Sunday 27 October 2013


British intelligence has been trying desperately to keep its surveillance practices secret - wary of public anger and legal challenges. That's emerged from internal documents leaked by Edward Snowden, and obtained by the Guardian newspaper. But as RT's Sara Firth reports, the spy agencies' worst fears are already coming true. To discuss the controversial techniques used by British intelligence, and the ongoing backlash, former MI5 agent Annie Machon joins RT.

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Leaked memos reveal GCHQ efforts to keep mass Surveillance Secret -Link

Exclusive: Edward Snowden papers show UK spy agency fears legal challenge if scale of surveillance is made public


Who dares to speak for an innocent man whose voice has been silenced behind the wall of 21st Century British repression in Ireland?

Martin Corey has been locked away in Maghaberry Prison since 2010 without charge or trial on the basis of closed evidence. Visit the website to learn more:
Nobody knows the reason why Martin was arrested, nor has a reason been given. This is very worrying, indeed all free minded people, all who believe in free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of movement should be worried, all who believe in a democratic society where everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion should revolt to this 63 year old mans defense. As an Irish Republican Martin Corey believes in the right of the Irish people to the ownership of Ireland, he believes Ireland and her people have a right to practice unheeded their own independence. Is this why Martin was interned? When did it become a crime? Was it with the signing of the Belfast Agreement (GFA), is this the new start, the new beginning we were all promised?

The reality on the ground is that not much has changed and so it becomes obvious that Martin Corey is being held Hostage by the British Government because of his Political Beliefs, all those who believe in justice and equality must support this campaign.

If you would like any further information please contact:

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