Conor Murphy MP of Royal Sinn Fein had a surprise Royal visitor at his farm in Mullaghbawn, South Armagh early this morning, when Prince Harry dropped in with His own helicopter and dropped off a special canvasser to help deal with problematic constituents who are supporters of Willie Frazier. The Canvasser is blue blooded and will deal with all Willie's issues. The Prince then left abruptly, promising Royal Sinn Fein all the help they need.
Apparently Royal Sinn Fein are currently under some pressure in the elections with RUMBLINGS IN THE DOME ! (belfast city hall) re elections , with all of the loyalist parties including Royal Sinn Fein and the other established parties in the dome panicking in case Padraic Mac Coitir and Maire Og Drumm get elected. The reason why is because if elected Maire and Padraic will expose them for the really cozy relationship they have !The Cry in Belfast is Votail Maire agus Padraic #1 , Eirigi and Independents are said to be making big inroads into Murphy's vote particularly in Newry. The vote was in\herited from the hard work of the late anti Agreement MLA Jim McAlister.
Murphy and Royal Sinn Fein are expected to take their seat in London, and the Queen;s Shilling after the next General Election. Murphy is also tipped to emulate Gerry Fitt and travel all the way from Camlough to join the House of Lords , when knighted by his Queen
Arise Murphy !
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