Friday 28 November 2014


Like the Devil in the above video,  Britain has instigated division all over the world on the basis of religion or ethnic background, to divide and conquer. The following article explains how they use the Orange Order in Ireland both as tool of division and pretext for occupation. The libertaion struggle in Ireland is not about religion, it is about freedom. Here is the oath every Orangeman signs up to when he joins. “He should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome, and scrupulously avoid countenancing by his presence or otherwise any act or ceremony of Popish worship, he should, by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy of that Church, its encroachments, and the extension of its power.”

The F-- the Pope Bands who take part in Orange marches sing a song of then outside Catholic Churches, called “We are the Billy Boys,” the first verse goes like this:

Hello! Hello! We are the Billy Boys
Hello! Hello! You'll know us by our noise
We're up to our necks in Fenian blood
Surrender or you'll die.

Since the early nineteenth century, Orangemen are involved in violent conflict with Irish Catholics. One instance, included the murder of a Catholic priest and several members of the congregation of Dumreilly on 25 May 1816. A crowd of Orangemen with guns marched into the church and started shooting the congregation. On 19 July 1823 the Unlawful Oaths Bill, banned all oath societies in Ireland, including the Orange Order, which was dissolved, but reconstituted. In 1825 a bill banning unlawful associations,compelled the Orangemen once more to dissolve their association.

 In 1836 t
he Orange Order supported a plot by Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and Imperial Grand Master of the Orange Order, to take the throne of England, to replace Queen Victoria. The plot was revealed the House of Commons, after which,a motion called upon King William IV, to disband the Orange Order. Under pressure from the King, the Duke of Cumberland was forced to dissolve all Orange lodges.

In 1845 the ban was lifted, but at their notorious Battle of Dolly's Brae the Orangemen again slaughtered Catholics, which again led to a ban on Orange marches, which remained in place for generations. Until the late 19th century, the Order Order was in permanent decline. However, it was again revived by the absentee English landlords in Ireland, to spread Protestant opposition, to the Irish nationalist mobilization of the Irish Land League and subsequently to Irish Home Rule. 

The Orange Order, with British incitement became heavily involved in opposition to the Liberal 
Gladstone's first Irish Home Rule Bill 1886, and was instrumental in creating the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), a forerunner of the more extreme DUP of today. They organized Protestant opposition to Irish self-government in the Protestant-dominated six counties, which is known today as British Occupied Ireland, or what the British call Northern Ireland.

In 1912, the Third Home Rule Bill was introduced in the British House of Commoners, but its introduction was delayed until 1914, to give the Orange Order more time to organize, in conjunction with the British Conservative Party, who were inflexible in opposing the Bill. The Order helped organize the 1912 Ulster Covenant, which was a pledge to oppose Home Rule and was signed by several hundred thousand people. In 1911 the Orange Order began arming themselves, with the help of the British, who trained them as a militia, called the Ulster Volunteers. There was almost a complete overlap between all Orange Lodges and sectarian UVF killer units. The British armed them with a large shipment of rifles, under the cover of being imported from Germany, in what became known as the Larne gun-running.

Eventually the Fourth Home Rule Act was passed, as the Government of Ireland Act 1920, with the six north eastern counties of Ulster, becoming, what the British called Northern Ireland. This self-governing entity, was termed by leading Orangemen, as a Protestant Government for a Protestant people within Britain, where Catholics were to suffer greatly.

The Orange Order, had a central place in the new state of Northern Ireland. From 1921 to 1969, every Prime Minister was an Orangeman and member of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). James Craig, the first Prime Minister of Occupied Ireland, maintained that his statelet was in effect Protestant and the symbol of its ruling forces was the Orange Order. In 1932, Prime Minister Craig stated that "ours is a Protestant government and I am an Orangeman". Two years later he stated: "I have always said that I am an Orangeman first and a politician and a member of this parliament afterwards…all I boast, is that we have a Protestant Parliament and a Protestant State".

After the outbreak of "The Troubles" in 1969, the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, encouraged Orangemen to join the RUC and the British Army's (UDR). The response was strong, with over 300 armed Orangemen killed during the conflict, all of them members of British armed forces. 
Orangemen joined loyalist paramilitaries, who murdered numerous Catholics, on a sectarian basis. During the conflict, the Order had a duplicitous relationship with loyalist paramilitaries, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), with elements of the Orange Order, urging its members to join these organisations. 

This is still the status of the Orange Order of today. The estimated membership of the Orange Order is around 34,000. This dictates what remains of the failed Irish Peace Process and the are the primary cause of it's failure. It is hardcore sectarianism and like Gregory Campbell, it is a rabid group of prejudice and bigotry, with close links to white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, Nazi groups in Britain and the fascist Blueshirts in the south of Ireland.There will be no peace in Ireland while the British Government secretly enables them and sponsors their sectarian state to the tune of 10 billion pounds annually.

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