Sunday 28 September 2014


A film asks 'where is Bernadette Devlin?'Notes on a Political Journey, which has been shortlisted for the Grierson award, revisits the life of an extraordinary and uncompromising woman

Bernadette Devlin in 1969: a new documentary, Notes on a Politcal Journey, looks at her remarkable life.

She survived an assassination attempt, but Bernadette Devlin is best remembered as the 21-year-old Irish republican from Ulster who, in 1972, strode across the floor of the House of Commons to punch Reginald ­Maudling, home secretary of the Conservative ­government. His grave mistake had been to suggest that the ­British army had fired only in ­self-­defence on Bloody Sunday when they shot dead 13 civil rights ­protesters.

Now 64, a new ­documentary, Bernadette: Notes on a ­Political Journey ­revisits the life of a woman who still holds the record as Britain's youngest elected female MP. The documentary, which took almost 10 years to make, is about political passion, ­courage and commitment from two women who still spark with both. Devlin today works in a cross ­community organisation that advocates for­ ­immigrants, the disabled, and other minority or marginalised groups. Filmmaker and c­ampaigner Lelia Doolan, 77, funded the project ­herself for the first seven years while ­fellow ­film-makers also gave some services for free. Now the winner of the best ­documentary at the Galway film festival, it has been shortlisted for the ­prestigious ­Grierson award in London.

Doolan says that she made the film because she saw Devlin's role as a human rights campaigner and as a radical ­feminist being wiped from Irish history: "She had been at the heart of the civil rights movement and republican socialism from the beginning – but when it came to the peace process and I saw Bono sending Hume and Trimble, I thought, where is ­Bernadette? So we had a concert for her in Galway in 1998 and I asked her if she would be ­agreeable to a documentary, not about her private life but about her ideas, and she agreed."

"Rebellious, awkward and ­contrary" is how Devlin was once described. Those who know ­Doolan talk of an extraordinary, but also uncompromising woman. The two achievements of the ­documentary, says Doolan, are: "We got it made and that it might give people courage."

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