Tuesday 10 February 2015


As an Irishman, originally from the south of Ireland but with immediate family in the north of Ireland, I welcome the Willie Frazer, 'Love Ulster' march in Dublin and I hope his visit can be peaceful, with celebration. On the 19th of February, the Chinese New Year begins, with wild celebrations and this will be the 'Year of the Goat'. This tradition is strong where I currently live and is a very colourful event annually. I have spent many happy years in the north of Ireland, albeit with its troubles and I care very much about its future, my heart is there. When I lived there, I was invited to Twelfth celebrations in Scarva, which I politely turned down, for security reasons, because it was in a time of some of the worst of the troubles. I would have liked, to have witnessed the event, perhaps some day. Everyone is entitled to celebrate and be a little silly, sometimes.

More than 20 years ago, after I was liberated from alcohol, I got on an airplane for the first time and went to Munich. It was shortly after the Berlin wall came down and the process of uniting East and West Germany started. Munich was inundated by people from the East, with all sorts of social contradictions, coupled by a certain caution in Munich, which I found to be introverted, couple with ghosts from its history, still there, particularly the the Second World War. I later had a relationship with a woman from Bavaria, in a town called Aschau, resulting in the birth of a beautiful baby daughter. However Munich at that time, felt cold for me, in more senses than one. So I caught the night train to Amsterdam, which passes through the beautiful City of Cologne, which I later found, to be a very friendly place. However, I recall clearly to this very day, the change in the atmosphere, the liberating moment, we crossed into the Netherland's, formerly known as Holland, where the train finally stopped in Amsterdam. Right from the off, it was a magical place for me, at that time. The West was putting its best foot forward in Europe, at that particular time, to entice the East over to its side. I met a soulmate, called Tinka in Amsterdam, who really demonstrated, all of the inner beauty and unique, eccentric qualities of A'dam.

She started with Vondel Park, where John Lennon and Yoko, had their famous mass Love-In, as part of their global, 'Give Peace a Chance' crusade. She took me first, to the to the  Sculpture of Tolerance, in the heart of Vondel Park and explained its significance. Bearing in mind, that this place was the home of William of Orange, which affected so many Irish lives considerably, I found the contradictions of Amsterdam tolerance, at that time, with my life experience, in the six counties of the north, an overwhelming paradox. Amsterdam's unique, relaxed, carefree, atmosphere, was also unique within the Netherlands, because the rest of the country, had a quite, reserved, Calvinist tradition, but A'dam was also a melting pot of many international cultures. Foe me it was simply magical and I had wonderful times there. I tentatively, checked out the Coffee houses there and partook sparingly, on a few occasions, which was a different story in redlight District, because of my own personality. I eventually had a relationship, with a very traditional Dutch woman, who came with me, when I returned to Ireland after more than five years there. 

Eventually we split, because she wanted to have a baby, and I felt I already had more than my fair share, while, at the same time, she deserved someone younger and more responsible. So I have very fond memories of Amsterdam, and I feel a little sad, that it has moved politically to the right, with the general shift in European politics. There is much I learned in Amsterdam, and I feel, there is much Ireland can learn, from the enlightened Dutch way with minorities and for those incarcerated, currently in both parts of Ireland, particularly political prisoners. David Forde and your counterpart, please take note and consider a trip. The International Criminal Court is also based there in the Hague.

So with that experience, in the modern, former home of William of Orange, I welcome William and his tradition of 'Riding the Goat', to the City of Dublin, with all its contradictions of history. Other than letting loose a couple of hundred goats, to welcome William and keep him company, I hope Dublin is as tolerantly civilized and colourfully warm to 'Love Ulster', as Amsterdam was to me. Fáilte go mBaile Átha Cliath! – Welcome to Dublin! Céad míle fáilte romhat, Liam.

brionOcleirigh, Irish Blog.

Belfast Telegraph

Love Ulster rally in Dublin will go ahead, says Willie Frazer

Meeting: Willie Frazer

10 FEBRUARY 2015
Loyalist Willie Frazer has said that a Love Ulster march will go ahead in Dublin "in the next couple of weeks" after he met with senior members of the Irish police.

The high-level meeting took place at Balbriggan Garda station yesterday morning, with Chief Superintendent Pat Leahy of Store Street Garda station and Detective Chief Superintendent John Gilligan of the force's Liaison and Protection section in attendance.

Mr Frazer said after the talks that Garda chiefs were "more than happy" to facilitate the march.

The last Love Ulster march in Dublin in 2006 was marred by major rioting in the heart of the city.

Year of the Goat

The Goat comes 8th in the Chinese zodiac. The 12 zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

According to Chinese astrology, each year (starting from Chinese New Year) is associated with an animal sign, occurring in a 12-year cycle. For example 2015 is a year of the Goat.
Lucky Colors: brown, red, purple
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7
Lucky Flowers: carnation, primrose
Year of Birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

2015 — A Year of the Goat

Chinese New Year 2015 will begin the latest Year of the Goat. Decorations will reflect this and Goat sign people will take special care about what they do

Goats, 2015 is an important year for you according to zodiac theory. It is your Ben Ming Nian. See How to Bring Yourself Good Luck in Your Ben Ming Nian.

Choose your date of birth and find out about your Chinese zodiac sign.

The Goat's Personality: Calm, Gentle...

People born in a year of the Goat are generally believed to be gentle mild-mannered, shy, stable, sympathetic, amicable, and brimming with a strong sense of kindheartedness and justice.

They have very delicate thoughts, strong creativity, and perseverance, and acquire professional skills well. Although they look gentle on the surface, they are tough on the inside, always insisting on their own opinions in their minds. They have strong inner resilience and excellent defensive instincts.

Though they prefer to be in groups, they do not want to be the center of attention. They are reserved and quiet, most likely because they like spending much time in their thoughts. Goats like to spend money on fashionable things that give them a first class appearance. Although goats enjoy spending money on the finer things in life, they are not snobbish.
Good Health for "Goats"

People born in a year of the Goat are very serene and calm. Therefore they tend to havefewer health problems.

If goat people are in mental and emotional good spirits, this should have a positive effect on their physical health. Eating fresh and organic produce, and eliminating red meat from their diet when possible, is an effective way to keep healthy. They should get out among nature and commune with the great outdoors. Fresh air, trees, and sunshine will all do wonders for their health. Goat people should have a regular schedule for meals and keep their sleep and waking times consistent.
The Best Jobs or Career for Goats

People born in the year of the goat prefer to work in a team. Their best work partners are Horses. They are not crazy about status and power. Unless asked, they won't ever volunteer for anything and act as leaders. Good career choices for goats are pediatrician, actor, daycare teacher, interior designer, florist, hair stylist, musician, editor, illustrator, and art history teacher.

Read more on What Zodiac Sign Is Your Best Work Partner.
How to Build Relationships with "Goat People"

Generally speaking, Goats are private. Therefore it may take time and effort to get to know those who are born in a year of the Goat. Goats seldom share their personal lives. This is the reason why most Goats have few intimate friends. Once they become friends, their friendship is peaceful and fulfilling. They work hard for those they love.
The Luckiest Things for "Goats"

According to Chinese astrology, each animal zodiac has its own lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky colors, lucky flowers, and a best direction. Here are the Goat's:
Lucky numbers: 2, 7, or numbers containing 2 and 7 (like 27 and 72)
Lucky days: the 7th and 30th of any month according to the Chinese lunar calendar
Lucky colors: brown, red, and purple
Lucky flowers: carnations and primroses
Lucky direction: north
Things that Should be Avoided by Goats

These things are believed to be unlucky for Goat people.
Unlucky colors: green, blue, and black. Goat people should avoid wearing these colors.
Unlucky numbers: 6 and 8
Unlucky direction: southwest
Worst lunar months: third, sixth, and tenth. Avoid these months if you have some important business to do or want to plan an event.
Is Goat Year 2015 a Lucky Year for "Goats"?

2015 is a benmingnian (本命年 /bnn-ming-nyen/ 'origin life year' or zodiac year corresponding to one's birth year) for people born in a year of the Goat. In Chinese culture, a year of one's birth sign is unlucky.

Love and relationships: Married Goats will get along well with their spouses and will enhance their relationships through daily quarrels.

Single Goats will find their lifelong love under the guidance of elders, however they should show more care for their partners in order to avoid family disputes.

Beware of Financial Loss

The propensity for good fortune will not be very good for those born in a year of the Goat, and they will easily become involved in financial difficulties. Therefore, they should adopt conservative strategies when dealing with investments. They should try their best to increase their income, decrease their expenditure, and live within their means. Lottery fans should restrain themselves from gambling too much in order to avoid big losses.
How to Make Your Career Path Smoother in 2015?

People born in a year of the Goat generally have a smooth career, and will readily get help from wealthy beneficiaries. They usually be able to avoid adverse situations. Many opportunities for promotion, cooperation, and investment await them. However, they should deal with problems concerning their partners properly to avoid acrimony.
How Can Goats Have Good Health in 2015?

In 2015 Goats will tend to have good health, although they will suffer from slight illnesses occasionally, such as headaches. They should prepare some medicine before traveling very far, especially at a turn of the seasons. They should watch their diets, get sufficient rest, and do more exercise in order to boost their body's resistance against diseases.

Love Compatibility: Is She/He Compatible with You?

Best with: Rabbit, Horse or Pig

Worst with: Ox, Dragon, Snake or Dog

Take our online love Compatibility test
Is it a Good Year to Give Birth to a Baby?

There is a popular Chinese folk saying 'Only one out of ten people born in a year of the Goat finds happiness' (十羊九不全), which means most babies born in a year of the Goat are destined for failed marriages, unhappy families, and bad luck. Most Chinese people also believe that babies born in a Goat year will grow up to be followers rather than leaders.

Therefore many Chinese couples take steps to avoid having children in a year of the Goat. Many young Chinese couples have been trying desperately to conceive, racing against time to have a baby in the 2014 year of the Horse, which is considered far luckier than a Goat year.

Although this is an outdated superstition which seems silly, it has a real effect on Chinese society.
What Type of "Goat" Are You: Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, or Water?

In Chinese element theory, each zodiac sign is associated with one of five elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire, or earth, which means that e.g. a Wood Goat comes in a 60-year cycle.

It is theorized that a person's characteristics are decided by their birth year's zodiac animal sign and element. So there are five types of Goats, each with different characteristics:
Type of GoatYear of BirthCharacteristics
Wood Goat 1955, 2015 Amicable, gentle, and compassionate.
Fire Goat 1907, 1967 Amicable, frank, and honest, always making everything clean and tidy.
Earth Goat 1919, 1979 Righteous, honest, straightforward, and will never harm their friends.
Gold Goat 1931, 1991 Ambitious and kind-hearted with a strong sense of responsibility in work; sometimes too stubborn.
Water Goat 1943, 2003 Always ready to help others, and they can sacrifice their own interests for others

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