Friday 27 February 2015


Willie Frazer has challenged Sinn Fein's Conor Murphy on many occasions to a public debate on law and order in south Armagh. Willie was attacked by a gang near Crossmaglen some time ago but Murphy's’s reaction was to call him “a well-known fantasist”, without condemning the violent incident around an attempted kidnap. Many people have said that Murphy’s remarks were extremely defensive and not those of someone, who supported justice. Mr Frazer challenged Murphy to meet him face-to-face, in a public forum, to debate Murphy's remarks and debate law and order in south Armagh.” Willie said at the time; “He says I am a fantasist. Tell that to the cameraman who was in the car with me, at the time, shouting for a documentary. Did he imagine what happened? Sinn Fein want to discredit me, tarnish my name and pass me off as a crank. It is a classic tactic because I do not suit their agenda. It’s like the Northern Bank robbery or Robert McCartney. We were told they were nothing to do with republicans, it is all fantasy. Well I can tell you it is not fantasy that law and order does not reign over south Armagh.” Murphy was afraid of an open debate with Willie, and has hidden from Willie ever since that statement.

Willie may have a point, in that Murphy seems to brand everyone who disagrees with him, as criminals, when he calls on all of the people is South Armagh, to become informers to the RUCpsni/MI5. He seems while doing so, to be at best cherry picking, with a a very selective memory. Does he want all of the people of South Armagh, to become informers and pass on all the details of the murder of Paul Quinn? Does he want them to tell the British police, about the details of the resources and sources, he was given to fight his elections, personally along with his party. If someone wants to challenge Murphy for his seats, will they be allowed to have similar resources from similar sources, or is it only people, who work with the British Occupation forces, who are allowed a pass on this? Does he want the people of South Armagh to inform the RUC/PSNI about all of these details. Does he want the people of South Armagh to supply MI5, with all the details about his family's history? Does he want people to talk about, what MI5 were saying about his family in Gough Barracks? People in glasshouses should not throw stones. He and his party members and supporters need to consider well, what they are about, because Willie appears to have their number and so have others, according to the details of the article below by Suzanne Breen.

An informer within Provisional IRA ranks has come forward with crucial new information about the murder of South Armagh man, Paul Quinn. The disillusioned Provo has told gardai the name of the senior republican from the border area whom he alleges led the gang who brutally beat the 21-year-old to death in a barn in Co Monaghan seven years ago. Sources close to the investigation said the IRA veteran has recently been quizzed by detectives leading the murder inquiry as a result of this information. 

Paul Quinn died in hospital shortly after he was savagely assaulted on October 20, 2007. His family and friends will gather in Cullyhanna next weekend for a Mass and commemoration to mark the seventh anniversary of his murder. In an interview with Sunday Life, Paul's father, Stephen Quinn, accused Sinn Fein of continuing to shield his son's killers, but he warned that the garda investigation remained very active. “We believe we'll secure justice. This isn't a case gardai have put on the back burner. It's open and progressing all the time. “Those who murdered my son may think they've got away with it, but they shouldn't sleep easily in their beds. Their past will catch up with them,” he said. 

A source close to the investigation said the senior local Provisional went voluntarily to Carrickmacross garda station to be interviewed in the presence of his solicitor after hearing detectives had been searching for him. “Information that this man led the IRA gang who beat Paul Quinn with cudgels and iron bars has been conveyed to gardai. “They have been told he stood in the barn, giving the instructions to Paul's assailants,” the source said. The senior Provisional, who is in his 50s, has previously served a prison sentence and is well known in the south Armagh and north Louth area. He has held position within Sinn Fein. 

Police on both sides of the border believe he was one of three IRA men involved in the November 1994 murder of Newry post office worker, Frank Kerr, but he has never faced charges in connection with that incident. Kerr, the first person the IRA killed after its ceasefire, was shot in the head as he struggled with the gang robbing the mail office. They escaped with £130,000. The republican questioned about Paul Quinn's murder is known as a ‘heavy' for the Provos. He was one of those who knocked on the doors of Real IRA members to issue death threats against them in 1998. Although more than 20 people have been arrested during the Quinn murder investigation — including Padraig ‘Paudie’ Treanor, a former driver of Sinn Fein Newry and Armagh MP Conor Murphy. None has been charged. The gardai investigation reveals a high degree of planning on the day of the murder. Phone records examined by detectives showed the mobiles of around eight key suspects were turned off at the same time that afternoon. They were then almost simultaneously turned on after 6pm following the beating. 

The Provisional IRA targeted Paul Quinn for clashing with several local Provos over minor matters in the months before his killing. After the murder, Conor Murphy MP said he had spoken to the IRA and was satisfied they weren't involved. He branded Paul “a criminal” and linked his murder to a feud among criminals. Former Irish Foreign Minister, Dermot Ahern, and the SDLP both asserted that Paul wasn't a criminal. Stephen Quinn said: “Seven year's after Paul's murder, we appeal to Conor Murphy, as a politician and a father, to withdraw his disgraceful slur against our son.” Living in a small rural community, the Quinns regularly come face-to-face with the men who killed Paul. Stephen said: “There's not a day I don't meet those who were involved in some way. “Whether they ordered or directed it or beat him, they all have blood on their hands.” He accused Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams of failing to help their campaign for justice: “These two could come to south Armagh and secure justice for us within an hour because it’s prominent members of the provisional movement who murdered our son.”

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