Friday 14 November 2014


The Irish people are underwriting another €100 million in borrowing by Irish Water as a new State-guaranteed loan facility, from Irish Pensioners Reserve Fund (NPRF) to Irish Water is upped by another €50 million announced by the Irish Government yesterday to €300 million. The Irish will also underwrite a new €50 million overdraft facility with the Bank of Ireland announced yesterday and nobody batted an eyelid. The Irish people now have lent a large amount of money to privatize Irish Water now running close to a thousand million euros. Millions more will be pumped into privatized Irish water over the next year, which will ultimately have to be paid for again by the plain people of Ireland in the next looming bailout Like Fianna Fail, Fine Gael are taking care of their friends before they depart. Where did these numbers come from? Leinster House just pulled them out of their Arse!

Russell Brand backs protesters against Irish Water - Link

Right2Water National Protest at Dail

Next step for the Right2Water Campaign.
Surround the Dail 1pm Dec 10th. for more info.
Event Date: 
December 10, 2014 - 13:00
Venue details: 
Dail Eireann
Kildare St/Merrion Sq
- See more at:

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