Sunday 22 February 2015


A man was spotted in North Belfast recently, jumping up and down naked on a trampoline with his naked dog and having intercourse with his tree. The man who must remain anonymous for legal reasons, was spotted by a young lady in the garden of his North Belfast home at 4 AM  last week. The PSNI/RUC were told that the man reported, had his "manhood" in one hand and a spliff in the other, when his neighbour saw him. The gentleman in question, who pleaded shameless indecency, was placed on a sex offenders list, with a warning to behave himself.

The RUC said, that a young female, who lives in a block of flats in North Belfast, had got out of her bed to go to the bathroom, after being awoken by panting and grunting in the early hours of the morning..As she looked out her bathroom window, she saw a man in her back garden. She said: "He was naked along with his dog,while bouncing up and down on a trampoline. He had a spliff in one hand and his penis in his other. When he tumbled down, the dog ejaculated on his head regularly. She said, he was as bold as brass, and put very bad thoughts in her head. She rang the RUC, because Gerry Kelly told everyone, to inform the British, on their Irish neighbours, if they saw anything suspicious."

The defendant told the RUC,  he took to the trampoline after hearing that Gerry Adams does it all the time with his dog, just for the thrill of it. He said he also likes to hug his tree, while he is naked, just like Gerry. He said when he is feeling intimate with his tree, he has sex regulary with it, but that he locks away his dog first, so that he won't be jealous. He promised the RUC, that he would become an informer like Gerry Kelly and vote Sinn Fein, if they promised, not to send him to Maghaberry. The RUC agreed, but told him that they were forced to put him on a sex offender's list, as there already was a man in Scotland, prosecuted and placed on a sex offender's list, for bouncing up and down on his trampoline in Scotland. When he inquired as to why Gerry Adams wasn't prosecuted, he was told to sgut up and stay quiet, or he would be interned for being a dissident and would be censored.

Belfast Telegraph


Taken at face value, the testimony of Richard Kerr on abuse at Kincora Boys' Home in east Belfast in the 1970s is explosive and compelling. He claims he was abused both there and in London by what appears to have been an organised paedophile ring. And he says he has evidence of MI5 involvement.

His story is tragic. As a teenager he was taken into care after his family life collapsed. His eventual arrival at Kincora led to a life of degradation, including abuse by numerous men and later working as a male prostitute.

One can only guess at the impact this had on his self-worth, as he self-harmed and also tried to commit suicide.

His story adds to the mounting tide of evidence of what went on in that notorious home. It also reinforces the widely held belief that previous investigations which saw three members of staff jailed for abusing 11 boys in their care was far from the complete picture. It has long been suspected that people in senior positions in the intelligence services and in civic society helped cover up the full extent of the abuse.

Whether that indeed is the case can only be determined by a full public inquiry into the allegations of former residents like Richard. Their voices are screaming out to be heard. Their claims are so insistent and consistent that they can no longer be denied a public airing.

Kincora is to be examined in a Northern Ireland inquiry chaired by Sir Anthony Hart QC. While no one doubts that this inquiry will be meticulous in its examination of historic child abuse, including that at Kincora, it does lack the power to compel witnesses to attend. Given the claims being made by former Kincora residents - and how their statements contradict the findings of previous investigations on the scale of the abuse - it is imperative that any new inquiry should have the strongest possible powers of investigation.

The inquiry in London - headed by New Zealand judge Lowell Goddard - into claims that a powerful paedophile ring existed in the very highest echelons of British society fits the bill.

But the Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers, has ruled out the Kincora claims being part of that inquiry. Her decision is being challenged in the High Court here. Justice demands that she should change her mind and agree to the demands of these men who say they were grievously abused as vulnerable boys.


Victims at children's home accuse security service of colluding to protect abusers
Victims of abuse at Kincora Children's Home say MI5 blocked investigation
Claim staff members colluded with security services to protect abusers
Campaigners are now taking legal action at the High Court in Belfast today
Case is the first to examine allegations of a British state cover-up of abuse


PUBLISHED: 01:30 GMT, 17 February 2015 | UPDATED: 08:24 GMT, 17 February 2015

MI5 blocked police investigations into sexual abuse at a children’s home to protect their intelligence gathering operation, campaigners will tell the High Court today.

Victims of abuse at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland have accused senior members of the security services of colluding in protecting abusers from being investigated or prosecuted.

Campaigners are taking legal action at the High Court in Belfast to force a full independent inquiry with the power to force MI5 witnesses to testify and release documents.

Victims of abuse at the Kincor children's home in Northern Ireland, pictured, have accused senior members of the security services of blocking police investigations 

Victims of abuse at the Kincor children's home in Northern Ireland, pictured, have accused senior members of the security services of blocking police investigations

The case is the first to examine allegations of a British state cover-up of abuse at the East Belfast home in the 1970s.

Claims that children were molested for years because police and the British security services were using the home, run by a member of a Protestant paramilitary organisation, to gather intelligence are already subject to a separate inquiry in Northern Ireland, the Historical and Institutional Abuse (HIA) inquiry, led by Sir Anthony Hart.But critics of the HIA claim it lacks sufficient powers to get to the heart of the scandal as it may not be able to
compel either evidence or witnesses from MI5.

Victims are applying for a judicial review to establish a similar full inquiry in Northern Ireland to the London-based child abuse inquiry, now chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard from New Zealand.

Lawyers for the victims have lodged papers in Belfast High Court arguing: ‘There is credible evidence (and it is therefore arguable) that the security forces and security services were aware of the abuse, permitted it to continue and colluded in protecting the individuals involved from investigation or prosecution.’

Senior members of the Loyalist community, the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary have also been accused of collusion, blackmail and cover-up.


Claims that children were molested for years because police and the British security services were using the home to gather intelligence is already subject to a separate inquiry led by Sir Anthony Hart, pictured

One alleged victim of the abuse at Kincora, Gary Hoy, was placed there with his younger brother in the 1970s.

He said in a sworn affidavit: ‘If we had had a proper inquiry in the 1980s then I wouldn’t have to relive this again today. MI5 and MI6 cannot be allowed to hide things, and I believe everything needs to be brought out into the open.

‘I find it heart-wrenching that there were security men could have been behind the abuse or involved in it … Because they were in positions of authority or supposed to be protecting the state they get away with it.’

Solicitor Kevin Winters who is representing Mr Hoy and other survivors said: ‘The allegations of our clients and others have been in the public domain for years; the role of state has been alleged for a long time. There is now an opportunity for the truth to be uncovered for our clients to be able to move on with their fractured lives.

‘This opportunity is possibly being lost because of the UK government’s fear of being exposed to impunity and straightforward corruption and criminality against innocents used as pawns in a cynical political exercise.’

He added: ‘This is about state agents in a very dark episode of the conflict in the North of Ireland.’

A former British military official has also backed a full inquiry.
There are longstanding claims that MI5 blocked one or more police investigations into Kincora in the 1970s

Colin Wallace, a former army information officer in Northern Ireland, said: ‘There is now irrefutable evidence that previous inquiries were deliberately engineered or manipulated to mislead parliament by concealing the role of government agencies in covering up the abuses.’

In 1981, three men were imprisoned for between four and six years for a number of offences relating to systematic sexual abuse of children over a period of years.

But the allegations of MI5 involvement have never been fully examined.

It has suggested that William McGrath, Kincora’s housemaster and the leader of an extreme evangelical Protestant group called Tara, was an informant for British intelligence.

McGrath was jailed for sexual offences in 1981 and is now dead.

An Amnesty International spokesman said: ‘There are longstanding claims that MI5 blocked one or more police investigations into Kincora in the 1970s in order to protect its own intelligence-gathering operation, a terrible indictment which raises the spectre of countless vulnerable boys having faced further years of brutal abuse.

‘It’s only Justice Goddard’s inquiry that will be able to ensure that evidence doesn’t remain hidden in Whitehall filing cabinets and that even senior politicians will have to attend the inquiry.’

A Home Office spokesperson said: ‘The government is cooperating fully with all investigations into allegations relating to the Kincora boys’ home. It is not appropriate to comment further while these investigations are under way.’

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