Sunday 11 January 2015


What ludicrous, delusional, insane nonsense these West Brit Holocaust-denying conspiracy theorists are spewing, infecting and corrupting the minds of millions of otherwise good natured people all across the world! Think for a moment what exactly these Irish Holocaust-denying conspiracy theorists would have you believe. That it was just a Famine that killed one million people! Bottom line: you're either with us or against us Irish. Check the Facts here and sign the petition if you are not censored,  YET!   

Irish Holocaust

"Holocaust" satire
satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
You may have read in some obscure part of the internet that the Holocaust of six million Jews during WWII is a hoax - it didn't happen - and that all of the heroic survivors and eye witnesses of Nazis atrocities are actually embellishing or outright fabricating their entire experience during WWII. Some even go so far as to claim that much, if not all, of the infamous photographic and video imagery depicting the Holocaust - piles of dead bodies, emaciated prisoners, death camps, and other iconic imagery associated with WWII and the systematic extermination of European Jewry - is either misrepresented, distorted, or even outright fabricated.

Many bloggers, researchers, and independent media personalities promote this far fetched, ridiculous conspiracy theory on the internet and elsewhere. Only a pathologically insane and illogical mind - a delusional individual - could actually entertain these ideas, and I'm here today to set the record straight.

Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists claim that the survivors of the Holocaust and other eye witnesses to Nazi atrocities are embellishing or outright fabricating their experience and suffering during WWII, "acting" so to speak in a made-for-television drama designed to denigrate and slander Adolf Hitler and National Socialism specifically, and the German people generally, in addition to capturing a lucrative financial and sympathy racket manufactured to advance international Jewry's global agenda. I'm sure you've seen Holocaust survivors and other eye witnesses to Nazi atrocities on television programs, in documentaries, at museums, or even in person. Many Holocaust survivors actually travel around the country, visiting elementary and middle schools across the United States, to tell students about their experience during WWII.

First of all, if the Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists are correct, how many people would have to be involved in this gigantic swindle? Are we to believe that allof the alleged "lying Holocaust survivors" and other eye witnesses to Nazi atrocities are "crisis actors" deceiving the public in order to advance a particular agenda and narrative of history, as Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists allege? Again, how many people would have to be involved in such a massive conspiracy? And to think that the mass media, entertainment establishment, and educational system would simply go along with and participate in such a deception - where does this pathologically insane conspiracy theorizing end?

Do you really believe that all of the Holocaust survivors and eye witnesses of Nazi atrocities presented on the television and at Holocaust museums are liars, playing a role in a scripted propaganda campaign designed to systematically target and exploit a mass audience's emotions and basic psychology, as some argue?

Are we to believe that "everyone is in on it," including modern Hollywood producers and educators, such as the legendary Hollywood film director Steven Spielberg, the renowned historian Deborah Lipstadt, and Holocaust icon and activist Elie Wiesel, along with millions of others? Is the United States federal government - the President and Congress, for example - part of the conspiracy to promote the "Holohoax" as well? Are they all "crisis actors" or somehow a part of the conspiracy?

Think about it: for the Holocaust to have been a hoax millions of people - Holocaust survivors, government officials, media executives, educators and historians, and countless others - would have to be involved in this conspiracy. And no one has said anything about it or exposed these "liars" yet? Come on folks!

Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists also claim that gas chambers do not exist - at least not for the purpose of systematically murdering people - and there never was an organized effort to exterminate European Jewry during WWII.

How such ridiculous claims could be taken seriously is simply beyond me.

We have seen countless videos and images of gas chambers, along with numerous photos of emaciated (presumably) Jewish prisoners and stacks of (presumably) dead Jewish men, women, and children, demonstrating that the Holocaust was indeed real and that there was indeed a systematic campaign to exterminate European Jewry. Plus, countless Holocaust survivors have provided first hand eye witness accounts of gassings and mass murders of fellow Jews - often their own family members and personal friends - at the hands of the Nazis and their sympathizers during WWII. Even Rudolf Höss, the German Commandant of the Auschwitz death camp, admitted that the Germans did have a systematic plan to exterminate European Jewry, and that roughly 3 million Jews were murdered at Auschwitz alone - 2.5 million of them by means of gassing.

How much proof do we need to demonstrate that the evil Nazis systematically murdered 6 million Jews during WWII?

Are we to believe, as the Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists allege, that the iconic Holocaust imagery, including the numerous videos and photos depicting the events of WWII and the Holocaust, is either distorted, taken out of context, or even outright fabricated? That the thousands - perhaps millions - of Holocaust survivors are "liars" deceiving the public in order to advance a particular narrative of history that benefits international Jewry's global agenda? That Rudolf Höss and other captured German military and political officials were coerced or tortured into providing their "false" testimony?

Again, how many people would have to be involved for such a deception to be successfully executed - without anyone saying anything?

Think for a moment what exactly these Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists would have you believe. 

They would have you believe that the mass media and entertainment complex, in addition to the educational establishment, is systematically deceiving the public by presenting distorted, fabricated or otherwise misleading images and videos, along with scripted testimony from "crisis actors" playing Holocaust survivors, in an effort to instill and perpetuate the official narrative of WWII and the deliberate murder of 6 million Jews at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis - all in order to advance a particular Jewish financial and political agenda. That somehow the Holocaust "didn't happen" and all the survivors are really just lying about or outright fabricating their experience and mistreatment at the hands of the evil Nazis during WWII. That somehow, without anyone actually saying anything, the media and entertainment industry have been and continue to present misleading or even fabricated photographic and video imagery to demonstrate the Holocaust did indeed take place.

What ludicrous, delusional, insane nonsense these Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists are spewing, infecting and corrupting the minds of millions of otherwise good natured people all across the world!

Many Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists point to David Cole's investigation and subsequent video documentaries allegedly "debunking" the fact that gas chambers were used to exterminate millions of Jews at the Auschwitz death camp and elsewhere (see here for more). Of course, those of us in the real truth movement recognize that David Cole is himself a Jew, and his entire presentation is based on "Jew tricks" and deceptions designed to dupe an unsuspecting investigator.

We simply cannot accept or even entertain ideas coming from Jews (or non-Whites generally).

Bottom line: you're either with us or against us. 

You either entertain and accept these ludicrous, delusional conspiracy theories, or you recognize how insane these ideas truly are and how damaging they are to our credibility as a movement. Even if the Holocaust denying conspiracy theorists are correct (which, of course, they are not), and the media and educational establishment have been and continue to systematically deceive and manipulate the public usingmisleading, distorted, or outright fabricated imagery, in addition to presenting ostensibly genuine victims and survivors of the Holocaust who in fact are telling entirely fabricated stories designed to target an audience's emotions and base psychology - even if all this is true - discussing or highlighting any of this information only makes us look crazy and alienates the masses from our main message.

Individuals promoting ridiculous conspiracy theories, such as the Holocaust was a "hoax" and never happened, must be called out, discredited, and shunned from our movement.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a game: delusional, mentally unstable individuals promoting ridiculous and outlandish conspiracy theories, including the notion that the Jewish controlled mass media is systematically deceiving and manipulating the global public by broadcasting fabricated, distorted, or misleading photographs and videos, and presenting false scripted testimony as a means of manufacturing and advancing a particular (false) narrative of history or contemporary events for geopolitical and sociocultural purposes, cannot be tolerated in this movement. These pathologically insane individuals must be denounced and shunned before they do our movement any more damage than they already have.

Hail victory.

Editor's Note: I have been criticized (in a rather ignorant, fallacious manner, I might add) by individuals in the alternative media for discussing the role that the Jewish mass media plays in systematically deceiving and manipulating the public by presenting misleading, distorted, or entirely fabricated images or videos and false scripted testimony in order to advance certain agendas and manufacture an artificial reality we are forced to operate in. 

However, these same individuals will be the first to proudly proclaim that the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" of 6 million Jews is a total fraud (which, of course, it is), and that the media has been and continues to systematically deceive and manipulate the global public into accepting this fake story. 

What you just read was a satirical piece I wrote using the faulty logic and arguments of my critics, and applying them to the fake "Holocaust" narrative of WWII in an effort to debunk "Holocaust deniers". My critics apparently fail to understand that if they were to utilize the faulty logic and arguments when critcizing me (for analyzing the media's role in events such as 9/11 or Sandy Hook or the Boston "bombing", for example) they would have a hard time debunking the fake "Holocaust" narrative of WWII. - JRF

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