Queen insisted on Prince Charles meeting Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams during Ireland visit

The body of Lord Mountbatten is brought ashore
A meeting in the Republic between Prince Charles and Gerry Adams today is only going ahead because the Queen insisted, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.
The main political parties in the Republic had strongly objected to the behind-closed-doors meeting on the campus of the National University of Ireland, Galway.
But they were forced to back down at the 11th hour after Buckingham Palace officials insisted that it went ahead.
One senior London source familiar with the negotiations said: "The resistance of the southern Irish Government was eventually broken by the enthusiastic support of the Queen and Prince Charles.

A meeting in the Republic between Prince Charles and Gerry Adams today is only going ahead because the Queen insisted
"The other party leaders will get a private five-minute meeting to provide political cover."
The historic meeting, which also involves Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, will be held away from cameras, making a handshake more likely between the republican leader and the royal whose favourite uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten was blown up by the IRA.
With Dail elections to take place next year, and TDs concerned about Sinn Fein 'hijacking' Easter Rising centenary events, the parties in Dublin had fiercely opposed Mr Adams being portrayed as a peacemaker in the south.
However, sources said that after her groundbreaking handshake with former IRA commander Mr McGuinness at Belfast's Lyric Theatre in 2011, the Queen wanted to make another political gesture. A Buckingham Palace source said: "The past is the past. It is time to move forward."
And Sinn Fein chairman Declan Kearney said: "This was agreed to promote the process of resolving past injustices and promoting reconciliation and healing."
The meeting with Mr Adams comes ahead of a visit to the Sligo site of his great-uncle's murder and is widely seen as the next phase in ever deepening relations, friendships and bonds between the UK and Ireland.

Paul Maxwell with his sister Lisa, who was murdered with Lord Louis Mountbatten by an IRA bomb while sailing near his holiday home in County Sligo, Ireland, on 27th August, 1979
Charles, who will be accompanied by wife Camilla on his first official visit to Ireland in 13 years, will make an emotional trip to Mullaghmore tomorrow where 79-year-old Mountbatten was killed in a 1979 IRA bomb attack as he set off in a boat with others to check lobster pots.
The royal couple will arrive in Northern Ireland on Thursday.
A spokesman for the Queen said: "As with all official overseas visits undertaken by Members of the Royal Family, The Queen was consulted, but the programme was drawn up on the advice of Government".
Prince Philip: Is this the sickest man in the UK?
November 14, 2012
Respectful: Britain’s
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh visits the Field of Remembrance in the grounds of Westminster Abbey in central London on Thursday
Look at the photograph below? This picture will fill Millions of Brits with pride, nostalgia and patronism. Women, old and young will inevitably coo. Men, no doubt with a look of steely determination on their faces will give a quick nod at the photo and say to themselves; “Yes mate, you know”. I look at it and want to wring the hypocrites scrawny neck. The mere sight of him makes me want to puke.
You will not spot a single tear in this abomination’s eye. And for the Daily Mail newspaper and no doubt the vast majority of others to even suggest it, is tantamount to fraud. Worse still, it officially costs the tax payer nearly half a million pound a year to view propaganda like this. Unofficially, the true cost is in the millions.
You have no idea how hard I find it to write about The Duck of Edinburgh and his family of parasitic in-breeds without descending into a torrent of foul mouthed abuse.
Strange, that I cannot recall the old fart, pictured here all dressed up in his sailor suit so as to con the gullible nation into thinking he is some kind of battled hardened war hero, doing the same last year. Well certainly not with the same amount of press exposure as we see in the Daily Mail today. I may be wrong of course, but I doubt it.
In truth this is nothing more than a fake photo opportunity, staged by a nervous
Royal family, who are acutely aware that if they are not very careful, their house of cards could quickly come tumbling down right about now. In fact, there is as much sincerity on show as there are tears in the perverted old git’s eyes. Cry for our heroic war dead? Don’t make me laugh. The old pervert is doing nothing more than trying to get the nation on side before the truth comes out about him and his odious family.
Why on Earth would the Lizard looking old bastard cry for our war dead? If he was going to cry for any war dead, it would be those who spoke German, not English. Not that he would do. The Duck of Edinburgh along with the other Royal Monsters despise us.
They despise all commoners, whatever their nationality, however they die. We are nothing more than an irritation to be endured while they fleece us for all they can get. Why would the man… I use the term very loosely, shed a tear when the people he is pretending to respect are exactly how he wants them and the rest of us, i.e. Dead.
Let me tell you about this racist old pervert. Phil the Greek as he is commonly known, should in fact be called Phil the Nazi. He has no affinity with the British people what so ever, let alone our war dead. To understand why, we need to go back as far as Queen Victoria, whom some refer to as the last English queen… Even though she was half German. Victoria, according to historians was hated by her countryman, some even say she was spat upon… Can’t imagine that amused her much.
Queen Vicky, as she wasn’t known, married the German Prince Albert:
Albert was born on August 26, 1819 in Rosenau, Germany. He was the second son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and was greatly influenced by his uncle Leopold, who became the king of Belgium in 1831. As a teenager Albert travelled to Britain and met the Princess Victoria, who was his COUSIN and nearly the same age as Albert. (Source-
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was our Royal family’s name then, until Sticky Vicky’s grandson, King George V, who was married to the German Queen Mary, changed it to Windsor in 1917. This was only because there was a good deal of anti German sentiment in Britain before the First World War which became almost hysterical after 1916. There were in fact, anti German riots with shops owned by people with German names or German sounding names being smashed up. This also happened in other parts of the Empire such as Johannesburg in South Africa.
So there you have another case of this closely interbred, dysfunctional family pulling out all the stops to save their own necks… But I digress.
Now, as well as the name changing King George V being the grandson of Sticky Vicky, so was our German opponent in the first world war, Kaiser Wilhelm II… Getting the picture yet? No? Fair enough, I will continue.
Our present Queen, Bizzy Lizzy and her husband Phil the Sauerkraut are both the great, great grandchildren of Queen StickyVicky. Or put another way, they are 2nd cousins, once removed… By then it was surprising that the in-breeds didn’t resemble the cast of ‘the Hills have eyes’. They did, and still do however, behave like them.
Further more, madness and genetic problems are common place within the Royal family, thanks entirely to their in-breeding. Everyone knows about King George the III. He was mad as a hatter. Sticky Vicky herself was a Haemophiliac, which resulted in the death of her son Prince Leopold at the age of 30. The Duck’s own mother was mad as a hatter and had to be sectioned, which might explain a lot.
However, the more modern day Royal family tend to do what all Monsters do with their mad relations. Lock them away and pretend they don’t exist. That is what happened with the Queen’s first cousins,Nerissa and Katherine, who were both nieces of the Queer Mother:
The Queen’s cousin Nerissa was 22 and the Queen’s look-alike cousin Katherine was 15 when they were sent to the grim Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital. Both were severely handicapped and virtually unable to speak. They were said to have a mental age of six.
Cousin Nerissa is now deceased but cousin Katherine, aged 86, is still alive as of 2012, although severely mentally retarded. She is neglected and never visited.
Burke’s Peerage which records the “who’s who” lineage of the British aristocracy, recorded false information that the first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II died in 1940 and 1961.
Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny on cousin Nerissa’s burial. Nerissa was buried like a pauper in an unceremounious grave marked by a 6-inch-high plastic tag bearing a serial number and the name ”Bowes-Lyon”.
Cousin Katherine who spent decades in the Royal Earlswood Asylum, was moved to Ketwin House for the mentally disabled. Following allegations that male staff members were washing female patients, Ketwin House was forced to shut down. Witnesses found bruises on Katherine’s hand and hip.
Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny to keep her cousin Katherine at Ketwin House. The cost ? About 770 pounds per patient per year. According to a former staff member, Katherine is alert, understands what she’s being told and communicates by pointing and smiling. Not one member of the Royal family has visited her in 60 years.
It turns out that the Queen’s mother also had cousins who were locked away in the same mental institution on the same day in 1941 as Nerissa and Katherine.
An ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach to family members with “embarrassing” problems like mental illness and epilepcy is nothing new in the royal household.
In 1905, George V(Of name change fame) and Queen Mary had a son, Prince John. Until the age of four, Prince John was just as much in the spotlight then as Prince William was in 1986 at the age of four.
When Prince John suffered his first epileptic fit, his royal parents excluded him from official family photographs.He wasn’t even allowed to attend his own father’s coronation as King of England in 1911. In 1917, the King hid his epileptic son by sending him to die in an isolated farmhouse. John never saw his parents again. He died two years later – reportedly in his sleep.
Another propaganda Oscar winner, The Kings’ Speech, focused on the Queen’s father and his speech impediment. There was no mention in the movie that the cause may have been from generations of royal inbreeding.
Monarchy blockbusters are designed to sell the image of the filthy rich royals as sensitive, caring, human and deserving of adoration and taxpayer support. No one would dare make a Hollywood movie about the King’s nazi brother, Edward VIII who abdicated.
Alice Battenberg was the mother of the Queen’s husband – Prince Philip. Alice was near deaf and a religious zealot. As the years went by, she began to have visions that she was Christ’s bride. She was declared a paranoid schizophrenic and committed to an asylum by force in 1930. Alice is Prince William’s great grandmother.
(Source T. Stokes)
Now, moving on, Queen Bizzy Lizzy’s uncle Eddie the Duke of Windsor, the one who married the American slut Wallis Simpson (I believe Homer was her nephew, but I may be wrong), was great friends with Adolf Hitler. The fact Eddie did marry Wallis was much to the annoyance of Bizzy Lizzy’s Alcoholic, Paedophile, mother (Various Sources such as Bill Maloney), who also wanted him. Never the less, in the end the Queer Mother was forced to settle for the younger brother… Affectionately referred to as ‘the backward one’.
In fact, according to files released in 2003, high ranking Nazi officials considered Rock steady Eddie to be “no enemy to Germany”. They also considered him to be the “logical director of England’s destiny after the war”.
Eddie, who was also a paedophile and part time bum bandit, gave up the million pound hat to marry the much passed around slapper Simpson. I cannot imagine why, unless it was the fact that she would indulge Ed the Ball in his passion for being pushed around in a pram while dressed only in a nappy… I kid you not.
So, is it just a coincidence then, that Willie and Kate got married on the 29th of April 2011, sixty six years to the day that Hitler married Eva Braun? Remember, dates and numbers are extremely important to these freaks. Willie was in fact induced so as his birthday fell on the Summer Solstice, although the official line is that he was induced so as not to interfere with his father, Prince Big ears’ Polo Tournament.
Course, according to the Help Free the Earth website, the Royal family didn’t just offer moral support to those who were killing the British soldiers Philip is pictured shedding Crocodile tears over. That moral support also stretched to financial:
The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuhrer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia. Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of the House of Windsor policy. Long after the abdication of King Edward VIII, the Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.
Meanwhile, Phil the Duck was sent to a German boarding school that specialised in bringing up mini Adolfs. In fact, as Phil put it himself, there was much heel clicking and Heil Hitlering. At the same time, his 4 sisters all married members of the Nazi Party.
His sister Sophie in fact, went on to marry Prince Christoph of Hesse, a colonel in the SS on Himmler’s personal staff and head of the Forschungsamt, an elite intelligence operation controlled by Hermann Goering.
Christoph, as coincidence would have it was also the great grandson of Queen Victoria and a paedophile… I’m lying. It wasn’t really a coincidence, but the other two facts are true. The 30 year old Christoph had become engaged to Prince Phillips sister, Sophie when she had only just turned 15 – Hmmm.
Mind you, Filthy Phil began dating the queen when she was only 13 years old. Then again, the Royals like to keep everything within the family. But I digress.
Now, as I have just said, what eventually happens when families are continually polluting their own gene pool is madness begins to occur and that is what happened to Phil’s mum, Slack Alice. So when she was carted off to the mad house and his father fucked off with some old sort, Philip, much to his delight, was left in the care of his uncle Lord Louie Mountbatten. The Mountbatten’s were also German’s who changed their name from Battenberg… As in the Marzipan cake that people pretend to like, but don’t really… Much in keeping with the way people feel about the Royals in general really.
Now, pay attention here. Lord Louis the Cake was also the Great Grandson of Sticky Fuckin’ Vicky and 2nd cousin of the name changing King George V. Louis was also a predatory paedophile.
The Authors of the controversial book ‘The War of the Windsor’s’ which was serialised in the Daily Mail state:
“Lord Louis Mountbatten had the nickname “Dickie” …and for good reason. Philip’s uncle Dickie was the last viceroy in India where he was a known paedophile who sexually exploited young working class Indian peasant boys”.
Mountbatten is also linked to the paedophile ring who abused boys living at the Kincora Care Home in Belfast Northern Ireland. An excellent website, dedicated to exposing the Royal Family, have this to say about a book written on that paedophile ring entitled ‘The Kincora Scandal’:
“The Kincora Scandal connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse”.
The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes. No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers made up of Royals, Politicians, lawyers, and Judges. However, Belfast citizens finally had reason to celebrate when Prince Philip’s paedophile uncle was killed by an IRA bomb planted in his boat”.
It is alleged by many that Louis the Cake had at least two boys on the boat, possibly three, when they were all blown to kingdom come. It is further alleged by many, that Phil got his first taste of Cock, courtesy of Uncle Louis, who was almost certainly also shagging Bizzy Lizzy’s Uncle, Ed the Baby.
Other members of the ohhh sooo British Royal family, but who are in reality closet Nazi’s include; Marie Christine Reibnitz AKA Princess Michael of Kent. Then there is the brother of Princess Alice, a great-aunt to the Queen, who was a Nazi and said that Hitler had done a “wonderful job”.
Princess Michael of Kent’s (Sounds like a tranny doesn’t she) father, was Baron Gunther von Reibnitz, who just so happened to be a member of the Nazi party and an honorary member of the SS.
Slightly diverting away from the main topic, but relevant none the less, Princess Michael, who is married to the Queens Cousin Prince Michael of Kent was caught out shagging a toy-boy in 2006. As it happens, Prince Michael also looks extremely like my friend Terry from Cyprus. But I’m fairly sure that is just a coincidence.
Never the less, having his wife publicly identified as shagging about obviously pissed Prince Mick off. Now everyone knows, cept my good self of course, that you shouldn’t upset a Freemason. Especially not the highest wanking Freemason in the country, which is apparently who Prince Micky Boy is (Sorry about the speech impediment in that sentence. I was just trying out my impression of Bizzy Lizzy’s old man). He is also the Grandson of the name changing, half German King George V and the full German Queen Mary, don’t cha know.
Having said that, any inference you draw from the following is strictly down to your own over active imaginations. You see, this toy-boy Mikhail Kravchenko, who shared a 4 day break in a Venice hotel with Mick’s slapper wife Princess Michael, met a very sticky end when he was machine gunned to death while sat in his Mercedes. Not that he was the only one whom the Royal family had the hump with, to die in a Mercedes.
Anyway, an actress called Marina Golub who was a close friend of Mikhail Kravchenko started asking questions about his death and after getting too near to the truth, she was apparently warned off. Whether or not she took any notice of the warnings is unknown, but she did claim to have uncovered startling new details about the murder. However, before she could reveal what she knew she was killed in a ‘car crash’… Just saying.
Right, getting back onto the main thread. All these people, who were and are supposedly part of the English Royal family, were in reality aligned with the German War Machine. As an example of just how deep that involvement was, consider the following also taken from the Help Free The earth website:
Prince Philip’s uncle and sponsor, Lord Louis Mountbatten (originally, Battenberg of the House of Hesse) was a central figure in the 1930s Nazi-British channel. Until he was forced to abdicate, King Edward VIII enjoyed the full backing of Dickie Mountbatten. Through much of World War II, secret channels of communication were maintained between the British royal family and their pro-Hitler cousins in Germany, by Lord Mountbatten, through his sister Louise, who was crown princess of pro-Nazi Sweden. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.
The spin doctors at Buckingham Palace have tried to depict the wartime collaboration of the British royal family with the Nazi enemy as just family correspondence but the messages from Prince Philip’s secret ally, the Duke of Windsor (former King Edward VIII) are impossible to cover up. On Nov. 20, 1995, the Washington Times reported that the Duke of Windsor had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to foment a revolution in wartime Britain, that would topple the Churchill government, depose his brother King George VI, and allow him to regain the throne.
Starting with an exchange between King George VI and President Eisenhower, the House of Windsor has been desperate to keep incriminating documents collected from Kronberg Castle classified. The incriminating documents fell into American Army hands.
With that in mind, now take a look at the photo below. This is Phil the Duck in his Nazi Sister Cecile’s funeral cortège. In the row behind and slightly to the left is Louis The Cake, wearing an old style sailor hat. This was taken a couple of years before the War. Jews were already being persecuted and slaughtered. Philip admitted himself that his family had a problem with Jews. That leaves me to wonder how he feels about his grand-daughter in law Kate, who is Jewish.
Another senior Royal who was apparently racist was Bizzy Lizzy’s sister, Princess Margaret . I deal with Slaggy Maggie in detail in Monsters Inc, but here is what is said about her on the Scandalous Woman website:
Princess Margaret was a spoiled, vain, racist, promiscuous waster who never worked a day in her life, called the Irish people “Pigs, all pigs”, was an adulteress, who also, most insidiously, sponged tens of MILLIONS from the people of Great Britain through the civil list at a time when most British “subjects” were near starving due to rationing.
Her Uncle was an unrepentant Nazi sympathizer and friend of Oswald mosley who would have (if given the chance) allowed the perptrators of the holocaust a foothold in Britain.
Course, as I have already said, Phil the Nazi is well known for being racist. According to the book The Duke of Hazard: The Wit & Wisdom of Prince Philip, Famous gaffe’s include:
• During a state visit to China in 1986, the duke told a group of British students: “If you stay here much longer, you’ll all be slitty-eyed.”
• Another jab to the Chinese came at a World Wildlife Fund dinner: “If it swims and it’s not a submarine, the Chinese will eat it.”
• To an Australian Aborigine he met in 2002, Philip asked: “Still throwing spears?”
• When a Kenyan woman gave Philip a gift, he was perplexed at her appearance. “You’re a woman, aren’t you?” he asked.
• When he met Lord Taylor of Warwick, who is black and comes from Birmingham, “And what exotic part of the world do you come from?”
• When he saw an old-fashioned fuse box in a factory near Edinburgh, the duke said: “It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.”
• When he met a group of deaf people in Cardiff in1999, Philip referred to the school’s steel band: “Deaf? If you are near there, no wonder you are deaf.”
• “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?” Philip asked someone from the Cayman Islands in 1994.
• When he met the president of Nigeria, who was dressed in a traditional robe, Philip said: “You look like you’re ready for bed!”
So don’t even try to tell me that the Nazi Bastard shed any tears over our war dead. The very fact that the MSM take his photograph any where near a tribute to those who died in the war is a gross insult to their memory.
Worse still, when you know that he is only doing it in order to gain support for his yokel family in case the nation find out that these piss takers, who do not give a fuck for anyone but themselves are up to their perverted necks in the Jimmy Savile cesspit, your blood begins to boil.
Not convinced? No? Then I will carry on.
That the Duck of Edinburgh didn’t know about Louis the letch’s preference for boys is inconcievable. As I said, the chances are Louis was abusing Philip anyway. Never the less, that didn’t stop him leaving his eldest son, Prince Big Ears in his care:
“Mountbatten was a strong influence in the upbringing of his grand-nephew, Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and later as a mentor—”Honorary Grandfather” and “Honorary Grandson”, they fondly called each other according to the Jonathan Dimbleby biography of the Prince”.
Now you tell me what kind of sick fuck leaves their child in the capable hands of a predatory Paedophile? The answer can only be someone who views paedophilia as being normal. Just look at their history. It is littered with child molesters. Child Molesting is not the same as being Gay. A person has no choice as to whether they are gay or not. A child molester on the other hand does have a choice.
However, as we have already seen. Many of the Royals do seem to be gay. That said, I do not believe that to be true. I do however believe that many of them take part in same sex, sex. Princess Diana, for instance, hinted that her ex husband used to have a merry old time forcibly sodomising his male staff.
Talking of Paedophiles and the Prince of Wales, I feel that I must mention another Royal paedophile Prince Albert Victor, who was also known as Prince Eddy. You can tell how in-bred these monsters are. They all have the same fucking name, don’t cha know. Anyway Prince Eddy was the eldest son of Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales. Here’s what the author John Hamer wrote about him:
Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence otherwise known by his colloquial name of ‘Prince Eddy was the eldest son of Albert Edward the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) and Princess Alexandra (later Queen Alexandra), the grandson of the reigning monarch, Queen Victoria and older brother of the future king of England, King George V and as such would have been first in line to the throne.
Unfortunately, due to centuries of Royal in-breeding, Eddy was partially deaf and of well below average intelligence and was thus shunned by the majority of his cold-hearted family.
Queen Victoria, the reigning monarch at the time was a great supporter and patron of Freemasonry as were all the Royal males of the age (and as they still are today). Indeed it was the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family (the current British royals) who had sponsored the rise of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, originally a Freemasonry offshoot, in Bavaria in the 18th century. Weishaupt was indeed born and raised in the Bavarian town of Gotha.
There are several Masonic lodges in the Royal palaces of Britain, the most significant one perhaps being the Royal Alpha Lodge in Kensington Palace (where Prince and Princess Mick live. I’m getting good at this history lark – Spivey). In 1885 Prince Eddy was initiated into the Royal Alpha Lodge at the behest of his father.
As well as his membership of the lodge, Eddy was also a regular ‘customer’ at a homosexual-paedophile brothel in Cleveland Street, London and indiscreetly instigated a series of explicit love-letters with a young boy employed at these most vile of premises.
In the meantime, Prince Eddy, his mental health by now completely shattered, was given into the care of the Earl of Strathmore who owned Glamis Castle in Scotland. The royal family then blatantly lied to the world and announced that Eddy had sadly passed away at the age of only 28, on the 14th January 1892 due to influenza, but of course Eddy was still alive and being held in Balmoral Castle having not yet made the final move to Glamis.
Balmoral is approximately 1000 feet (300 metres) above sea-level and as such is partly surrounded by steep cliffs. This was the intended site for the planned murder of Eddy to be undertaken by Randolph Churchill (Winstons old man – Spivey) and John Netley the coachman. The prince was pushed from the cliff-top but somehow managed to survive his fall and after the passage of two days had endeavoured to crawl all the way back to Balmoral where he was found at the door by his disbelieving hosts.
It was decided after this that the best option would be to just incarcerate him at Glamis for the rest of his life and the Earl of Strathmore agreed to undertake this task on behalf of the royals in return for one simple favour. The favour he stipulated was that one of his daughters be allowed to marry a future king of England.
Poor Eddy died in 1933, forty one years after his ‘official’ death date and during this time, his mother visited him only once, but took a photograph of him which she apparently sent to her cousin. This photograph is still in existence and shows a much older Eddy thoughtfully painting a picture which would sadly never be seen by anyone outside the walls of Glamis Castle.
The pact between Strathmore and the royal family was eventually fulfilled in 1923 when Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (his daughter, b. 1900) married the future King George VI of England after originally being betrothed to his brother, the former King Edward VIII (he of abdication fame) (Told ya she had the hots for him – Spivey).
In 1936 George ascended the throne upon his elder brother’s abdication and Elizabeth became his queen consort. Elizabeth of course was more commonly known as the Queen Mother and the mother of the current incumbent of the family firm, Queen Elizabeth the second. She went to her grave in 2002 without ever revealing the secret and thus the world was never aware of this unholy pact.
There you have a perfect example of our Royal family; inherently Mad, Paedophile tendency’s, happy to murder their own and extremely conniving… Lets give them a few more millions of pounds. Prince Charles is always lobbying for more anyway. So is Prince Randy Andy. He wants his daughters, one of whom had a tendency to run around her school naked, added to the Civil list… The greedy bastards.
Mind you, what with the likes of Paul Burrell and Paul Kidd working for the perverted family, I don’t imagine Prince Charles had to force himself on the staff too violently.
I have documented the sexual exploits of Paul Burrell, who appointed himself Princess Diana’s Rock, in my forth coming expose of Diana’s murder. So you will just have to wait to read them. However, I will say that Burrell swore never to reveal Diana’s secrets, but has since made millions writing books about them and by just trading off her name in general.
Paul Kidd is a different kettle of fish all together. He was apparently charged at Manchetser crown court with sexually abusing a large number of boys over a 30 year period. Manchester also just so happened to be the hang out of Jimmy Savile. The Daily Mail had this to say about Paul Kidd:
A former Buckingham Palace butler has been unmasked as a sexual predator who ran a paedophile ring while serving the Royal Family.
Bachelor Paul Kidd, 55, groomed at least one of his teenage victims for sex by taking him for tea with the Queen Mother at Clarence House, it has emerged. To the public, he had been the urbane gent who waited on the Royals for nine years – first the Queen at the Palace and then her mother.
You can take any inference you like from that, but as I said in my article ‘Parliamentary Paedophiles’ , the MSM like to drop hints. You may also like to Google Bill Maloney and hear what he has to say about the Queer Mother. The website also says the following about Kidd:
Paul Kidd claimed he walked the same corridors as Sir Anthony Blunt the Rothschild gopher who betrayed Britain to the Soviets in W W II for £20,000.
Now Anthony Blunt was a Russian Spy. He was also a notorious paedophile… Surprised? Nah, course your not. He was also definitely related to the Queen in some way or another. Some historians have him down as a cousin, others say he was in fact Bizzy Lizzy’s half brother. The MSM laughingly had an article out just the other week that said the Queer Mother, had cottoned on to Blunt the …. What rhymes with Blunt? Runt… The Queer Mother had cottoned on to Blunt the Runt a long time before the security services’s did.
Are the MSM for real? It is a very dangerous game they play. They, like myself and many others know the truth yet they print bollocks like that in order to give the Royals an alter ego. Do these journalists not realise that they are just as expendable as the rest of us?
Course the Queer Mother knew about Blunt. You only need read the following, which is taken from the website United Nations on Film to realise that:
At the end of the war, in June 1945, the British King, George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth and puppet of the Queen Mother, sent the former MI5 officer, Anthony Blunt, to the Kronberg Castle of Prince Philip’s sister Sophie, and her Nazi husband Prince Christoph of Hesse, to recover correspondence between the British Royal Family and their Nazi relatives, for propaganda aimed at convincing the aristocrats of Britain they had not been in contact all along. Blunt was the ‘surveyor of the Queens Pictures’ and a world expert in the paintings of Poussin, the initiate who painted pictures called ‘The Shepherds of Arcadia’ which related to the Rennes-le-Chateau mysteries. Blunt was named as a member of a KGB unit inside British Intelligence along with Burgess, MacLean, and Philby, the fifth man was never named, but was in fact, Lord Victor Rothschild.
Course, the Duck of Edinburgh also used Blunts services. It seems that Filthy Phil was caught up in the Perfumo Scandal of the early 1960′s via his connection with Stephen Ward, the society pimp, Artist and Satanist who was heavily implicated in the Scandal. Ward was good friends with Phil and had been a frequent visitor to the palace where he did some, ahemm ahemm, ‘Drawings’ of The Duck and ‘other members of the family.
Ward later died under very mysterious circumstances, while supposedly on trial, but who was in fact in hospital after trying to top himself. Whatever was contained in the drawings of Ward’s obviously worried Phil greatly as he sent Blunt to retrieve them at any cost.
Course, by then even Bizzy Lizzy was fed up with her oversexed, deviant of a husband and as such had sworn never to sleep with him again. This claim was repeated in a book written by Nicholas Davies and revealed “a shocking world of royal adultery, passion and betrayal”
The book stated – as fact, not surmise – that the Duke of Edinburgh’s liaisons with his cousin, Princess Alexandra and the film star Merle Oberon, not to mention his former Daughter in Laws mother, Susan Barrantes (among others!)- as the reason “why the Queen banned her husband from her bed”.
More damming still, the Telegraph reported in an article on the 5th of September 2004, about how Philip had sat “impassively, incensed but silent” when a Journalist from a “Sunday broadsheet” had suggested to the Duke that he might have a raft of illegitimate children and had enjoyed a homosexual liaison with Valery Giscard d’Estaing, the former President of France. Do I need to go on? Yes? Ok.
If you want to know who had Diana murdered, the trail would appear to lead firmly to Phil the Sauerkraut’s door. Course, for the benefit of the Royal Lawyer’s, I should tell you that I base that claim on the omitted evidence from the Paget report and subsequent inquest, Claims by Mohammed Al Fayed and the book by Jon King.
Now, what kind of man deprives his grandchildren of their mother? The answer can only be the same kind of man who grossly insults our war dead by sickeningly pretending to shed a tear while cynically saluting them… God that family nauseate me.
One of my dearest wishes is that he is still alive when his family are finally exposed for the greedy, robbing, murdering, parasitic monsters that they are. Perhaps, before we hang them for mass genocide and countless other crimes against humanity, he along with his equally obnoxious wife – a woman rich enough to end world poverty and still have an un-spendable fortune left – will tell the world what they did with the 10 Canadian orphans they took away with them, never ever to be seen again.
Course, the 3 children lucky enough not to be chosen as one of the ten would testify that they were made to kiss the queens foot first before her and the Duck fucked off with the 10 unlucky ones. Or at least they would if they too had lived long enough to testify.
To far fetched for you? It would be for me too, if I hadn’t spent countless hours researching the nonces and the afore mentioned incident wasn’t so well documented. Here is just one example of that, which was reproduced on the Help Free The Earth website:
Star Eyewitness Dies Suddenly. Written by Rev. Kevin Annett
Monday, 28 February 2011 20:39
William Combes was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in British Columbia, Canada.
“They took away those ten kids and nobody ever saw them again.” – William Combes, Eyewitness.
William Combes, age 59 and in good health, was scheduled to be a primary witness at the opening session of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) on September 12, 2011 in London, England.
Combes, an aboriginal man, claimed to witness the abduction of ten fellow residential school children by the Queen of England and her husband in October, 1964 at the Catholic school in Kamloops, British Columbia.
According to his partner Mae, William was in stable health when he was assigned a new doctor at St. Paul’s Hospital where he was committed for “tests”. His health began to immediately deteriorate. He died suddenly of a still-undisclosed cause.
The Vancouver Coroner’s Office refused to comment on William’s recent death.
The Royal Abductions.
William was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal witnesses to the royal abductions. In his public statements made during a Vancouver Co-op radio program and also in the following signed and witnessed declaration made on February 3, 2010 Combes said:
“I am an Interior Salish spirit dancer and am 58 years old. I live in Vancouver, Canada. I am a survivor of the Kamloops and Mission Indian residential schools, both run by the Roman Catholic church. I suffered terrible tortures there especially at the hands of Brother Murphy, who killed at least two children. I witnessed him throw a child off a three story balcony to her death. He put me on a rack and broke some of my bones, in the Kamloop school basement, after I tried running away. I also saw him and another priest burying a child in the school orchard one night.
In October, 1964 when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Phillip. I remember it was strange because they came by themselves, no big fanfare or nothing. But I recognized them and the school principal told us it was the Queen and we all got given new clothes and good food for the first time in months the day before she arrived.
The day the Queen got to the school, I was part of a group of kids that went on a picnic with her and her husband and some of the priests, down to a meadow near Dead Man’s Creek. I remember it was weird because we all had to bend down and kiss her foot, a white laced boot. After a while, I saw the Queen leave the picnic with ten children from the school, and those kids never returned. We never heard anything more about them and never met them again even when we were older. They were all from around there but they all vanished.
The group that disappeared was seven boys and three girls, in age from six to fourteen years old. They were all from the smart group in class. Two of the boys were brothers and they were Metis from Quesnel. Their last name was Arnuse or Arnold. I don’t remember the others, just an occasional first name like Cecilia and there was an Edward. What happened was also witnessed by my friend George Adolph, who was 11 years old at the time and a student there too. But he’s dead now.”
Foul Play
Rev. Kevin Annett (note Reverend, and not just any old Joe Bloggs – Spivey) believes that William Combes died of foul play and that his murder was arranged to prevent him from his speaking out about the child abductions and other crimes of murder and torture that he witnessed at the Catholic Indian residential schools.
Arnett is writing a soon to be issued eulogy for William Arnold Combes. William’s videotaped statements, including his witness report of the 1964 abductions, have been registered in the archives of the ITCCS, and will be made public at the opening session on September 12, 2011.
Five other aboriginal members and activists have also died since December, and a sixth is missing and presumed dead. All were public critics of the Roman Catholic church’s killing of residential school children, and had participated in protests against this church and the Anglican Church and the United Church of Canada.
Their names are: Johnny Dawson, died December 8, 2009 after a severe beating by three Vancouver policemen. Mike Wickson, died February, 2010, cause unknown. Elder Phillipa Ryan, died April 26, 2010 from “cancer” in less than a month. Norma Jean Baptiste, died early May, 2010, apparent heart attack. Chief Louis Daniels, died May 16, 2010 in a Winnipeg hospital, cause unknown.
The Squamish nation believes that these activists and eyewitnesses were murdered, now that the Catholic church is facing criminal charges for the Pope’s personal complicity in the rape and torture of children. Canada and its churches may be censured and investigated by European politicians and human rights groups.
For more information on the ITCCS go to:
Now, while that is shocking, it is very much in keeping with the Royal Family’s less publicised life. The Duck hates people… Absolutely despises them… The very same people who he and his family leech off. Piss taking bastard. Here is what Alex Jones and Steve Watson had to say about the idiot:
In the foreword to his 1986 book If I Were an Animal,
Prince Philip wrote, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”
Borrowing the idea from American scientists who pioneered the field in the 1930′s, the Nazis advanced the pseudo-science of eugenics and incorporated it into Adolf Hitler’s dream of the Aryan super-race. Bearing in mind Philip’s Nazi connections, his views on the subject of overpopulation are unsurprising, but shocking nonetheless.
Just last year he reiterated these views, announcing that there are too many people in the world, and
attacking large families in a television interview, despite the fact that Prince Philip himself has four children and eight grandchildren. (Debatable, especially if you have read Monsters Inc – Spivey)
His son, Charles, the next King of England, has continued such ideology as he tours the world in private jets lecturing about the impact of climate change and how too many people are killing the planet.
Charles, who has inherited the entire Duchy of Cornwall estate, which stretches over 135,000 acres across 23 counties mainly in the south-west of England, is also a “patron” of the genocidal Optimum Population Trust, a notorious UK-based public policy group that campaigns for a gradual decline in the global human population to what it sees as a “sustainable” level.
Charles’ fellow patrons at the OPT include Futurist and top Eco-Fascist James Lovelock, who recently
called for the ending of freedom in order that an overriding global power made up of “a few people with authority” can oversee the radical stemming of the planet’s human population in order to combat climate change.
Charles and the OPT are closely affiliated with
The Royal Society, a 350 year old elitist institution granted royal charter status by King Charles II. The Royal Society is also crawling with eugenics enthusiasts and depopulation fanatics.
Prince Philip Care about the war dead? … Don’t make me laugh. The old bastard wants us all dead.
Before the Duck appeared in yesterdays Daily Mail, acting like he gives a fuck, I had in fact wondered how long it would be before the Palace began to distance themselves from Jimmy So-vile. Apparently, that day was the 1st of November when most of the MSM newspapers carried a story which would have us believe that there was some concerns about So-vile’s behaviour when he visited his mate Prince Big Ears at St James’ Palace.
Strangely enough however, these concerns were never officially addressed, which I suppose would be the excuse as to why the Heir to the Throne continued to socialise with the Paedophile. The same fairy tale would also have us believe that So-vile acted as a kind of marriage counsellor for the Prince and Diana… What a load of old bollocks.
Little wonder then, that people are turning to the ‘alternative’ media for information.
Now, the question you have to ask yourself is: Why would a man like The Duck, want to be friends with Jimmy Savile, because they were in fact very good friends. That is till they fell out spectacularly. That further begs the question: Why on earth would Savile and Phil have the need to fall out to the extent that they no longer spoke? For that to happen it must have been one hell of a close friendship.
I am in fact amazed that Savile had the time to be friends with anyone since he seemed to spend all his spare abusing Children… Still, perhaps the Police will ask Phil about it? … Nahhhh course they won’t.
Furthermore, police chiefs have known about So-vile since at least the early 1970’s if not before, so for the parasites to now try and distance themselves from the sicko DJ with the old “we didn’t know” routine, just doesn’t hold water.
The Duck’s eldest son Big Ears on the other hand, managed to remain great friends with Savile right up until his death. Hell, the future King of England even took the time out to go for a meal at Saviles Poky, out of the way highland cottage. The very same cottage that the Police raided the other week after suspecting Savile of raping some of his young victims there… Two fact’s that the MSM even linked in a headline… Is there another one of those MSM hints there?
I would imagine that the Christmas Card that Big Ears sent the Vile, bleach Blonde Necrophile, which said;“Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.” was a reference to the Scottish Cottage. Then again, for the benefit of the Royal Legal Eagles, that is just my opinion.
Never the less, anyone, and I mean anyone, who is in contact with the Royal family is closely vetted. The security services would be woefully failing in their duty if they failed to do so. Predictably, the true cost of protecting the in-breeds is impossible to find out. However, realistic estimates put the yearly bill somewhere between £120 Million – £200 Million. Personally, I strongly suspect the cost as being a lot higher.
Now, if you read the ‘Alternative Media’ regularly, you will know that So-vile was known to be a supplier of children to the rich and famous. Most noteable of those was the Paedophile, child killer and Satanist, Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of England.
It has also be reported in the MSM recently that So-vile was implicated in the Yorkshire Ripper murders. So much so in fact, that the Police even took a mould of his teeth in order to compare them with bite marks found on the murder victims bodies.
Couple that with the other things the Police knew about Savile and you quickly come to the conclusion that there is not a cat in hells chance that the Security Services – assigned to Royal protection – had not made the in-breeds aware of So-viles sexual preferences. Yet they still associated with him, as did just about every other high powered Establishment figure over the past 30 or 40 years or so.
Now, why is that? There can only be one reason unless you are one of those who is still living in cloud cuckoo land.
Course,The Monarchy, who have a long tradition of entertaining mass murderers and deviants of all persuasions, recently invited charity worker and convicted sex offender, Harbinder Singh aboard the Royal barge during the Diamond Jubilee pageant. Why?
Big Ears and Paedo Jim were in fact such good mates, that, looking at the many, many photos of the pair, I cannot recall Big Ears having any where near the the same level of intimacy as he and So-vile appeared to share… And that includes his wives… Why?
Some Royal watchers have suggested that Diana was murdered because she was going to tell the world about her ex husband and his family’s sexual preferences… Note Royal Lawyer’s, I’m not one of those.
Never the less, Princess Diana did refer to Savile as being her husbands mentor. A mentor, according to the Cambridge on-line dictionary is: A person who gives another person help and advice over a period of time and often also teaches them how to do their job.
That claim of Diana’s takes on an even more sinister twist when you consider who arranged for So-vile to mentor Big Ears:
Prince Philip’s uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten ‘fixed it’ for Savile to mentor Prince Charles and they became lifelong friends. Savile invited the Prince of Wales to his cottage in Glencoe, which he hoped to turn into a home for disabled and disadvantaged children, called Jimmy’s Place! Uncle Dickie, with his predilection for ‘peasant’ boys, was linked to the Kincora Boy’s Home vice-ring, which allegedly sent Belfast orphans to Birr Castle in the Irish Republic, the home of Lord Snowdon’s stepbrother, for ritual abuse at the Hellfire Club. Snowdon was Princess Margaret’s ex-husband (You couldn’t make this shit up, don’t cha know – Spivey).
Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath, a yachting enthusiast, was also a visitor at Kincora Boy’s Home and it’s claimed that Savile supplied him with victims from Haute de la Garenne in Jersey to misuse aboard his boat. Another of Savile’s close friends, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, often played host to him at Chequers and her successors, Major, Blair and Brown were all “fans” deaf to the ‘open secret’ which everyone knew. Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, friend of the billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sent Christmas cards to Savile right up until he died and Charles led the tributes after his death in 2011 saying, how “saddened” he was… the Prince has not issued a statement about his sadness over the allegations…[…]
(Source –
Now surely Savile wasn’t teaching Big Ears how to be king? So what was he teaching him and once again, why were they such close friends. I cant imagine Big Ears getting on down to ‘Rock and Roll part 1′ by Gary Glitter, can you?
Perhaps the police will ask the future king why he was such good friends with a man who was particularly fond of fucking dead bodies?… Nahhh, they wont ask him either, will they?
Course, the Duck’s 2nd son Andrew, who is in fact more likely to be the son of Randy Lord Porchester (see my article Monsters Inc also has paedophile tendencies. That is at least according to the excellent website Help Free the Earth:
Andrew, who 4th in line to the British throne, has been exposed in the news as a paedophile. His buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, is a convicted paedophile who served up underage girls to Prince Andrew like lolly pops.
Photos published in the British media show Andrew strolling in a park with Epstein — the New York billionaire jailed for soliciting child prostitutes in Florida. A photograph has also emerged showing Andrew with his arm around the waist of the child prostitute who is at the centre of that case. It has emerged that Andrew allegedly enjoyed massages at the Florida mansion where the Epstein child sexual abuse went on.
Epstein also gave Andrew $30,000 to help pay off his ex-wife Fergie’s massive debts that she was blackmailing him for. Andrew was finally forced to step down as Britain’s trade ambassador because of #1 – his criminal behaviour with underage girls. Two – a six million dollar tax evasion charge. Three – conflicts of interest from friendships with a convicted paedophile and with Libyan leader Gadafi’s son whose country was being bombed by the British military.
Do I need to carry on? No? I didn’t think so. But believe me I could… In fact I could go on and on and on. But all the other information I have will keep… For now.
However, as a foot note to this article, I will leave you with the following story that just about sum’s the Queens attitude up.
A few weeks ago, I was left a comment on an article about Jimmy Savile by a man calling himself Frank Jackson. I have since been in contact with Frank and now know his real identity.
In his comment, Frank had urged me to look into the background of two St John Ambulance men from New Zealand who are both in line to be decorated sometime this month, in honour of their service. New Zealand is of course owned by the current UK Monarch and as such, the honours that these two men are having bestowed on them by the Governor General have been sanctioned by the Queen.
The two men in question are Karl Berghan and Sam Brens. However, far from receiving top awards, sanctioned by our Queen, the pair of pond life should both be strung up by their bollocks. You see, Berghan and Brens are both prolific paedophiles who groomed Franks 14 year old daughter and persuaded her into having a regular threesome with them. Franks daughter was just one of 5 similar girls these two men, along with another man, laid their grubby little hands on.
However, that is only the beginning of what, had I not seen the proof, would have been a totally unbelievable story. That the Queen is unaware of these two monsters crimes just isn’t possible, as you will see once you read the full story.
Never the less, the award ceremony is still going ahead. Sadly, I cannot say that I am surprised since I am aware of the many, many people who have received awards sanctioned by the Queen and who have subsequently been convicted of crimes relating to child sex abuse.
You can read Franks horrific story and the devastating toll it has taken on his family – courtesy of the NZ government, Police, judiciary, and Social Services, all of whom are every bit as corrupt as ours – at the following link:
So, that just leaves you to now enjoy the Daily Mails twisted take on a man they would have you believe, has selflessly devoted his life to Royal duty. If after reading the above, the article below doesn’t get your gag reflex going… You are either brain dead, or part of the problem.
Until the next time.
Much love,