Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Irish Republican News

4:46 AM (21 hours ago)
to me
>>>>>> Sinn Fein singing as it elects fourth MEP

 Sinn Fein's Matt Carthy has just become the party's fourth MEP after
 being elected after seven counts in a marathon count in Castlebar,
 County Mayo.

 As the announcement of the new totals were announced, finally confirming
 he had passed the quote, supporters cheered and held his hands aloft and
 as the presiding officer deemed him elected, he was hoisted up on
 shoulders and lusty singing broke out among his Monaghan-based team.

 In advance of his election as member of the European Parliament for the
 Midlands-North-West constituency, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams hailed
 the election of the party's first male male MEP. "Quite an
 achievement," he tweeted.

 Mr Carthy's surplus will now decide the recipient of the fourth and
 final seat in the constituency, which is likely to go to Sligo-based
 independent incumbent Marian Harkin.  That result could incredibly see
 the three establishment parties deprived of three out of the four seats
 in Ireland's largest Euro constituency.


 On Monday night, Sinn Fein's Liadh Ni Riada was elected as MEP for
 Ireland South.  She was elected on the fourth round of counting that
 only concluded this evening, two days after counting began.

 The returning officer had barely announced the result when Sinn Fein and
 the O Riada clan, one of the most acclaimed traditional music families
 in the country, starting singing in close harmony.

 Brother Peadar produced an accordion and members of a traditional choir
 gathered round and performed a rendition of 'Mo Gille Mear', a song with
 deep personal connections to the O Riada family.

 "That was originally a recruiting song in the Gaelic nation 300 years
 ago," Peadar said. "And when my father Sean died, I started using it as
 an anthem to try and draw us together as a community."

 Corkwoman Ms Ni Riada was elected on the fourth count with 132,590
 votes, nearly nine hours after Fianna Fail poll topper Brian Crowley.

 The former Irish television producer was virtually unknown outside arts
 and culture circles up until a few months ago.

 She thanked "every single person" who voted for her and said that her
 election was a victory for the ordinary people of Ireland.

 Speaking from the count centre, she said there was a "better, fairer
 alternative" to the politics of austerity and cuts.

 "My election is a victory for ordinary people who have suffered so much
 under the regressive policies pushed by the European Commission and
 implemented with such relish by successive governments here at home,"
 she said.

 Diarmuid O'Flynn of Ballyhea protest group narrowly failed to secure
 election in the face of careful vote management by Fine Gael, which
 secured two seats in the South constituency. O'Flynn led a campaign
 which marched weekly against the 28 billion euro 'bondholder bailout' of
 international investors and speculators who held stakes in Irish banks.

 Ms Ni Riada said the Dublin government and MEPs had failed to lift the
 "toxic banking debt" off the shoulders of the Irish people.

 "This is an injustice and it must be addressed and addressed genuinely -
 not just kicking the debt down the road to be endured by future
 generations," she said. "It is not our debt and it is not the debt of
 our children and grandchildren."


 In the North, all three outgoing European MPs were re-elected for
 another term after another lengthy count in Belfast, and almost five
 days after polling took place.

 On Monday evening, Sinn Fein's Martina Anderson was declared elected
 after she topped the poll and reached the quota. Giving her acceptance
 speech this evening, a day after she was elected, Ms Anderson noted that
 Sinn Fein was on its way to taking four seats across the island of
 Ireland and hailed the party's success.

 "The voice of the voters have been heard throughout Ireland, they have
 endorsed the Sinn Fein message that there is a fair way," she said. "The
 Sinn Fein result is part of a national story reflecting the growth of
 support for Sinn Fein's strategy for change. There will be a national
 Sinn Fein team of MEPs going to Europe who will put Ireland first -
 north, south, east and west."

 Welcoming the re-election of his party's candidate Diane Dodds, DUP
 leader Peter Robinson described the number of different unionist
 candidates as a "dangerous phenomenon".

 "It's one that will lose us seats in a Westminster election and
 critically could do so in an assembly election as well," he told
 journalists. "The unionist community is going to have to face those
 issues, simply because we have a difference on an issue doesn't mean you
 start up a new party. When someone does, we can see what the
 consequences have been."

 The UUP's Jim Nicholson, who was the last to be re-elected, said he was
 delighted to again represent the region in Europe.

 He also commented on his party's success on the back of his win and
 gains in the local government election. "The party's health is the best
 it's been for many a long day," he added.

 Members of the hardline unionist TUV turned their back on Ms Anderson, a
 former political prisoner, as she gave her speech. TUV leader Jim
 Allister, who was beaten to the third seat by incumbent Jim Nicholson of
 the DUP, later denounced Anderson as a "victim maker".

 In his speech, he said his candidacy had succeeded in increasing the
 overall unionist vote, rather than fracture it as his unionist rivals
 had warned.

 "My hand has been greatly strengthened", he said, and every vote he
 received represented those "who haven't bowed the knee" to Sinn Fein or
 to Sinn Fein/DUP "misrule".  At the conclusion of his speech, his
 supporters followed the Paisleyite tradition by delivering a sombre
 rendition of the British national anthem.

 A full results round-up in our weekly issue.

 RESULTS - EURO ELECTION TOTALS (13 out of 14 seats filled)

 Sinn Fein  4
 Fine Gael  4
 Other  2
 Fianna Fail  1
 Democratic Unionist Party  1
 Ulster Unionist Party  1
 Labour 0

 RESULTS - LOCAL ELECTIONS TOTAL (1405 out of 1411 seats filled)

 Fianna Fail  266
 Sinn Fein  262
 Fine Gael  232
 Democratic Unionist Party  130
 Ulster Unionist Party  88
 SDLP  66
 Labour  51
 Other  278


 Luke 'Ming' Flanagan (Ind.) 124063 - Elected (Count 2)
 Matt Carthy 17.7% (SF) 114727 - Elected (Count 7)
 Mairead McGuinness (FG) 92080 - Elected (Count 5)
 Marian Harkin (Ind.) 68986
 Pat The Cope Gallagher (FF) 59562
 Thomas Byrne (FF) 55384 - Eliminated (Count 6)
 Jim Higgins (FG) 39908 - Eliminated (Count 4)
 Ronan Mullen (Ind.) 36326 - Eliminated (Count 3)
 Lorraine Higgins (Lab) 31951 - Eliminated (Count 2)

 SOUTH - RESULT (Concluded)

 Brian Crowley (FF) 180329 - Elected (Count 1)
 Liadh Ni Riada (SF) 125309 - Elected (Count 4)
 Sean Kelly (FG) 83520 - Elected (Count 12)
 Deirdre Clune 47453 (FG) - Elected (Count 12)
 Simon Harris 51483 (FG)
 Kieran Hartley 29987 (FF) - Eliminated (Count 11)
 Diarmuid O'Flynn 30323 (Ind.) - Eliminated (Count 10)
 Phil Prendergast 30317 (Lab) - Eliminated (Count 9)
 Grace O'sullivan 27860 (Green) - Eliminated (Count 8)


 Martina Anderson (SF) 159813 - Elected (Count 1)
 Diane Dodds (DUP) 131163 - Elected (Count 6)
 Jim Nicholson (UUP) 83438 - Elected (Count 8)
 Alex Attwood (SDLP) 81594
 Jim Allister (TUV) 75806  - Eliminated (Count 7)
 Anna Lo (Alliance) 44,432 - Eliminated (Count 6)
 Henry Reilly (UKIP) 24584 - Eliminated (Count 5)

Sinn Féin will follow Labour’s footsteps into government – and compromise

Opinion: Labour claims it had ‘no alternative’ to cuts to most disadvantaged

‘Treachery has not gone away, you know, and no new leader of Labour will change that.’ The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore speaking on his resignation as Labour Party leader. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times
Treachery has not gone away, you know, and no new leader of Labour will change that.’ The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore speaking on his resignation as Labour Party leader. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times
The issue is: has anything really changed? It hardly matters whether Labour is finished if Sinn Féin fills the vacuum and does the same – ie collaborates with Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil, or does it on its own, in retaining or perhaps consolidating a society of a wealthy elite, a compliant middle class and a sea of misery, humiliation and stress for the rest.
The Sinn Féin rhetoric over the weekend was unsettling: we will not go into government for the sake of office; only if we agree the right terms. Why not: we will not go into government ever with Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael. or any party of similar vein?
Sinn Féin has an impulse for government even over and above that of the Labour Party: the symbolic impact of being “in power” (as they see it) in both parts of Ireland at the same time. That will propel it maybe into even greater compromise than Labour has made, under the guise of social democracy and, of course, the “imperative” of electoral arithmetic.
Proinsias De Rossa spoke 23 years ago, on his behalf and on behalf of his then colleagues, including Eamon Gilmore and Pat Rabbitte, about the perils of social democracy. At the inauguration of Democratic Left, he said social democracy had “degenerated into mere electoralism, [had] lost any resolve to be part of a wider strategy for the transformation of society and has settled for dull marginalism”.
‘Dynamic alternative’ He argued: “There is urgent need for an active democratic socialist party with a strong presence in parliament . . . We must seek to provide the alternative of a dynamic and vibrant left , which would connect into the concerns of people about the need for reform of politics, accountability of politicians, environment, peace, jobs, education . . . Ours will be a politics of empowerment, participation, analysis, and not just an electoral machine.”
The bit about “empowerment, participation, analysis, and not just an electoral machine” was perhaps a clue to what would transpire. Note how it left out “a wider strategy for the transformation of society”. Democratic Left quickly surrendered any strategy for the transformation of society by joining in the “Rainbow government” of Fine Gael, Labour and itself and later merging with Labour.
Inequality in mortality The most eloquent commentary on the legacy of that Rainbow government came in the report Inequalities in Mortality 1989- 1998, by the Institute of Public Health, which showed over 5,000 people died prematurely every year because of the scale of inequality here. In both jurisdictions in Ireland, the annual directly standardised mortality rate in the lowest occupational class was 130 per cent higher than in the highest occupational class. From infectious and parasitic diseases it was five time higher; from tuberculosis, four times higher; from mental and behavioural disorders, nearly five times higher; from drug dependence nearly seven times higher.

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Brian Clarkefamily
Brian Clarkefamily
  • Brian Clarkefamily
Absolutely correct Vincent Sellouts every last one of them ! IRISH LABOUR PARTY FIRST AMONG POLITICAL CAREERIST PIGS
  • Just now
Colm Gillis
  • Colm Gillis
Correct Vincent. But Sinn Fein have a bit of green on their livery and as FF can tell you, it makes a big difference.
  • 5 hours ago
  • 1 Like
Antony Monks
  • Antony Monks

As to the rodents, when there is no cake, let them eat sweet bread?
  • 22 minutes ago
  • Hope_Hope2
@Antony Monks
fruit cake has more flavour
  • 19 minutes ago
Antony Monks
  • Antony Monks
"The Sinn Féin rhetoric over the weekend was unsettling: we will not go into government for the sake of office; only if we agree the right terms. Why not: we will not go into government ever with Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael. or any party of similar vein?"

Unsettling and pragmatic. But just realpolitik. What party would close the door that leads to power.
  • 5 hours ago
Owen V Mac
  • Owen V Mac
Sinn Féin are Fianna Fáil Nua.
Fianna Fáil are Clann Na Poblachta Éadrom.
  • 5 hours ago
  • 1 Like
T.R. Konnell
  • T.R. Konnell
@Owen V Mac Sorry Owen--Clown na Poblachta.
  • 4 hours ago
Con O'Driscoll
  • Con O'Driscoll
Will SF shut down Shannon Warbase and Rendition Central? I believed the Greens would, they said they would in their election manifesto, which is why I voted for them, but the very night they sold their souls to FF and Ahern they came out of the Mansion House mumbling something about ''giving the Guards special training in anti-torture laws'' and nothing was ever heard about it again.

Once you get into bed with the deVils, the only way you'll come out is as a political corpse.
  • 5 hours ago
Matt B
  • Matt B
@David Acidly and grab/extort/rob* a few quid while they were at it

*delete as appropriate
  • 3 minutes ago
Mongo Smellybeard
  • Mongo Smellybeard
@Con O'Driscoll - You're a broken record, 'con' and a poor student of history. Chamberlain's deal was about buying more time for re-armament.

Stick to whinging - you're good at that.
  • 1 minute ago
Michael Lowry
  • Michael Lowry
Vincent seems to be the only media voice in the country for the poor and marginalised with perhaps the exception of Colette Brown and Mick Clifford. Thank you Vincent.
  • 4 hours ago
Sean O'Sullivan
  • Sean O'Sullivan
Do we still have a 'national problem'? I thought under the GFA we are committed to periodic all-island referenda (presumably until they give the right answer).
  • 2 hours ago
  • 1 Like
David Acidly
  • David Acidly
@Sean O'Sullivan

I refer to Magill...when did it (first) cease to exist?

Before the GFA.
  • 1 hour ago
Sean O'Sullivan
  • Sean O'Sullivan
Will Sinn Féin disappoint us? Probably - the signs are not positive. But what then? Where is the leadership which can set out the vision which we Irish could and should aspire to? When can we stop obsessing with GDP and try to fix our broken society? A Bill of Rights (and obligations!) in place of a constitution, including a 100% commitment to a neutral foreign policy, a real commitment to changing society to create a better life for all and to protect our fragile environment, would perhaps be a... » more
  • 4 hours ago
  • 1 Like
David Jordan
  • David Jordan
Vincent, I have 2 comments on this dreary rather tendentious analysis.

First, the budget deficit in 2010 was nearly 12% of GDP i.e. the Government was spending nearly €19 billion it did not have. Even after all the austerity of recent years, the deficit will be about 4.8% of GDP in 2014 as the "wicked, brutal" Government spends roughly another €7 billion it doesn't have. You know Vincent, €19 billion here and €7 billion there and soon you're talking big money! Instead of your incessant... » more
  • 4 hours ago
Jay Gee
  • Jay Gee
@Con O'Driscoll
Well said Con.
  • 1 hour ago
  • 1 Like
Anthony Hobbs
  • Anthony Hobbs
@David Jordan those in power dont give a monkeys about the lower orders ,fact is the can run the state without them .........
  • 17 minutes ago
Doc Rak
  • Doc Rak
There is no proper leftist alternative politicial movement in Ireland, I do not believe that SF are a leftist party no more than I believe Labour are. An alternative government does not exist in the apparent options that we have. Labours problem has been and remains that those members who do have a more leftist labour vision are outweighed by the neoliberal status quo upholding majority that have comfortably slithered towards centre right. This is the problem with politics in general, stale,... » more
  • 4 hours ago
  • 1 Like
Mongo Smellybeard
  • Mongo Smellybeard
@Doc Rak - There is none because there are no leftist votes worth fighting over bar in a few of the larger Dublin constituencies. Populist Fairy Magic votes are everywhere and that's what Fianna Failure and the Shinners are after. Green is cheap.
  • 3 hours ago
  • 1 Like
David Acidly
  • David Acidly
@Doc Rak

There are lots of "proper" leftist parties; the problem is that very few people will vote for them.

Recognising what the problem is, is a necessary prerequisite to fixing it; though I doubt the "problem" of minimal votes for the Socialist Party and PBP can be fixed.
  • 2 hours ago
  • 1 Like
Donal Wood
  • Donal Wood
Lets ahve a whip round and buy Vincent a one way ticket to North Korea for some field work...
  • 4 hours ago
  • 1 Like
Anthony Hobbs
  • Anthony Hobbs
well donal wood its good to know that the old NORTH KOREAN cliched joke is still the rounds.... det your a wow with the boys in the back-bar ...big boy ....pitiful fare...smoking in the school toilets talk
  • 10 minutes ago
Stuart Boyle
  • Stuart Boyle
If there was 'No Money' and cuts had to be made, then how come we could afford to continue repaying unguaranteed bond holders. Plenty of dosh for those fellas. I have no problem with essential cuts and an increase in taxes to support our society, but cuts to services to support bond holders who know that 'the value of your invest may fall as well as rise'? I don't think so. That is why I did not vote for FG or Lab at the locals, not property tax, or water charges, or taxes etc. It was everything... » more
  • 3 hours ago
Stuart Boyle
  • Stuart Boyle
Also, where they hell did those report cards for politicians go? i reckon they looked at their own and thougth "Oh S**t, we can't publish these!" And don't get me started on the fact that Enda didn't ask for a write down on the bank debt. Afraid to ask, seriously people, we have a politician with 'Fear of Rejection!' send him to a therapist to deal with his childhood problems

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