Saturday 9 August 2014


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“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” - David Ben-Gurion, a.k.a. David GrĂ¼n (1886-1973), Israeli Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63) revered by Israelis as "Father of the Nation"

Two-state Solution My Arse
The Occupation is Forever

By Evan Jones

The script is laughable, raw material for Opera buffa. But it has been written by sadists and unrepentant racists. 
"A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Video Interview and Transcripts

It’s a hideous atrocity, sadistic, vicious, murderous, totally without any credible pretext. 
Deputy Speaker of Israeli Knesset Calls for Expulsion and Jewish Reoccupation of Gaza


Max Blumenthal tells Paul Jay that Moshe Feiglin's program is part of a growing incitement to genocide against Palestinians.
It is not Anti-semitic to Criticise Israel for its Gaza Crimes

By Barnaby Raine 

If Israel is singled out, it is usually because people hate occupation and discrimination, not because they hate Jews. 
The Root Cause of the Never-Ending Conflict in Palestine; and How to Fix It

By a Dutch Jewish WWII Survivor 

What I propose here is that the flow of millions of Zionists to Palestine be reversed. 
NATO is Desperate for War
By Pepe Escobar 

The Obama administration is giving a free pass to the butchers of Luhansk. 
You Wanna be Uncle Sam's Bitch? Pay the Price! 

By The Saker 

Putin has used the momentum of the the West's Russia-basing and Putin-bashing campaign to his advantage across the board. 
Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

Video By John Pilger

Two former Khmer Rouge leaders Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea have been finally convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity - the genocide that killed up to two million people. 
They Walk Among Us

By Paul Rosenberg

Predators walk among us, and they are indistinguishable from normal people. These differently wired humans have a predatory advantage, and they use it.
Congress on the Playground

By Christopher Brauchli 

Not all hearings are designed to attack the president. Some are designed to permit congressmen to demonstrate their wisdom and their grasp of important affairs of which their constituents may have been unaware. 
Climate Change – Point of No Return

By Margaret Kimberley
Time’s up, or so planet earth seems to be telling humanity. 
At least 31 killed as Islamic State surges in N Iraq: Over in Kirkuk, 11 people were killed by two car bombs that exploded near a Shia mosque holding displaced people, security and medical sources said.
Islamic State captures Iraqi home of Turkish Kurds: Islamic State fighters have taken control of a town in northern Iraq that is home to 12,000 Turkish Kurds, Iraqi security sources have said Anadolu Agency reported
Iraqi Militants Seize Country's Largest Dam: Sunni militants from the Islamic State group on Thursday seized Iraq's largest dam, placing them in control of enormous power and water resources and access to the river that runs through the heart of Baghdad.
Maliki breaks his promise with INA to give up 3rd term nomination for Prime Minister: al-Maliki had requested in return for the withdrawal of candidacy, the position of Vice President, a large personal security detail and authority over the Defense Ministry for at least two months
U.S. Aircraft Bomb Militants in Iraq After Obama Opens Door for Strikes: Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement Friday that “two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Erbil.”
US carries out air drops to help Iraqis trapped on mountain by Isis: US military aircraft have dropped food and water for thousands of besieged Iraqis trapped by the the Islamist militant group Isis
UK rules out Iraq military strikes: The UK will not be involved in the latest military action in northern Iraq, Downing Street has said. American troops have already made humanitarian air drops to Iraqis threatened by the IS, Mr Obama said.
Intelligence Source: Turks Launch Bombing Strikes on ISIS: A former high ranking CIA official in Baghdad tells Newsweek that Turkish jets carried out airstrikes on Islamic State (I.S.) militants threatening Kurdish refugees--an assertion that Ankara denies.
38 people killed in attack on Syria base — NGO: At least 27 Syrian gov forces have been killed in a jihadist assault on a military base in the northern province of Raqa. 11 jihadists from the Islamic State (IS) were also killed in the attack on Brigade 93
ISIL Beheads Soldiers in Syrian Army Base: WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Graphic photographs posted on internet showing decapitated bodies of Syrian Army soldiers in Raqqa have once again brought the gory side of the three-year-long conflict in Syria in the limelight.
A voice of horror from Lebanon's Arsal: Civilians caught up in fighting that left scores killed and thousands displaced in town bordering Syria.
Israel kills another Gaza child:An Israeli air strike killed a 10-year-old child in Gaza City on Friday, the first death reported since a 72-hour truce expired at 05h00 GMT, Palestinian medics said.
Israel resumes airstrikes on Gaza as ceasefire ends: Israel launched airstrikes in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood west of Gaza City at around 10:40 a.m., with another airstrike targeting northern Gaza.
Israel to declare Gaza 'enemy territory' to avoid payouts to inhabitants: Decision would mean Israel would not be liable for damage incurred to residents of the Strip as a result of Israeli actions during Operation Protective Edge.
Community leader, beloved grandfather shot dead by Israelis as he carried white flag: Muhammad Qdeih, 65, was shot dead while carrying a white flag to signal to Israeli soldiers that he was an unarmed civilian.
Case for war crimes against Israel more likely: The possibility of a war crimes investigation into the conduct of Israeli forces in Gaza, until recently unthinkable, has grown after the Palestinians said this week they wanted to become a party to the International Criminal Court.
Report: Netanyahu Asks US Lawmakers To ‘Help Israel Avoid War Crimes Charges’: “The prime minister asked us to work together to ensure that this strategy of going to the ICC does not succeed,” Israel told The Post by phone from Tel Aviv.
Gaza is a crime made in Washington as well as Jerusalem: Op-Ed: The carnage unleashed on the Palestinians is part of a decades-old routine that depends on western support
US senator filibusters live coverage of powerful Palestinian testimonies: CSPAN cut from Tariq Abukhdeir’s live, moving testimony of Israeli abuse in Jerusalem to cover Barbara Boxer’s incoherent pro-Israel rant to a mostly empty Senate chamber.
South Africa threatens to prosecute citizens serving in IDF: Activist group opens case against one soldier, threatens more; convicts could face jail time
George Galloway under investigation over Israel remarks: "We don't want any Israeli goods; we don't want any Israeli services; we don't want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college.
US: Aug. 9: March to the United Nations for Gaza: Rally begins at 1:00 p.m., march begins at 3:00 p.m. Columbus Circle (58th St & 8th Ave)
UK: National Demonstration for Gaza. Saturday 9 August. No excuses. Be there: London Saturday 9 August
Assemble 12 Noon BBC Portland Place W1A 1AA - March to Hyde Park via US Embassy
Attorney sues Kerry, Hagel over Israel aid: A Palestinian-American attorney sued US Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to halt military aid to Israel.
U.S. Suspected Israeli Involvement in 1960s Missing Uranium: Officials Believed Ally Used Materials Lifted From Pennsylvania Toward a Weapons Program
11 Militants Killed in Egypt Security Raids: Egyptian security forces have killed 11 militants and destroyed tunnels leading to the besieged Gaza Strip during raids in the volatile North Sinai region.
Intl health emergency: WHO issues Ebola warning: The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is an "extraordinary event", which poses a public health risk to other states, the World Health Organization said, urging global coordinated response to the disease.
Pakistani 9 killed in security operation: At least two security personnel and seven militants were killed in Turbat area of southwestern Balochistan province of Pakistan on Thursday.
Four Afghan policemen killed in Taliban attack in Helmand:Afghan Taliban fighters stormed a police checkpoint overnight in southern Afghan province of Helmand, killing four policemen, an official said.
Family of 5 killed in Ukraine army shelling in Lugansk: According to reports, the five were killed as a basement, where they had taken refuge, was shelled during military operations by government forces on Thursday.
2 Killed by Shelling in Rebel-Held Donetsk: Ukrainian troops routed the pro-Russian insurgents from smaller towns in the region earlier this month and have now encircled Donetsk, where fighting has crept closer to the city center.
Russia hits West with food import ban: Russia is imposing a "full embargo" on food imports from the EU, US and some other Western countries, in response to sanctions over Ukraine. Prime Minister said it would include fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, milk and dairy imports.
Russian nuclear-capable bombers 'tested' US air defenses 16 times in last 10 days: “These are not just training missions,” the official told Gertz, saying that Russian strategic nuclear forces appear to be “trying to test our air defense reactions, or our command and control systems.”
Snowden gets three-year Russian residence permit: Snowden could apply for citizenship in 2018 after living in Russia for five years, but that he had not decided whether he wanted to stay or leave.
NSA a grouse violation of rights' – Ex-CIA Officer : Video - The US has a new whistleblower, who's leaking secrets on its surveillance programs. CNN broke the news, citing American officials. RT spoke on the issue with former CIA officer Ray Mcgovern.
Campaign Mounts to Declassify 9/11 Report’s References to Alleged Saudi Involvement: According to members of Congress and the families of victims, information about this has been suppressed ever since the publication of a 2002 congressional investigation into the plot.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Is a Clever Politician and a Successful Hypocrite: Feinstein’s political success is rooted in defending some of the most contentious national security policies while calling for robust civil liberties.
New York Times to use the word 'torture' when describing torture: Under pressure from reporters and editors, the New York Times’ leadership has decided to use the word “torture” with regard to the CIA’s treatment of prisoners in the years following September 11.
Office Depot to close 165 stores this year;: Office Depot said Tuesday it would close 165 stores during 2014 — up from the 150 estimated earlier this year — but stuck with a total count of 400 store closures through 2016, the company said.
USDA signals approval of Dow's 2,4-D-resistant seeds: "We are outraged. Today USDA has turned its back on America’s farmers and rural communities. For over two years, farmers from Iowa to California have been urging USDA to reject Dow’s 2,4-D seeds.

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