Thursday 12 February 2015



British Occupied Ireland, entrapment is a common practice, used by British Secret Service agencies, to prosecute their Dirty War and induce people, to be involved in activity, that they would otherwise normally not engage in. For example slipping a drug into their drink, along with planting incriminating evidence on them. This practice, is widely used in Occupied Ireland, to politically intern people for many years, in some instances for the rest of their lives and is also used to turn activists into agents for the British. The practice, combined with secret courts, has been estimated to account, for more than half of the political convictions in Ireland currently, combined with British secret courts, without a jury.

It makes a nonsense of any claim, to a peace process and calls into question, the integrity of British Sinn Fein who appeal on all Irish people, to become informers to British Occupation Forces in Ireland. It compounds the belief, that all parts of the British apparatus in Ireland, is still part of a low intensity, ongoing British Dirty War in Ireland, which includes dirty tricks within all the pillars of the Orange State. In a jurisdiction without a Dirty War, the prosecution, would be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant was not entrapped, or the defendant would be required to prove, they were entrapped, as an affirmative defence. 

Sting operations are a regular feature of the British in Ireland. Sometimes entrapment occurs, when the British paramilitary, PSNI/RUC go beyond simply providing an opportunity to a compromised agent or individual to commit an actual attack, often it results in the entrapment, of his associates. A lot of the time, the persistence and frequency of attempts by the PSNI/RUC, by inducement, fraud, deceit, reward, amplifies, the actual existence of implied threats, to give credibility, for major increases in budgets, to justify British taxpayers, massive funding of their Dirty War in Ireland or further the careers, of many sectarian, paramilitary, police, in British Occupied Ireland.

Factors which should be Considered in Cases of Entrapment


Whether the PSNI/RUC officers concerned are secret members of the Orange Order.

Whether the Paramilitary Police acted in bad faith.

Whether the PSNI/RUC had reason to suspect the accused of legal political activities.

Whether the Secret services, were politcally under pressure, to get a result, in areas where attacks were particularly prevalent, where the entrapment took place

Whether reactionary investigatory techniques are used, because of difficulty in detection of Irish political activity, supported by the native population.

The accused circumstances and vulnerability because of endemic state bigotry and prejudice.

The nature of the political offence

Entrapment often occurs, when the various British secret services, cause an attack to be committed, which otherwise would not occur, had it not been for secret service involvement. The lawyers in Occupied Ireland, who were particularly talented, in challenging the admissibility of evidence through entrapment, have already been executed, by British death squads in Ireland.The case below, which is covered in today's Belfast Telegraph, is a current example.

IRA 'plotted terrorist attacks on Northern Ireland's transport infrastructure', court hears
The men allegedly discussed sniper strikes on high-profile targets

A Translink train

Secret recordings of alleged Continuity IRA terror plot meetings revealed plans to attack Northern Ireland's transport infrastructure, the High Court heard today.


Discussions also explored future sniper strikes on high-profile targets, prosecutors said.

Further details of the covert MI5 operation at a house in Newry, Co Down were disclosed as bail was refused to one of the men accused of attending some of the gatherings.

Terence Marks, 54, denies charges of belonging to a proscribed organisation, namely the IRA, and conspiring to cause an explosion likely to endanger life.

The father-of-six's lawyer claimed the recordings were of singing and drink-fuelled bravado.

He also expressed concerns about possible entrapment in the surveillance.

The investigation centres on meetings held by alleged key members of the Continuity IRA's leadership.

The house at Ardcarn Park was raided last November after being bugged for three months.

Twelve men were arrested at that stage, with charges brought against seven of them and the other five released pending reports.

Marks, of Parkhead Crescent in the city, was among a further three men detained the following month.

A total of nine meetings were recorded, with each of the suspects said to have been present on at least one occasion.

According to the prosecution topics discussed included membership of an outlawed organisation, weapons procurement and training, terrorist funding and plans to commit acts of terrorism.

Based on voice analysis Marks is alleged to have been present at three gatherings in September and October.

Among the issues explored at those meetings were: previous operations, using household items for bomb-making, constructing improvised explosive devices and and transporting a small weapon in a loaf of bread.

Opposing bail, prosecution counsel said police are still seeking other suspects.

He contended: "There are clearly very significant steps being taken by this group to prepare for future significant terrorist acts, (including) preparation for sniper attacks on high-profile targets and an attack on the transport infrastructure."

According to the barrister it would involve "a reckless disregard for life if such an attack were to take place".

John Connolly, defending, said Marks strenuously denies any past or present involvement with dissident republican groupings.

Mr Justice Burgess was told the accused is a chronic alcoholic who drinks up to ten cans of beer and as much as a litre of vodka a day.

Mr Connolly stressed that Marks is only alleged to have been present for eight of the 70 hours of surveillance at the house.

He said: "It's clear from the recordings that there's a lot of bravado from individuals, talking about events of the past and gesturing about what to do about the future.

"Within the recordings there's a lot of banter, there's arguments, there's fun, there's light conversation and there's heated debate.

"There's also singing and recounting of some songs."

It was claimed that one of those present can be heard going into "numerous monologues" and inviting others to recall stories.

"There's a concern that there has been a state involvement in almost what is known as entrapment," Mr Connolly said.

He added that the Public Prosecution Service had responded to a request about whether any of those arrested were state agents by saying it was not obliged to answer the question.

Refusing bail, Mr Justice Burgess said he had "grave doubts" any release conditions would be complied with.

The judge also stressed: "These are serious matters impacting on the whole community and in particular various sections, including danger to their lives and serious injury."

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