Wednesday 3 September 2014


“Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” ― Benjamin Franklin.

Below are two articles about current Irish political leadership's part, in the Irish disappeared. Whatever the rights and wrongs of it all, nobody has a monopoly on the truth but they would deny us our voice with their brand of Nazi Blueshirt censorship. There are at least two sides to every story and from my own experience of Irish politics, I cannot truthfully speak ill, of the vast majority of the Irish volunteers of the IRA, that I have known, not out fear, but simply in the interest of my truth and experience. Quite the opposite in fact, they are in fact generally, the most idealistic and brave of Irish youth. 
However, like every group of people world wide, there are always a few rotten apples. The problem in Ireland, is that it is in Britain's interest, to mentor those, into leadership positions, with vast sums of money and intelligence resources, weeding out the best with, political assassination, coupled with dictatorial media censorship and political internment, without a proper trial, of the most talented and genuine freedom fighters, who demand change, which is also those in many cases, who advocate it by peaceful means. 
Yes armies in war, are forced to execute traitors but riddle me this, what can Irish youth do, when their generals and leadership, come from a  British tradition of cultivated traitors, that is intergenerational. Ireland is so weary of eight centuries this, that many just simply leave, while the others are politically interned, in both parts of Ireland. A Settlement Process not simply a peace process, must be found sooner rather than later.
The last century of Irish politics, drips with blood from Fascist Blueshirts and their loyalist counterparts in British Occupied Ireland. I believe that the religious word evil, is simply the reality word live, spelled backwards. Riddle me this my fellow Irish women and men, what choices do your Irish youth have, when they learn too late in the day, that their leaders are ruthless fascists or even worse, who speak out of both sides of their mouths?
The IRA is responsible for a very limited freedom, attained in Ireland thus far, but no one person, has the right to enforce limits on freedom in Ireland, and certainly not at the behest of a foreign entity, no more than they have the right, in any other real country in the world. A Settlement must be inclusive, not exclusively the domain of the pacified, to be a genuine enabler of all Irish youth, Orange and Green, to realize their dreams in their own island. This certainly is not the case currently, people are voting with their feet and their fight.

Informer 'murdered on orders of SF man'

Frank Hegarty was found shot dead by the side of an isolated border road near Castlederg, Co Tyrone, on May 25 1986. The 45-year-old's eyes had been taped shut and he had been shot several times before his body was dumped at the roadside by his IRA killers, who executed him because he was an informer.
The IRA claimed that Hegarty, who had been the organisation's Derry quartermaster, had revealed the location of a consignment of arms from Libya discovered by security forces in the Republic in January 1986.
He was afterwards taken to a safe house in England but, anxious to come back to his native Derry city, Hegarty returned to his Shantallow home that May after being assured he would not be killed.
On May 27 1986 the Irish News reported: "People who knew Frank Hegarty in Derry have confirmed that he was missing from his home following the arms find on January 26.
"He was a well known figure in the city and regularly associated with known republicans.
"At the time of his disappearance a number of people thought that he was about to become the latest republican supergrass.
"Most people who knew of his disappearance were baffled by his decision to return home to Derry three weeks ago, despite knowing that the IRA suspected that he had been involved in the Sligo and Roscommon arms find.
"It is felt that he must have been motivated by homesickness as he had been in almost daily contact with his family while in England and was known to be very close to his mother."
The IRA alleged that Hegarty had been responsible for a January 1974 Official IRA bomb attack at Ebrington barracks, Derry, in which two cleaners were killed.
The security forces used their knowledge of Hegarty's involvement in the bombing to coerce him into informing against the IRA, it claimed.
He worked first as a British army agent but was later recruited by the Force Research Unit (Fru).
Allegations that Derry Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness had played a role in persuading Hegarty to return to Derry were made by his mother in a 1993 edition of The Cook Report.
Mrs Hegarty said Mr McGuinness had assured her son that he would be safe.
During a House of Commons debate on December 18 2001, DUP leader Ian Paisley said that Hegarty had been "murdered on the instructions of Mr McGuinness".
Speaking during a debate on whether or not Sinn Féin MPs should be allowed to enjoy Parliamentary privileges, Mr Paisley said: "We have established that Martin McGuinness was, to all effects, leading the IRA army council and was busy in Londonderry.
"Members should know for what type of people they are proposing to bend the rules.
"One of the saddest calamities in Londonderry was the death of Frank Hegarty, who was murdered on the instructions of Mr McGuinness.
"Mr Hegarty had worked for military intelligence and knew where some of the IRA's most important arms and explosives were hidden in the Irish Republic.
"When the Irish police raided them the army, fearing that Mr Hegarty's cover would be blown, pushed him away to England.
"Mr McGuinness then arrived on the doorstep of Rose Hegarty and told her that he wanted to talk about her son and how he could return.
"Twice a week for 13 weeks, Mr McGuinness dropped by, the family met him and they drank tea together.
"He assured the mother, Rose, that if Frank came home, he could sort the matter out and all would be well; a firm assurance for a mother's heart torn about her son. She persuaded her boy to come home.
"A rendezvous was arranged by Mr McGuinness. Afterwards the body was found in a roadway in Tyrone, a bullet through the head."

Tapes allege McGuinness's IRA roleLast night's BBC Panorama programme restated the allegation that west Belfast builder Freddie Scappaticci was the British army agent known as Stakeknife.
It also presented evidence, in the form of transcripts made by journalists working on The Cook Report documentary programme, that Scappaticci had revealed the extent of Sinn Féin MP Martin McGuinness's involvement in the IRA.
"Nothing happens in the Northern Command that McGuinness doesn't OK – and I mean nothing," he is quoted as saying.
"You look at every British soldier shot, every policeman shot, every booby trap, or whatever.
"McGuinness is ultimately responsible for all of it. It's all under his control. He's the type of person you don't get side by side with.
"He doesn't have friends within the IRA. He has what he calls comrades. He frowns on womanising, he frowns on drinking... (he is) a very moralistic person."
The secret recording also details Scappaticci's view of the role played by Mr McGuinness in persuading IRA informer Frank Hegarty to return to Derry after he had told his British handlers the location of an IRA arms dump.
According to Scappaticci, Mr McGuinness befriended Mr Hegarty's mother after he fled the country in January 1986.
"He befriended her, as I understand it. He ate in the house, meals were prepared by the Hegarty family – basically Martin McGuinness sold himself to the Hegarty family," Scappaticci is quoted as saying.
"Martin portrayed himself as a friend: I'm someone who can deliver. Yes, you can trust the IRA, no harm will come to your son. He just has to come back and he just has to talk to a couple of people and he'll know one of them and everything will be fine."
Scappaticci claimed that Hegarty agreed to come and was driven to a secret location for an IRA debriefing, in which Mr McGuiness was part of the Army Council who interrogated him, "court martialled him and ordered him to be shot".
"It's not important who pulled the trigger. McGuinness wouldn't dirty his hands with that," Scappaticci said.
Quickly but quietly, Ireland is disappearing its young people

Fintan O'Toole: There are good reasons to be browned off in Ireland if you’re young and well-educated

‘Electric Picnic is now a bucolic frolic for those on the verge of middle age — which makes it a microcosm of austerity Ireland.’ Above, the crowd at the main stage at Electric Picnic. Photograph: Dave Meehan

Electric Picnic is now a bucolic frolic for those on the verge of middle age — which makes it a microcosm of austerity Ireland.’ Above, the crowd at the main stage at Electric Picnic. Photograph: Dave Meehan

Fintan O'Toole

So Electric Picnic is now a bucolic frolic for those on the verge of middle age — which makes it a microcosm of austerity Ireland. A century on from theIrish revolution, the equivalent of the generation that made it is being squeezed out of existence in the State it created. If the young revolutionaries were around now, they wouldn’t be around here. WB Yeats turned out to be wrong – this is no country for young men, or for young women either.

Very quickly but rather quietly, Ireland is doing a remarkable thing. It is disappearing its young people. In April 2009, the State contained 1.423 million people aged between 15 and 35. In April 2014, there were 1.206 million in the same age group. That’s a reduction from one generation of more than the entire population of Limerick city and county. This is the age group of rebellion, of adventure, of trying it out and trying it on. It’s the generation that annoys its elders and outrages convention and challenges accepted wisdom. It is demography’s answer to the stultification of groupthink. It is not always right but without its capacity to drive everyone else up the wall, smugness settles over everything like a fine grey dust.


The biggest reason for this loss of nearly a quarter of a million young people in five years is emigration. People of my age remember the 1980s, the Donnelly visas and the flight of the Ryanair generation, and assume that what’s happening now couldn’t be as bad. They’re right – it’s not as bad, it’s much worse.

In the entire, miserable decade of the 1980s, net emigration was 206,000, a figure seen at the time as a shocking indictment of political and economic failure. In the last five years alone it is 151,000. And most of this emigration is of people between 15 and 44: in 2012 and 2013 alone, we lost 70,000 people in this age group. The percentage of 15- to 29-year-olds in the population has fallen from 23.1 per cent in 2009 to 18 per cent in 2014. And it’s not just that the young generation is physically shrinking. Many, even those who have stayed, have emigration in their heads as an active option. They are, mentally, half here.

Why are they going? Largely because they’re browned off. It’s been clear for quite some time now that most of those who are leaving are not, in a simple sense, economic refugees. Unemployment is certainly a factor: it is very bad for the very young and it’s not getting much better. While overall employment has risen significantly between the first quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of 2014, it has actually dropped sharply for the under-25s, from 154,000 to 142,000. The economic crisis has hit young people disproportionately hard and there’s no doubt that many of them leave simply to find work. But the majority of emigrants are actually in employment – every year since the crash somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 people who have jobs have given them up and left the country.

This doesn’t mean, however, that leaving is just a self-indulgent “lifestyle choice” — if it was it would not have increased fourfold since the bust. Having some sort of a job is one thing. Having a sense that you have a career and a future is something else. We know from the UCC Emigre research project last year that “an enormous proportion of emigrants [previously] employed in Ireland did not feel content with their professional careers before moving”.

And this is not because they’re pampered whingers. There are really good reasons to be browned off in Ireland if you’re young and well-educated and trying to get a job that gives you self-respect in the present and hope for the future. Low pay, insecurity, part-time hours, the absence of a career path — these are not uniquely Irish conditions but neither are they universal. The obvious truth for a lot of young Irish people is that they can do better elsewhere. And we’ve raised them to expect better — people of my age are the ones who told our kids to have a sense of their own worth and not to put up with being treated like dirt. We taught them well — and we’re paying the price through their absence.

Human wealth

That price is large. Economically, of course, there’s a vast loss of human wealth in the export of expensively educated young people and in some cases, like doctors, importing substitutes. Young emigrants are significantly more likely than the rest of the population to have a third-level degree. But there’s also a loss of texture, of buzz, of go. Look anywhere in Ireland that is not a specific redoubt of youth culture, and the place is heavy with middle-age. From the civil service to the media, from politics to the arts establishment, you find demographic landscapes that have been largely frozen for the last six years. The thinning ranks of the young have been unable to mount any sustained challenge to the self-serving orthodoxies of their elders. Which would be fine if the place they leave could afford the consequent culture of stasis and complacency.


OTR letters: IRA suspects to lose immunity from prosecution

U-turn is a victory for justice: DUP

Secretary of State Theresa Villiers
Secretary of State Theresa Villiers

A leading unionist MP has given a "cautious welcome" to the news that hundreds of immunity letters given to IRA members will be rescinded.

DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson said of the move, expected to be announced by the Secretary of State Theresa Villiers today: "If this is confirmed, this is indeed very welcome news for those who have suffered at the hands of the IRA.
"We have made it clear all along that these letters were unacceptable and called on the Secretary of State to rescind them.
"It's unacceptable in a democratic society that anyone could be deemed in any sense to be above the law in terms of their involvement in terrorist activity."
He added: "We hope that the NIO will send out a very clear message that victims are entitled to justice and there is no question of an amnesty being granted for a terrorist crime."
Mrs Villiers will tell MPs on the Northern Ireland select committee today that the letters granted to terrorist suspects have been annulled and are "not worth the paper they are written on".
The existence of the "comfort letters" has become one of the most controversial outcomes of the Good Friday Agreement, which only came to light earlier this year.
They were granted to individuals suspected of terrorist crimes committed before the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. They told suspects whether they were being sought by police over any past offences.
A government source said: "What the Government is determined to do is make sure that nobody in receipt of one of the original letters should be in any doubt that they cannot rely on those letters to protect them from prosecution should new evidence emerge or a re-assessment of existing evidence lead the PSNI and prosecuting authorities to a different conclusion from their original one."
Mrs Villiers is expected to restate the Government's view that the original letters never constituted an amnesty, immunity or an exemption from prosecution.
She will set out plans to formally notify those who received the letters that the documents are worthless.
A source said the terror suspects in receipt of the original "comfort letters" will be left in "no doubt that they are not worth the paper they are written on".
New letters are now likely to be issued telling terrorist suspects that police will be prepared to mount a prosecution should officers believe there is enough evidence against them.
Story so far
The existence of the so-called "comfort letters" was discovered during the prosecution of suspected Hyde Park bomber John Downey which sensationally collapsed in February when it emerged he had been sent one of the letters. Mr Downey (62), from Donegal, had been arrested last year in connection with his alleged role in the 1982 Hyde Park bombing in London.

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