Monday 2 March 2015


Provisional Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams addressed a small crowd outside Crossmaglen yesterday afternoon, after they called on people to come out in force, for a massive show of support, for 31-year-old Frank McCabe, who they put up the pole, that blew him back down again. Unfortunately for the Provos, the meeting was poorly attended, which suggests the people of South Armagh, do not approve of their call, for people to become informers to British Occupation Forces in the area, after their party, executed approximately forty informers in the area already, before Murphy and Adams did their U-turn and became informers to the British themselves, while recruiting for the British in the area.

Adams kept a straight face, while saying that Murphy republicans, are not involved in criminal actions along the border or indeed anywhere else. No republican is involved in fuel laundering or the destruction of our environment through the dumping of toxic sludge. No republican is engaged in smuggling tobacco or any other product, In recent times a section of the media, the SDLP, the Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin and the Taoiseach Enda Kenny have engaged in a deliberate campaign of vilification against Sinn Féin, and the communities of north Louth and south Armagh. He said, he had met senior police officers from both sides of the border to discuss criminals gangs."

The problem for the Provos, is that they lack credibility and even Willie Frazer's goat doesn't  swallow it. while the few ethical members.left in their party are resigning in increasing numbers because they cannot handle the sheer hypocrisy of it all. Ex-members of his party, know precisely where Murphy got his election resources in the area and are prepared to go public about it, unless Sinn Fein, cease recruiting informers, for British Occupation Forces in Ireland. Sinn Fein has also recently revealed, that they get their inspiration for their political work, from the Queen of England, as explained by Martin McGuinness. Other members who were disgusted by their party's cover-up of the child rape saga, have resigned, when Adams admitted to  cavorting naked, with his dog in his back garden on a trampoline, in his free time and questions are being asked, if like Willie Frazer, he is also engaged in a spot of bestiality.

Former members of Sinn Fein, who underwent deep interrogation by the British in Gough Barracks and were shown disturbing, sexual, photographs, while protecting the Murphys, are also considering going public, after Murphy and Sinn Fein called on the public to become informers to the British. It is also rumored, that Sinn Fein have plans, for the near future, to instruct its voters, to join the British Army. It is also understood that when Sinn Fein becomes a junior party with Fine Gael, after the nest election in the south of Ireland,  they also plan to instruct voters there, to also join the British Army. Murphy was not available for comment in Mullaghbawn to Irish Blog, because he is believed to be currently engaged, in some sort of secret activities in London with the British.

The good news is Ireland bet England yesteday, while using their heads for once under the coaching of a South African, while playing players from every part of Ireland, from every denomination as a United Ireland team.

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