Wednesday 25 March 2015


Willie Frazer, has been accused of many things, including being a bigot, a liar and a hypocrite. Now he stands accused of being connected with British State Collusion atrocities, which are part of the British Dirty War in Ireland. Willie wants to march on Dublin again, the scene of the murder of 33 innocent civilians, at the hands of the Glenanne Frazer counter-gang and other members of British death squads, sponsored by British taxpayers, while Willie Frazer himself, was also sponsored by taxpayers, to speak on behalf of the victims of his father's British, death, squad. Willie also speaks for the loyalist Orange Order, who are accused of hate speech, with many calls for the supremacist, sectarian,  Order, to be declared an illegal organization. 

After Willie's gang paraded in paramilitary uniform through Newry's North Street Flats and threatened to blow up the complex, upstanding citizens of North Street and myself, were forced to hold a 'Buckfast Valium Party' and gate crash Glennane Hall, to let Willie's Gang know, who was really in charge, in the area. That was way back before I sobered up, and I really don't want to do that sort of thing again, but if Willie keeps provoking Dublin, there could be more "Buckfast Valium Parties" on the Summer horizon, with Willie's hate marching season, soon starting.

There are many claims, that Willie Frazer attempted to create a hierarchy of victimhood, with an innocent victims group, while at the same time, claiming his own Father, was just a member of the British Army, when they indiscrimanately murdered, scores upon scores of innocent Irish people, while in fact, he was a member of a British State, death squad, also known as the Glenanne Gang.William McCaughey, an RUC member,(British Police) and Robert McConnell, a friend of Frazer, were also members of the British State Death Squad. McCaughey claimed on the British Broadcating Corporation, that the Glenanne Gang, intended to murder up to 30 school children in Belleeks, in South Armagh. They called it off for fear of an IRA response or Civil War.

Willie Frazer, was mentored, by huge sums of taxpayers monies, for a Victims Forum, which included a fellow Protestant, Alan Bracknell. Willie's father was shot, after the British State, Glenanne Gang, bombed Donnelly's bar in Silverbridge. Willie Frazer, described his father and others involved in British State collusion, such as Robert McConnell, as innocent victims, while sitting at the same table, as Alan Bracknell, knowing full well, his father and Uncle, along with the British Government, were responsible for Trevor Bracknells death. Now this is not just a one sided perspective. In the British Unionist Newspaper today, is an article by the Belfast Telegraph on these matters.

British State 'colluded in over 80 murders'

The aftermath of the UVF Step Inn pub bombing, Keady, in August 1976

24 MARCH 2015
The British State was involved in mass murder on British soil, a lawyer has told a coroner's court.


[TICON-A VIDEO] Glenanne gang: Notorious death squad 'fuelled by collusion'

38 years on, Malachi McDonald craves justice for wife he lost to brutal UVF gang

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The security forces colluded with loyalist paramilitaries in 80 deaths between July 1972 and June 1978 in Northern Ireland's "murder triangle" in counties Armagh and Tyrone, Leslie Thomas QC said.

He said many were carried out by the Glenanne Gang of gunmen with the alleged involvement of soldiers and police officers.

Mr Thomas said it could take a year to hear inquests and compared the task to that of investigating the Hillsborough football disaster.

"If what we say is right this is the biggest involvement of state agents in mass murder on British soil," he said.

He added: "We say that what the families of the bereaved want, quite simply can be put in a few words: they want the truth, they want the truth to come out, they want justice."

Mr Thomas was addressing a preliminary hearing in Belfast of two inquests involving a Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) bombing at the Step Inn in Keady in Co Armagh in 1976 during which Catholics Elizabeth McDonald, 38, and Gerard McGleenan, 22, died.

He said the same weapons were used in many of the Glenanne murders and the killers adopted the same modus operandi, accused the authorities of state-sponsored terrorism and claimed one individual involved in killing Ms McDonald should have been dealt with sooner.

He said: "The murder of Betty McDonald could have been avoided, could have been avoided had that individual been taken off the street earlier on or the weapons been taken off the street earlier on, or there had not been the collusion amongst state agents in covering up earlier murders then in terms of Betty McDonald's right to life we say she may be still here today, living long into life with her husband."

The UVF gang operated out of farms in Armagh and Tyrone in the mid 1970s when the Troubles were at their worst.

Lawyers for the victims have insisted only a public inquiry or an inquest covering all the deaths can get to the truth of the collusion claims. Senior coroner John Leckey said he was constrained by the resources available to his office.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland's (PSNI) Historical Enquiries Team (HET) has found "indisputable evidence" of security force collusion in the group.

Northern Ireland Secretary Theresa Villiers has declined to be represented at the inquest. No submission has been made to her seeking a public inquiry but Mr Thomas said the McDonald family was not surprised she allegedly did not want to be involved.

He added: "This is the biggest case of state collusion in mass murder of innocent individuals. This is a state murdering its own, you cannot get bigger than that, and therefore while one sees and understands and looks at what is happening in Hillsborough, if what we say has occurred on, lets face it, British soil, why should that not be investigated?

"British security agents being involved in deaths of British citizens, it does not get worse than that."

Mother-of-three Ms McDonald and Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) footballer Mr McGleenan were killed when a no-warning loyalist bomb detonated outside the Step Inn pub and nearby houses in August 1976. Twenty-five other people were injured.

Northern Ireland's Attorney General John Larkin QC ordered the new inquest.

Mr Thomas acknowledged there had been convictions in some of the other killings he said were linked, but he added a narrow criminal investigation was not enough.

He said across the cases there had been a repetition of similar failings by the investigating authorities, a lack of criminal convictions, the killings happened in close proximity to each other, and created similar victims while pursuing similar modus operandi.

He added the deaths involved a similar group of individuals involved in a number of attacks.

"Many of those responsible were either serving or former members of the security forces. There were close ballistic links between the victims, the weapons used in many of the killings which originated within the Ulster Defence Regiment (a branch of the army recruited in Northern Ireland)."

He quoted the HET report: "Despite the obvious pattern and linkages between these offences, only cursory efforts have been made to investigate further.

"No determined efforts were made to investigate them in a meaningful fashion.

"This (Step Inn) bombing could have been prevented and should have been detected."

Mr Thomas said precedents for a linked series of inquests were given by that into the deaths of Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko and Azelle Rodney, who was allegedly shot dead by Met Police.

He told Mr Leckey: "I can connect and join the dots in relation to various individuals who were named here to various atrocities, various bombings, various shootings, various matters and I can make the link on various weapons, various ballistics.

"This document enables me to tie up individuals."

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