Wednesday 6 August 2014



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“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” - David Ben-Gurion, a.k.a. David Grün (1886-1973), Israeli Prime Minister (1948-53, 1955-63) revered by Israelis as "Father of the Nation"

U.S. Condemns, Enables Israel's 'Appalling' Gaza Slaughter

By Brett Wilkins

Ultimately, the American people are complicit in Israel's crimes against humanity. America counts a racist, fortified, paranoid and aggressive state as one of its best friends in the world. 
"Nothing Short Of A Massacre":
NDTV Report From Rafah in South Gaza 


The targets are young children, women, entire families, even a UN shelter. 
Why Israel Lies

By Chris Hedges

The Big Lie feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit—racism among its supporters and terror among its victims.
Brian Eno's letter to America:I Saw a Weeping Palestinian Man Holding A Plastic Bag of Meat: It Was His Son

By Brian Eno

I suddenly found myself thinking that it could have been one of my kids in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anything has for a long time. 
' Mr.Obama, What Is Barbaric?'

Video - Rania Masri Speech: 

A very moving speech by Rania Masri, the keynote speaker, during the 'Texas For Gaza' protest. 
The War On Gaza Is A War On Truth

By Richard Sudan 

We have a responsibility at home to get rid of governments and so-called leaders who declare themselves as loyal Zionists. 
Judaism Being Murdered by Israel

By Rabbi Michael Lerner 

Let me explain why Israeli behavior toward Palestinians –and the cheerleading for such behavior by Jews around the world is destroying Judaism. 
Isis Brings Its War To Lebanon - And It Could Be Key To A Masterplan

By Robert Fisk

After all the warnings and all the clichés about a war that would “spill” over Syria’s border, the savage fighters of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Sunni Muslim “caliphate” have at last arrived in Lebanon. 
Evidence Is Now Conclusive:
Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. 

By Eric Zuesse

European leaders know that Obama’s entire operation is a very bloody fraud. 
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Exposes
The CIA’s Ongoing Cover-Up of Torture War Crimes

By Adam Dick

Former US Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson discussed in detail, a “major cover-up” in progress, with the US Central Intelligence Agency altering a still unreleased Senate Intelligence Committee report on torture. 
How Many Minutes to Midnight? - Hiroshima Day 2014

By Noam Chomsky 

Why National Security Has Nothing to Do With Security.
Defining Away Economic Failure

By Paul Craig Roberts

We can believe nothing that we are told by government, corporations, and the presstitute media. We live in a lie, and the lie is ever expanding. 
The Rise of the Petroyuan and the Slow Erosion of Dollar Hegemony

By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett

With the rise of the “petroyuan,” movement towards a less dollar-centric currency regime in international energy markets—with potentially serious implications for the dollar’s broader standing—is already underway. 
We’re All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State

By John W. Whitehead 

America’s economy has come to depend in large part on prison labor. 
Since the Beginning of the Israeli Offensive on Gaza, 1,888 Palestinians Killed, of Whom 1,586 Are Civilians, Including 477 Children and 235 Women, and 7,815 Others Wounded, Mostly Civilians, Including 2,079 Children and 1,398 Women
Watch: Nothing short of a massacre: NDTV report from Rafah in South Gaza : Video - Rafah continues to be under heavy attack, and the targets are young children, women, entire families, even a UN shelter.
Israeli army summarily executed fleeing civilians in southern Gaza: Human Rights Watch has accused the Israeli army of deliberately firing on and killing civilians in the southern Gaza town of Khuzaa, violating several laws of war.
Palestine to Sue Israel for War Crimes, Gaza Massacre: - The Palestinian Authority is going to sue Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its war crimes against Palestinian civilians in its nearly one-month terror campaign on the Gaza Strip.
Gaza conflict: 360-degree panorama of flattened town of Khuza'a, Gaza: A special 360 camera captures the impact Israeli air strikes and tanks on Khuza'a, Gaza ahead of Tuesday's 72-hour ceasefire
Inside Israel's Pro-War Nationalist Camp : Video - The Real News looks into who are the groups chanting "death to Arabs" throughout Israel and attacking anti-war demonstrators.
Glenn Greenwald: U.S. Media Coverage Of Israel-Gaza Conflict Gets An 'F': "It takes probably 50 Palestinians being killed to get anywhere near the attention of, say, an elderly Israeli woman being frightened in her home and having some kind of a medical problem because of the trauma."
Obama Signs Funding Package For Israel's Iron Dome: President Barack Obama signed a bill Monday granting an additional $225 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.
Israel withdraws troops from Gaza as 72-hour truce begins: Israel on Tuesday completed the withdrawal of all troops from Gaza as a 72-hour humanitarian truce went into effect following intense global pressure to end the bloody offensive.
UK cabinet minister quits over Gaza policy: Baroness Warsi, the first Muslim women to serve in the British cabinet, can no longer support the UK's policy in Gaza.
Peace Laureate: Nato must be abolished: NOBEL Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire has criticsed the EU and called for the abolition of Nato following three weeks of war in Gaza.

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