Wednesday 9 May 2012


Titanic Sinking of America

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Wednesday May 09, 2012 11:09author by BrianClarkeNUJ - AllVoices Report this post to the editors
God himself could not sink this ship!
" God himself could not sink this ship!"
After the British Holocaust visited on Ireland in 1845 which cost the lives of millions( I use the word MILLIONS, carefully researched) of Irish lives, from 1848 to 1950 almost another six million people left Ireland. It has continued ever since, its called ethnic cleansing by some, forced emigration by others and "see another part of the world" by an Irish minister of the current fascist Government in Ireland. The result is that most of the real Irish are overseas and whats left on the small island today is a poor spiritless mostly imitation of anything Gaelic or free.
God himself could not sink this ship!
God himself could not sink this ship!
" God himself could not sink this ship!"

After the British Holocaust visited on Ireland in 1845 which cost the lives of millions( I use the word MILLIONS, carefully researched) of Irish lives, from 1848 to 1950 almost another six million people left Ireland. It has continued ever since, its called ethnic cleansing by some, forced emigration by others and "see another part of the world" by an Irish minister of the current Nazi Government in Ireland. The result is that most of the real Irish are overseas and whats left on the small island today is a poor spiritless mostly imitation of anything Gaelic or free.

From the late 1800s millions of immigrants came to America and spread out to form American cities. Ann Moore arrived from Ireland on January 1, 1892; she was the first person to enter the United States through Ellis Island. She was first of more than 12 million people, who entered the United States between 1892 and 1954 through Ellis Island immigration centre. Everyone other than what they then called Indians in North American came from somewhere else as an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants.

I personally grew up in the West of Ireland on a farm, where the culture of the letter from Amerikay was very important. It often included subsistence money or was accompanied with a parcel of clothes. Very important, while eking out a living in the poverty of the west of Ireland, still suffering the hangover of a holocaust, in the lonely vacuum of a land emptied of its spirit and people by starvation and emigration. We cursed the English with a vengance for it, while Americkay was held in very high regard, with its culture of being a place of refuge and its tradition of generous letters and job creators in Ireland.

As a teenager growing up in the isolated, empty countryside of the west of Ireland, in a culture of strict Catholicism the American film, music, TV with writers like Steinbeck it felt exhilarating and like liberating stuff. This came to climax, with the visit of the very Irish American President Jack Kennedy. Since the murder of the Kennedys and the passing of the age innocence in the States, things started to slowly and subtly change. As we always try with any good friends, to be patient and give them the benefit of the doubt until further clarity, as most Irish people have done and still do with our friends in the USA.

It is therefore with a very heavy and reluctant heart, that I publish below a couple of links, that confirm for me without any shadow of doubt what I have long suspected. The US of A has changed, changed utterly. I see fascism where I once saw freedom. I see wanton murder where I once saw liberation. I see mean cynicism where I once saw generous idealism. The American Dream has died for me, to be replaced as place of corporatocracy, horror, fascist gitmo and apocalypse.

Below are the links which may very well be censored in our current climate of fascism.


KELLY THOMAS VIDEO: ' Dad They are killing Me'
Related Link:
The Irish Famine Video 'Thousands are Sailing'

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