British Threatened

Republican Sinn Féin
Statement from Cabhair Prisoners
Roe 3 Maghaberry
12th July 2014
As Republican prisoners we abide by a strict ediquette of honor, honesty and discipline. At all times we have honored our word and Have Prison regime gave the room to Implement Their side of any agreement we Reached with them.
To date the prison regime Have Not Agreed Implemented the end to controlled movement amonst other things Agreed upon, proving Malthus They are not to be trusted and Their modus operandi is the criminalization of Republican Prisoners.
The lastest attempt to criminalise Republican prisoners Concerns visitng arrangements. At present POW's can sit in a "booth" beside Their Families, children and Maintain Their hold strong family relationships. The prison regime is now working on changing the outlay and number of tables available for a visit. They plan to have a round metal table, With one seat for prisoners and three seats at the other side of the table for visitors, This Will Be completely open plan. The seat for prisoners will even go as far as being a different color, no longer will families be able to sit together, privacy will be completely removed and replaced with a sterile and clinical atmosphere resulting in a Formal style visit of prisoners With Their families and friends.
Many prisoners have children and This Will seriously impact on the quality time spend with them They Can and Could lead to an estrangement, having to visit Their fathers in Such an alien, unnatural and restrictive environment.
We, as Republican prisoners will not be criminalised and so can not and will not accept this arrangement. We will refuse all visits That Are Conducted In This Manner, as we will not allow the prison regime to humiliate us or our families. We would point to the will of Republican prisoners who in the past with previously Asserted Their rights as political prisoners not to be criminalised, Those like us before we are prepared and we will not be forced into capitualte or an unacceptable regime at the prison.
The proposal stops short of imposing a partition Between prisoners and visitors, we believe this is only the start of phasing in a complete criminalization policy against Republicans. We will not be found wanting in our resitance and we urged the public to get behind us In this campaign. The work has Already Began on Visting the changing room, This policy Could be implented in the next couple of weeks and so we urgently need Republican support and the people to highlight this for us.
Signed: O / C CIRA Prisoners,
Maghaberry Gaol
July 2014
- Ralph McGehee, former CIA officer
On whose behalf and using whom?
On this site you'll see a Y/T video titled "The Bilderberg plan to Obliterate Humanity"
they had people like Peter Wright and T Ttokes who both agreed the way the intelligence sercives was going did not meet with their approvals, they also wanted Harold Wilson to stop reciving private visitors from the Soviet Union such as Lord Kagan, who was linked to mossad, maybe they were right ? time will tell
"Having abandoned Labour in disgust following the Iraq war, he says he will vote for them now that everyone involved in the war has gone. But when I ask who he voted for in 2010 he goes silent and looks away. He voted Lib Dem, didn't he?
"It's so shaming, isn't it? I'm so ashamed. Nicole [Farhi, the fashion designer], my wife, I've never seen her have such contempt for me.
Nicole saw through them so clearly. She said: 'You are absolutely out of your head.'"
How long did it take him to regret his vote? "Oh, within days," he laughs. "The rose garden broke me. The minute you saw that you just thought, 'Oh fuck.'"
here's a guy, well connected (in fact sort of 'spook-connected' himself since "They invited me in") and he doesn't spot that the Lib Dems have, over the past 20 yrs been led by some people who themselves have strong Spook coonnections. People such as:
Paddy Ashdown
Ming Campbell
(and Clegg?)
SO: Kinda-Spook-connected Hare tell us abot the connections for the spooks in Brit Politics,ostensibly sheepishly admits to voting Lib dem last election, but equally curiously (for one keeping an alleged sharp-eye-out for political spooks) makes no mention of the spookiness of various Lib Dem leaders?
It's what they don't say I often find is the most interesting . . . .
The BBC is a government mouthpiece and riddled with corruption and pedophiles. It is a private company. Why should we believe anything coming from people employed by them?
The British Labour party has become usurped by suits. Like Ed Miliband, whose agenda is marxist Saul Alinsky. It is the same agenda of D.Cameron. the break-up of Britain to become vassal states of E.U.
See UKColumn ....
But then I thought that "Well, he does work for the BBC" and also noticed that the only time he references Victor Rothschild in the whole piece is to say ". . . [the] accusation - that Lord Rothschild had been the 5th Man. It later turned out that he wasn't."
which was a bit of a let down tbh
I like a lot of what Curtis does, and think his films are innovative, even though, on the face of it, there's often little more than a voice-over, some archive footage with a few catchy sound-tracks thrown in, often for "ironic" effect (The title of the Curtis' blog above, "Bugger" - Starts off with Snowden then into Philby and Blunt - he likes his little bit of nudge-nudge-wink-wink irony, does Mr Curtis)
But unfortunately, imho, Curtis far too often for me anyway, seems to distract rather than illuminate, as he segues over into the role of "very effective gate-keeper" with some ease
For example Curtis frequently pushes the notion that the Powers that Be [including, but not limited to, the Security Services, not just MI6] are clueless bumbling idiots, who couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.
IMHO, Recent events in Ukraine would suggest otherwise.
"Regime-change" on the cheap (certainly cheaper than showers of Tomahawks or Hellfires, any day.)
"But don't worry yer pretty little hipster heads, about all that" Curtis seems to say, (to me anyway) "it's not like they'd try anything like that here, just LOOK how incompetent they are!"
Both he and Hare would make very effective Gatekeepers - and all financed by Auntie Beeb, propaganda wing of the British Gov't PLC.
The Dirty War - Reviews