Sunday 27 October 2013


Farmers, shopkeepers, publicans and businessmen were slaughtered in a bloody decade of bombings and shootings in the counties of Tyrone and Armagh in the 1970s. Four families each lost three relatives; in other cases, children were left orphaned after both parents were murdered. For years there were claims that loyalists were helped and guided by members of the RUC and Ulster Defence Regiment. But, until now, there was no proof. Drawing on 15 years of research, and using forensic and ballistic information never before published, this book includes official documents showing that the highest in the land knew of the collusion and names those whose fingers were on the trigger and who detonated the bombs. It draws on previously unpublished reports written by the PSNI's own Historical Enquiries Team. It also includes heartbreaking interviews with the bereaved families whose lives were shattered by this cold and calculated campaign.

Anne Cadwallader is an experienced journalist, originally from London. She has worked for the BBC, RTÉ, The Irish Press, Independent Network News and Reuters, spending a large part of her time reporting from Northern Ireland. She is the author of 'Holy Cross – The Untold Story' (Brehon Press, 2004). In 2009 she gave up journalism to work for The Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights in Armagh as an investigator and case worker.

Release Martin Corey from Political Internment of Lethal Allies

category international | rights and freedoms | news report author Friday October 25, 2013 22:12author by Brian Clarke - All Voices Report this post to the editors
Political Internment and State Terrorism
Lethal Allies a book on British Government Collusion in the sectarian murders of ordinary innocent Irish people in British Occupied Ireland is written by leading journalist Anne Callwallader and produced by the Pat Finucane centre focused on the ethnic cleansing of the Glenanne Gang which still operates in Ireland.
Lethal Allies a book on British Government Collusion in the sectarian murders of ordinary innocent Irish people in British Occupied Ireland is written by leading journalist Anne Callwallader and produced by the Pat Finucane centre focused on the ethnic cleansing of the Glenanne Gang which still operates in Ireland.

The book documents members of the British police and the British Army who were part of this gang which murdered hundreds of innocent people, particularly in the 1970s, operating primarily from loyalist farms in counties Armagh and Tyrone. Extracts from a Historical Enquiries Team (HET) report, says there is
"indisputable evidence of security forces collusion"
going all the way to the top of British Government. Collusion, similar to the murder of Lawyer Pat Finucane, which was directed by former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

According to the Ulster Herald ,

"The EXPLOSIVE new book published on Friday has concluded that it can be demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt, that systemic collusion between the security forces and loyalist paramilitaries existed in parts of Tyrone during the 1970s.
‘Lethal Allies: British Collusion in Ireland’ is the outcome of 15 years of research by the Pat Finucane Centre alongside over 120 families who were bereaved by a UVF gang between 1972 and 1976.
The book reveals that the UDR status of William Leonard, convicted of murdering Tyrone GAA star Jim Devlin (45) and his wife Gertrude (44) in 1974, was suppressed and withheld from the courts.
It also questions the Director of Public Prosecutions decision not to charge Leonard with the attempted murder of their 17-year-old daughter Patricia Devlin. Leonard also escaped four bombing charges.
The RUC’s failure to investigate the hundreds of losses of weapons from UDR men’s homes and British Army bases and arsenals is also exposed by the book.
Among the other Tyrone murders explored by author and Pat Finucane Centre researcher Anne Cadwallader is that of SDLP activist Denis Mullen, shot dead at his home near Moy on September 1, 1975 and the UVF gun attack on Hayden’s Bar, The Rock in February 1975.
Arthur Mulholland (65), a farmer from Mullinure and Eugene Doyle (18) of Tullyreavy Road, Bardessiagh, were killed when a masked man burst into the bar shortly after 9pm on February 10, 1975, spraying the nine occupants with a machine gun. At the time the Ulster Herald reported that 50 shots were fired, with the gunman pausing to reload before emptying another magazine into the bar.
Arthur Mulholland (65) and Eugene Doyle (18), who were shot dead in Hayden’s Bar, The Rock, Co Tyrone on February 10 1975.
Arthur Mulholland (65) and Eugene Doyle (18), who were shot dead in Hayden’s Bar, The Rock, Co Tyrone on February 10 1975.
The book states that it has established beyond doubt that a significant number of the UVF gang involved in the 120 murders were also serving members of the RUC and UDR.
Analysing RUC investigations, it links the killings through ballistic and other forensic evidence and explains how the courts dealt with whatever charges were brought.
Where legally possible, it names the perpetrators using previously-unpublished reports prepared for all the families by the Historic Enquiries Team who relied on documentation direct from RUC files.
The Pat Finucane Centre has appealed to “everyone on the island of Ireland carefully to consider the implications” of the book.
It says the findings reflects on the “inevitable outcome” of these events on the support or toleration given by the Catholic/nationalist community to the aims and methods of the IRA.
“It analyses the status of targeted victims, finding that in all but one case they were ‘upwardly-mobile’ Catholics who were – either through their own enterprise or hard work – lifting their economic and political aspirations,” said a PFC spokesperson.
“At least six of the victims were linked to the SDLP. Only one had any republican links – he was shot dead on the southern side of the border in County Monaghan.”
‘Lethal Allies: British Collusion in Ireland’ will be launched at St Mary’s University College, Falls Road on Saturday October 26 at 1pm (speaker Dr Brian Feeney). Events will also be held in the Rathmore Centre, Derry at 1pm on Monday October 28 (speaker Jude Collins) and Glasnevin Muesum, Dublin at 7.30pm on Tuesday October 29 (speaker Vincent Browne)."

There is a considerable body of political opinion in Ireland, that 63-year-old Martin Corey from Lugan, beside Glenanne, who previously served almost 20 years in prison for the shooting of two paramilitary RUC men, at a time when the RUC were going into the homes of ordinary innocent civilians, shooting dead whole families, in the area known as the murder triangle. Martin who volunteered originally for vigilante night patrols, to protect his village, realized that the only defence his neighbours, had was the IRA, so he volunteered.

Martin served almost twenty years and became self-employed and worked as a grave digger, before being interned without trial over three and a half years ago. He has not been charged with any offence and despite being entitled to annual parole hearings, has not been in front of Parole Commissioners, who decide if he should be released, for over two years. Martin's legal team say a parole hearing, due to take place a few weeks ago was once again postponed, without an alternative date being discussed.

The nationalist community in Lurgan, believe that Martin Corey, has been interned on a vindictive basis, by the same network of colluding state terrorists in MI5, MI6, PSNI/RUC, former special branch and British Army personnel, also involved in the murder Martin's local Lawyer , Rosemary Nelson from Lurgan. The unelected English Viceroyalty dictator, is also colluding in the political internment without trial of Martin Corey, with dictats, that overule judicial orders, for the unconditional, immediate release of Martin Corey, who has now spent 23 incarcerated as a result of Systemic British State Terrorism in British Occupied Ireland.

Related Link:
Caption: Free Martin Corey

Free Martin Corey

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