Thursday, 28 November 2013


Meanwhile in the actual Scum State of British Occupied Ireland, Unionist leader Basil McCrea, has accused the DUP and UUP of "leading loyalists up the garden path" over the fleg issue, stating "They repeatedly stoked up tensions, questioned the rule of law and the Parades Commission, and then washed their hands, when protests turned violent. This was highly irresponsible and showed weak leadership by unionism." Basil called on those intending to join the UVF march this week in Belfast, not to attend as its realpurpose "is extremely unclear".

The episode of Fawlty Towers included is best remembered for the line ‘Don’t mention the war’ and John Cleese’s silly walk when impersonating a UVF Orangeman. The references have proved controversial but when The Orangeman was repeated on the BBC but it wasn’t  the UVF Orangemen the corporation was worried about offending.

The episode was edited to omit language offensive to MI5 who vetted all BBC staff were politically correct but still some viewers then complained the BBC was ‘airbrushing history’ part of Nazi history. 'Don't mention the war'has John Cleese as Basil Fawlty giving a Nazi Orange Order impression to German guests, In one scene the hotel’s permanent resident, the Major uses derogatory terms to describe Irish people. It was included in the first airing but this time the major’s words were edited on Gerry Adam's orders.

The major tells Basil about the time he took an English vice royale (prostitute) to see Ireland play cricket at the Oval. He says: ‘The strange thing was, throughout the morning she kept referring to the Irish as niggers. “No, no, no,” I said, “the niggers are the West Indians. These people are white wogs”.’
There were concerns that the episode would never be shown again because of the offensive words. 

Some English fans say they ‘despaired’ at the ‘unnecessary’ editing. One said, ‘You can’t airbrush our history away and I doubt if anyone but the terminally thin-skinned could be offended by the major, a character we’re clearly supposed to laugh at rather than with.’

Irish viewers say that the 'bigoted character' like the UVF Orangemen in Belfast, are meant to be laughed at  -  not with
However another Irish person said: ‘The point is that the major is a racist old British bigot, typical of modern society in the Scum State of British Occupied Ireland. The whole episode is about sectarianism and xenophobia, in various forms in the British Scum State and is social satire. Irish people  dislike the airbrushing of history.’

‘It’s about time the
 BBC grew up and respected what is left of their international audience, after the paedo Jimmy Saville scandal, if they insist on broadcasting their filth on their world service. It is not acceptable to have Orange Nazi's goose stepping on our streets or on our TV screens and the fact is Orange goose stepping  is from a time which should be long past. We understand context, the UVF Orangemen are figures of fun and should not be allowed to whip up hatred for British colonial interests.’

A BBC spokesperson said: ‘We are very proud of Fawlty Towers and its contribution to British television comedy. But public attitudes have changed significantly since it was made and it was decided to make some minor changes, with the consent of John Cleese’s management, to allow the episode to transmit to a family audience on the BBC.’

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