forces has struck in Gaza
UN school sheltering Gaza displaced hit by Israel shells: UNRWA: - A United Nations school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza came under Israeli fire on Tuesday as a team was inspecting damage from a day earlier, a UN official said.
Greek Orthodox church in Gaza shelters Muslims fleeing war: Despite its thick walls dating back to the Crusades, the Church of Saint Porphyrius was still not a very safe haven. Shortly after they arrived, Israeli aircraft bombed a nearby field, spraying shrapnel on the church and damaging graves.
"We Are Going through Hell" - Report from Gaza: Video and transcript: On the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge, Gazan blogger Nalan al-Sarraj and TRNN Correspondent Yousef al-Helou discuss how Palestinians are responding to the massacre in Shujaiyeh, as well as the widespread support for the resistance against the siege
Rights groups accuse Israel of war crimes: Every single satellite orbiting Earth, in a single image: The image shows every single satellite in space that is currently orbiting Earth, in one graphic.
Hamas confirms 10 fighters killed in operation: It said that early Monday 12 al-Qassam fighters infiltrated an Israeli military site in eastern Beit Hanoun. The 12 split into two groups; the first fired an RPG shell at an Israeli military jeep completely burning it, while the other clashed with soldiers in another jeep.
Nine IDF soldiers killed, death toll rises to 27: The four IDF soldiers killed near Nir-Am were: Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar, 38, of Modi’in; Sgt. Nadav Goldmacher, 23, of Be’er Sheva; Warrant Officer Baynesain Kasahun, 39, of Netivot; and 1st Lt. Yuval Heiman, 21, of Efrat.
Israeli soldier 'kidnapped' by Hamas is dead, says army: Israeli army confirms soldier who Hamas militants claimed they had kidnapped is dead but body missing
Israeli Mood Turns Dark With Mounting Casualties: In a country where military service is mandatory for most citizens, and military losses are considered every bit as tragic as civilian ones, the reaction to the setbacks was electric. Newspapers and broadcasts have been dominated by images and tales of the fallen — mostly young faces barely out of high school
How Do Ceasefires End?: How did the recent ceasefire unravel? The mainstream media in the US and Israel places the blame squarely on Hamas. However, this account leaves out crucial facts.
Palestinians in Israel clash with police over Gaza assault: The clashes came as Nazareth and cities in the West Bank observed a general strike to mourn the victims of the Gaza conflict between Israel and Hamas -- the bloodiest since 2009 -- that has cost more than 500 Palestinian lives in two weeks.
Gunshots fired at Al Jazeera bureau in Gaza: Shots fired into Al Jazeera's office in Gaza, a day after Israeli FM said Israel will work to close down the network.
UAE ‘offered to fund Israel’s Gaza offensive’: The UAE knew in advance of Israel’s plans for an offensive in Gaza and even offered to fund the operation provided the militant Palestinian outfit Hamas was eliminated in the process, Israel’s Channel 2 claimed in a recent report, according to local Arabic daily Al Sharq.

Demonstration called by: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of Al Aqsa, British Muslim Initiative, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain

Last Saturday, cities and towns across the world demonstrated against Israel's barbaric attack on Gaza. The biggest was in London, where up to 100,000 marched. 


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