Sunday 26 April 2015


Irish Blog has been receiving considerable solidarity in the US, with many supporters of Irish Freedom, re-sharing this Blog and carrying the censored message, about what is really happening in Ireland, to fellow Americans. One Human Rights Activist in particular, called Darius Koltuniak, has been successful, in highlighting and organizing solidarity against British repression in Occupied Ireland, particularly with regard to the Political Internment of Irish activists. Unfortunately since he started highlighting Political Internment in Ireland, he has been receiving abuse, particularly insidious in three instances, using Irish names for cover and a death threat in another incident.

This type of fascist intimidation of Americans by British agents, coupled with censorship and political internment, is part of the course of any genuine activist, for the Irish Cause of Freedom. It is part of what the British call, Low Intensity Operations, from their manual on Dirty War, which is partly psychological, along with dividing and discrediting the Irish Cause for Freedom. Solidarity is critical in this struggle, as Dariusz, who's own father, was politically interned in Poland for years, knows all to well.

I am calling on all supporters of the Irish Cause, to bring this matter to the attention of their respective, elected political, representatives, for their immediate attention, both in Ireland and in the United States. I also call on you, to bring the matter of Political Internment by remand in Occupied Ireland, for their immediate attention, which will require persistence. For further details you can contact Darius Koltuniak on Facebook at

beir bua, brionOcleirigh

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