Thursday, 29 May 2014


There has been considerable evidence in the last 10 years, of an intelligence gap, within the paramilitary British Police Service of Occupied Ireland, particularly with regard to emerging names, from inside the anti-ceasefire Irish republican forces. The retirement of hundreds of informers, left the British paramiltary police, with fewer eyes and ears in the republican community, although long-term British agents within the higher echelons remained in place.

Theintelligence gap is all the more remarkable, when considering the huge amounts of British taxpayers monies, the PSNI has spent since 2002 re-hiring corrupt RUC officers, involved in collusion, and Britain's ongoing dirty war with the old RUC as agency staff.The amount of British taxpayers money is staggering, with a £106m bill for ex-RUC officers; the increase of these veterans's numbers going back into the PSNI, on a regular basis, from hundreds of personnel annually in 2002, to thousands annually, just a few years later, and by the start of 2012, 75% of agency workers in the British paramilitary police, coming solely from ex-RUC personnel, many of them also in secret, sectarian, loyalist organizations.

The British brought back these retired policemen, after searching in every luxury holiday home complex, beach and golf courses along places like the Rivera  and sex resorts like Pattaya, to persuade these beer bellied ex-pats, to come back home, to earn plenty of dosh, supporting the inexperienced, frail paramilitary PSNI. With so many aged ex-RUC officers back on the payroll, it suggests major problems within the paramilitary PSNI and no expertise. Many of the more experienced paramilitary British police, have gone further afield, to earn massive amounts of money, as mercenaries in the private wars of Central African business.

Several senior former RUC senior officers, are working in police forces of many tinpot dictatorships, as well as Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course it is too late for Sinn Fein to complain now, about the re-hiring of so many old RUC staff. They foolishly signed up to an arrangement at St Andrews in 2006, which handed full control, to the unsupervised British Secret Service of MI5, who have just appointed ex-RUC officer, George Hamilton as Chief Constable, from the ranks of the disgraced RUC,
The leading role of the  British Secret Service MI5, a law unto themselves in all policing operations in British Occupied Ireland, is motivated by huge overspend, particularly with cozy arrangements of old wine in new bottles, that have come back into the paramilitary PSNI, now under the supreme command of one of their own, RUC Chief Constable George Hamilton. Neither the elected Executive and the Department of Justice, have any operational control over any policing in British Occupied Ireland, which is farcical in  supposed Peace process context

There are of course major concerns about,  ex-RUC officers, who have past form in running sectarian killer agents, who murdered Human Rights lawyers and whole innocent families at random, which has been thoroughly documented within both republican and loyalist organisations. None of these numerous killers within the RUC have been brought to justice.

The RUC handling of informants, directly involved in hate crimes, including murder, particularly by UVF/RUC double agents, is one of the biggest scandals of the troubles. There surely will be new scandals in the very near future, involving  loyalist sectarian activists and pseudo-republicans committing murder crimes, while all the time working for RUC again, along with British Secret Service MI5 state assets, in British Occupied Ireland. The RUC are running the force again with almost all politicians compromised and woe betide any Irish Nationalist seeking justice of the machine. Yes it's business as usual with the shiny new RUC Chief Constable George Hamilton.

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