Friday 11 May 2012

Olympics London Breaking News ; Undie British Butt Bombers

Olympics London Breaking News ; Undie British Butt Bombers

category international | miscellaneous | news report author Friday May 11, 2012 11:13author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
Human Rights Interned
British paramilitary police have arrested several human rights activists and interned them without trial in British Occupied Ireland, prompting accusations by human rights groups that the British government is silencing critics before the London Olympics. While Al-Qaida has publicly boasted that they are making hundreds of new underwear bombs for Olympic London. There are concerns that there are many other versions of the underwear and butt bombs in the pipeline and teams of bomb makers assembling them specially for the Olympics. U.S. security and members of Congress have been briefed the public. Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, a member of the Homeland Security Committee said "They have a team of engineers, scientists and doctors. It's a little spooky. In my view, it’s very likely they have produced more of these."
 Undie British Butt Bomber Olympic Security
Undie British Butt Bomber Olympic Security
Meanwhile human rights activist Marian Price has been held in solitary confinement and tortured for over a year now along with Martin Corey, Gerry McGeough and other prisoners. Today a judge said that he had limited powers in cases like this, but:: "If I do not use what teeth I have, I may as well sit back and allow the prosecution to dictate the pace."He said that everyone was entitled to a fair trial within a reasonable period of time.The British prosecution requested a two-week adjournment to allow the papers to be finalized but Judge McElholm said he was not giving any more adjournments as there was no evidence before him.

However the British overlord Paterson ordered that Marian Price remain in custody, as the British come up with another trumped up charge to intern her and silence her ahead of the Olympic games. It is believed the British also intend to intern other human rights activists and political dissidents in London in carbon copy activity of what happened in Beijing four years ago. There is a gathering momentum on the issues and many believe that British Occupied Ireland will become the Tibet issue of the London Olympic.Today at an opening ceremony the Olympic flame was snuffed out a few minutes after being lit, serving as a bad omen for the games in London after an Irish soothsayer put an extremely powerful curse on the games. There are reports of increasing numbers of hotel room cancellations in London, amid heightening concerns of a terrorist attack, after the discovery of a sophisticated new underwear bomb, created by a British al-Qaida’s affiliate in Yemen specially for the London Olympics.

All-Qaida has publicly boasted that they are making hundreds of new underwear bombs for Olympic London. There are concerns that there are many other versions of the underwear and butt bombs in the pipeline and teams of bomb makers assembling them especially for the Olympics. U.S. security and members of congress have been briefed. Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, a member of the Homeland Security Committee said, "They have a team of engineers, scientists and doctors. It's a little spooky. In my view, it’s very likely they have produced more of these."

Just days before the news of the new underwear bombs in the pipeline for London broke, an al-Qaida’s affiliate in Yemen publicly said, that it had vastly expanded its capabilities for making such devices. They now claim after obtaining “a large deal of chemicals from military laboratories" in a city in southern Yemen that they said, "the modest lab has transformed into a modern one," adding "Hence, no wearisome measures are taken anymore to obtain the needed large amount of chemicals for explosives," they said. "Also, the operations now do not lack money as before. Isn't it funny how America thinks AQAP has only one major bomb maker?"

U.S. intelligence estimates, the number of fighters ready for suicide attacks on London may be more than 1,000. John Brennan, President Barack Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser, said on Tuesday that U.S. officials are taking extra measures "to prevent any other type of IED similarly constructed from getting through security procedures." The U.S. Department of Homeland Security have issued new "guidance" calling for increased security at foreign airports, with additional pat-downs, intimate searches, as well as other extremely personal procedures for detecting such a typed of bomb.

Many have complained of the extremely intimate nature of British pat downs at airports, with many complaining of the perverse procedures adopted by the British. Many observers have compared them to the strip searches of Irish political prisoners, which borders on sexual assault and rape. Other complain that British official seem to spend far too long examining their crotch and anus and seem to be getting a perverse pleasure out of the procedure. Naturally as a result many people are cancelling their trips to the London Olympics.
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