Thursday 25 September 2014


History repeats itself and the evidence is in front of our eyes in Ireland, for those who care to wake up, open their eyes and connect the dots. The British secret services were around for the Empire, long before they passed it on to their WASP cousins in America and helped them found their own secret services. Margaret Thatcher's special relationship with Ronald Reagan in the war on drugs, deregulation and on the former USSR, included a deep paranoia of her own secret services, to the point, that she employed foreign agents in Ireland both for surveillance and counter revolutionary activities. The following summary bBenjamin Fischer, gives us a glimpse of this with respect to the former USSR

"Soviet intelligence services went on alert in 1981 to watch for US preparations for launching a surprise nuclear attack against the USSR and its allies. This alert was accompanied by a new Soviet intelligence collection program, known by the acronym RYAN, to monitor indications and provide early warning of US intentions. Two years later a major war scare erupted in the USSR. This study traces the origins and scope of Operation RYAN and its relationship to the war scare.

Some observers dismissed the alert and the war scare as Soviet disinformation and scare tactics, while others viewed them as reflecting genuine fears. The latter view seems to have been closer to the truth. The KGB in the early 1980s saw the international situation--in Soviet terminology, the "correlation of world forces"--as turning against the USSR and increasing its vulnerability. These developments, along with the new US administration's tough stance toward the USSR, prompted Soviet officials and much of the populace to voice concern over the prospect of a US nuclear attack.

New information suggests that Moscow also was reacting to US-led naval and air operations, including psychological warfare missions conducted close to the Soviet Union. These operations employed sophisticated concealment and deception measures to thwart Soviet early warning systems and to offset the Soviets' ability--greatly bolstered by US spy John Walker--to read US naval communications.

In addition, this study shows how:
The war scare affected Soviet responses to the Reagan administration's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), the administration's condemnation of the Soviet Union following the 1983 shootdown of a South Korean airliner, and a NATO nuclear-release exercise late that same year.
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sought to use the Soviet alert/war scare to influence President Reagan's thinking about the USSR.
Moscow's threat perceptions and Operation RYAN were influenced by memories of Hitler's 1941 surprise attack on the USSR (Operation BARBAROSSA).
The Kremlin exploited the war scare for domestic political purposes, aggravating fears among the Soviet people.
The KGB abandoned caution and eschewed proper tradecraft in collecting indications-and-warning intelligence and relied heavily on East German foreign and military intelligence to meet RYAN requirements.

" 'Never, perhaps, in the postwar decades was the situation in the world as explosive and hence, more difficult and unfavorable, as in the first half of the 1980s.
--Mikhail GorbachevFebruary 1986' "

To try to understand and grasp the political control, British secret services exercise on countries like Ireland, using the tried and tested tools of both heroin and paedophile trafficking, we need to look at how they used them historically, to being down the huge Empire of China. We can be absolutely certain, they are being employed worldwide today within the prohibition environment of the Reagan and Thatcher creation of the War on Drugs. There are smarter cheaper ways to counter this scourge but it would not serve the political purpose of the intelligence services. MI6 are known as the the Lords of the International Heroin trade, which is worth hundreds of billions of British Pounds Sterling annually.

In the final decade of the 1800s China's had a population of 450 million people. The ruling dynasty of the Ching, from Manchuria, had in 1644 superseded the Ming dynasty.The Manchu emperors were successful Empire builders and the reign of Chien-lung 1736-1795, was a time of great expansion. China gained Turkestan, Burma, and Tibet. At the end of eighteenth century Manchu power extended into Nepal, and its territory was as extensive, as any dynasty.

The British in India were irritated by high customs duties and by the attempts of China, to stop the growing import trade in opium, which was destroying their society. The drug from the poppy, had traditionally been used for medicinal purposes, but in the previous centuries, the British cultivated a habit among people of all classes, to use it for recreation. The opium came from India via the front of the British East India Company, and in 1800, the import of heroin was forbidden by the Chinese imperial government. Despite this the British opium trade continued to flourish. British traders made huge profits from the growing number of Chinese addicts. The Chinese government in Peking, noted that the British were intent on dragging down China, through mentoring opium addiction.

The central bureaucracy of China declined in efficiency, as a result, and the emperors became weaker, to the point, where they were unable to rule properly.The balance of trade turned against China in the 1830s and the British forced the issue of increased trading rights. The conflict was essentially the opium trade. By this time, more than 30,000 chests, each holding 150 pounds of heroin extract, were brought in by the British annually. Some of China's authorities asserted, that opium trade alone reversed China's formerly favorable balance of trade. In 1839 Chinese authorities confiscated and burned the opium. In response, the British invaded stratefic positions around Canton.

In the war that followed, as in the instance of other British Colnial conquests, the technological and tactical superiority of the British, perfected in their perpetual worldwide wars of invasion, prevailed. In 1842, China agreed to the Treaty of Nanking. Hong Kong was given to Britain, along other strategic ports, which were opened to British residence and trade.

Later the French and Americans, having learned from devious British piracy, approached the Chinese after the Nanking Treaty became public and gained the same trading rights, like the British. The advantages gained with the Chinese, set a precedent, that still dominates trade relations, worldwide today with their "most favored nation" treatment.The humiliation of China, is still remembered today and affects most aspects of its foreign policy. Meanwhile, the heroin trade continues to thrive worldwide, largely under British control.

The British adopted the same strategy, when overtly or nominally, exiting all of their colonies, of Empire worldwide, replacing them with the British Commonwealth. This is also the foundation of the special relationship, post the Suez Crisis, between the UK and US worldwide today. In the two scum states, established in divided Ireland, after its war of independence, the British left their form of bureaucracy behind intact, to rule covertly, infected with its agents in the Irish armed forces, policing, secret services, civil service, media and every important aspect of Irish life to the present day. 

The British elements of heroin and paedophillia trafficking, are critically important instruments of leverage, to maintain covert control and Imperial collusion.This of course, creates further suspicion and division, within Irish communities. Political assassination, internment without trial and draconian censorship, are now ingrained, within the Irish culture as a result, including the make-up of both Irish scum states, used since their formation, for the purpose of control and secrecy. Every generation of Irish people, since the formation of both bastardized states, in divided Ireland, since their creation, has felt the full effects of this oppression, up to the present day.As a result of publicity around anti-heroin operations, by groups aligned to the Continuity IRA, the Irish police have been forced into action in recent weeks, against drug trafficking. Yesterday the Irish Navy and the Garda prevented a major drug smuggling operation into Europe, when they detained a yacht with €80 million worth of cocaine off the west coast of Ireland. They detained an 19 metre luxury yacht, called Makayabella, carrying one ton of cocaine on board at 3 A.M. yesterday morning, 250 miles off Mizen Head in West Cork. The yacht was crewed by three British operators, who complied with a demand to hand over control of the yacht to the Irish.

The three men are from West Yorkshire, and are currently detained from two Irish naval ships, escorted the Mayakabella to the Irish Naval Base in Cork Harbour. The detention of the yacht involved members of the Garda National Drugs Unit and was the result of an international operation. The National Crime Agency of the UK and French customs, received intelligence on the shipment of cocaine from the Carribean to the UK and passed on the intelligence to the Maritime Analyis Operation Centre Narcotics in Portugal, which co-ordinates anti-drug trafficking in several European Union states, who then ordered the Irish Joint Task Force, to get off their arses immediately and detain the luxury yacht off the coast of Ireland. The consignment was meant to rendezvous with a collection vessel off the UK, for import into Britain. Another man was already arrested in the West Yorkshire area, for questioning about the drug shipment.

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