Monday 4 August 2014


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“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” - David Ben-Gurion, a.k.a. David GrĂ¼n (1886-1973), Israeli Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63) revered by Israelis as "Father of the Nation"
The Final Phase
It's Not A War. It's Murder!

By Chris Hedges

“The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is the final phase in the decades long campaign to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.” 

By Noam Chomsky

Israel is pursuing with blind determination, its resolute march towards moral deterioration and possible ultimate destruction. 
Apocalypse Blair

By Craig Murray

While Gaza writhes in agony, Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair’s private jet last week was in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. 
“Intelligent American” Is An Oxymoron.
Do you want to die for a lie? Another Washington lie?

By Paul Craig Roberts
I am convinced that Washington is behind the destruction of MH-17, because Washington’s propaganda show was already ready and was instantly in performance. 
The American Gulag Of Thought-control

By Finian Cunningham 

Look at the way American mass media is covering the conflict in Ukraine and the recent downing of the Malaysia civilian airliner
Something Sinister Going On?
The Unanswered Questions of MH17

By Mike Whitney 

Why hasn’t Washington been more forthcoming with the information they have? 
When Presidents Lie to Make a War

By DD Guttenplan 

Fifty years on we know the trigger for war with Vietnam was a fiction. Will it be another 50 before we know the truth about Iraq? 
The World Is A Prison Of Words


Escape to the reality of reason and truth. 
Interview With
Richard Gage, Architects & Eng. for 9/11 Truth

C-Span Video

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, claimed the World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001. 
You Raise Me Up

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. 
Fresh Israeli attack kills 10 refuges in UN shelter for displaced in Rafah: UNRWA school struck for the 7th time The strikes brought Sunday morning's death toll in Gaza to 47. More than 1,749 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 10,000 injured since Israel launched its attack on Gaza.
Palestinians struggle to 'dig out bodies': Dozens of dead bodies remain under the rubble in Rafah, as Israel's assault on southern Gaza kills scores of civilians.
Israel says missing soldier killed in battle, body still missing: Israel had previously said the soldier had been captured in battle, and in the wake of the announcement launched the deadliest 24-hour assault on Gaza since the beginning of the 27-day attack
Netanyahu to US: Don't Second Guess Me on Hamas: Obama called the situation in Gaza "heartbreaking" and repeated calls for Israel to do more to prevent Palestinian civilian casualties.
Why Does Israel Keep Changing Its Story On Gaza? : Video: Israel has put forth different reasons over time, but the question remains: what is its endgame in Gaza?

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