Monday, 3 November 2014


Översatt låttext av Jon Henrik Fjällgren:
Går du med mig än, min kära vän,
Fast jag inte längre ser dig?
Är du kvar här på jorden,
Så som du är kvar i mitt hjärta?
Jag ligger kvar och grubblar,
Det är ödsligt tyst runt om mig.
Tårar bryter ut och faller,
I tanken på dig.

En ängel som här glömdes kvar,
Har nu fått sina vingar.
Vart flyger du nu, min ängel?
Vart flyger du nu?

Flyger du genom himlaporten, säg?
Eller till världens ände?
Flyger du bredvid mig?
Eller är jag ensam nu?

Var du nu än är, min vän.
Vart än vägen för dig.
Lova att du väntar där,
Tills jag möter dig.

Jag hoppas du är lycklig nu.
Så som jag var med dig.
Och smärtan du har lidit,
Hoppas jag är glömd.

Sväva fritt, min kära vän.
Du är fri nu.
Och tills vi åter möts,
Farväl, min ängel.

Translated English song lyrics:
Are you still with me, my dear friend,
Though I no longer see you?
Are you still here on earth,
As you are in my heart?
I lie here and ponder,
It's desolately quiet around me.
Tears break out and fall,
With the thought of you.

An angel that was forgotten here,
Have now got his wings.
Where do you fly now, my angel?
Where do you fly now?

Are you flying through the pearly gates?
Or the end of the world?
Are you flying next to me?
Or am I all alone now?

Wherever you are now, my friend.
Wherever the road leads you.
Promise me you'll wait there,
Until I meet you.

I hope you're happy now.
As I was with you.
And the pain you've suffered,
I hope it's forgotten.

Fly freely, my dear friend.
You are free now.
And until we meet again,
Farewell, my angel.

One Religion - One Language - One Human Race

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
There is only one race, the human race - Sai Baba

The reason why we are all here is to learn to have and to live with,
unconditional love for ourselves and each other.
Everything we do is either an action of love or a cry for help.
Remember when you last became upset?
Was it because you felt you were misunderstood, unheard, judged, criticized, blamed,
unworthy and ultimately, unloved?
We all need to feel love. We each go about getting it in different ways.
Which one or more of these examples do you use to get love?...
Work, special abilities, physical appearance, sex, health, children, pets, partners, friends,
family, gangs, connections, emotions, religion, status, wealth and oh yes, possessions!

Do you need proof that you are lovable? How do you go about it?...
Are you constantly sick and needy...
do you get attention by living in the gym,
do you show off your expensive belongings,
do you intimidate others with anger, threats and violence,
do you use tears or threaten suicide,
do you brag about who you know and what you've accomplished or done for other people,
do you date partners young enough to be your daughter or old enough to be your father,
do you choose partners for money and status in society,
do you have lots of sexual experiences with people you don't really love,
do you abuse drugs and alcohol,
do you act submissive, helping and giving to everyone around you,
do you give to others with absolutely no attachment or expectation of anything in return
other than the pure joy and happiness you feel inside.
You have no need to impress, show off or prove who you truly are, because YOU KNOW.
You don't need proof from anyone in anyway, that you are lovable.
You don't need validation or attention to feel love within your heart and soul.
You walk your talk and your actions absolutely speak louder than a thousand words.

Do you relate?
Do you know of anyone like this?

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