Friday 20 March 2015


Dead men don't talk, neither do dead women or dead children. They often became disappeared, in the British Dirty War in Occupied Ireland. The hidden facts around child rape, are meant to determine the political outcome of the troubles and long war in Ireland. Machiavellian tactics, justified in the name of a Pseudo Peace Process, disguising Occupation. Knowledge is power and the British Intelligence community, principally MI5, are witholding that knowledge, secret, ensuring they remain the Principal powebrokers, not just in Ireland but also, it would appear to be the case within the British Establishment. Gathering Intelligence is but one facet of their exercise. Entrapment and creating State Terror is another. Connecting the dots and utilizing it, is the principal. Under the British Official Secrets Act, this knowledge is meant to be made public, after thirty years, this apparently does not apply to Occupied Ireland, so you will have to connect the dots yourself, from the considerable information now emerging, from whistleblowers and victims. Politicians and journalists around both Westminster and Stormont are starting to get nervous, their body language betrays them.

One does not have to be particularly bright, to realize, that the British Establishment and Intelligence Community, are waiting for all of the main players and particpant's in their Dirty War in Ireland, to die, before they concoct their own version of events, like they did in the instance of the Irish Holocaust. Yesterday another of the tortured "Hooded Men", Gerry McKerr, died. He was one of the "Guineapigs' of torture experiments, later used in places like Abu Graib. Like many other techniques experimented on, in Ireland, they were later used in Empire building, around the World. Child Rape, Child abuse and political blackmail, being others, among many. The account of Gerry's experience, is at the bottom of th page, because it is a seperate issue. The link immediately below this article, reveals, significant emerging details, that is tightening the noose around padeophile politicians in particular. Again, please share, because this material is being hidden and slowed with intranets. Please campaign for the Kincora Home, to be part of the investigation, with relevant Intelligence material, to be a compulsory part of evidence, which demands an immediate public Inquiry, before all relevant people die. Check the link below for details.

What did police know about historic child sex offences Link

A former Army officer has said any new investigation of the Kincora Boys' Home must have access to information from intelligence agencies.
Colin Wallace tried to draw attention to sexual abuse at the east Belfast home in the 1970s.
He said if the home is included in a UK-wide investigation into abuse, then the terms of any inquiry into what happened must be widened.
In 1981, three senior care staff at the home were jailed for abusing 11 boys.
It has been claimed that people of the "highest profile" were connected.
Mr Wallace received intelligence in 1973 to say that boys were being abused, but claims some of his superiors refused to pass on the information.
"I know that some officers from the security services in Northern Ireland did know and actually reprimanded intelligence officers from raising the matter and also told them they were to desist from any further investigation," he told the BBC's Sunday Sequence programme.
Mr Wallace said two previous inquiries which looked at Kincora - the Terry Inquiry and the Hughes Inquiry - did not examine evidence relating to the intelligence services.
"My evidence, and the evidence of other people, was ruled out, because those inquiries quite clearly, and indeed, we know now specifically and deliberately, ruled out the role of the intelligence services," he said.
"The evidence that I was willing to give to previous inquiries, from the Official Secrets point of view I couldn't do that because that was not within the terms of those inquiries.
"If there is going to be any way of moving this forward, the government - and David Cameron has said no stone will be unturned - must make sure that any information, held anywhere by any agency will be made available.
"But of course the problem is, I know from my own personal experience, that those files have long since disappeared."
'Truth may never be known'
Mr Wallace said he doubted the full truth would ever be known about Kincora.
"I don't want to be pessimistic and I genuinely hope that there will be a major effort now to bring closure, now that we know more about abuses on a national scale," he said.
"But I have to say, based on my own personal experience, I really doubt that very much (that the full truth will ever be known)."
Colin WallaceColin Wallace is a former Army information officer
Kincora victims, politicians, former police officers and campaign groups have all called for Kincora to be included in a UK-wide investigation into abuse.
The chair of Northern Ireland's Historical Instorical Abuse Inquiry, Sir Anthony Hart, has said it "does not have sufficient powers" to investigate some of the allegations relating to Kincora.

'Terrible abuses'
On Friday, NI First Minister Peter Robinson said the terms of reference for the UK's abuse inquiry should include Kincora.
"I want to see a full investigation into the terrible abuses which occurred in Kincora," he said.
"Having received this communication from Sir Anthony, it is clear that the proper route to fully investigate the abuse at Kincora Boys' Home is to have it included in our United Kingdom's Child Abuse Inquiry."

It is with great regret that I announce the death of Gerry McKerr from Lurgan.
Gerry was one of the original “Hooded Men” and had been active in the Republican movement, since the mid 1960s.

Gerry was arrested and interned on Monday the 9th of August 1971.Early on the morning of 11th August Gerry and the others were hooded and handcuffed, bundled into a truck where they were kicked and beaten, and brought to a helicopter.
After a flight of 30-60 minutes, they were pulled out of the helicopter, beaten and put into another vehicle, which brought them to RAF Ballykelly.
At RAF Ballykelly, Gerry’s hood was tightened and he was beaten badly before being taken into a room with a noise similar to “a constant roar of steam escaping a valve from a steam boiler.”
He was given another physical examination, stripped, and issued a pair of army overalls that were far too small. He was put into the search position against the wall, his feet bare on a slippery floor.
After a period of time, he was no longer able to hold himself up, fell and passed out. He awoke while being beaten around the kidneys. This pattern continued for days.
Gerry was eventually given a pair of boots and taken back to a helicopter, beaten all the way. He was transported to a place where he was served with internment papers; he felt some sense of relief that although the beatings continued, he was no longer subjected to the wall-standing and other techniques.
At Ballykelly, the torture continued. Gerry found it much more difficult to keep track of time. The interrogations became much more violent, as he was threatened, abused and insulted each time before being taken back to what he began to refer to as the “music room.”
He was told that he would never see his wife and children again if he did not cooperate. I recall Gerry telling me, his thoughts at the time were “Hell dare not be like this,”
After several days, Gerry was finally allowed to sleep, given a meal, and permitted to wash up before being taken to Crumlin Gaol.
At the Gaol, all of the men experienced an air of jubilation that they were still alive and free of the torture. Gerry called it “an absolute high.” In mid-October 1971, the Hooded Men were transferred from Crumlin Road to Long Kesh internment camp, where Gerry served as OC.
Gerrard McKerr was released from Long Kesh in 1975. The last year of his interment he was sick, developing a number of lumps on his neck for which he was given antibiotics.
Upon his release, he was diagnosed with lymphoma.

Two years later, his wife called him to the door; there were some men who were looking for him. Gerry, sensing trouble, grabbed the first man and slammed the door; the second man fired a gun through the door, hitting Gerry in the abdomen and groin area.
He believed the perpetrators were members of the Glenanne gang, to which nearly 90 murders in the Armagh area were attributed, including those of the Miami Showband.
Six weeks later, when he was getting ready to take his children to school, Gerry found a bomb planted beneath his car. Gerry moved his family from their home to a new house in the town.
I was with Gerry the moment we received the news the Irish government would request the European courts reopen the case of the Hooded Men. He was delighted and said “Justice, finally we will get justice”.
I will ensure that Gerry will receive justice. The case will continue in his honour.
Our thoughts are with his wife Eileen and children at this sad time.
Jim McIlmurray
Case Coordinator
The Hooded Men
The late Gerry McKerr

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