Tuesday 24 March 2015




Right wing 'Loyalists' in the UK are linked to child abuse rings and to Israel. (Website for this image)

Journalist Chris Moore wrote The Kincora Scandal an investigation into the Kincora Children's Home in Belfast in the UK, where housemaster William McGrath, and others, abused children.

William McGrath, a Protestant loyalist and member of Ian Paisley's Free Presbyterian Church, reportedly worked for the UK spy service MI5.

Lord Victor Rothschild - spy for the UK 'and Israel'.

Reportedly, McGrath had contacts with UK spy Ted Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt, the 'pedophile' spy.

Sir Anthony Blunt, allegedly linked to child murder according to T Stokes (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COMING SOON)

McGrath had contacts with Sir Knox Cunningham who has been linked to pedophile rings and who was a pal of Tony Blair.

Right-wing Loyalist Sir Samuel Knox Cunningham, who befriended Blair at Fettes school.

Reportedly, the Kincora Children's Home, in Belfast in the UK, was used by the spooks as a boy brothel.

Kincora's clientele included top politicians , judges and other public figures .

"MI5... used it as a blackmailers lever." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

McGrath was linked to right-wing protestant paramilitaries in Northern Ireland (as was Anders Breivik, reportedly).

Reportedly, the protestant paramilitaries "have long had links with Zionist gangsters and have received Israeli weapons.

"In at least one incident weapons were exchanged for intelligence material on British missile systems, and loyalists rely on Israeli-'Russian' mafiosi for supplies of ecstasy pills.

"Loyalists have also engaged in the smuggling of non-Whites into Eire in alliance with the 'Russian' mafia." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

Journalist Chris Moore describes McGrath's links to a man from the UK Ministry of Defence.

Colin Wallace, who worked for the UK psyops section of MI5, is linked to Kincora.

Moore describes McGrath's links to Sir Knox Cunningham who provided McGrath with funds for his paramilitary organisation.

Cunningham was an associate of the Ted Rothschild-linked Cambridge spy ring, which included the pedophile Sir Anthony Blunt.

In 1940 Lord Ted Rothschild suggested that communist Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the UK secret service.

In the book 'The Fifth Man', Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Israel.


Tony Blair, who is sometimes known as Miranda, attended a private boarding school called Fettes, in Edinburgh.

One of the people Tony Blair had contact with at Fettes was Sir Knox Cunningham.

According to John Rentoul's biography Tony Blair Prime Minister, Knox Cunningham would visit the school several times a year and he liked to visit the boys' quarters.

Blair loved having discussions with Knox Cunningham.

John Rentoul quotes one of Blair's contemporaries as saying: "Cunningham was the sort of man who liked boys."

Blair at Fettes (Website for this image) Scotland on Sunday revealed that the man who taught Tony Blair history, left Fettes following allegations including fondling boys while he caned them, watching children on the toilet and becoming aroused while meting out corporal punishment. Former Fettes pupil Lord MacLean, one of the judges at the Lockerbie trial, rallied around their former teacher, saying they do not have any recollection of him ever behaving in an inappropriate manner.

According to Martin Dillon's book "The Trigger Men", Knox Cunningham was homosexual and had links to people involved in a child sex abuse ring.

According to Dillon: "William Mc Grath ... was a British Intelligence agent from the 1950s onwards...

"He sought out young men and boys..."

McGrath "knew Sir Knox Cunningham and other leading Unionist homosexuals.

"Collectively, they were part of what today would be called a pedophile ring.

"While researching my book God and the Gun, I spoke to a source about this 'ring' and he explained that there were several Boys’ Homes in Northern Ireland from which boys were picked up and taken to parties in Brighton, England.

"McGrath ... had protection from the British Intelligence community before the Troubles began in earnest.

"As my source said, 'top hats and royalty', meaning the English upper classes and people connected to the Royal Family, were part of a wider homosexual ring in which Mc Grath was an integral player."

Former UK prime minister Edward Heath.

Reportedly, a certain UK prime minister 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career."

Reportedly, in the 1970s, several newspapers claimed that the former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath, who was reported to be gay, was a regular visitor to Kincora Boys Home. (cached text )

In 1973 MI5 set up a propaganda campaign named Clockwork Orange.

The purpose of Clockwork Orange was to blackmail and control top political figures in Northern Ireland and Great Britain, including Harold Wilson and Edward Heath. (Who Framed Colin Wallace)

In October 1974, MI5's Colin Wallace refused to take any further part in the Clockwork Orange operation.

Wallace tried to alert the authorities about what was going on at Kincora.

He was sacked and he moved to England.

The husband of a friend and colleague was found dead.

Wallace was accused of murder and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.

Top Conservative Lord Boothby, gangster Ronnie Kray and a young man.

Jewish gangsters called the Kray Twins had links to top people in the UK.

According to this source - Archives - the Krays had links to a paedophile ring.

"What was involved was the systematic abuse of ten-to-twelve-year-old boys, one of whom subsequentlybecame fairly well known as a singer.

"Another, rather less fortunate,wound up in six pieces in two suitcases...

"The paedophile ring in question had links to the Kray twins."

More information is found here -Archives

"The police uncovered a large-scale juvenile pimping operation centred on a house in a Suffolk village (Tattington) owned by Ronnie Kray.

(The twins had huge property interests in East Anglia).

"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of (Benjamin) Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek.

"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks."

Ronald Selby-Wright and Princess Margaret

At Fettes, Tony Blair was close friends with Ronald Selby Wright, a Church of Scotland minister with links to the military and to boys clubs. (Ronald Selby Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

According to John Rentoul, Tony Blair, in his final year at Fettes, ran a summer camp for Selby Wright's boys' club.

Reportedly, Selby Wright was 'a persistent paedophile abusing boys at Fettes and elsewhere'.

According to The Sunday Times, 25 May 1997, "Blair’s School Mentor Was a Sex Abuser." (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 18).


The head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was reportedly observed by his Special Branch guards partaking of Kincora's facilities. (The troubles: Google Books Result)

Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, Noel Coward, several bishops, and an archbishop. (Cached) 

According to "The Biggest Secret of World War II": during World war II, Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the King’s brother, the Duke of Kent, Prince George, a boyfriend to Sir Anthony Blunt.

"A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...

"Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent ... had links to Victor Rothschild. Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill’s decisions."

Margaret Hodge, who is Jewish, is one of the 'secret' rulers of Britain. She once ran Islington Council in London and is now very important in the UK parliament. She was Tony Blair's Minister for Children..

On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday told us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring

This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.

Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.

(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)

The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday.

In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London.

All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people.

This ring included three pimps called Alan, John and George.

Reportedly, the relative, then aged 13, was persuaded, by money, drugs and threats, to supply the pimps with young boys.

The relative tried to blow the whistle.

Reportedly, the relative told social workers the names of boys who were being ferried from the children's homes to various parts of London (Manor Park, Tottenham, Soho and Westminster) to ‘be buggered by old men’.

Reportedly, none of the men were put under surveillance or questioned.

Haringey Boy - Photo copyright Tim Stewart

Whistleblowing Social worker Neville Mighty, who had received death threats, named the relative in a report.

Neville Mighty contacted Islington’s then director of children’s services, Lyn Cusack, who is married to a senior policeman.

In June 1992, Mighty was sacked.

Liz Davies, the senior Islington social worker who encouraged Mighty to go public, said:

'We got too close. There were too many powerful people involved.

'Child sex, pornography and sadism are extremely lucrative industries.'

In 1994, an independent report criticised the failure of police and social workers to help the relative.

Bryn Estyn - one of many children's homes linked to child-abuse

On 2 March 2008, Eileen Fairweather at the The Mail on Sunday had an excellent news story entitled 'I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning journalist. 

Eileen Fairweather described the links between child abuse in Islington in London and child abuse on the islands of Jersey and Guernsey. She also suggests possible cover-ups by top police and politicians.

According to the Mail on Sunday article:

1. About 15 years ago, Detective Constable Peter Cook uncovered a child sex ring, with victims in both Britain and Jersey.

Cook's police bosses barred Cook from alerting police abuse specialists in London. Inquiries by junior detectives were closed down by senior police officers.

The child abuse ring members included an aristocrat, clerics and a social services chief. Their friends included senior police officers.

Cook managed to meet people at the National Criminal-Intelligence Squad. Little happened.

2. In February 2008, 'a child's remains' were found at a former children's home on Jersey.

More than 200 children who lived at Haut de la Garenne have described sexual and physical torture dating back to the Sixties.

3. There are the links between the child abuse at care homes in Islington, North London, and the child abuse on Jersey.

14-year-old Jason Swift, killed in 1985 by a paedophile gang, is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street home.

Two sources claimed this.

Every one of Islington's 12 care homes included staff who were paedophiles, child pornographers or pimps.

Police secretly confirmed that several Islington workers were 'major operators in the supply of children for abuse and pornography'.

Islington children were taken to Jersey 'on unofficial visits'.

Government Minister Margaret Hodge, then council leader in Islington, denounced "gutter journalists" who supposedly bribed children to lie about abuse.

(The Right Honourable Margaret Eve, Lady Hodge, MBE (née Margaret Oppenheimer; born September 1944, Cairo) is a British politician and Labour Party Member of Parliament for Barking. She was the first Minister for Children appointed in a newly created post within the Department for Education and Skills in 2001.)

5. Jersey social worker Simon Bellwood was sacked in 2007 after speaking out.

Jersey health minister Stuart Syvret was sacked after publicising a suppressed report into abuse allegations.

6. In June 1991, police in Cambridgeshire raided the home of Neil Hocquart who abused children in Britain and Guernsey.

Hocquart, along with a social worker from Jersey, supplied child pornography to a huge sex ring.

Hocquart, nee Foster, was abused while in care in Norfolk and was eventually 'befriended' by Captain H. Hocquart of Vale, in Guernsey.

Cambridgeshire police and a Scotland Yard squad raided Neil Hocquart's Swaffham Manor home in June 1991.

At nearby Ely they found his friend, Walter Clack, who was also reportedly involved with child pornography.

Police did not get a chance to properly interview these men. Hocquart died suddenly and Clack 'escaped with a £5,000 fine'.

Scotland Yard detectives related that they found at least "two or three" wills of older men who died of apparent heart attacks shortly after leaving everything to Neil Hocquart. 

These deaths were never investigated.

7. Nicholas John Rabet, born on Jersey, was a friend of Hocquart's. Rabet became a childcare worker on Jersey.

Later, Rabet became deputy superintendent of islington council's home at 114 Grosvenor Avenue.

Rabet became a key supplier of children from Islington's care homes to paedophile rings.

Rabet and a colleague took children on trips to Jersey.

'Allegations mounted but nothing was done'.

Rabet befriended the widow of an American oil millionaire. This lady died after writing her will in Rabet's favour. Rabet inherited a property in Sussex, where he opened a children's activity centre. Children in Islington's care were regularly invited to stay there.

Hocquart and Walter Clack became "volunteers" at this activity centre.

Hocquart befriended one young boy called Shane (not his real name) who stayed at an islington care home.

Sussex police raided Rabet's children's centre and then contacted Shane, at his Islington children's home. Shane confirmed months of 'abuse'. Attempts to investigate further 'were thwarted by Islington Council'.

Islington 'falsely told Sussex officers it had no file material on Rabet or his alleged victim'.

The independent White inquiry into the abuse in Islington children's homes found that "at assistant director level . . . many confidential files were destroyed by mistake, although there is no evidence of conspiracy."

During the Rabet investigation, Islington refused to interview any other children in care or help Sussex police identify other children in Rabet's photos.

Police decided not to prosecute.

Shane told journalist Eileen Fairweather: "This goes right to the top. You have no idea how big this is."

Fairweather writes: "Third World police... succeeded where Britain's finest in Cambridgeshire, Sussex, London and Jersey had failed."

Rabet was arrested in Thailand in 2006 and charged with abusing 30 boys, some as young as six. Thai police believed he had abused at least 300.

Rabat was never tried. He died suddenly on 12 May 2006.

8. Two other Jersey-born social workers also worked in Islington.

One arranged sailing trips to Guernsey; the other sent children to Rabet's centre. Both were accused of abuse.

9. When Detective Constable Cook travelled to Guernsey, he met two brothers whom Hocquart 'delivered to a high-ranking, respected local man to rape'.

Reportedly no action was taken by senior police.

Jason Swift

In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang.

Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)

Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift.

Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys.

The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2]

Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early.

There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes. ( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)

In 1982 Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer) became Islington council leader.

She became a close friend of Tony Blair, who lived in Islington, a few doors away from Hodge.

In February 1990 Liz Davies and David Cofie, senior social workers, discovered evidence of sex abuse of children and reported it to a residents' meeting attended by Mrs Hodge.

In May 1990 Mr Cofie and Ms Davies were told by Lyn Cusack, assistant director of social services, to stop interviewing children about the abuse claims.

On 1 May 1997 Tony Blair moved from Islington to Downing Street.

In June 2003 Mrs Hodge was made minister for Children. (Another minister under fire: call for Hodge to quit over child ...)

The Independent, 9 March 2008, has an article on missing children (Our children are missing: Most vulnerable youngsters are targeted) which tells us the following:

Sarah Benford, 14, disappeared from Welford House children's home in Northampton in April 2000.

She is still missing.

The UK's Police National Missing Persons Bureau has 1,418 "open cases" of missing children.

According to Police figures more than 100 children who should be in care have been missing for at least four years.

Many children who go missing are not reported to the police.

Member of parliament Helen Southworth says: "All figures on children missing from anywhere are estimates because, astonishingly, there is no requirement for data to be recorded or collected nationally."

Almost 1,000 children went missing from UK residential and foster care in 2007.

The number that went missing from care increased from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.










Zoompad said...

I personally think Ian Paisely has nothing to do with paedophilia. I think he is a good man. Paedophiles are good at tricking people.

Thanks for posting all this info.

1:41 PM

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Lot of good research here.

Reminds me of that Franklin Coverup in the US of A back in the day.

Interesting Elizabeth moves in such circles also, isn't it?

I have known adult survivors of this type of abuse and every one of them was irrevocably scarred when it came to anything regarding emotions.

4:36 PM

Zoompad said...

"Interesting Elizabeth moves in such circles also, isn't it?"

Very. Do you remember that book, Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake? I felt it could have been written for the Royal Family. Those seemingly meaningless rituals, the Royal duties.

The Queen of England is like a giant termite. I don't mean to be rude in saying that, but Queen termites lives are ordered all day and night, they are completly hemmed in and they are bloated white and enormous and live all their days in the dark.

5:35 PM

Anonymous said...

All monarchies are pointless and should be abolished. Gadaffi proved that social equality was better for all. Gadaffi did not insult our intelligence like the Queen who 'pretends' equality by riding the Tube wearing her kerchief. Thank you, Aangirfan for your research.

7:36 PM

Anonymous said...

Well dont forget we still have the issue over Elizabeth II and the missing children in Canada. Wiliam Arnold Combes signed a statement saying he saw a good half a dozen kids taken away by Elizabeth and her husband Edward.

They were never seen again.

Now we have the scandal of Rev Kevin Arnett who was deported from the UK when he was attempting to deliver evidence to the ITCCS. This wasnt reported on mainstream news;


9:05 PM

majestika said...

Heartbreaking evil.

When they're not authorising the mass murder of foreign children by humanitarian bombardment, they're sexually abusing and murdering them in children's homes.

Monsters, plain & simple.

10:09 PM

majestika said...


10:15 PM

dognamedblue said...

excellent work as always

10:21 PM

Anonymous said...

The Suffolk village is TattingSTONE.

1:53 AM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Well dont forget we still have the issue over Elizabeth II and the missing children in Canada. Wiliam Arnold Combes signed a statement saying he saw a good half a dozen kids taken away by Elizabeth and her husband Edward."

Elizebeth II married to Philip not Edward. Edward was her uncle who gave up the throne to marry Wallis Simpson. His brother George (Liz's father)succeeded the throne. Edward died in 1972.

2:44 AM

nobody said...

Hey Aang,

I'm in the middle of reading The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry, about the Son of Sam killings in New York in the 70's. I came to it via Dave McGowan repeatedly referencing it in Programmed to Kill.

Terry (not having read Bowart, McGowan, Brice Taylor, et al) clearly fails to understand quite what he's in amongst but regardless makes it unarguably clear that the Son of Sam was no such thing and was in fact an organised group of satanists acting in concert. Each killing involved three or four people, with one as the shooter (using the famous .44) and the others acting as lookouts.

Whilst I haven't finished it yet, already we've had a scene (related by a witness) where David Berkowitz upon finding his car ticketed at the location of the planned murder (thus establishing that he was there) declares to his accomplices that they should call the whole thing off and do it on some other day. He's overruled by one of them who says that they're all under orders and it must be done that night.

Anyway, the point I wanted to make is that, whilst we perpetually see examples of satanists and paedophiles walking free (thanks to their connections to the powerful, a la your piece today), occasionally there's nothing to be done for it and someone has to take the fall. In the case of David Berkowitz, since he was fool enough to park in front of a hydrant, he was it.

And that's all it takes. When you run with jackals, red in fang and claw, you make the smallest trip and you're it, torn limb from limb. It's almost enough to make you feel sorry for them, but not quite.


I wonder if they're reading here now? Probably. Hey boys, how's it feel to live lives of fear?

Or are you feeling bluff, impressed with your own power? Ha ha ha. Remember - a blink of an eye is all it takes you know. Are you into probabilities? Between you and your filthy ilk, and those you pray upon (an untold number), who's statistically more likely to end up in six pieces in a suitcase? Think about it now.

It's you isn't it?

2:50 AM

Anonymous said...

Of course they are reading this, I never assume anything else. But as long as we just talk and have no proof to act upon we are harmless nutters the best defence against is ...to do nothing. To do something about us attracts attention, possible investigation, and not ALL coppers and journalists are 'malleable' and might just find something juicy 'they' will have problems spinning shining-white.

Remember, these people have been at it since time immoral and have a system in place we mere mortals can't crack easily. As you've noticed, they always succeed in smothering any problems. Because they have seen to it they have people everywhere, in all positions and classes, and in emergencies even have 'expendables' to take the rap, the obvious ones the lone pedophiles we know so well, but in fact the predators they groom to entrap victims. But they are prepared to sacrifice their own if inavoidable. They all know they are expendable if someone f's up and thus do what it takes to succeed, cost what it will.

Not an easy nut to crack.

But there is a way, there always is.

(quote from a friend of mine, who found himself expendable).

1:50 PM

nobody said...

'time immoral', ha ha ha, very good.

12:16 AM

Anonymous said...

Windsor Castle paedo probe...good grief, let's re-write the Queen's treason laws and get rid of the royals.


6:39 PM

Anonymous said...

Pope DENIES sexual abuse....


11:34 PM

Anonymous said...


Occult Experience

1970 documentary on occultism and witchcraft

12:23 AM

Anonymous said...


12:25 PM

Anonymous said...

I sometimes leave a juicy piece of bait to see if anyone actually READS my posts.

I know it's spelt immemorial.

I note you found nothing else to have a go at, so maybe it was a good post after all.

7:42 PM

Anonymous said...

God is watching.

9:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Blowing The Whistle - Child Stealing By The State

Event Date:

Sun, 23rd Oct 2011

Start Time:



Kings Hall

Off Glebe Street

Stoke On Trent ST4 1FT

See map: Google Maps

This is not a conference to discuss the "issues" and "concerns" with children, and to set out a way to "help reform the system", as some MPs suggest.

This is a conference to expose and bring to trial those helping the State to steal and abuse children. We will name names, departments, authorities, organisations, judges, MPs, police, psychiatrists and more. With the help of those attending, we will expose the real evidence for:


Ticket - Blowing The Whistle - Child Stealing By The State Price: £10.00



As you can see there is certainly an awful lot of anger out there and with the Pope due in England next week I am sure a few sparks will be flying. For my part I could have done a whole series on the subject of peodophilia but I think this very large article paints a very clear picture that it is rife all over the world. It exists in every walk of life, especially in those areas that are supposed to safeguard and protect its citizens. The reason it continues is because it extends into the highest offices of the Government, church, military, police, health, education, social services, mental health and special needs, care workers, judiciary etc. The senior level of Freemasons plays a major role in this activity and that includes ex Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, Senior Military Commanders, CEO’s and all inter linked to the New World Order etc.

The question is can this den of satanic evil be brought to justice? Yes obviously but only by the pressure of people power. If Hollie Greig’s case can be won, with the continued pressure from “Hollie’s Army” then there is hope. However, if we do not continue to support this particular case then all will be lost.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant –13/9/2010

10:48 PM

Anonymous said...

There IS a major problem with female pedophiles preying on young children - boys and girls.

Drugs play a part too. Some parents are too busy getting high to care what their children are doing when they visit the nice ?? lady down the street.

I even wonder if some parents get paid in drugs to not ask what the 'nice'??? lady did with the child when she took the child for the day.

Have been sickened by two recent cases AND I had not idea the problem was so extensive.

I checked on line cases listed to see if any of the cases were reported there. But all names were supressed. Why? I think because the perpertrators were rich. A pathetic work colleagure (who was not at the trial) made a comment,'I suppose they were all low-lifes?'

I challenged what was meant by that and it appears that she thought the offenders would all be unemployed and living on benefits.

Wake up people.

These pedophiles were all rich, well connected and well educated. And there were also able to afford very expensive barristers. But they were still convicted thank goodness. So some sense is coming into the world.

But they had got away with it for years. They arrived well dressed, perfumed, immaculate, and charming. All things that fool some people into thinking such a well dressed woman could not be a criminal.

Criminals do not 'look'a certain way.

Criminals can be as well dressed as these haughty female pedophiles, in denial that they ever did any harm.

You would think they were all going out to some posh place for lunch instead of facing court for their sickening crimes (They have all been convicted now, so I can say that).

But to hear what they had done? They do not deserve a supression order. And only to protect the victims did they get supression oders. Mainly because these pedophiles have so mucked up the lives of the children they abused. And the press in UK is sensationlist and would no doubt have have 'accidentally'reported it without supression orders.

Thus victimising the children a second time.

None of the women were related to the children they abused in any way. They were able to afford the prices charged by the traffickers. This is happening and it is real.

They drive the children in their fancy cars for 'dates'. They take them to safe houses where they drug and abuse these children.

And it is all hushed up. Because rich well connected women would never be pedophiles in a big city would they?

Think again people.

Report it to the police.

Do not just think you cannot say anything.

6:45 AM

Anonymous said...

The 1967 Tattingstone suitcase murder had two Suffolk doctor suspects. One alleged suspect believed to have been consultant geriatrician for two Suffolk hospitals, Stow Lodge Stowmarket and TATTINGSTONE.

The Scotland Yard Savile inquiry should extend to Suffolk and investigate a Suffolk Pc of the time who allegedly provided Ronnie Kray alibis (I was with him at his Essex caravan)

The Krays had property at Bildeston where they were involved with local youth clubs and giving children donkey rides etc.

Just across the Essex border lived Ronnie's gay lover Tom Driberg MP.

6:39 PM

Anonymous said...

@Zoompad Queen Elizabth has done nothign wrong, I think she is a good person with the nations best interests at heart. These paedophiles groomed her and everyone else too.

2:59 AM

Anonymous said...

The same Anti-Catholic people

9:59 PM



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