Friday 9 January 2015


Charlue Hebdo, the political French satire magazine, based in Paris, in the tradition of Free Speech of the French Revolution, was censored by a terrorist counter gang two days ago. Three days ago, Irish Blog started a petition, to take the matter of the Irish Holocaust, to the International Criminal Court, calling on all Irish militant groups in Ireland, to ceasefire. You will see from those who signed the petition below, that no Irish person has signed it yet, this is because of censorship, because there is considerbale support among ordinary Irish people on this matter, which I researched.  As a result of censorship on Ireland, the Petition got 57 signatures on the first day and one on each day subsequently, thus smothering an alternative, to political violence, to achieve justice and freedom for Ireland.

Approximately eight years ago, the editor of Irish Blog was threatened with death, if he returned to Ireland, because Irish Blog was highlighting the case of  the Disappeared in Ireland, particularly the case of Jean McConville, along with child abuse in the Provisional IRA, when none of the mainstream media in Ireland, would cover the subject. At the same time exactly, I was also censored by the Pensive Quill, who portrays itself as an alternative to Sinn Fein, when I was calling for Gerry Adams, to either resign or take responsibility in this matter. Irish Blog was  also censored by cult followers of both political personalities, along with fascist groups, aligned to the 1916 societies, 32CSM  and many other politcal counter gangs, mentored by the British, in the same way, that certain Provisional leadership elements were. Irish Blog, also from that time, became the subject of British intranets, which are meant to slow it's distribution.

In that timeframe Irish Blog, was also highlighing a Boycott campaign, against Israeli produce, because of Gaza massacres. As a result Zionists visited my wife's restaurant, took our new born child and held him in the air, while threatening to drop him to the concrete floor, if I did not cease calling for an Israeli Boycott on Irish Blog. As a result, my wife had to take our child into hiding, in another country far away, because I refuse to be censored by such activity. Since that time, Irish Blog is mostly censored in Ireland, in many subtle ways. Sinn Fein leaders today, call on their followers to become informers for the British, something Irish Blog cannot support, despite disagreeing with offensive, political violence, at this time in Ireland.

Irish Blog up to this point in writing, has also been censored, from sharing in any group by Facebook, because of complaints from cult followers of the parties mentioned above, who track and join all groups I belong to and then complaining to Facebook to censor. Facebook is based in Ireland for tax reasons and is vulnerable to West British, political complaints. These complaints are fostered, not just by cult followers of the above but also all of the leading politcal parties in Ireland. Despite Republicanism being taken from the French Revolution to Ireland by Protestants, with the first principle of Free Speech, it has been hijacked, long ago, using Roman Catholic fascist doctrine and patriarchy, to enforce rigid censorship, since the foundation of the two scum states, founded, after the Irish rebellion.

Irish Blog has mentioned several times, the probability of assasination, if it's editor returns to Ireland and indeed the distinct possibility, even abroad. This was illustrated previously, when agents were sent from Belfast to Amsterdam, where I was then living, to target this writer, under an operation of tying up all loose ends, to enforce the Bad Friday Agreement with the British. Several Irish journalist have been murdered already by British counter gangs in Ireland. Veronica Guerin, Martin O'Hagan, are the best known victims of assasination, under the guise of sectarianism, in the same way, that politcal activists, like Bernadette Devlin McAliskey and Eddie Fulleron were shot by pseudo counter gangs in Ireland. The excuse and cover often used, is that the victims were British informers, locally known as Touts. Irish Blog, wishes to re-iterate at this point, that it's editor, never has or never will, to the point of death, engage in this activity, with regard to any genuine Irish freedom fighter.

On a personal note, I would like to state, that I have always been committed, in my lifetime,  to the  basic tenets of the French Revolution, which are Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. I have experienced in my own life the reality of the old adage, "The Truth will set us Free," and as result committed myself to this philosophy, that the Pen is mightier than the Sword. I wish to convey my deepest empathy, to all of the extended family of the Free Press victims in Paris and I promise you, that only death will silence this, Spirit of Freedom so aptly demonstrated, by my comrade Bobby Samds in Ireland. They may kill the revolutionary but never the Revolution. Our Day will Come, beir bua ! If you agree with this, I really would appreaciate, you sharing this to your friends, if not, no problem, I respect that, but please do not censor it, because it will be already mostly censored by the mainstream corporates. I would also ask you to check out the Petition below, sign and share if you agree, it is a matter close to my heart. 

Censored article of yesterday

As a crude journal, Irish Blog can only conclude, that the attack on the Free Press in Paris yesterday, is further cofirmation once again, of the defeat of the Balaclava, by Kitsonian counter gangs. We need to look no further, than those who benefit the most, from this military attack on the Free Press, for it's origin. The first achievement of the French Republic in it's Revolution, was the Liberty of Free Speech from Censorship. If we are to defeat the censorious Fascists and Zealots, we must engage them, in the dialectic of free speech, which must be accorded them also, in order to engage them, despite the hatred in their content and language.

We must demonstrate to their would be recruits, that any idea, that relies on censorship or violence to sustain it, cannot itself be a good idea, that can live in the domain of either personal or communal freedom. This will require both patience and tolerance.We must ourselves come out, from behind our various masks and demonstrate, that the Truth will Set Us All Free.We must campaign and petition our injustice, before the International Criminal Court, to adjudicate and compensate, to enable the justice, that will facilitate forgivemess and reconciliation.

The PLO have just made and application to join the ICC, while others who portray themselves as warriors of  International Freedom, such as the UK & US are notable in their absenece. I am calling on the ICC, to bring Britain before the court, in the same way that Germany, was brought before the International Military Tribunal, for war crimes committed in the Jewish Holocaust. I hold the British Government, reponsible for even greater crimes, with even more victims, in the Irish Holocaust. I am also calling on militant resistance groups in Ireland, to do the same and help campaign, with all other commiited political parties, to do the same, without delay.

I want you, dear reader, whatever your current nationality, to take personal responsibility for this petition and campaign. I want you my fellow Irish to pit your heart and soul into this effort, to reclaim your birthright and full restitution for the harm done. If the Jewish people got 100 billion, then Ireland is entitled to 200 billion, with greater numbers and inflation. We can then sit down as equals, with the British Government, and intelligenttly work out a proper settlement, of issues affecting our islands, in a Spirit of Forgiveness and Co-operation.



  • author: Brian Clarke
  • target: International Criminal Court
  • signatures: 59
we've got 59 signatures, help us get to 1,000
Irish Blog requests the International Criminal Court, to immediately initiate an investigation into the Irish Holocaust and the British genocide of six milliom people in Ireland. We believe the the ICC Prosecutor has a reasonable basis to believe, that a crime against humanity, within Irelamd and the Court's juristiction exists and that both war crimes and a genocide has been committed against Irish people. We believe that an investigation, would be consistent, with the principles of International justice. We furnish the following preliminary evidence, as a basis for an immediate investigation.

Irish Blog seeks the support, of all Irish people and political parties, to empower the prosecution of this investigation. We urge all Irish people and political parties, to examine carefully the following preliminary investigation in the link below and mentor the request, that both Irish and British Governments make available, all relevant material, within their juristictions, to help the International Criminal Court arrive at a fair, just, settlement with appropriate restitution to any victim or their next of kin, primarily to prevent a re-occurrence of these crimes against humanity and that all parties recognize, the gravity and consequence of genocide and holocaust. Irish Blog also requests, a ceasefire, by all military and paramilitary forces in Ireland, until this matter, is thoroughly investigated and adjudicated,

you have the power to create change.



Jen Valentino, RI
Jan 08, 08:45
# 59
Hugh Smith, United Kingdom
Jan 08, 05:03
# 58
Raynbow Rotar, BC
Jan 07, 14:50
# 57
Yvonne Wey, Switzerland
Jan 07, 05:33
# 56
Bill C, Germany
Jan 07, 03:06
# 55
Pam Barciszewski, MO
Jan 07, 01:33
# 54
Name not displayed, CA
Jan 06, 18:19
# 53
Dennis Kaplan, OH
Jan 06, 18:07
# 52
dagmar karin dag, Argentina
Jan 06, 17:43
# 51
P. Amith, WA
Jan 06, 17:37
# 50
Mary Lochhead, United Kingdom
Jan 06, 16:51
# 49
Tina Christiansen, Denmark
Jan 06, 15:30
# 48
Gillian Edwards, United Kingdom
Jan 06, 15:06
# 47
Jo Sullivan, NY
Jan 06, 13:57
# 46
Heidi Wood, CO
Jan 06, 13:16
# 45
I am Irish (mom and dad)
Michal Mydlarski, Poland
Jan 06, 11:31
# 44
Serdar Murat, Austria
Jan 06, 10:24
# 43
Sue Harrington, CA
Jan 06, 10:03
# 42
Name not displayed, AL
Jan 06, 09:24
# 41
Brion O'Dunlaing, MO
Jan 06, 08:52
# 40
Name not displayed, CA
Jan 06, 07:55
# 39
David Dice, PA
Jan 06, 08:02
# 38
Nicole Maschke, OH
Jan 06, 07:49
# 37
For my mother's parents. For my brothers and sister in Ireland. For all those brave and courageous men, women and children, who stood their ground. Defended their homes and said proudly who they were, and that their lives mattered. While I cannot be there to stand by your side on this. Know that my soul is there with you. The waters are no barrier between us. For I am there. I am proud and honored to stand by your side. May the wind be always at your back. Godspeed.
e ralston, IL
Jan 06, 06:46
# 36
Donna Tanner, MA
Jan 06, 06:54
# 35
Susie Caps, CA
Jan 06, 06:43
# 34
Llew Taylor, PA
Jan 06, 06:44
# 33
Mike Recor, MA
Jan 06, 07:04
# 32
pedro simoes, Portugal
Jan 06, 06:14
# 31
Sharon Leduc, MA
Jan 06, 06:24
# 30
H. McGarry, NY
Jan 06, 06:12
# 29
John Brewer, OH
Jan 06, 05:58
# 28
Winn Adams, WA
Jan 06, 06:14
# 27
Charles Woodliff, GA
Jan 06, 06:07
# 26
Azaima Anderson, NM
Jan 06, 05:49
# 25
Terry King, CA
Jan 06, 05:48
# 24
steve finger, NC
Jan 06, 05:31
# 23
K Halboth, WI
Jan 06, 05:27
# 22
ankie brunschot, Netherlands
Jan 06, 05:05
# 21
Victoria McFarlane, United Kingdom
Jan 06, 04:56
# 20
Arild Warud, Portugal
Jan 06, 04:44
# 19
AniMae Chi, SA
Jan 06, 05:14
# 18
michaelann bewsee, MA
Jan 06, 05:08
# 17
Kristin Love, WA
Jan 06, 04:52
# 16
Christine U, Romania
Jan 06, 03:50
# 15
Glennis Whitney, QL
Jan 06, 03:32
# 14
Srecko Arnus, Slovenia
Jan 06, 03:17
# 13
Not only Irish people also in whole so called British empire in past, This empire together with France and Antanta forces when was first world war gave our people and land to Italians. Same happened when end second world war. For me is this genocide. So called big country even now each day doing this around the world and dont forget on crimes who maked in more than 2000 years Vatikan and catholic church.
Andreas Giovani, Cyprus
Jan 06, 03:02
# 12
Dimitris Dallis, Greece
Jan 06, 02:45
# 11
Richard Rosenheim, NY
Jan 06, 02:39
# 10
K Halboth, WI
Jan 06, 02:20
# 9
It's ABOUT Time! The TERRIBLE and Fully Preventable GENOCIDE against the IRISH people by the British should be fully accounted for and the perpetrators brought to justice! The Irish Holocaust is still deeply entrenched in the minds and hearts of those of Irish ancestry; especially those that reside in the United States where many of our Irish ancestors arrived in Slave boats starving and impoverished. We Will Never Forget!
Name not displayed, CA
Jan 06, 01:34
# 8
Luke Scott, VI
Jan 06, 01:19
# 7
Alan Smith, United Kingdom
Jan 06, 01:18
# 6
Maria Teresa Schollhorn, Argentina
Jan 06, 01:18
# 5
Beate Meier, Germany
Jan 06, 01:07
# 4
Rajeeva Ranjan, India
Jan 06, 01:00
# 3
Ivett Ward, CA
Jan 06, 00:53
# 2
Brian Clarke, Thailand
Jan 06, 00:34
# 1

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