Saturday, 28 April 2012

Green Day - Good Riddance to the Irish - Holocaust Version

Ghengis Paterson and Reichsführer-SS PSNI Baggot, the unelected, unaccountable, English warlords overseeing the British peace process in Occupied Ireland, have decided as a humane PR gesture, to allow children to sit beside the chimneys of the mortuary at Auschwitz, to bid farewell to their their Irish parents as they ascend into heaven. As was announced yesterday the British government plans gas the Irish in Germany after they lease their Auschwitz concentration camp as part of the solution to the Irish problem. The Irish children will be placed on top of the state of the art gas chamber called, "The Little Green House," a luxurious gassing facility with green smoke from the fine dust of the mortal Irish parents, ascend into heaven as the British sanitize Ireland by exterminating all of the remaining Irish.

Nazi-like British Sinn Fein plan to appropriate everything the Irish own, amounting to trillions of Euros. They also plan to confiscate all records relating to Irish investments, bank accounts, deeds and insurance policies. It is believed that Lord Muck and his power sharing partner of the family Robinson have already approached the British Government and will be requesting the Queen on her forthcoming visit, that all  insurance claims due on life insurance policies owed to the Irish by British companies, be paid directly to the Executive in Stormont, until any missing Irish policy holders can be located.

To further sanitize the process this modern form of gas genocide will be conducted, with high tech efficiency and friendly SS PSNI staff, have been instructed to assist the Irish holidaymakers, declared Reichsführer-SS PSNI Baggot's press secretary from London yesterday, assuring the public that all SS PSNI staff will be busy, working hard to ensure an enjoyable camp experience for the Irish genocide. Like the last engineered slaughter of an estimated 6.5 million Irish at the hands of the British Empire, it will not be permitted to call it genocide but simply an Irish cull, as was the case with famine last time Irish extermination was attempted.

It is understood  that Ghengis Paterson and Reichsführer-SS PSNI Baggot, are considering a cull of all of the 80 million Irish diaspora worldwide, based on the sheer scale of the green menace posed by the Irish, which threatens all of the free world at this time. The  'final Irish solution' is to be screened as a series by the BBC to also solve their problem of falling ratings with embedded pundits, commentary and spin doctors to ensure the world has a  thoroughly British take on proceedings. Whole families worldwide will be herded into their sitting rooms by the BBC world service, to watch lethal doses of the BBC on their TV screens, switched on by high-ranking BBC executives.

After many attempts of ethnically cleansing Ireland of its Irish inhabitants nuisnace, the plan by the two Englsih warlords was sold to the BBC to notch up some fantastic ratings with the new Irish series. A BBC spokesperson was quoted as saying, "To up our dying ratings, we realised what was required was something never done before, like  turning mass-killing of the Irish into mass-entertainment. The series will be called the Irish Internment of the Ghengis Paterson Reich. It will be very good box-office and it will save us from having to pay actors."

Like  the current short-sighted strategy of political internment in occupied Ireland, the British didn’t envision in their last Irish holocaust, bringing eager revolutionaries into the Young Irelanders, the Fenian Brotherhood or the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Those who died in the last Irish holocaust provided martyrs for Ireland's cause, to drive the British off Irish soil whatever the cost, by any means, which later gave birth to the contemporary Irish Republican Army. The great hunger as the last Irish holocaust became known, brought a harvest of death that is still with us in modern-day Ireland but then unaccountable english overlords like Ghengis Paterson and Reichsführer-SS PSNI Baggot wouldn't know or care much about that.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Irish for Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Auschwitz Concentration Camp for Interned Irish 

category international | rights and freedoms | opinion/analysis author Friday April 27, 2012 00:18author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Political Internment Without Trial British Occupied Ireland
The British. government has asked Germany to lease their Auschwitz concentration camp along with other WW II internment camps, as part of their final solution to the Irish problem. One German official has said off the record, “We have these camps sitting empty since the 40′s, so we may as well put them to use. They may take a bit of refurbishing but, there is no question we can get them up and running quickly.” With the breakdown of the peace process in Ireland following British non-compliance, Auschwitz with its gas chambers has now being agreed by Furhrer Fuhrer Paterson with his unelected fellow Englsih Reichsführer-SS PSNI Matthew Baggoas as their final solution, to liquidate the Irish problem in Occupied Ireland.
The British. government has asked Germany to lease their Auschwitz concentration camp along with other WW II internment camps, as part of their final solution to the Irish problem. One German official has said off the record, “We have these camps sitting empty since the 40′s, so we may as well put them to use. They may take a bit of refurbishing but, there is no question we can get them up and running quickly.” With the breakdown of the peace process in Ireland following British non-compliance, Auschwitz with its gas chambers has now being agreed by Furhrer Fuhrer Paterson with his unelected fellow Englsih Reichsführer-SS PSNI Matthew Baggoas as their final solution, to liquidate the Irish problem in Occupied Ireland.

Auschwitz concentration camp a network of concentration and extermination camps, used by the Third Reich was annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II. The largest of the German concentration camps, Auschwitz has now being designated by Owen Paterson the British successor of Ghengis Khan for occupied-Ireland and his fellow englishman, the Reichsführer-SS PSNI Matthew Baggot from London, as the place for the "final solution of the Irish question in British Occupied Ireland". Friendly SS PSNI staff will were there to assist the Irish holidaymakers according to Baggot's press secretary from London who has assured the public that all SS PSNI staff will be very busy, working hard to ensure the camp experience is as enjoyable as possible for the Irish. 

The British plan helicopters and transport trains via the port of Dun Laoghaire, with the compliance of the other British neo-colony in Dublin to deliver the Irish to the internment camp's gas chambers from all over occupied-Ireland. Presently there are quite a few Irishmen interned without trial by the British, along with a woman called Marian Price who has been tortured in solitary confinement for almost a year now without trial.There are also some Irish in British prisons who after interrogation at the PSNI Gestapo headquarters are now imprisoned in British Nazi camps for political prisoners, for years waiting vainly for some sort of a trial even without a jury, with a chance to plead their case. They are also discussions with the Government in the south to operate a form of compulsory emigration on all of the island, to get rid of the dole queues, those on disability and some of the younger old age pensioners, to give these excess Irish some work experience, after they pass through the iron gates crowned with the infamous motto, Arbeit macht frei "work makes free."

The Irish will initially have to work in the associated munitions factories, except on Sundays, which are reserved for cleaning and prayers. The harsh work requirements, combined with poor nutrition and hygiene may lead to some collateral damage or deaths among the prisoners prior to gassing after they are past their sell by date. Within Auschwitz there is a "prison within the prison", where dissident Irish will be punished by being forced to spend their nights in "standing cells" which are similar to Marian Price's current cell, where they will be forced to dance a few jigs and then work with other prisoners during the day. The "starvation cells" in the basement is where prisoners will get neither food nor water until they are dead, as opposed to the force feeding last time of Marian Price for 200 days on hunger strike.

The basement also has "dark cells"; with just a small tiny window and solid door, where the Irish will be placed in cells to slowly suffocate to prevent any further waste of Britain's free, precious, dwindling, oxygen supply in Ireland. Some of the unrepentant Irish fenians, will be hung with their hands behind backs for days, occasionally dislocating some of their joints, similar to the effects of torture treatment for which Britain was already found guilty by the European Court of human rights in Strasburg. It is understood that Fuehrer Paterson has already given the order for the final solution of the Irish problem to his fellow englishman, the the Reichsführer of the SS PSNI, to carry out the order.

Later on the British plan to use Zyklon B for extermination at Auschwitz in its gas chambers with a state of the art crematorium to burn all evidence of the Irish off the face of the earth, as the previous British Holocaust engineered by the British famine while killing over 6 million was unsuccessful in eradicating all of them.The extermination camp, is designed to hold several categories of Irish political prisoners ultimately being an extermination camp, after they get a bit of work out of them. The first gas chamber will be called, "The Little Green House," a luxurious gassing facility, so named because the smoke will be green with fhe fine dust of their mortal Irish bodies, ascending to heaven, as a tribute to their centuries of suffering in their vale of tears in Ireland, where it is planned to exterminate all of the remaining Irish, with the exception of Martin McGuinness who has given it the nod in Stormont, accepting in the interest of cross community co-operation, the extent of the cold-blooded slaughter, based on the sheer scale of the menace posed by the Irish, which threatens the free world at this time.

Fuhrer Paterson has fully committed the British to this final solution, to exterminate all of the Irish no later than Easter 2016, as an extension of the existing part of Britain's peace process of internment without trial. The British have decided to increase considerably the gassing capacity, along with the mortuary, morgues in the basement with ground-level furnaces converted into a slaughter house for the Irish, with gas-tight doors in the morgues with Zyklon B gas. The camp will be staffed by prison warders selected from Maghaberry prison, along with some Loyalist convicts. The staff will be supervised by members of the SS PSNI, hiring about another 6,000 SS PSNI members to work at Auschwitz. Due to the large size of the British Nazi genocide project for the Irish at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, personnel from Sinn Fein will be offered some power sharing areas of responsibility modules with generous remuneration. Unfortunately because some dissidents perceive current British policy in occupied Ireland by the english Fuhrer and his Reichsführer-SS PSNI as fascist. it has produced the return of politically incorrect humour which Paterson plans to exterminate. The story below is an example which will probably be censored or interned without trial 

During the last war preceding the next one, a Scottish, an English and an Irish soldier were captured by an S.S. officer, who says,“ Before du go in to die concentration camp, I vill give each of you vone hundert lashes , but since yous have vought bravely I vill give you one vish each.” He turns to the Scot and asks him,“Vhat is your vish ? ” The scottish soldier replies, “I would like one of your wee S.S. jackets to put on me when you are whipping me ”“Your vish is granted,” says the S.S. officer and he gets a leather S.S. jacket to put on the Scot and when he has it on, he gives him one hundred lashes with his whip, then the Scottish soldier crawls into the concentration camp.

Next the S.S. officer says to the English soldier, “Du have vought bravely also, Vhat ist your vish?”The English soldier replies, “I would like a mattress to put across my back, old boy!” The S.S. officer putsts a mattress across the English soldier’s back and gives him one hundred lashes who then crawls into the concentration camp. Then the S.S. officer goes to the Irish soldier and says, “Du have also vought bravely , even more bravely than sie other two , for this I vill give du two vishes ” Immediately the Irish soldier replies, “ Arragh, I would like two hundred lashes!” The S.S. officer replies, “Are du sure?” “Yes I am!” replies the Irish soldier. The S.S. officer then says, “Fair enough, then vhat vould your second vish be??”
The Irish soldier then replies, “Put that english bastard on my back!!!”
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Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Whores of Stormont Castle

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Tuesday April 24, 2012 15:58author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Shame Fame
A boy walks into Stormont Castle and tells the whore master he needs a prostitute. The boy smacks a100 pounds on the desk and shouts, "Now!" The whore master asked, "Wee fella, can I ask you what age are you?" The wee fella replied, "I'm 12." He then slaps a DEAD frog on the table with another100 pounds. He further demands, "I need a prostitute with HIV and every venereal disease ever given to man." The Stormont Castle whore master shocked then said, "Are you mad?" The wee fella puts another100 pounds down.
Whores of Stormont Castle
Whores of Stormont Castle
A boy walks into Stormont Castle and tells the whore master he needs a prostitute. The boy smacks a100 pounds on the desk and shouts, "Now!" The whore master asked, "Wee fella, can I ask you what age are you?" The wee fella replied, "I'm 12." He then slaps a DEAD frog on the table with another100 pounds. He further demands, "I need a prostitute with HIV and every venereal disease ever given to man." The Stormont Castle whore master shocked then said, "Are you mad?" The wee fella puts another100 pounds down. 

The whore master is now looking at 300 pounds, so he says, "Whatever." He informed the boy to go upstairs and go in the last door on the left. So the boy goes up and does his thing and then comes down. The whore master asked the young lad on the way out, "Its not my business how you got here or how you got all this money but I want to know why you wanted a prostitute with HIV and every disease known to man?" The lad replies, "Since I have done my business I don't mind telling you. When I go home I will ride hell out of my babysitter. When my dad takes the babysitter home he will screw the shit out of her. Then when he gets home, he will have sex with my mother. When he goes to work in the morning, my mom she will screw the the local MLA politician... AND THAT'S THE SON OF A BITCH THAT RAN OVER MY FROG!!!

Whore: (verb) To debase oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money.

The kind of arsehole you find in British Occupied Ireland
Political whores lining
their pockets with gold,
mined with the blood
of Irish youth

1. political whore 32 up, 1 down
A politician who will sell out their constituents if it means they might get one step higher on the ladder. They will completely flip-flop on an issue that was the core of their campaign platform just because they think it might help them get elected to, for instance, Lake Forest City Council. They will even sell out the person who threw them proxies to get them into office. They become so "whoreish" that in the end, they are so slutty and nasty that nobody will touch them with a ten foot ballot.

The Born Again Whores of Stormont Castle in British Occupied Ireland are proud of being called dirty cute whores, they see it as a political art form. For example campaigning on the streets against cutbacks while enacting them in Parliament or alternatively in the matter of internment of Marian Price the same duplicity in reverse. This art form born in slavery where slaves learn how to speak out of the side of their mouth, to survive with the fake demeanour of whore touting business. We can of course get very upset about all of this or try to attain some composure by observing occupied Ireland where the truth is stranger than satire.

There was a time in both parts of Ireland when superficially it had the appearance of being a half-decent Christian country. The rape of society by the bourgeoisie and gentry in the form of Landlords and Roman Catholic princes, did most of its damage out of sight, to the most defenceless, the children of the people of no property. In Ulster God-fearing Protestant men could walk down the street without being assaulted by filthy male and female Irish whores abusing them. However with the rise of the repentant Fenian barstewards and Shame Fein, those days appear to be over but appearances are often as deceptive, as an old Irish political cute whore. As Ian Paisley said, "They breed like rabbits and multiply like vermin."

Lord Muck as he is affectionately known locally in his UK City of Culture, Londonderry has taken the art of pog mo shon to another level as a compulsive collector of shit stool samples. He was appointed Her Majesty's groom of the stool for her last visit to Ireland, when with a team of Shame fein helpers, they followed her around Ireland with a bacteria free portable bog, with Lord Muck to complete the gravy train and clean up any of her arse slops.

At his house he has a collection of more than a thousand stools, as he was proud to display when recently interviewed after an Irish hack was given British security clearance.
"I started off lickin the arse of a few slippery local characters, he says. Then a few visiting creamy English lads years ago, which progressed eventually to some Orange sauce, from the Big Man in Ballymena to today's more constipated Paterson's arse-biscuits. 

It would be difficult to pick a favourite, but, I will say this; they all looked, felt and smelled of genuine shit, particularly the latest offering from Shropshire. People don't always seem to understand the skill and delicacy involved. My nose which has become slightly orange during the peace process and over time has evolved into an instrument of expensive faecal detection. I can smell laxative butt cheek at a mile on a good day. So I have to act fast and get stuck in down on my hands and knees, down the shorts, starting with a few gentle kisses, then out with my rasping tongue, as quickly as possible."

The above is just a cameo of contemporary Ireland but standards of decency and morality in Occupied Ireland have sunk so low, that Her Majesty was forced to bring in a Born Again Virgin from London, as their police chief. However the whoredom with impunity from prosecution has gotten much worse since his arrival. Even his paramilitary officers now pout and tout for business on Irish streets like common prostitutes and it's even considered cute to ply their filthy trade in schools. All of these streetwalkers proudly flaunt their Nazi uniforms to try get attention from the S&M crowd but both communities despise them. Now the London bag lady can be found wandering the streets of Londonderry chanting, "Get thee behind me, oh ye whores of Babylonderry."

When interviewed about his transition to a born again holy roller, he said, “I’m abstinent now. I realized that with abstinence, if you really, really believe in yourself like I do, you discover your own self-worth. Abstinence means you refrain from any sex in every manner, thinking about it, doing it even to myself! I’m a born-again virgin and whilst I am very fond of Lord Muck, I am saving myself for the right guy. I had a few slips since I came over here, its difficult, what with all those rasping tongues but I have learned from my mistakes. So now, it’s okay to wait, a long lasting relationship is a goal of mine, not because I need it, but because I want it. There is a big difference.

I will never find him but he will find me. I think the right one will see me. I want some old-fashioned courting. It is going to happen. Have you seen me ? My hymen is starting to regenerate, ask Lord Muck if you don't believe me. Do you like the latest peroxide blond hair of a lot of my boys in uniform ? their contour-hugging outfits, and their surgically-enhanced chests, I want them to look completely different from their former incarnations in the RUC. 

Some tradtional Christians think we are just cheap harlots and tell us so, but to be honest we really don’t care, what is a tradtional Irish marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many? No we born again virgins are the future, even if you have to repent a thousand times daily to qualify. Did you know that there are 80,000 prostitutes in my hometown London alone and what are they, if not bloody sacrifices on the altar of tradtional marriages of monogamy?. I look forward to having all of them within our fold shortly.

These traditional fundamentalists like Iris Robinson have a lot to answer for. Now you have that horrible Julie Burchil, calling us "Born Again Cows" and others saying that we in the PSNI are little more than walking masturbation aids, while they are so sensually null and void, that they have to be paid to indulge in fornication, saying that our men and women can be had, bought, sold from one man to another. Burchil had the audacity to further say, that when the sex war is won, prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal. Even our Jerry Falwell who said, "Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them, but the big difference in the PSNI is that we can always repent daily and be reborn or born again a thousand times daily, even if your were an RUC man you can do a desk job or some sort of hand job under the counter, we're very flexible, we have to be."

This has become a rather messy article but its the subject matter. I am putting it up because a lot of confused Catholics are getting more and more upset with their Papal whore as well their Shame Famers. They are as a result of becoming more open to the alternative of hymen regeneration. We should always be ready to help, heal them by bringing them to water, look how far Lord Muck has come. The bad news however is that there are still fundamentalist and other alleged believers out there, who are running to the devil and the wrong whore house.The organized church gig is all over. It's all running into the EU and the final whore system, mark that down. 

All of this leads to other questions like, what about Shame Fame women ? Do their loose women eat a lot of gravy soup too?, Do these type of women enjoy the stable diet of the Lord Muck meal? Do they have sensitive delicate tongues or the rasping variety. What about their virgins, male whores or even their born again virgins? Do the Shame Fame sluts have a more refined palate or is Lord Muck the only one who appreciates this blend of excrement and arse biscuits. The accusation is that they are all cheap, fast and easy. But then again, as the born again man said, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you."

Shame Fame Party discipline has been tightened with no party member allowed to disagree with the central organization. In fact one guy who tried to disagree once, was later found as a dead body floating in a canal. However to relieve the stress caused among members, they have thrown in a few sweeteners, like bi-weekly mass orgies at the Stormont Castle Hotel. Here they can be openly gay but lesbians are excluded because "they like their pussy too much." Their Stormont policy is B.Y.O.W. which means "Bring Your Own Whore", while at the same time, there is often an exchange of prostitutes with Baggots born again Londoners some of whom also work for MI5. It is now fashionable to trade prostitutes as a form of power sharing, with very little power to go round, as Paterson who is a pervert on the Ghengis Khan trip, kidnaps Irish women and tortures them in solitary confinement.

Of course none of this would be possible without a compliant media or the sub-species of fools who vote and pay for it all. Zombies who are fooled on election day after election day, with a moron media diet. Reproduced generation after generation as they fuck like rabbits. The British strategy of Irish zombie management, has been sustained successfully with the collaboration of these type of whores for centuries. Of course there can be no doubt that the whore masters of Shame Fame are very well off in their own right, with quite a number of "socialist" landlords screwing working class people, who get poorer under their 'guardianship' and are forced to become street whores themselves to get a few arse biscuits from their table. Even a few grassroots Shame Feiners who are working class people themselves, have been forced to sell their children into whoredom, all enabled by their own corrupt whore masters.

So where you may ask, are all the decent, ethical, politicians with a heart and conscience in Occupied Ireland. The short answer simply is politically interned without trial while an un-elected English overlord has thrown away the key. If not interned without trial, they have been assassinated, along with any supporting professional lawyers. The Stormont Castle Shame Fame millionaire whore masters, give an odd grunt of disapproval to ensure re-election and keep the children of the poor to be used as cannon fodder for another forty years of war

while their own spoiled brats

lick their silver spoons and grin

knowing they’ve got it made

because their daddy is a whore
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Monday, 23 April 2012


In Nazi Germany, foxhunting with hounds was banned by Hermann Göring on July 3, 1934 extended to Austria after Hitler annexed the country. The director of Germany's hunting museum in Munich, said at the time, "The aristocrats were furious." It was not until the 21st century that a British Government inquiry into hunting with dogs by a senior civil servant Lord Burns, resulted in action to ban foxhunting, with the exception of British Occupied Ireland.

The Burns Inquiry committee reported that:

"There are those who have a moral objection to hunting and who are fundamentally opposed to the idea of people gaining pleasure from what they regard as the causing of unnecessary suffering. There are also those who perceive hunting as representing a divisive social class system. Others, as we note below, resent the hunt trespassing on their land, especially when they have been told they are not welcome. They worry about the welfare of the pets and animals and the difficulty of moving around the roads where they live on hunt days. Finally there are those who are concerned about damage to the countryside and other animals, particularly badgers and otters."

The main type of hunting hound are the English Foxhound, while the horses are often a cross of quarter Irish Draught, with the remainder English. Sadistic, satanic like rituals are an important part of the foxhunt tradition. For example, one important satanic like ritual, which is kept secret, away from the modern media, is the act of blooding children to foxhunt. This is an old ceremony in which the master or huntsman, smears the blood of the fox onto the cheeks of an often very young child, newly initiated into foxhunting. Hunts still cut off tail ('brush'), feet ('pads') and head ('mask') as trophies, while the carcass is still warm and alive, then they are thrown to the hounds to rent asunder. These practices are now also hidden in secret, away from the modern media and public eyes.

Hunts take young hounds out cub hunting in the autumn of every year, to rip and kill young foxes, before they are 10 months old, while still living in their family group.The purpose is to teach and cultivate young foxhounds, to get a taste for hunting foxes, who sometimes mistakenly rip cats and kittens apart instead. This activity now takes place only in the Occupied Ireland part of the UK, as the locally elected native Irish are not allowed by the unelected English Tory autocrat Paterson to ban foxhunting, as the unelected English Tory overules them, to reserve the pleasure of the cruel sport for his visiting English gentry friends. Almost everything of consequence is run by the unelected English Tory despot, while the restless Irish natives are allowed power-sharing over scraps.

Paterson's friends in the English gentry who fly over regularly to feed their blood lust addiction on this cruel blood sport, two or threes times a week initially practice "holding up"consististing of driving loyalist hunt supporters to surrounding a covert, with the English horsey set and orange foot followers, driving back any of the still suckling baby foxes trying to escape. They then "draw" the covert with their own young puppies, with a few more experienced blood hounds, in the process, teaching and cultivating the young to acquire their own blood lust to attack and rip the helpless baby foxes apart while inside the surrounded wood away from prying eyes. The young hound can be then "entered" into the pack, once it is blooded like the young hunting children, creating a blood lust and an addiction for blood thirst in both, in this manner. About 1 in 50 more more evolved foxhounds, who are not blood thirsty enough, must be removed from the pack immediately, so as not to set a bad example, similar to the internment of restless natives in Occupied Ireland presently.

During the debate in the House of Commoners to ban fox hunting, the English Iron fisted Tory ruler of Occupied Ireland, Owen Paterson, compared supporters of the legislation to ban foxhunting to Nazis. Mr Paterson said, hunts drew young people into a 'social network that will last all their lives'.He warned Labour MPs: 'Before they troop through the politically correct lobby, brimming with self-righteous bile and spiteful prejudice, they should remember the unhappy precedent of 1936 when the revolting Reichsjaeger Hermann Goering persuaded Hitler to ban hunting.

'We should not create criminals lightly. No-one gained in Germany then. No-one will now. A ban will be an ominous portent of further freedoms to be lost at the hands of an intolerant majority.'

His defence of foxhunting has been dubbed utter hypocrisy, bearing in mind his destruction of the Peace Process in Ireland, breaking the agreement with the reintroduction of political internment without trial of Irish woman Marian Price and any other Irish people who dare to oppose the cruelty of British occupation in Ireland. The autocratic Paterson besides overruling the British Fox hunting law with respect to Occupied Ireland also overrules the local sectarian mentored Stormont Parliament, thus preventing a ban on foxhunting attempted by the restless Irish natives. This unelected Tory despot has also overruled two judges, ordering the release of Marian Price who had ruled her no threat to society. He also has overruled Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth who ordered the release of Marian Price with a royal pardon. Medical professionals have dubbed this behaviour as simply insane, coupled with his recent homage to his idol, the arch-sadist Ghengis Khan by abusing horses for 10 days whipping them relentlessly onover 1,000 kilometers, in what is dubbed the Mongolian Derby.

Bill Etherington a Labour MP of the House of Commoners in Britain said: “I consider that fox hunting is as barbaric a method of destroying a fox as it would be possible to imagine.”

The vote, by 387 to 174, a majority of 213, sets up "The ‘Compromise’ option, allowing hunting to continue as a licensed activity, Paterson and his crew scuttled it, promising to make foxhunting happen in Britain again despite the wishes of the clear majority. Legal professionals have dubbed his political activity, as a most serious crime of perverting the course of justice, which carries a life sentence in prison for British commoners as they a referred to by the horsey set and gentry friends and family of Paterson.

Even Nicholas O'Hare, hunting columnist said:

"This is the key issue. Is hunting cruel? The answer, of course, is that it is. How can such cruelty be justified? The answer is that it cannot."

Like illegal activities of dogfighting, badger baiting and cockfighting, the only purpose of foxhunting is to satisfy a small minority of bored idle-rich gentry, with nothing else to do and cultivate a bloodlust killing instinct in their young, to maintain the dominance of their blood lines over ordinary, decent people, who are disgusted by such depravity both at home and overseas. This orgy of blood letting, blood thirst, blood lust, call it what you may is the rock on which their IMperial military society is built, that produces commoners as cannon fodder, to fight imperial, neo-colonial wars, at least every five years, for the easy blood money, profit of their lucrative, industrial war complex.

The English and Orange hunters in Occupied Ireland meet two or three times per week during the foxhunting "season," which is between November and April. Local collaborating landowners and some occasional sympathetic "shame fein" castle farmers will keep the English hunters informed of all fox activity, while suitable kill areas in the locality will be set up.The bloodhounds are sent to scent out a fox and force it out in the open.

The chase of blood lust and a kill, often continues for more than hour, with a crowd of frenzied gentry baying for blood. This is the part of the hunt, "field" in which they sate their idle rich boredom and cultivate their craving for blood, as they jump fences, walls and ditches chasing as a lynch mob the fox, who will go anywhere to escape the blood hounds and bloodlusting gentry. He will try to go down a fox-hole or badger sett but they are probably blocked the night before by orange or "me fein" hunt collaborators.

The fox is often chased to exhaustion when he or she will be caught and savaged to death by baying blood hounds and bloody minded gentry. Foxhounds are specially bred for stamina, not speed, to make foxhunts last, otherwise it would spoil Paterson and his friends fun by being caught too soon. Many suspect Paterson and his bigoted, sectarian friends are having the same sadistic fun currently at Marian Price's expense. She has been interned in solitary confinement for almost a year now, for no other reason than this, sick, perverted, sadistic-sexual craving to dominate.

Many agree that fox hunting is the most sadistically cruel of all the blood "sports". The purpose of fox hunting is pure sadistic pleasure, sometimes cultivating a sexual addiction, sometimes sadistically, sexually, sating an otherwise impotent older man, as horsewhipped hunters chase the fox to exhaustion for an hour or more before the animal is literally torn to pieces by the baying hounds and crowd. This long and protracted suffering is an essential element and a desired part of this blood sport in the eyes of the hunters.
If the the control of fox numbers were its aim, faster dogs would be used or the foxes could be shot. All animal welfare organisations and sane people worldwide, with the exception of Paterson and his blood junky ilk in denial, condemn the barbarity, sickness and savagery of fox hunting. It is ineffectual as a form of fox control, a false argument used as an environmental benefit, to try and give this horrific blood sport a veneer of respectability, which close scrutiny of it and its proponents like Paterson, show just how much it is flawed.

There is an alternative for those who claim to enjoy working with hounds and riding over open country, its called drag hunting, with a scent laid for hounds and riders. Drag hunting provides a test for hounds and riders avoiding, unlike fox hunting, serious damage to house pets, crops and scared sheep. However sadistic gentry and die-hard foxhunter defenders, like the unelected English Tory dictator in Occupied Ireland Paterson, ridicule drag hunting with whinging like, "it's not really hunting." Yes indeed, there is one vital difference for craving cultivated, bloody minded sadists, who are in addiction denial, there is no kill in drag hunting to give them their sick fix.

Indeed there are several hunts exclusively practicing the more civilized drag hunting in Ireland. By eliminating the unacceptable cruelty of foxhunting junkies, they ensure the long term survival of the genuine sporting aspects of "hunting" as a tradition with hounds.Many Protestants in Occupied Ireland are disgusted with Paterson too. One respected gentleman commented;

"To even consider allowing ruthless, barbaric,cruel and sickening out dated sports?suggests a man, or two..who are unfit to represent decent ,compassionate human beings. It is not just about fox hunting, although, this concerns me greatly of course, it is also about how he/they are showing the darker and sickening side of violence, aggression, and im sorry, where is the fairness?..If he/they are happy to allow this as acceptable, what is next?

I PRAY that blood sports are NOT something, that can be passed off, as necessary, when it clearly is is a pompous, disgusting, old upper class tradition…farmers DO NOT NEED is just another lie, fed to excuse a sickening habit..Did YOU KNOW, THAT THERE ARE PRO HUNTERS BREEDING FOXES, JUST TO HUNT THEM?


No ! Paterson will have none of it, like his sadistic, torture of poor Marian Price, he will continue with his Ghengis Khan, Draconian, Tartarean, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, cannibalistic, cruel, cruel-hearted, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, fell, feral, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, hellish, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, monstrous, murderous, perverse, ruthless, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, sharkish, slavering, subhuman, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, unhuman, vicious, wolfish politics as his political ambition attempts to surpass the Tory Margaret Thatcher who murdered Irish political prisoner Bobby Sandsand his comrades numbering10 hunger strikers. Marian Price has been on 200 days of hunger strike already at the mercy of bigoted sadistic jail torturers in England. Now yet again she spent almost a year in solitary confinement without trial at the hands of sectarian jailers egged on by the sadist Paterson. Marian was pardoned by a Queen and ordered released by judges on two occasions. this madman will trigger another forty years of killing thousands of victims along with more than a hundred thousand foxes annually satisfy his cultivated lust for blood, power and dominance. People better confront this sickness, it has no place in a any remotely humane society. The sickness is best explained in the following quoted excerpts:

Sadistic - WordNet 

adj 1: deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting

pain on another

sadistic - Thesaurus II

Thesaurus words for "sadistic":

Draconian, Tartarean, animal, anthropophagous, atrocious, barbaric,

barbarous, beastly, bestial, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded,

brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, cannibalistic, cruel,

cruel-hearted, demoniac, demoniacal, devilish, diabolic, fell,

feral, ferocious, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, hellish, infernal,

inhuman, inhumane, monstrous, murderous, perverse, ruthless,

sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, sharkish, slavering,

subhuman, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, unhuman, vicious,


Dictionary Definition

sadistic adj : deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another [ant: masochistic]

User Contributed Dictionary



Of someone who delights in the pain of others.

Extensive Definition

Sadistic personality disorder is a personality disorder in the third edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

DSM III-R criteria

Sadistic personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

Has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him/her).

Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others.

Has treated or disciplined someone under his/her control unusually harshly.

Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals).

Has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal).

Gets other people to do what he/she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror).

Restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teenage daughter to attend social functions.

Is fascinated by violence, weapons, injury, or torture.

The behavior has not been directed toward only one person (e.g., spouse, one child) and has not been solely for the purpose of sexual arousal (as in sexual sadism).

See also

Antisocial personality disorder

Malignant narcissism


Sadism and masochism

Sadism and masochism as medical terms


sadistic in Danish: Sadisme

sadistic in German: Sadismus

sadistic in Spanish: Sadismo

sadistic in Esperanto: Sadismo

sadistic in Persian: ناهنجاری شخصیتی سادیستی

sadistic in French: Sadisme

sadistic in Croatian: Sadizam

sadistic in Italian: Sadismo

sadistic in Kurdish: Sadîzm

sadistic in Dutch: Sadisme

sadistic in Norwegian: Sadisme

sadistic in Portuguese: Sadismo

sadistic in Russian: Садизм

sadistic in Simple English: Sadism

sadistic in Slovak: Sadizmus (lekárstvo)

sadistic in Slovenian: Sadizem

sadistic in Swedish: Sexualsadism

sadistic in Ukrainian: Садизм

Synonyms, Antonyms and Related Words

The Disease Perspective

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised (American Psychiatric Association, 1987, pg. 371), for research purposes, described Sadistic Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him or her);

humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others;

has treated or disciplined someone under his or her control unusually harshly, e.g., a child, student, prisoner, or patient;

is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals);

has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal);

gets other people to do what he or she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror);

restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teen-age daughter to attend social functions;

is fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts, injury, or torture.

The behavior has not been directed toward only one person (e.g., spouse, one child) and has not been solely for the purpose of sexual arousal (as in Sexual Sadism).

The Disease Perspective

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised (American Psychiatric Association, 1987, pg. 371), for research purposes, described Sadistic Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him or her);

humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others;

has treated or disciplined someone under his or her control unusually harshly, e.g., a child, student, prisoner, or patient;

is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals);

has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal);

gets other people to do what he or she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror);

restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teen-age daughter to attend social functions;

is fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts, injury, or torture.

The behavior has not been directed toward only one person (e.g., spouse, one child) and has not been solely for the purpose of sexual arousal (as in Sexual Sadism)."