Friday 27 March 2015


Gerry Adams, his father, his brother and his Party

News has been coming out almost every month, on child rape by Liam Adams, Gerry’s brother, along with more stories of abuse by his father subjecting their children to rape, along with many members of their party. Adams hinself gave an interview on RTE and claimed, that his own father was also a child abuser. While Gerry Adams claimed that he didn’t know if he was abused or not. How can he not know, if he was abused or not? Another disgusting ploy, to try and save Sinn Fein, with numerous scories of similar child rapes. All prime meat for the British Intelliigence Services, in their British Dirty War in ireland

Gerry Adams knew about these rapes, decades ago but allowed his brother to continue to work with children. He allowed and supported his brother to continue his Sinn Fein career in Dundalk. The Priest Fr Troy used his influence within the Catholic Church, to try and force victims of Sinn fein rape to drop charges and to protect parties' many pedophiles. Gerry Adams claimed he didn’t know where his brother was at the time, despite keeping in contact with him. Sinn Fein should have let their communities in Dundalk and Belfast know, there was another Adams' pedophile living in their midst, to protect the children.

British forces were not interested in prosecuting the Adams family or their circle of pedophile friends just like the BBC, with their pedohile ring .Neither were they interested  in getting justice or protecting the defenceless children, when these crimes were first reported to them. Why did they not arrest Liam Adams? Why did they not question him? Why was he and his pedophile ring, allowed to continue working with children? Did they turn Liam Adams? 
Did they turn his father? Did they turn his brother?  Did they turn most of Sinn fein in Belfast? Did they turn most of Sinn fein in Ireland? Did they use this information, to recruit informers all over Ireland? Unfortunately for legal reason, we cannot name all of these people, but you don't have to be particulary bright, to get the complete picture, it's politcal consequence for ireland and it's devastating effect on the island.

To make matters even worse, after a mjor state Inquiry in Ireland, which just a few years ago, found that Child Rape was 'SYSTEMIC' in the country. The Government also wants to cover it all up again. SYSTEMIC CHILD RAPE! Think about those three words for a moment and their consequence that ran into tens of thousands over many years. What the hell is wrong with the Women and men of Ireland, who stand idly by and permit this. What the hell is wrong with over a quarter of the electorate, that is prepared to elect a party to Government, that pro-actively engages, in enabling Child Rape and executing Child Rape. Its systemic prevalance among the Irish politcialestablishment, leaves Ireland wide open to control by both foreign Corporations and Governments. How sick is this? It is difficult to imagine anything  more outrageous, until you read yesterday's Irish Independet, just a few short years, after the infamous Inquiry.

Survivors outraged at plan to seal abuse reports for 75 years

23/03/2015 | 02:30
Education Minister Jan O'SullivanOPEN GALLERY 1Education Minister Jan O'Sullivan

Surviviors of institutional abuse have expressed outrage over Government plans to seal all major industrial school and orphanage investigation records for 75 years.


The move, which also allows for the possible destruction of documents, must now be ratified by the Dáil in a bill which will be brought forward by Education Minister Jan O'Sullivan.

The Irish Independent has learned that the bill has been approved by Cabinet for drafting.

The Retention of Records Bill 2015 will provide for the strict and confidential sealing of documents from the Commission into Child Abuse, the Residential Institutions Redress Board and the Residential Institutions Review Committee.

Tom Cronin of Irish Survivors of Institutional Abuse International said abuse survivors were "shocked and horrified" that the records would be sealed for so long.

"I can understand that these documents are sensitive and that they might need to be sealed for a period of years.

"But why seal them for 75 years? Why not seal them for five or 10 years? By the time they can be accessed again, everyone associated with this most shameful period of Irish history will be long dead. The whole thing won't be anything more than a footnote in history by 2090," he said.

Mr Cronin also expressed concern that, by sealing the documents, the Government may unwittingly frustrate any potential future legal action by abuse survivors.

"Who knows what new evidence or material might arise in the future? That new evidence might prove worthless because the vital supporting documentation will be locked away in a vault for 75 years."

Ms O'Sullivan has defended the Government's position, saying the records are "highly sensitive and contain the personal stories of victims of institutional child abuse".

"I believe that it is important that these records are not destroyed, both to ensure that future generations will understand what happened and out of respect to the victims who came forward," she said.

"By sealing the records for 75 years and ensuring appropriate safeguards on the release of the records thereafter, we are in a position to preserve these sensitive records."

Maeve Lewis, director of charity One In Four, said the bill represented a difficult compromise between those who wanted the records kept as a vital part of Irish history and those who demanded all documentation be destroyed on confidentiality grounds.

"It is a compromise. Our position was that these records had to be preserved as a vital part of Irish history. In fact, we felt that the destruction of these documents would be a crime," she said.

The Government plan is for all documents from the various abuse probes to be lodged with the National Archives.


Sometimes known as the Ryan Report or the Laffoy Commission after the judges who headed the lengthy probe, the investigation ran for 10 years, from 1999 to 2009. It inquired into the abuse of children in a range of different Irish institutions.

It examined all forms of abuse dating from 1936 and amongst its most shocking findings was the treatment meted out to children in industrial schools operated by Church bodies with the support of the State.

These ranged from rapes, beatings and the starvation of children, to youngsters being hired out as cheap labour. The abuse was described as "endemic" and was said to be "the most shameful episode in the history of the Irish State".

The Residential Institutions Redress Board (RIRB) was set up in 2002 to compensate those who were abused as children in various State and Church institutions since 1936.

By the end of 2013, the RIRB had dealt with 16,620 applications for compensation. The total awards made amounted to €944.1m. The average award was €62,530.

Irish Independent



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