Thursday 26 March 2015


Word on the Falls Road in Belfast last night, was, that Gary Glitter will join the Adams Gang and wants to be their leader. It follows the news, that Gerry Adams brother, Liam Adans is about to be released.
A jury convicted Gerry Adams's brother of the rape of his daughter but was not "properly directed" by the trial judge, a barrister told an appeal court. Liam Adams, from west Belfast, was found guilty in 2013 of a string of attacks on his daughter, Aine Dahlstrom, when she was aged between four and nine.

Like Gary Glitter, he was given a 16-year jail sentence, 
expecting to serve only half of it behind bars.
The case is currently in front of the Appeal Court in Belfast, where his defence say part of the judge's direction of the jury, put the burden of proof on Adams. Barrister Eilis McDermott said, "It comes nowhere near the careful direction, that a judge ought to give the jury, in a case of this kind."

Adams, like Gary Glitter was found guilty of numerous offences against Mrs Dahlstrom, which included three counts of rape, four of indecent assault and three of gross indecency. Barrister McDermott said, part of Judge Corinne Philpott QC's summing up to the jury, had been "opaque" and difficult to follow. She said, "The consequence of it feeds into the criticism that is made of the learned judge, that the jury was not properly directed. This was an issue of credibility." She said a "wholly inflammatory direction about consent and recklessness" when there clearly was no consent by a child of Ms Dahlstrom's age.

One of the judges hearing the appeal, Lord Justice Gillen, said, he could not recall a case, where no reference was made by the trial judge to defence evidence."Is it not unconventional? There is no reference to his evidence at all that I can find, and there is no reference to his witnesses." Like Glitter, the opportunist predator, committed the crimes when he was alone with his daughter, sneaking into her room as she slept. The rapes were committed, over a five-year period up to 1981. Years latter Adams went to work in a number of youth centres across Occupied Ireland and was then sent dow to the south of Ireland.

The conviction pointed the finger at his brother Gerry Adams as why he did not alert the authorities of the rape allegations, when he knew all about them, while at the same time as the leader of his gang, like Gary Glitter, he ordered his cult followers to inform the police, on other cult followers, who were engaged in the same activity. Adams the gang leader, has insisted he acted properly and accused other gang rivals of exploiting his family issue to attack him. A document has been discovered by Gerry Adams' former solicitor, which should have been disclosed during his brother's trial, Barrister McDermott, who also said, "It certainly was material that would have been used in cross-examination."

Adams, first trial collapsed in 2013 but he was later tried and convicted later on that year. The senior judges, Lord Chief Justice Sir Declan Morgan, Lord Justice Gillen and Lord Justice Patrick Coghlin, are hearing the appeal. Barrister McDermott said, publicity surrounding the trials and particularly Gerry Adams' evidence, had made it a national issue. She stressed, the trial judge had failed to tell the jury, that Liam Adams did not have to prove anything. The main thrust of her complaint surrounded Judge Philpott, telling the jury, that a defendant's evidence must be viewed with the same standard as that of a prosecution witness. Barrister McDermott characterised this, as the judge telling jurors, the defendant did not have to prove his innocence, but following it up, with a but.

It is at the very least open to the danger, that the jury may have thought that in this case, because the defendant did give evidence, that in some way the burden of proof reverted to him. "There is a major cause for concern in relation to the clarity of the direction that has been given to the jury on this fundamental point." Prosecution Barrister Murphy, said it was a case of where, the judge was not required to review any piece of evidence, sayng that, "There was no evidence other than the complainant. The jury were very much focused upon deciding whether they believed Aine Adams or whether they accepted the evidence of the defendant." One appeal judge challenged Murphy, as to why two other children of Adams, said they had a happy upbringing, yet Judge Philpott did not mention it. Murphy said: "It was close in the minds of the jury towards the end of the trial. It is not something that could have been forgotten by the jury,  that Adams put his children into the witness box."

One gang member, interviewed on the Falls Road last night, known as "Kiddyfiddler," said Adams, would be rejoining the Gang soon and that Gary Glitter also wants to join the Gang. However he said he would have to be vetted by MI5 and the Gang. He reminded the reporter, that Sinead O'Connor was not admitted, because she was a born again virgin, and that she was asking too may questions about gang activity. He said Gary Glitter would have to be put on probation first. However a journalist with the Pensive Quill, raised questions, regarding the reliability of the gang spokesperson, which suggested he was a conman. When the Adams Gang spokesperson, was challeneged on this, he countered, that all these reporters were exploiting his Gang's difficulties for political purposes and they would be discredited.

He said Liam and Gary had nothing to worry about, they would be posted out in Ballymurphy or Turf Lodge anonsmously, with one of their hangs out there. Failing that they would be sent down south to one of their safe houses on Gerry Adam's turf in Dundalk, with one of their gangs down there and that the their bhoys, would take care of them. If that failed, they would hide them in Bandit country, where no one would find them, and that Murphy would rescind his order to the locals, to become informers to the British. He also offered our journalist a joint, some cheap diesel, wacky baccy and cigarettes at a discount, which was politely refused for ethical reasons and transparency. He also warned Irish Blog, to be careful what it published or it would be censored and discredited. He also asked our reporter, if he had any further details, as to what happened to the lad from the Isle of Skye, who shot himself overseas. Our reporter declined to comment, as the matter is currently under investigation.

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