Friday, 11 July 2014


Abviously dis wee IRASH girl from a FARAIGN CUNTRY had to pick da biggest fenuan sloicitoler ther on tis island. Hope she's nat getting legal aid from MY QUEENS POCKET. She's from a FARAIGN CUNTRY. and she's now in a FARAIGN CUNTRY so why is the good BRITASH TAX PAYERS money being given to her? straight out of MY QUEES pocket.


Fgau gstq 1690 Uvf

Would love to meet tha queen n give her all my money cus it has DA QUEENS head on it. Abviously it balongs to her, would love ts give her my huse/car/savings and all da other stuff I've worked so hard for. At the end af the day we own naffin in dis country, it's all da queens, so be thankful 4 her.


The day NI leaves the UK would appear to be the day that the average education in the UK goes up about 20%.

I can read wrote:
The day NI leaves the UK would appear to be the day that the average education in the UK goes up about 20%.

Or simply the day when Republicans outnumber Loyalists.

If democracy truly works in UK that is.

It didn't work last century, though ...

I can read wrote:
The day NI leaves the UK would appear to be the day that the average education in the UK goes up about 20%.

One tru prod, is actually, One tru Catholic and he is taking the piss out of Protestants, by trying to make one believe that Protestants are almost illiterate......Idiot!

Your at your racist stereotyping again ICR, well I am glad to inform you that your racist assumptions are wrong.
During yesterdays results northern Irish children came out tops in the league of best results between England and Wales and themselves in regards to A-level marks etc while this has been the case for quite some time.....Idiot!

How long are you stupid now ICR.....FFs!

I just love ma queen. Like tha rest of tha INNOCENT GOD FEARUNG PRODESTANT people. you icrs can go f yourselves.

Equality--- wrote:
<quoted text>One tru prod, is actually, One tru Catholic and he is taking the piss out of Protestants, by trying to make one believe that Protestants are almost illiterate......Idiot!
Your at your racist stereotyping again ICR, well I am glad to inform you that your racist assumptions are wrong.
During yesterdays results northern Irish children came out tops in the league of best results between England and Wales and themselves in regards to A-level marks etc while this has been the case for quite some time.....Idiot!
How long are you stupid now ICR.....FFs!

We all know you are illiterate and can't interpret anything for yourself so I'm afraid we can't take your word on a single thing.

So, did you have any proof to back up your claims?

Even getting a single person from NI who isn't a moron to post will be enough.

rio wrote:
<quoted text>
Or simply the day when Republicans outnumber Loyalists.
If democracy truly works in UK that is.
It didn't work last century, though ...

Please don't pretend to support or even understand democracy or human rights.

One tru ulster prod could even be I can Read, for all we know.

It seems that trolling is in the air today ...

I can read wrote:
<quoted text>
Please don't pretend to support or even understand democracy or human rights.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't; it's as simple a that.

You just cannot use the same sauce in every recipe, wouldn't you agree?

what has all that got to do with a couple of silly smuggling slappers? after all Rio probably knows all about peru.

It's at do wer legal aid that comes directly out of THE QUEENS FRONT BUM bein given to some wee silly smuggler buckbeg from a FARAIGN CUNTRY.

** THE QUEENS POCKET**** dunno wher I gat front bum from. But like all GOOD PRADASTENTS I'd give the queens front bum some attention in the line of duty if I had ta.

One tru ulster prod wrote:
Abviously dis wee IRASH girl from a FARAIGN CUNTRY had to pick da biggest fenuan sloicitoler ther on tis island. Hope she's nat getting legal aid from MY QUEENS POCKET. She's from a FARAIGN CUNTRY. and she's now in a FARAIGN CUNTRY so why is the good BRITASH TAX PAYERS money being given to her? straight out of MY QUEES pocket.
Fgau gstq 1690 Uvf

I see you haven't much perception of the Queens English.

I'm sure Her Majesty would be very proud of you being one of her subjects.

William wrote:
<quoted text>
I see you haven't much perception of the Queens English.
I'm sure Her Majesty would be very proud of you being one of her subjects.

How very interesting a Scottish bigoted sectarian anti-Irish Prod named William.....named after King Billy, I see ICR?

Why does that not surprise me in the least?

True Prod is actually a True Catholic and he is taking the piss outta TRUE PRODS like yourself ICR.....Eejit!

I'm nat jtakin ne piss. This is hire the PRODUSTENT COMMUNITY feel. YOUR LOT have made this happen with ur REPUBLICAN TARRARISTmarches and the PUL aren't gonna let it happen, NEVAR NEVAR NEVAR. Are ones up at ardoyne haven't even been able ta get home since the 12th, god love he boys dey just wanna get home, 12ths nat over fer dem boys yet its a dusgrace. All the while the commy Rabelais thugs sit in the seat of power. Discusting. Are ones should be able to walk the QUEENS HIGHWAY whenaver deylike. It's are cuntry use are secand class to us. Hope dat explains it for yous all.

BRITASH! Fgau 1690. Gstq FTPCSFPSNIRA. FTP. fcuk michaela mccollum connolly

Equality--- wrote:
<quoted text>How very interesting a Scottish bigoted sectarian anti-Irish Prod named William.....named after King Billy, I see ICR?
Why does that not surprise me in the least?
True Prod is actually a True Catholic and he is taking the piss outta TRUE PRODS like yourself ICR.....Eejit!

all Treeuu Boilfearced meehan shoould say "Noaoaha" to any intufearence by the Buuabyloonish Cunspooracy against the Treeue Praadeatant Reeleeegiun.

What's at wee skidmark mcconnloloy column like? IRASH? haha dont make me laff luv. Here sheall not be wantin fer spunk if sheas in fer 25years (when er Fenian solicitor does diddly squat fer her) cus id say sha Gat enough in Ibiza at last her a lifetime.

she has the same solicitor as the uvf, m and f are a business, they dont care who you are or what your background is
its pretty telling though that they are always used in any high profile case by both sides now, catholics must be able to understand the law better lol

Why they visit perú?? Perú is not a peaceful country to visit. I have always heard that nearly all south américa for any foreighner. Even is dangerous for spaniards. Even in spain there is drug smugglers but the control is high. Why? Because all drugs comes from north áfrica and south américa. The 95% of drugs that tries to enter in spain never arrives Because of the police control. But in Ibiza the control is more difficult. Its an Island with a lot of young people mostly north european youth is an easy target for the drug smugglers Because they dont speak spanish and they have money. Mostly the drug smugglers aré north africans not spaniards but they speak spanish, french and arab.
When you come to spain be careful with inmigrants!!!!!!

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